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Food Forest Commons
Diogo JorgeWe are a global community with the purpose of creating support and coordination within agroforest stewards. We want to allow members to build lifelong reputation and credentials while creating content and context for Food Forest Commons education and enterpreneuship.In between the seasonal events one of the ways to follow the evolution of descentralized agroecosystems will be to create a Learn2Earn environment where apprentices are incentivized to level up while accessing land to produce food, steward seeds & create content through monthly journals. We want to onboard the new generation of land stewards, initially with shared learning and soon with enterpreneurship and collective stewardship of a global network of food forest commons.
Future Scouts
Ishan ShapiroImagine a conversation where youth, parents, educators and elders come together as peers to discuss how to prepare youth for living their most fulfilling future. That’s where Future Scouts steps in.The mission of the Future Scouts is to prepare learners with survival skills for the 21st century. We create transformative learning and service opportunities for ages 6 and up, and promote a self-directed, lifelong learning approach for education with no age ceilings, no gender limits, no geographical borders, and no cost barriers. Since 2016, we've served thousands of youth in world building and rapid prototyping workshops in 5 countries.Now, we've developed a vision for Future Scouts as a web3-enabled decentralized service organization.We're creating a peer-to-peer network of lifelong learners, learning opportunities, and service opportunities, empowered by decentralized technologies and powered by our native crypto token, 𐤎MERIT.Soon we will be inviting thousands of learners actively to engage each week via the Future Scouts DAO, App and Handbook. We’re building a thriving, involved community of learners, mentors, parents, and professionals that are actively co-creating and world building the Future Scouts.Please get in touch if you'd like to be part of building the Future of Scouting with us!https://futurescouts.cc[email protected]
Mystic Arts Foundation
Mystic Arts FoundationOur Mission Is Transformative Art!The Mystic Arts Foundation (“MAF”) is an organizational platform established to support and develop artistic works and pieces which provide experiences and environments that are conducive to personal transformation. MAF, a California corporation, is an IRS qualified 501c(3) non-profit organization, which offers legal organization, structure, full service turn-key administrative services, and financial support for transformative artists and their projects. A primary purpose of MAF is to allow artists to play in their zone of genius and do what they do best – which is to create art … without being encumbered by many of the organizational, administrative, and fund raising hurdles of executing on such important projects. The MAF structure also provides contributors and grant providers full transparency, governance, and reporting to support their contribution/grant mission and serves to match benefactors of such art works to well vetted, managed, and operating artists and their projects.MAF, born out of its inaugural project – the Mystic Flyer Art Car, has been established and formed as a tax deductible non-profit organization in order to effectively and efficiently solicit contributions and grants, creating a vibrant hub of creativity for transformative and immersive art experiences. At first, it was named Mystic Flyer Arts Foundation, however, within a few months it became clear that our mission was much larger than the mutant vehicle project that inspired its formation and “Flyer” was dropped from public-facing written materials.The Board of Directors will primarily focus on selecting and supporting best in class artists that have the drive and vision for creating works with the ability to transform an individual’s experience and consciousness. MAF will support a diverse group of artists and art projects including the development of artistic emerging technologies, art cars, and other portable immersive exhibits which can be displayed and experienced in various formats. Artists that are supported by MAF will have access to an extended network of constituents, supporters, and thought leaders as resources for both developing and then displaying their art.MissionIt is the mission, duty and purpose of The Mystic Arts Foundation (MAF) to bring interactive and immersive art experiences to the public in the United States and Globally.MAF provides mobile and portable art platforms as an educational showcase for graphic artists, LED lighting artists, technology artists, music/sound artists and more. We provide opportunities for learning about the arts and the creation of new art in all settings through workshops…whether we are working on new technologies or art in our warehouse facilities between events or at events open to the general public.EducationMAF provides education in the arts as they relate to the current artists we are working with. Artists are invited to participate with the understanding that they will also provide live, interactive or recorded education in how the particular art is conceived and developed from the inception of the idea to the completion of the art for display and interaction with the general public.Programs for VolunteersAt times, per the discretion of the board of directors, we may provide internships or volunteer opportunities which will provide a pathway for involvement in art development and outreach activities and programs in order to have a greater impact for educating the public and introducing new art, artists and technologies. Some of the activities that volunteers may be involved in are basic education on topics such as graphic design, painting, lighting design, visual perspectives, sound technologies, digital music creation, etc. . Such activities shall always be free of charge to participants.MultimediaIt is our goal to bring awareness to interactive and immersive art from every medium possible and this does not exclude documentaries and photos of our activities, projects, programs and expeditions. All programs and art projects will be available to the public through displays at festivals, events, and other public venues. Our FutureAs our organization grows and attracts donations and support, it is our intention to create one or more "Artology" campuses which will serve as dynamic locations within communities for the development, creation and support of our art and artists. Artology campuses will be public facing with classes, workshops, and DIY facilities serving the community as "Maker Space" with support and artists "in residence." Our goal is transformation of individuals and communities through Art and hands-on experience.
ReFi In The Classroom
Marcelo SilvaREFI IN THE CLASSROOMAn educational project for an approach to ReFi and DeFi in the context of the Brazilian public school. FOUR GOALS Criarte is to become a part, not the owner.Practical approach to Blockchain technology within the reality of students.Introduction to the social and environmental uses of blockchain technology.Development of a ReFi-DeFi project from the community to the community.Production of teaching material, in Brazilian Portuguese, on DeFi-ReFi for high school. WHY HERE?The abundance of natural resources, ethnic and cultural mix and the progressive reduction of poverty made it seem that Brazil was approaching full development.However, a sequence of events in the last five years severely reversed this expectation and today Brazil returned to the UN map of countries devastated by hunger and to list of countries in debt with the IMF.Within this reality, those who suffer the most are young people, especially the poor. Unemployment, school dropout and the precariousness of public education have generated a lack of perspective that rips off the greatest strength of the youth: their ability to dream.Brazilians are famous for never giving up and for what we call “jeitinho”, that is, the ability to innovate in a disruptive way, out of nowhere.The meeting of the urgent demand for expectation, and the innovation capacity of these young people, gave birth to our proposal for an introductory course to Blockchain, ReFi and DeFi.The course will be placed in partnership with a public school located in a ghetto of an industrial city on the Brazilian coast. The city of Serra, in the state of Espirito Santo. THE CITY OF SERRA - ESThe city of Serra, in Espirito Santo, is a good summary of Brazil, with an estimated population of 536,765 people and located between mountains, plains and the sea.The population of Serra is diverse, among descendants of blacks, Italians, indigenous and Pomeranians, cultural diversity gives way to a colorful city.Urban violence is an old challenge for the city, and in 2011 it was the most violent city in Brazil with 97.62 homicides per 100,000 inhabitants.Although the per capita income is U$ 9.608,42, the average income of the population is only U$ 582,50. In other words, deep inequality.Between luxury condos like Alphaville, beautiful beaches and favelas, Serra represents the soul of Brazil with strong industrial activity, Atlantic forest and sea.In addition to all the social and economic challenges, Serra continues to be a beautiful city, which deserves our attention and affection. It's not the data who says that, it's me, who's spent the entire childhood running on the unpaved streets of neighborhoods like Serra Dourada.Source: Censo 2020THE COURSEOver the 12 weeks of the course, students will learn the basics of blockchain technology and then dive into the solutions that DeFi and ReFi offer to typically Brazilian challenges such as deforestation and the difficulty in retaining, within communities, the value which they produce.The course will be coordinated by professors Marcelo Silva (PhD in Practical Philosophy, Specialist in Business Law and JS Developer by Moralis Academy) and André Donadia (Master in Philosophy and holder of a degree in Philosophy and in English).We aim to partner with people, institutions, ReFi and DeFi protocols so we'll be able to bring to the students the opportunity to have direct live contact with experts, developers and managers who are making a difference in the world of blockchain technology.Throughout the course, students will master technologies and concepts associated to ReFi and DeFi to create a project aimed to face the challenge of making the city of Serra, smarter and more sustainable. THE PHASESThe course will be divided into three thematic modules in order to guide students through a teaching-learning process during which they must master the basic concepts of blockchain technology, precautions, understanding of the economic and social dynamics within DeFi and ReFi. At the end they’ll be faced with the challenge of developing, designing and enabling a project with social and environmental impact. FIRST07/02- Lesson 01 - The emergence of Blockchain technology in finance, geopolitics and the career opportunities.14/02/- Lesson 02 - Differences between money and value. Role of the Central Bank. Economic dynamics. Assets.07/03- Lesson 03 - Technology and Economics. Rothschild Family vs British Treasure. Information, security and speed. 14/03- Lesson 04 - 1991 - Blockchain Technology. 2008 Bitcoin. 2013. Ethereum. 2016 Cardano. 2018 Altcoin Paradise. 2020. DeFi-ReFi. SECOND21/03 - Lesson 05- Blockchain. Token. NFT - Cryptoassets.28/03- Lesson 06- Hash. Fork. Smart Contracts. Multi- chain solutions.04/04 - Lesson 07- Liquid Provider. Market Making. THIRD 11/04- Lesson 08- Blockchain for social, environmental and humanitarian improvements: DeFi. DAOs and ReFi.18/04 - Lesson 09- The emergence of Carbon Neutral initiatives.02/05 - Lesson 10- ReFi-Hackathon - Porto Canoa. 09/05 - Lesson 11 - ReFi Spring Event - Local: Grande Vitória.An overview of the international community behind the blockchain initiatives that face the climate, social and economical challenges of our time.Public presentation of Hackathon outputs Graduation. IMPACTStudents of Hilda Miranda High School: 900 Students in the first course: 25Relatives of students in the first class: 75Total audience directly impacted: 1,000Public indirectly impacted Population of the neighborhoods around the school: 15,000 THE SCHOOLHilda Miranda High School is a Brazilian School located in Porto Canoa, a neighborhood within the city of Serra, in the State of Espirito Santo.The public of the school is composed by the local population of Porto Canoa, Serra Dourada, Mata da Praia, Nova Carapina and Porto Residencial Tubarão.The population of all the previous quoted neighborhoods adds up to 15.000. REQUIRED RESOURCESWe divide the required resources into three categories. The resources to make the three months course viable.Those to make the hackathon viable.Those to make the ReFi Spring Event viable.All values here displayed were converted to the US dollar at February, 11. Required resources for the three months of the course Coordinator - U$ 13,45 per hour (2 hours per week x 12 = 24): U$ 322,72Specialist teacher - U$ 9,6 per hour (4 hours per week x 12 = 24): U$ 461,03Pedagogical Designer (to produce the didactic material) - U$ 5,76 per hour (2hrs per week x 12 = 24): U$ 138,31Teacher transportation - U$ 19,18 per week x 12 weeks: (Total: U$ 230,22)Teacher meals - U$ 15,34 per week x 12 weeks: (Total: U$184,18)Acquisition of a projector device for classes - U$ 383,71.Stationery for three months of classes - U$ 191,76Total: U$ 1.909,98Already achieved: U$ 920,47Total required: U$ 989,51 Resources for the hackathon Coordinator - U$ 19,18 per hour x 12hrs: U$ 230,22Assistant - U$ 11,50 per hour x 6hrs: U$ 69,02Photography and filming service for hackathons - U$ 383,71Stationery for the hackathon - U$ 383,71Food for the hackathon (students + teachers) - U$ 191,78Transportation of teachers and students - U$ 191,78Prizes for the winning teams - U$ 191,78Total: U$ 1.641,67Already achieved: U$ 682,62Total required: U$ 959,28 Resources for the ReFi Spring event Coordinator - U$ 19,18 per hour x 12hrs (4 hours for each hackathon): U$ 230,22Assistant - U$ 11,50 per hour x 6hrs (2 hours for each hackathon): U$ 69,02Design and editing service for the composition of teaching material in Portuguese - U$ 575,73Printing of stationery to distribute to the community - U$ 575,73Composition of ReFi Kits - DeFi with shirt, bag and mug - U$ 959,17Photography and filming service for event registration - U$ 767,34Staff for assembly and disassembly of the event structure - U$ 575,73Total: U$ 3.752,30Already achieved: U$ 874,77Total required: U$ 2.878,36 Current Sources of Funding Hilda Miranda Nascimento School - Will provide the place, structure and food for the students to carry out the course.Commitment: It is a public school so commitment cannot be measured in financial terms.Blck Asset - Will finance the labor of coordinators, teachers, pedagogical designer, assistants and staff for the assembly and disassembly of the structure.(The work of the Professors Marcelo and André are voluntary.)Total commitment: U$ 2.479,22Rest of the resources required: U$ 4.904,726 THE MANAGEMENT OF THE RESOURCESThe resources will be keep in a crypto wallet and each withdrawal will be followed by a memo containing the receipt of the the expenditure.The management of the resources will be made by Blck Asset for three reasons: 1. To keep the resources separated from the personal finances of coordinators and people involved.2. As the company is fully registered before the federal, state level and municipal authorities, the level of transparency is higher than a personal account.3. The school itself can't receive or manage resources in the form of blockchain assets like tokens, nfts, etc.There will be a four step process to the expending of the resources: 1. The resources will be sending from the Crypto Wallet to our wallet at Binance (Because we can withdraw R$ directly from Binance).2. The resources will be converted into Brazilian reals and use to supply one of the requirements described above.3. The receipt and a picture of the object or contract (with all the infos about the expenditure) will be annexed to a memo at the crypto wallet.4. After every expenditure the contributors will receive an email with our thanks, the description of the expense and the link to the receipt. WHO WE ARE?Marcelo Silvaé Donadia N Mota Alves Pacheco the next update will be writted by Mariana.You can follow our updates on our Notion page: you can also follow us in our social media:Twitter: to the full project: twitter: @ReFazBrasil2k22
Music Hive Community
Edvam FIlhoMusic Hive is a collaborative community made up of artists, producers, communicators and ordinary people who love music and want to be connected to what's happening in the world of web 3.0 music.The group emerged from the need to share information about the advances of web 3.0 and its applications, seen as an opportunity for everyone who works in the field of music to produce their art or tell their experiences. The blockchain universe is still something very far from the reality of many musicians, producers and technicians who work in the music market in the world. Many are still looking for visibility within web2.0 so that they can get some kind of recognition and maybe funding for their work.This project aims to inform, train and accompany music artists in their various sectors of activity in a journey of learning and empowerment of web 3.0 tools and platforms. Enabling the understanding of the new models of digital creative economy that decentralized platforms offer, guaranteeing autonomy and autonomy for all.To achieve our goals, we count on your help to fund the community.Meet our communityDiscord: to our Radio and meet some artists who are on web 3.0!
Climate Solutions Communications and Public Outreach
Ben WestElephant in the Room is a nonprofit decentralized think tank that creates, implements and analyzes strategic multimedia campaigns to move the needle on climate change. You can think of us as the opposite of the Koch Brothers. As opposed to spreading misinformation, FUD and campaigns to maintain the status quo (and their profits) we are spreading positive memes and ideas that help people understand and get involved in positive solutions to the climate crisis.Strategic messaging about the climate crisis needs to be around every corner including the corners of Web3 and yet, they are oddly absent. Even with a worsening situation every day, well under 1 percent of overall broadcast news coverage was devoted to climate change last year and a majority of people still report that they rarely talk about climate change with their friends and family.While the majority of people understand that climate change is real, there is still no feeling of urgency and rarely are people aware of the solutions available to us…our mission is to change that. making the solutions real and tangible for people. We need a major shift in our approach to communications around the climate crisis. In order to do that we connect the dots for people on the things that motivate them to act; finding the inroads in specific communities around urgency, step-by-step solutions, and alternatives.We “fill the gaps” by organizing and implementing the type of strategic campaigns that no one else is doing. Working both independently as well as with other nonprofits, First Nations/Native Americans, governments of all sizes and other partners to spread awareness, motivate change, find common ground and make solutions a reality.Our campaigns are local, involve existing networks and grassroots organizations and both air and ground games. We utilize digital platforms as well as traditional and in person methods to create a sense of community involvement as well as political mandate. We also work to incorporate important messaging into existing media (TV, Film, radio, podcasts etc.)What's next?We will run a Green Pill campaign in the "Web3" space focusing on converting people into solarpunks working together for a better future. This campaign will also help people understand how web3 can play a key role in making this transition possible.We will run targeted climate solutions campaigns in various locations in North America and internationally as well as producing reports outlining their impacts.We will work collaboratively with others to continue to refine best practices and resources available to help any group or individual more clearly communicate about climate change and climate solutions related to their community/Examples of Past Work:We have worked on hundreds of campaigns over the past 25 years ranging from stopping destructive mega projects at the community level to actively participating in and speaking at world summits; always with the goal of changing the conversation especially with those not already in the conversation.What problem do we address? We address the elephant in the room. Looking for ways to communicate and dialog with people about climate solutions that are usually left out of the conversation. We work with indigenous groups, immigrants, farmers and those about to be sunset out of energy jobs. We work with diversity, equity and inclusion groups as well as social and climate justice organizations. We are constantly testing what works and what doesn’t work; where the polarity lies and how to stop the divisiveness that has infiltrated every conversation. How we address it?Our goal through each of our campaigns is to turn apathy, fear, and discord into action, cooperation and ultimately, heroism. A few of our work includes;The Great Climate RaceA 10, and 2k virtual race and road race on the Vancouver waterfront and peer to peer crowdfunding web app to raise funds per mile for renewable energy projectsConversations for Responsible Economic DevelopmentBringing businesses into the climate conversation. Engaged hundreds of businesses in working collaboratively. Outreach and educational activities including research papers and multimedia as well as media relations Sands CampaignStrategic campaign to bring awareness to tar sands projects and issuesECOFilm, television and music PSAs and strategic climate messagingRaven Coal Mine CampaignOrganized successful campaign to stop a coal mine in coastal forest habitatClimate Action Plans (CAPs)Facilitating meaningful public engagements and creating CAP’s for local governmentsFIPA (Canada/China trade treaty) legal challengeWorking alongside the Hupacasath Nation to mount a Federal legal challenge against a problematic and dangerous trade treatyTsleil Waututh Nation Sacred Trust initiative Helped to a support a major, decade long ongoing initiative to stop the Kinder Morgan pipeline and protect Burrard Inlet, West Coast and the climateVoteClimate National and regional election campaigns focused on raising awareness about climate change and encouraging people to push politicians for actionCool Neighborhoods UN award winning on-the-ground climate program in 27 neighbourhoods around BCCarbon Budget project/eDemocracyCreated carbon budgets and climate engagements for local governments and authorities in Canada, US and AustraliaeDemocracy.netTeam and Partners: Tarah Stafford, Ben West working with various partners on different projects ranging from local and regional governments and First Nations to DAOs and Guilds.Thank you for your support!

One Tree Planted, Inc
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3One Tree Planted is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees. Their projects span the globe and are done in partnership with local communities and knowledgeable experts to create an impact for nature, people, and wildlife. Reforestation helps to rebuild forests after fires and floods, provide jobs for social impact, and restore biodiversity. Many projects have overlapping objectives, creating a combination of benefits that contribute to the UN's Sustainable Development Goals. Learn more at

Social Impact DAO LLC
Paul ChavezSocial Impact DAO LLC is a DAO registered in Delaware. Our mission is to scale powerful solutions to communities to address the suffering caused by homelessness, substance use disorders, and mental health disorders / neuro divergence.Paul Chavez the founder of Social Impact DAO LLC is also the founder of State of the Heart Recovery Inc., a 501 c3 Non Profit Opioid Use Disorder Treatment Program.(AKA, Methadone Clinic) By bringing state-of-the-art technology to healing and sobriety, web3, nft's, new governance structures (DAO's) new share treasury by the community that is vested in the problem and solution, Social Impact DAO can use State of the Heart Recovery as the genesis agency for the laboratory of these new technology deployments.By disrupting the for profit industry focused on mental health, housing, and substance use disorders, Social Impact DAO will scale the solutions across the planet. Prioritizing the multi millions of dollars of profit that each Opioid Treatment Program location earns from the owners to the staff, clients, and geographic community. Real resources and social determinants of health such as showers, clean clothes, food, and housing can be offered with the millions of dollars that do not go to the owners.By utilizing Dapps that support real time tracking and the gamification of healing and sobriety, Social Impact DAO will have the intellectual Property / algorithm to share with the world.
Cannabis Genome DAO
Elijah SpinaOverview: Building an on-chain contribution based community to incentivize participation in open-source cannabis research.Why Cannabis Genome DAO?We believe all cannabis is medicine and therefore the genetic data useful for breeding and development of new therapeutic applications should be incentivized to be available for public use.What Are We Doing?We’re building a community organized around a regenerative crypto-economic system designed to align incentives between public and private interests related to scientific cannabis research. Our plan to do this is by using a combination of well-known tools to track and reward contributions of individuals toward collectively agreed-upon goals. Our first products will be a community owned open-source data marketplace, open-access publishing server and decentralized seed bank.How Are We Accomplishing This?Platforms like SourceCred, Coordinape and DeWork can allow us to track the efforts of our community members from the very beginning; then, provide retroactive remuneration after work is completed and people have formed social trust networks that lead to fair allocation and recognition.Our partner laboratory, Delta Leaf, has an existing community of thousands of data generating cannabis cultivators who have been asking for a way to publish their data without compromising self-sovereignty. By establishing robust contribution tracking mechanisms for the DAO we can incentivize the creation of a community owned data marketplace, which will act as a core component in the regenerative crypto-economic platform we are working to deliver. The marketplace will subsidize the cost of fees for new users to upload and store data on-chain by charging a commission on subsequent transactions to sell or “rent” that same data. All revenue generated by commissions will go back to the DAO treasury and community to incentivize further adoption of the marketplace. We are currently working to establish a detailed technical roadmap for deploying our planned implementation of Ocean Market through hands-on experimentation using the Aurora testnet development environment. Additional funding will be required to continue this work and subsidize data upload/storage fees during the early stages of the marketplace. Eventually, commissions on marketplace transactions paid to the DAO treasury will regenerate and support financial reserves for ongoing maintenance of the platform and community growth.The long term goals of this project are currently identified as:Technical integration roadmap and timeline for deploying Ocean Protocol on NearOutline of onboarding experience for genetic and genomic data typesEngage our community through educational content about Ocean Protocol and how we plan to implement it.Deploy a fork of Ocean Market on the NEAR Aurora EVMDeploy Ocean smart contracts on the NEAR Aurora EVMGet $OCEAN listed on the Trisolaris DEX and Aurora websiteUse Ocean Protocol to build a data marketplace for Cannabis Genome DAO (CGD)Integrate with DAO tooling to enable community governance of key marketplace parameters such as commission ratesMerge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile app for CGD (e.g. Mintbase and Alga Wallet)Overall Project RoadmapCompleteLaunch Discord server: 10/8/21Launch website and email list October 2021SputnikDAO launch on NEAR: October 2021Near Foundation grant award: November 2021AstroDAO frontend: November 2021Documentation on Notion and Github: December 2021Membership app and Coordinape circle launch: January 2022Ocean Market implementation on local server: February 2022Present/Interviews at EthDenver: February 2022Automated Contribution/Reputation scoring system: SourceCred March 2022Self-hosted Discourse forum: March 2022Bounty board on DeWork: March 2022In ProgressPublish formal whitepaperDeploy smart contracts on NEAR testnetRole-based governance weighting system (mechanism TBD but could include conviction/quadratic/role-boost)Reserve pool (to bootstrap marketplace)AstroDAO custom contract callsPublish blog article report on Ocean Protocol technical implementation planUpcomingDeploy Ocean Market, smart contracts and middleware on the NEAR Aurora EVM (testnet)Deploy appchain on Octopus Network (testnet)Full mainnet launch (Near, Ocean, Arweave, Octopus, mobile front-end)Merge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile appSubgraph for Astro DAODecentralized identity solutions (Ontology Network, BrightID, Magic)
Eartheart Commons Local Youth Scholarships
Diamante Luz This Project is a part of the Diamante Bridge Collective / La Puente Diamante Colectiva, a non-profit asociacion colectiva for public social good in Costa Rica.It has received approval to proceed via sociocratic governance protocol as per our Founding Constitution (espanol) requirements. It may also qualify for partial funding from the Diamante Bridge Collective project on and/or as delegated to the TRACE by the DBC Community on Your support of the Collective, it's projects and people is appreciated as we co-create a decentralized village for the conservation, restoration and protection of land, water, food, and community!Proposed Project Name: EARTHEART Apprentice Scholarships Proposal Champion: Travis BritzkeProposal Status: ApprovedGoverning Council: DBC Land StewardshipAdvice Process Location: DBC Funding Circle Meeting Notes 08-Dec-2021Date Drafted: 11th October 2021Date Approved: 8th December 2021Statement of Proposal:We are requesting funds to cover month-long paid scholarships so that they may apprentice at Diamante Luz and other DBC Projects, gain experience and knowledge, and return to their families and villages with seeds, plants, and trees. Context Description:Many young Costa Ricans are excited about permaculture and agroforestry, and at the same time economically supporting their families. Travis, with his 20 years of tropical agroforestry experience, is living at Diamante Luz and excited to empower more willing apprentices.By empowering young Costa Ricans, we are building cultural bridges as well as spreading regenerative Earth Stewards with knowledge, passion, techniques, experience, seeds, and plants far and wide. Providing these one month experiences allows us to reach more youth, while also creating an evaluation period for finding long-term apprentices and future team members."There is one and only one solution, and we are left with almost no time to try it. We must direct all our resources to repair the natural world and integrate all our young people in helping. They want to do it, and we have to give them the opportunity to create forests, soils, water and clean energies, and the know-how to do it through real experience. "-Bill Mollison, Father of PermacultureDriver for Proposed Project:It is now November, the dry season is rapidly approaching, and Diamante Luz is poised to have accommodations and curriculum ready to run a full schedule. 1 month programs with a week between each will allow spaciousness to rest, reflect, and revise the structure as appropriate.$800 / month x 2 apprentice scholarships covers the costs for Room, Board, Stipend, Tools, and Training over three 1-month periods = $4800. The Application and Selection process will be very simple, reaching out to our friends and neighbors network to build and strengthen local relations. Referrals of Costa Rican youth from outside the Diamante Valley will also be accepted.Expected Outcomes:This is an educational work exchange mentorship program. Apprentices working for 1 month here will provide:Short-term Expectations 25-30 hours per week of hands-on education while in service to the land8 empowered youth with the tools to spread regenerative agroforestryMid-term Expectations Cultural relationships for healthy exchange within and between communitiesCandidates for extended Earth Stewards and Educators / MentorsLong-term ExpectationsPlanetary paradise of empowered individuals embodying regenerative lifestylesThe transfer of knowledge, wisdom and wealth to the hands of the futureEvaluation Specifications:Scholarship recipients will receive regular feedback and support to ensure their experience with the Diamante Bridge Collective and Diamante Luz is positive and personalized..Milestone Schedule:Milestone 1 Select participants By December 15th Milestone 2Coordinate arrival, lodging and scheduleBy January 17 (Arrival date)Milestone 3Month 1 graduation and feedback February New Moon 2022Milestone 4Month 2 graduation and program evaluationMarch 2022Budget Requirements:MaterialsLodging for 2 people to be provided by Diamante Luz based on the needs of each apprentice. There is a separate proposal already approved and a project in process to build these. A percentage of the funds will go to Diamante Luz for providing the food and accommodations.20,000 CRC for food90,000 CRC for room, and10,000 CRC for logistics (120,000) per person will be allocatedTools & Equipment25,000 per person will be allocated for the purchase, maintenance and repair or replacement of tools used, lost or damaged during this program.People25,000 per week per person for the Apprentice Stipend.200 usd for the Mentor Stipend(s) and associated teaching expenses.Terms of this AgreementThis proposal is a 3 month program to welcome 6 Apprentices for one month initiation to regenerative agroforestry, the community, and a brighter future.
All for Climate DAO
Xavier DammanOur missionSupport all climate movements and projects to raise funds (crypto or fiat), get more visibility, and find more contributors.Latest updatesWe started a newsletter to stay on top of everything happening at the intersection of crypto and climate: The Climate Chain 🌍⛓ (subscribe!)We partnered with Gitcoin to launch a climate pool as part of their new Grant Round (GR12), a $250k quadratic funding pool to support projects that address the climate emergency (donate!)We started our first mirror crowdfunding for THE WEEK. A documentary series to mobilize for the climate emergency, produced by Frédéric Laloux (author of the bestseller book “Reinventing Organizations” that is inspiring many DAOs today) and Hélène Gérin.Who we areWe are a growing community of active citizens that take initiatives in our communities to transition to a more sustainable world. Some of us organize marches for the climate, others start community gardens, reclaim the public space, make movies, make art. Some create mutual aid funds to help their community after a natural disaster, others build software, ... We are all hummingbirds doing our part and we are coming together here to support each other.See also our shared values and principles.What we are working onA crypto climate newsletter to help people follow what’s happening at the intersection of climate and crypto: new projects, new job opportunities. Subscribe to the climate chain. 🌍⛓ A directory of climate justice related crypto projects and DAOs (see our current Twitter List)Help movements for the climate use web3We worked with Gitcoin on their GR12 climate. We onboarded dozens of projects and helped them receive funds in crypto.Onboarding people who want to work at the intersection of crypto and climate. Help them find the right climate related DAO they can contribute to, or start their ownDocumentation and training to help anyone learn about how they can use crypto and DAOs to create a new regenerative economy for their communityBuild a shared Swiss foundation to help projects that need to receive crypto donations and use them in their local currencySoftware library to solve common issues that are not addressed yet by other DAOsParticipatory budget to start experimenting with votingWhere we are goingWe are building the new Greenpeace for the 21st century: decentralized, transparent and open for everyone to contribute.Where we startedMany of us ran into the issue of collecting and disbursing money as a collective. It is not sustainable to create a non profit entity with a bank account for every single initiative. That’s why we created a shared non profit “All for Climate” that all of us can use to raise money, get our expenses reimbursed, apply for funding, etc. Today there are more than 130 collectives hosted by All for Climate.ContributeHave a look at the open roles or join us on Discord to share your idea or project. There are many ways you can contribute to the community.Join ushttps://discord.allforclimate.earth

Austin Life Church
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3We believe every single person is looking to make the most out of life, to live life to the full - a life of happiness and meaning. We actually believe this is how God created us.
We exist to love God, love others, and lead people to the fullness of life found in Jesus.
We will do this by devoting our lives to practices of purpose that move us upward towards loving God, inward towards loving one another, and outward towards leading people to the fullness of life found in Jesus.
Strengthening the Citizen Water Observatories Network
Roberto de la Ossa ThompsonThe Citizen Water Observatories are the best setting of citizen participation in the water resources oversight, and therefore, the enforcement of an approach seeking the highest community commitment in the preservation and safeguard of their water sources, promoting the sense of appropriation of their rivers and brooks. The Observatories carry out the following actions:The invigoration of the National Ecological Blue Flag Program- Category V: Micro-watersheds.The mud spheres festivals for the bioremediation of polluted water bodies.The regeneration of degraded ecosystems through reforestation programs.The participatory water quality monitoring campaigns.Cartographic analysis at the Citizen Water Observatories’ influence areas.Oversight and safeguard of National Water Bodies’ buffer zones.Community empowerment and training in the proper use of tools for the prevention and management of climate change related effects.1. The invigoration of the National Ecological Blue Flag Program- Category V: Micro-watershedsIt is an incentive for the improvement of the micro basins' health conditions focused on those located along streams, rivers and lakes, in order to raise awareness on the avoidance and mitigation of pollution through the establishment of civil society’s local committees.It enhances the organization and empowerment of communities settled on margins of rivers, brooks and lakes for the execution of safeguard activities, identification of contamination sources and clean up tasks oriented to water quality improvement. It encourages better health conditions and improved public health of Costa Rica’s inhabitants. 2. The mud spheres festivalsIt is a program aimed at Costa Rican communities in the use of bioremediation techniques as an additional tool to revert river contamination in their vicinity.Aimed at the gradual reversal of pollution in selected rivers. Each river must be assessed separately.It is oriented to accomplish the bioremediation process learning in school 's children.3. Regeneration of Degraded EcosystemsThe preservation of forest coverage benefits those who participate in the program and their communities as follows:Protects water replenishment areas in the high reaches Watersheds provide water for different domestic, farming and industrial uses, etc.Adds up to forested areas that strengthen biological corridors and the settlement of native forest vegetation.Improves water quality and modifies the flux time.Stabilizes soil due to the forests.Prevents floods and erosion processes along the river marginsMitigates high temperatures and CC related extreme climate events.Carbon sequestration.Biodiversity growth.Generates knowledge, raises awareness and commitment in communities towards their brooks, rivulets, rivers and water sources overall, thus promoting changes in the existing legislation.Enhances a new environmental culture through which inhabitants appropriate and compromise in the protection and management of the resources they depend on.Replication of forest coverage recovery plans to 70+ communities and 200 or more by 2025.Scientific knowledge and technical assistance that contributes to the development of new strategies for water bodies protection.The presence of trees along river margins have a vital effect on the running water’s temperature, and subsequently, on the reproduction and survival of fish and other species that dwell in these ecosystems.4. Participatory water quality monitoring activities Creates a communitarian participatory monitoring model.Resolves setbacks in human and material resources, as well as coverage problems related to monitoring sites in the country’s water bodies.Sets networks among Observatories with the purpose of generating representative and reliable water quality data in these communities. 5. Cartographic survey in the Citizen Water Observatories’ buffer zonesGeneration of reliable, updated and standardized information on the river course and its adjacent areas.Provides input for better knowledge and decision making on rivers protection.Allows to verify whether protected areas law is enforced or not.Provides inputs for experts (Judicial Research Body (OIJ) or Municipalities)Allows the knowledge of river reaches for the protection group. Promotes the use of this tool for the rest of the country.6. Oversight and safeguard of protected areas in National Water BodiesLegal support to organized groups that contribute to the rivers preservation.Guarantees through formal complaints to the compliance of buffer zones boundaries or protection areas to avoid disruptions that seriously affect the biological function of the river.Legally protects water bodies as key elements for the ecosystem, thus guaranteeing the connectivity of biological corridors and the habitats it shelters.Law enforcement by administrative authorities responsible for the compliance of buffer zones and protection areas established in the legislation.Prevention of river related natural disasters (flash floods, overflows and others) from dragging along and destroying low resilience poor households.7. Empowerment and training to communities in the correct use of prevention and management tools of Climate Change related effects Understanding in an effective and intelligent way how weather conditions negatively or positively affect people, agriculture, water and our rivers in general.Contributing to the optimization of productive activities.Learn about the days of highest rainfall as well as wind and temperature forecasts to coordinate conservation and environmental education activities such as:Rivers cleaning campaigns. Bioremediation projects (Mud Spheres Festivals)River picnics Water Quality studies Fauna monitoring inventories (birds, mammals, fish, etc.)Preventing risks through better decision making at the time of executing an activity, to carry it out safely without risking people's lives exposed to natural disasters such as floods or accidents related to slippery terrains resulting from rains which could cause falls and injuries to the participants.
Matthias ScheffelmeierTrough the ChangemakerXchange Community we reach and work directly with ± 1000 changemakers across 130 countries globally, who work on a vast range of social and environmental issues, from human trafficking in the Maghreb, through eating disorders in Europe, to inter-faith dialogue in the Philippines. New members join via our flagship summits, a unique experience of connecting, co-learning and collaboration with other social innovators from around the world. This is followed by ongoing, and life-long, community engagement, capacity building and support for their work.Through our Facilitators for Change program we trained over 60 members of the community to be world-class facilitators. They now facilitate our summits and accompany other networks of changemakers in their work. Building on our learnings from working with hundreds of social innovators we also equipped over 150 civil society leaders in the facilitation skills needed to create spaces for collective impact.And last, but not least through The Possibilists we gather scientific data about the needs and challenges of young changemakers. We then collaborate towards addressing them and aim to improve the conditions for social innovators together. Collectively the Alliance reaches hundreds of thousands of young social innovators globally.
Daveed BenjaminTulum is growing at a dangerous pace. This sacred land faces irreversible damage and the threat of ecosystem collapse if business as usual continues. Unfortunately, the sustainability movement is deeply fragmented. It’s difficult to know which projects, businesses and organizations in Tulum have sustainable and regenerative values and are making a conscious attempt to embody these.Regen Tulum isa decentralized movement to support projects that restore and regenerate Tulum’s natural ecosystem, culture and economy. It serves as a platform for exposure and visibility, whilst connecting members with funding and expert help as needed.Tulumcoin is the proposal for this integration; a community DAO and cryptocurrency powered by DeFi, ReFi and human actions. Community members receive Tulumcoin for restorative and regenerative actions. These include beach clean ups, recycling, composting, community gardens, merchant onboarding. Community members also recieve Tulumcoin for supporting the DAO via tasks such as technology development, marketing, social media, content creation and others. The Tulum Coin economy will generate a revenue stream for a Tulum-focused regenerative projects fund.Regen Tulum is an impact-driven community of passionate and committed local and international individuals, creators, entrepreneurs, freethinkers, tourists, expats, natives, businesses, developers, government and other organizations. We are working together to protect Tulum´s natural resources, cultural heritage, economy and community.These projects unite all those who love and respect this bioregion connected through a common purpose, unified to protect Tulum and its surrounding areas, hence protecting ourselves. We aim for this to be a model for replication and adaptation to other locales.

Center for Effective Philanthropy
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3CEP provides data, feedback, programs, and insights to help individual and institutional donors improve their effectiveness. We do this work because we believe effective donors, working collaboratively and thoughtfully, can profoundly contribute to creating a better and more just world.
Diversify and Democratize Philanthropy
Kyson BunthuwongPhilanthropy Together is on a mission to diversify and democratize philanthropy through the power of giving circles.What Is A Giving Circle?It's a group of people with shared values come together to make change. They pool their time and money, and decide as a circle where it should go. Their efforts, discussion, and collective gift transforms into community power, proactive change, and civic action.We are a global initiative to help start new giving circles and help existing giving circles thrive. Giving circles bring many more — and widely representative — everyday donors to the table to create equitable communities: people of color, women, LGBTQIA2S+ people, different giving capacities, youth, people in rural communities, religious minorities, and the list keeps going.Our Bold GoalsBy 2025, we aim to:Build 3,000 strong giving circlesInvolve 350,000 individualsWhat We DoPhilanthropy Together provides programs, training, resources, and mainstream attention to giving circles through a number of initiatives:Launchpad - 5-week giving circle incubator and training program to launch new giving circlesResource Library, webinars and education materials - On key topics (power sharing, evaluating impact, trust-based philanthropy & grantmaking) to help strengthen the fieldGlobal Giving Circle Directory - A new tool used to help find a giving circle to joinCommunity Forum - Global hub for any leader, member, or host of a giving circle to learn together, share ideas and challenges, and ask questionsCommunities of Practice - Topical learning community for giving circle leaders (e.g. racial equity or storytelling)Showcasing and marketing to the mainstream - Elevating stories of collective giving in the news, podcasts, social media, conferences, and everywhere in betweenOur belief is that everyone can be a philanthropist.We all have something to give, whether that is time, talent, treasure, testimony, or ties. Giving circles ignite groups of people to use their resources and act generously, together. The model is growing in popularity and Philanthropy Together is proud to serve as a connector for this budding field.Importantly, our collaborative work across the field of collective giving is rooted in diversity, equity, inclusion and justice. We have built innovative programs have allowed us to scale quickly, and we are on track to meet our goals. See our Impact Report for our latest progress.
Typhoon Rai Relief and Recovery Fund for the Philippines
Marko KasicSuper Typhoon Rai (locally named Odette) made landfall on 16 December 2021 in Surigao del Norte Province before crossing the central-southern Philippines, specifically the Visayas and Mindanao Islands, with maximum sustained winds of 195km/h and gustiness of 260km/h. Intensifying from a tropical storm to a super typhoon within hours, Rai brought torrential rains, violent winds, landslides and storm surges, making nine landfalls in seven provinces.The entire province of Cebu has been placed under a state of calamity due to the damage caused by Super Typhoon Rai. Thousands of people have been displaced and the entire province is facing shortages of water, with several people reported to have died from dehydration. Almost all gas stations are closed or empty, with people waiting over 48 hours to get fuel. Power has been cut and early estimates say power (and sustainable clean drinking water) won't return until February 2022 for the communities FundLife is seeking to reach.The FundLife relief and recovery fund will initially prioritise getting clean water and food to communities hardest. The most urgent need is providing communities with access to essential goods and restoring access to clean drinking water. The fund will also support keeping children safe and protected as many are displaced or without adequate shelter. The recovery will focus on restoring access to learning, education and sustainable livelihood studies to ensure children are not being exploited.
Stefan SchabernakIn a lot of countries educational success and career opportunities depend heavily on one’s socio-economic background. Young people from educationally disadvantaged families or with a migrational background are particularly disadvantaged. Furthermore, many educational systems (e.g. in Germany and other European countries) are very selective, allowing little educational and social mobility.At ROCK YOUR LIFE! we have been successfully working with children from underprivileged families since 2008. Helping kids to obtain proper education, finishing school and finding their first job is a major factor in tackling social inequality. We empower kids to find out who they really are and to unfold their true potential. We help them understand what self-efficacy really means and how they can take responsibility for their lives. To this end we establish 1-on-1 mentoring relationships between university students (mentors) and teenagers struggling to make their way (mentees). Our local chapters in over 52 German, Dutch, Spanish, Austrian and Swiss cities have already supported more than 9.000 children. More than 11.000 volunteers have contributed to ROCK YOUR LIFE!, making it one of Europe's largest mentoring networks. Our impact has been scientifically proved by the renowned German ifo Institute, which proved that ROCK YOUR LIFE! greatly helps its participants to unleash their potential.
Sea Of Hertz Radio on 1HTV
Miguel BayonSea Of Hertz Radio is a web3 public good that brings independent music & news to LatAm and Hispanic communities.Our mission is to reach a diverse spanish-speaking audience and bring independent music to web3 - SOH Radio brings new users into web3 using music as a bridge.The music industry has always been hierarchical with minimal benefits for independent musicians, because of that they struggle to get the recognition and compensation they deserve. Web3 space also has a constant need to diversify language and create spanish content for the LatAm and Hispanic communities. Sea Of Hertz Radio exists to satisfy two specific needs in all DAOs: education and community building. The show is broken into segments that address these needs; the first portion features a guest from a partner project’s LatAm community to share information about their work and goals. The second segment features an independent musician or band partnership, where their music is played for the audience to enjoy and engage with one another in chat. In the process, SOH Radio helps to educate and entertain web3 natives, as well as onboard new artists to the space.The funds will go to support the operations of the SOH team.Sea Of Hertz Radio es un bien publico web3 que lleva música independiente y noticias a las comunidades latinas e hispanas.Nuestra misión es diversificar el idioma español y llevar música independiente a la web3 - SOH Radio usa la música como puente para atraer a nuevos usuarios a la web3.La industria de la música siempre ha sido jerárquica y no beneficiosa para los músicos independientes, por esa razón no reciben el reconocimiento y mucho menos compensación que se merecen. A su vez hay una constante necesidad de diversificar el idioma y crear contenido en español para comunidades latinas e hispanas en web3 para que estas puedan aprender.SOH Radio satisface esas dos necesidades: educación y comunidad.El show consiste en dos segmentos: la primera parte del show consiste en traer invitados de alguna DAO u organización latina a compartir en que están trabajando, desarrollando y cuales son sus metas. En la segunda parte de este show traemos a músicos independientes a compartir su música con la audiencia. SOH Radio ayuda a educar y entretener a los usuarios y les presenta a los artistas el espacio web3.Las donaciones se utilizaran para soportar las operaciones del equipo de SOH.
Sem 🐝EVMcrispr is a tool that simplifies interacting with smart contracts on EVM-compatible chains. It allows users to send transactions using intuitive, UNIX-like commands, making it easier to write complete scripts that encode complex transactions. This comprehensive tool can be used to improve almost all day-to-day blockchain operations, such as:Creating more efficient Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) votes.Launching DAOs and managing their configuration.Performing DeFi strategies.Running simulations on drafted on-chain actions.Creating, sending and managing tokens.EVMcrispr effectively reduces the technical hurdles for web3 users to engage and carry out complex tasks using smart contracts. For instance, our domain-specific language is handy for expressing and transforming transaction data. In addition, we can combine different commands, so we can insert the command for managing Superfluid flows within the command to make an Aragon DAO vote or the command of sending a Giveth donation within the command to bridge tokens to the Gnosis Chain.It feels like modifying DNA when changing many parameters of a DAO all at once or when performing complex deployments that we must do in one transaction. EVMcrispr is the smart-contract gene-editing tool that has reduced the cost of operating DAOs and other blockchain protocols by orders of magnitude.It has been used by organizations such as Curve, Aragon, NFTX, 1Hive, Giveth, TECommons, BrightId and Agave to conduct complex votes within their DAOs.The tool has a terminal-like interface but clear documentation with many examples, making it easy to start.By supporting the ongoing development and maintenance of EVMcrispr, Giveth donors can help to advance cutting edge blockchain technology and to enable the creation of more powerful and practical applications on EVM-based networks, such as Ethereum Mainnet and Gnosis Chain.You can find the source code in this 1hive repository under the GPLv3 license.
Support Civichub Decentralised Learning Community PANVALA LEAGUE
Civichub EN: Civichub is a pre-acceleration program which has taken place twice so far. The first iteration in 2018 consisted of 6 in-person weekend sprints in the volcanic region of La Garrotxa (Girona, Catalonia), the second version of the course took place in 2020-21 online. During these two sessions, more than 40 startups, social movements, cyber activists, corporate and government teams came together to boost and cross-pollinate their civic innovation, distributed governance and decentralized technology projects. We learned about facilitation, open source hardware and software, how to decentralise organisations, how to create platform cooperatives, community resilience, the philosophical implications of AI, blockchain and Holochain, and much more. The participants were exposed to many ideas and technologies that they would probably not have encountered otherwise.These initial two iterations of Civichub were sponsored by the Catalan and local governments. Now we want to become more autonomous as a project, reduce the bureaucracy, and make the content more accessible to everyone. To do this, our plan is to put the recordings of the previous course on Udemy or a similar learning platform and make it available online for a low price. With the funds generated we hope to repeat the full course again in-person with new teachers. Your contribution will allow us to spend time editing and preparing the video course, and any surplus will go towards the next in-person version of Civichub.More details on the official website here.Videos from past editions are on the Pandorahub YouTube channel.Preview of the 2018 edition is here:ES: Civichub es un programa de preaceleración que ha tenido lugar dos veces hasta ahora. La primera iteración en 2018 consistió en 6 sprints presenciales de fin de semana en la comarca volcánica de La Garrotxa (Girona, Cataluña), la segunda versión del curso tuvo lugar en 2020-21 online. Durante estas dos sesiones, más de 40 startups, movimientos sociales, ciberactivistas, equipos corporativos y gubernamentales se reunieron para impulsar y cruzar sus proyectos de innovación cívica, gobernanza distribuida y tecnología descentralizada. Aprendimos sobre facilitación, hardware y software de código abierto, cómo descentralizar organizaciones, cómo crear cooperativas de plataforma, resiliencia comunitaria, las implicaciones filosóficas de la IA, blockchain y Holochain, y mucho más. Los participantes estuvieron expuestos a muchas ideas y tecnologías que probablemente no habrían conocido de otro modo.Estas dos iteraciones iniciales de Civichub fueron patrocinadas por los gobiernos catalán y local. Ahora queremos ser más autónom@s como proyecto, reducir la burocracia y hacer que el contenido sea más accesible para todos. Para ello, nuestro plan es poner las grabaciones del curso anterior en Udemy o en una plataforma de aprendizaje similar y hacerlo disponible en línea por un precio bajo. Con los fondos generados esperamos repetir el curso completo de nuevo en persona con nuevos profesores. Tu aportación nos permitirá dedicar tiempo a la edición y preparación del curso en vídeo, y el excedente se destinará a la próxima versión presencial de Civichub.Más detalles en la web oficial aquí.Los vídeos de las ediciones anteriores están en el canal de YouTube de Pandorahub.Un vídeo sobre la edición de 2018 está aquí:
GoodDollar DAO
Anna StoneGoodDollar is a crypto UBI protocol & DAO to fight inequalityGoodDollar is the largest UBI community and project in the worldEvery day it delivers crypto UBI to 50,000 people around the worldOver $250,000 worth of crypto UBI has been delivered since Aug 2020G$ tokenomics creates alignment between people who want to support UBI and those who need to receive itSee our global reach and check out the the dashboard GoodDollar members use their G$ tokens as real money to improve their livesused as a payment token in local or digital marketplaces (over 100,000 people signed up to buy/sell in G$)crowdfunding and donationsan onramp to DeFi and basic financial tools: savings, credit and paymentsMeet the global and inspiring GoodDollar community and its leaders!GoodDollar delivers a reserve-backed token as UBI, built on the rails of DeFiGoodDollar wraps existing DeFi protocols to fund UBI, and reward supporters with incentives and bonuses in G$ --> White Paper Your donation goes to fund GoodDollar micro-grants to changemakers that are improving their lives with GoodDollar!Grants will be used to fund micro-entrepreneurs that are improving lives with GoodDollarMicro-grants will range from $50 - $1,000 USD per recipient and granted in G$ tokensMicro-grants will be used to fund people who start businesses based in GoodDollarExamples include digital and physical businesses that accept G$ as a form of paymentMeet the entrepreneurs and builders:
Vanessa Gil🐙 MetaGame tl;drAt MetaGame, we believe things like Ethereum & DAOs are some of the basic infrastructure pieces for socioeconomic systems of the future.We are bringing together people, knowledge, tools, building blocks & DAOs to build a new kind of society.You can think of it as a real-life MMORPG with the goal of finding different ways to play life on a collective as well as personal level.MetaGame is a massive online coordination game, in its baby form.🤨 Why are we asking for funding?Right now, pretty much everyone considers MetaGame as a hobby. It's hard to retain people for long when they’re being underpaid & it's hard to build anything fast if everyone is treating it as a side project. We are asking for funding to be able to guarantee paychecks to enable existing contributors to jump in full-time, hook in a bunch of new contributors and continue working on:✅ Our first product: MyMeta & the minimum viable platform and make it adaptable and customizable for other projects as well (what is MyMeta)✅ Publish more educational content & podcast episodes✅ Organize more events like this conference, hackathon & festival✅ Continue pioneering a DAO bootstrapping/accounting/payroll system✅ Foster an awesome community & a small network of projects✅ Help more people level up & break into the DAO ecosystemComparison of MyMeta profile in MetaGame and customized MyMeta profile for xzyDAO🚨 What problems are we solving by doing all these?- coordination failures between people/projects/DAOs- tracking and rewarding everyone's contribution in a non-extractive way- overwhelming and complex onboarding processes in the DAO space- for people is difficult to get involved in web3🌄 Our goals, in short:- Put our & other building blocks together into a coherent coordination-enabling UI- Help people solve problems & build a model of what crypto societies could be like 🙃- Make it as easy and enjoyable as possible for people to get involved in the DAO spaceOur roadmap️ MetaGame for Patrons in under 5min🔗 Moar links🌱 Read all about Seeds💬 Join the Telegram group🗞️ Subscribe to the newsletter
Pol LanskiDappnode is a free and open source platform that allows anyone to easily deploy and run decentralized applications (DApps) and validators. By donating to Dappnode, you are supporting the development of a better user experience for the web3 ecosystem and helping to decentralize networks.The dappnode software is completely free, and more than 4000 validators in Ethereum use it to maintain their nodes running and up-to-date. Dappnode doesn't, and can't, charge anything for it because it's built with self-sovereignty and privacy by design.Currently, our focus is in lowering the capital requirement for validating PoS networks and Ethereum in particular so we bridge not only the technical gap, but also the economic gap to participate in the ownership and upside of decentralized tech.Your donations will directly impact the continued development and improvement of Dappnode, allowing us to create new features and enhancements that make it easier for users to access and use DApps. This in turn will help to further decentralize the Ethereum network and promote the use of decentralized technologies.In our quest for better User Experience in the web3 ecosystem, we've created a wealth of Open Source tools that any project can use.Keymanger API: We coordinated client implementers and stakeholders to standardize the way keys are managed between different pieces of software.Keymanager UI - a front-end that uses the Keymanager API to connect to any validator implementation and web3signer.And of course, Dappnode is completely open source too! Here's a demonstration of how easy it is to deploy all the software for running a validator:
Relocating Web3 Iranians
Mahsa AminiIran is in turmoil.Protests are breaking out all over the country, despite the fact that protesters are regularly arrested, tortured and too often die while in custody. There are so many arrests by plainclothes police officers that kidnappings are starting to happen in daylight and people simply assume it is the police. It is frankly unsafe to be in Iran right now, especially if you are in web3.Iranian tech leaders are routinely arrested and jailedThe internet has been heavily censored. Iran is using a system similar to what China uses to censor the internet, except they are being much more brutal with the enforcement related to maintaining it.Most developers working in the web3 space must use a VPN, ssh tunneling or Starlink to access the international services they need to do their job, and in doing so they are breaking laws and are at risk of being arrested. Activists in the space are especially at risk, Hossein Ronagi and Amir Emad Mirmirani (Jadi) can be mentioned as examples.Hossein RonaghiㅡA young engineer in charge of the anti-censorship committee in Iran (IranProxy) has been arrested and jailed several times. He recently escaped the clutches of plainclothes agents who broke into his home. Unfortunately, he was later arrested and unjustly imprisoned.Amir Emad Mirmirani aka Jadiㅡ A programmer and technology promoter in Iran, as well as the founder of Radio Gig Podcast has prepared thousands of hours of free online training courses for anyone interested in programming and free open-source software. He has also been one of the opponents of censorship and internet restrictions in Iran and has informed people about the issue. Jadi was abducted from his home by plainclothes agents on October 5 of this year.Zia Sadrㅡ An Iranian blockchain evangelist and lecturer was arrested and jailed late this summer.UPDATE (Dec 19, 2022)All three of the above tech leaders have been recently released. 🎉 International relations are getting worse.The US President, Joe Biden said, “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran, they're going to free themselves pretty soon.” These are worrying times.With the general distaste for the Iranian government growing within and external to Iran, the chances of a violent revolution / civil war erupting are rising every day. This could lead to the boarders being closed and our web3 colleagues being trapped in a bad situation.It is difficult for Iranians to travel. Not only are there visa issues, but also there are social and economic issues to be considered as well.This grant hopes to alleviate the economic burden and create a supportive social network of web3 Iranians in Istanbul.We will reimburse the flights and lodging for them and their immediate family to encourage them to flee for safety before it is too late. We will also help them book accommodation their access to international banking infrastructure is obviously limited.We have helped 2 web3 community members escape Iran already and they are currently searching for a nice neighborhood in Istanbul. When they have chosen on one, we will bring as many people as possible to stay close together, so they can have regular gatherings and build strong relationships in these troubling times.Turkey only offers Iranians 90 day visas. After our community members have been there 2 months, if the situation does not seem to be getting better, we will help them find another country to go to.Maybe nothing will happen and things will calm down. This is our hope, we would excitedly take down this project, and the web3 community members that left for Turkey could return home to their local community with new friends. If this happens unused donations will be sent to donation.eth (Giveth Matching Pool).All expenditures will be documented in the updates of this project.We will make every effort to protect the identity of the web3 community members that are in Iran, many are pseudonymous and could lose their jobs if their employers find out where they live. We appreciate this and will use an encrypted form to take applications and while doing our due diligence to confirm that applicants for this subsidy work in web3 we will in no way hint to their employers that they are from Iran. We will also make sure we send reimbursement funds to a fresh Ethereum address as opposed to their public/ens address.If you are a web3 community member currently in Iran, please stay safe and consider if you can do more to support the people of Iran outside the country, than you can do protesting inside the country. If you would appreciate support in leaving the country, we are here to help! Please use this encrypted form to apply.
Basic school supplies
Helpers Social Development FoundationThis project will provide basic school supplies to out-of-school children in various public schools in Oji-River. 18.5 children are out of school in Nigeria and 10.5 million children are girls. Supporting this initiative will help close the gap by helping more underprivileged children to stay in school. There will be relief on the burden of parents, who are unemployed to provide these basic essentials for underprivileged children.Helpers Social Development Foundation was established to make a difference in Nigeria. We believed that lasting change happened when children, youths and women have access to social amenities. We have touched more than 3.700 lives from different initiatives since our inception in 2016. We recently established a nursery and primary school in the Oji-River area of Enugu State with a population of 30 pupils. Helpers Foundation nursery and primary offer free education to underprivileged children. We have grown to include working with the parents of the children and the community leaders of the villages in which we operate.Why We Are Working Hard We distribute free school supplies to underprivileged children in 20 public schools in Enugu state to keep them in school. We attack are the root cause of factors that stand as barriers to underprivileged children's education so that underprivileged children can access free and quality education and realize their full potential.Where And Challenges This is truly a trying time for underprivileged Nigerians as many people have lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 18.5 million children dropped out of school, and 10.5 million are girls, they struggle daily for not having the stools needed to help them in school. Poverty regardless of level is linked to reduced academic achievement. Students who live in poverty come to school every day without the proper tools for success, as a result, they are commonly behind their classmates physically, socially, and emotionally. Help us to reach out to millions of out-of-school children.SolutionHow can we use crypto to narrow the performance gap in children's education? Better funding for out-of-school children's education. Helpers Social Development Foundation provides funding to support children from the start of school across Oji-river local government, specifically targeting children with special needs and families. Meeting some of the children's basic needs, like food, healthcare support at school and supplies. Long-Term Impact Your support of this project will have a lifetime impact on the people and Oji-River communities. It will help support out-of-school children to achieve academic, professional, and communal success by creating a positive, supportive environment for their academic, professional, and social growth.Thank you for your generosity.Website: link: handle: handle:
Giveth Matching Pool
Lauren LuzThe Giveth Matching Pool is raising funds for future donation matching to verified projects on Giveth! It is a one-stop-shop for donors who want to ensure their donation has a broad impact.Our vision for the Future of Giving is a world in which giving is effortless and people are rewarded for making positive change. Give to donation.eth, make a difference for public goods, and get rewarded with GIVbacks.Donations to this project as well as funds sent directly to the donation.eth multisig on Mainnet or Gnosis Chain are eligible for GIVbacks. In both cases, 100% of the funds collected will be distributed to verified projects on Giveth. Note: only donations in tokens on the GIVbacks token list are eligible for GIVbacks.The donation.eth multisig is a 7/15 multisig managed by core Giveth team members. Once we have reached our goal of $500,000 we will begin to distribute the funds to verified projects on Giveth at the end of each 2-week donation round.The intention of the raise goal is to ensure we have enough funds to provide significant matching ($10-20k) every 2 weeks for a full year (26 total rounds). The exact details of how the donations will be distributed are to-be-determined. If you want to help us design the system for allocating these matching funds, please weigh-in with your comments in our forum. We’ll keep you posted with the results in project updates!Note: We are not matching funds to this project, we are using these funds to provide additional funding to other verified projects.
Crypto Commons Association
Felix FritschThe Crypto Commons Association (CCA) is a non-profit organization founded in early 2021 to facilitate the development of digital common goods and infrastructure in the context of DLTs, their academic reception and analysis, their public accessibility as well as their broad social application. It strives to reach its aims through the organization of events, the production of a full feature documentary and the operation of a permanent physical Hub-as-a-Commons.Your support at this stage is crucial! We got plenty of plans for next year, we know that there‘s interest in what we want to provide, but we need a little more runway before things really kick off and the CCA becomes self-sustainable.Hub-as-a-CommonsWe cannot stress enough the importance of informal conversations in the in-betweens, the deep feeling of community birthed by temporary living-as-a-commons, and the serendipity that only emerges over time in physical proximity. For this reason we think it’s fundamental to have a physical place in which to make people interact in real life. From next spring on, the diverse decentral communities populating our field will have a temporary home in the Austrian Alps, co-created and -governed by its tenants in the spirit of commoning.In other words: We are building the first explicit Crypto Commons Hub in the world!Crypto Commons DocumentaryHeaded by Filmmaker Oliviero Di Lanzo and podcast host The Blockchain Socialist, the CCA is producing a full feature documentary on Crypto in a quest to highlight the post-capitalist potential germinating in its long tail. Starting from the Crypto Commons Gathering, our team visits people, projects and events all over the globe in a process of weaving individual stories into an emerging narrative, displayed in the first full feature Crypto Commons Documentary ever filmed!EventsWithout going much into detail, a few of the events we are planning for next year:ReFi Unconference: Unfucking the planet, one tx at a time. 60 participants, 7 days, end of AprilOURverse Hackathon: Geeking around with ~40 nerds, VR glasses, a 3D model of the house and lots of hardware to build interfaces. 10 days, date TBA.La Moneta del Comune: 8 years after CommonCoin: revisiting early attempts at creating common money. 5 days, ~50 participants, beginning of JulyCrypto Commons Gathering '22: Reunion of the family! 60 Commoners, 7 days, #RealValue end of AugustContacts and groupsMail : [email protected] : : Website :
Ethereum technology for Farsi speaking population
Shayan EskandariWe are a non-profit educational group founded in 2015 to educate Farsi* speakers on blockchain technology, and remove the language barrier into developing applications using distributed technologies. One of the main limitations to access such technology, financial freedom and bank the unbanked are lack of resources and language barrier; we are trying to close that gap for Farsi speakers.Our team has been operating CoinIran: Independent Persian Publication covering Cryptocurrency, blockchain and Dapps news and documentationsShir Ya Khat : Community-driven Farsi podcast on the topic of blockchain technology, discussing the recent trends to social pathology in developing countriesMiningBox: Stack-over-flow style question and answer platform for mining discussionsDigiarz : Price standardization and cryptocurrency exchange listings [currently down]Smartcontract Development Forum: Technical forum to teach and discuss smart contract developments on all Videocast, Interviews with active participants in the community (Exchange CEO, developers, etc), New tech introductory videos, and market analysisOther than the management, maintenance and materials on the above resources, we have been trying to localize the Farsi version: Translation and addition of resources [PR] - MERGEDMyEtherWallet : Translation and localization of the interface [PR] - MERGEDiearn-finance : Translation of the UI [PR]WalletConnect: Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps [PR] - MERGEDdefi18n: Decentralized Finance Internationalization [PR] - MERGEDCryptoZombie - Learn to Code Blockchain DApps By Building Simple Games [PR]
Commons Stack
Commons StackCommons Stack is raising funds to cover the costs of launching new Commons, continuing to evolve our Technical and Cultural Builds, developing protocols that can be open-sourced so any community can deploy a Commons using our design patterns, and our general operational costs.What is Commons Stack?We, Commons Stack, started as a think-tank primarily focused on crypto-economic primitives to underpin a design framework for a Commons, a tokenized community with a mission benefitting a public good. We aspired to scale commons as a way to realign incentives with public goods. To achieve this, we needed to elaborate cultural designs that reinforce commoning principles and create novel tools such as the Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC), Conviction Voting and the Praise reward and reputation system. Our Commons design pattern is a curated library of tools and processes for governance, funding, proposal, analytics and initialization of a Commons. Some have come straight out of our research collaborations - such as the ABC, CV and the Praise reward system - while others were chosen from those available in the web3 tooling marketplace. To really understand what we are trying to build, try out the Commons Simulator: see the work of Elinor Ostrom as our North Star and set out to weave her principles of governing commons into the cultural fabric of a Commons. Our Cultural Build defines practices for clear boundaries, conflict resolution, monitoring, participatory decision-making, as well as others. Among our milestones are supporting BlockScience in open-sourcing cadCAD, developing the edutainment program Commons Simulator, launching the Trusted Seed, developing a collaborative economics method, deploying the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) - the first field test for our Commons design patterns, launching the Commons Prize and starting our commons collaboration with Grassroots Economics, the winner of the prize.While we have already had some success, we have only just begun. Our research continues. The lessons learned from a first field test, the Token Engineering Commons (TEC), are being rolled into new deployment protocols and our curated commons library of tools and processes continues to evolve. We did not get this far alone. We have collaborated with BlockScience, Blossom Labs, Metagov, Curve Labs, PrimeDAO, Giveth, 1Hive, Aragon, Token Engineering Academy, Token Engineering Commons, and many others.
Trusted Seed Unconference
Max SemenchukThe StoryTrusted Seed is a global network of trusted actors who apply wisdom, expertise, and capital to early-stage web3 Commons committed to creating regenerative economies for public goods.In September 2022, we joined researchers, community stewards, and web3 founders at Crypto Commons Hub and discussed the future of commons. Our vision, Protopia, was based on two key trends: our ability to organize inside and to connect outside. We used Burning Man’s Playa as an example of interactions we want to build and Metamodern as a guiding philosophy.We believe that stewards (servant leaders, community managers, HR personnel, coaches, and facilitators) are the key to turning our vision into reality. Given this, we sense that now is the moment for the leadership development of Web3 stewards, with help from the angels (founders, sponsors) in our ecosystem.Thus, we’ve created the Trusted Seed Unconference as a space to bring us together and support our growth as future leaders of a protopian world.ExperienceWhat is an Unconference?Unconference is a non-traditional event that has an open agenda and allows participants to co-create its format. The agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the program. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic or any activity can claim a time and a space.Example of the unconference organization✍ Understand the theme: ProtopiaIn its original, minimalist — and admittedly rather lacking — formulation by Kevin Kelly, Protopia is simply a term that denotes the gradual improvement of society over time, without claiming either perfection or the reaching of a point of stability.If we cannot allow ourselves to believe in a future paradise that has stabilized around a blissful state of affairs (Utopia), and we find it insufficient to look for those beautiful little exceptions of what life and society can be in certain regards under specific circumstances (Eutopia), perhaps we can more cautiously and realistically allow hope and faith in gradual but over time substantial improvements of society. As mentioned earlier, Kelly views such a capacity to improve as the true opposite of Dystopia.Some inspiration from Monika Bielskyte about Protopia and its framework:PLURALITY — BEYOND BINARIESCOMMUNITY — BEYOND BORDERSCELEBRATION OF PRESENCEREGENERATIVE ACTION & LIFE AS TECHNOLOGYSYMBIOTIC SPIRITUALITYCREATIVITY & EMERGENT SUBCULTURESEVOLUTION OF VALUES — CULTURE OF CONTRIBUTIONWhat are the goals?Build connections and partnerships between stewards and organizations in our ecosystemHelp stewards learn new tools and build or improve their skillsNurture a sense of belonging and form a shared identity in our communityProvide inspiration and emotional supportWhat’s on the agenda?Webinars and workshops – propose a session and activity you’d like to organize through the formNetworking – we’ll have some mixers and activities to boost connectionsProject Showcase – pitch your project and get feedbackReading sessions – read and discuss relevant books or articles with a groupWho’s invited?Public good foundations (e.g. Wikimedia, Ethereum, P2P Foundation)Communities & hubs (e.g. CryptoCommons, AKASHA, Decentralized Science)ReFi (e.g. VitaDAO, grassroots economics, ReFi Summer)Academia (e.g ETH Zurich, Stanford, RadicalxChange)Web3 service providers (e.g. Opolis, BrightID, Aragon Network)Web3 developers (e.g. BlockScience, Curve Labs, General Magic)How do we do it?Registration is now OPEN to Stewards and Angels. You can propose and lead an activity/event, or register yourself as a participant or sponsor/donor. We will contact you with the next steps after you register. The earlier you register, the sooner we can begin launching your proposed activity or event.We will collaboratively build the curriculum/agenda based on the registration results (e.g. skills gaps, shared topics and proposed activities) as we receive the forms.The Gardeners will help in organizing, coordinating and promoting each activity or event. Individual invitations will be sent to those who signed up for the Unconference.Activities, events and sessions can be held from October until mid-December. These sessions may be recorded and documented.After the last event/activity of the Unconference is completed, we will gather the documentation and prepare them for distribution. We will also do a retrospective to assess your experience and what we may improve in the future.How to contribute?✅ Engage as you like – there would be a bunch of different events and opportunities with recaps and reminders for your comfort🎁 Give first – let’s practice gift economy, propose the agenda (registration is here), coach and support your peers👩🏽🏫 Be open – there’s an abundance of good ideas if you’re ready to take or give🙏 Praise - Acknowledge all kinds of contributions to this program and our community🤣 Have fun – always important, let’s play and take it easy💭 Provide your thoughts – we are open to feedback and suggestionsWhat do I get?Access to inspirational and smartest people in the space during the programSkills development and new tools (even toolboxes)Better working opportunities (there’s always demand for great talent)A feature and feedback on your work, project and ideasEmotional and intellectual support with your challengesPotential access to funding opportunities in selected Impact DAOs
Stand up for Iranians Stand up for Web3 Inclusivity
Crypt0 ZanContribute towards legal efforts that will outline how to best navigate US sanctions against Iran to include Iranians in Web3. Iran is going through a critical time: the current mass movement and the violent response by the government in power makes the population increasingly vulnerable and in need of access to blockchain native tools. Who in crypto hasn't heard of, or been concerned about, sanctions violations? The aversion to this risk is so high, that instead of applying the law, the crypto space became a victim of overcompliance (all while remaining a grey legal area), resulting in the unfair discrimination of Iranian users. Popular Web3 platforms and services have poorly rejected and banned Iranian users citing US sanctions as a reason. In an effort to avoid this risk, the crypto space is now trending towards overcompliance to the extent of racism. This is unfortunate since Iranian users have always been a part of the crypto communities, experience ongoing internet shut-downs, and are geo-blocked from accessing basic crypto tools like digital non-custodial wallets. But excluding Iranians from tools that are in existence to exactly alleviate repression and censorship is counter productive to the mission of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto in general. Yet, no formal legal guidelines exist regarding Iranians and their possible relationship to educational and web3 projects (for more information on this see: Help us fund and draft guidelines with experts in the field of sanctions on the scope of economic sanctions against Iran and how best to navigate them within the crypto decentralized space. Let’s collectively understand the risks, the scope and the requirements for compliance to US economic sanctions against Iran in order to surgically address compliance needs instead of implementing unreasonable and discriminative blanket bans based on nationality, language, etc. Understanding the regulatory ever-evolving landscape is no easy task. The latest positive development in the field is the September 2022 US Treasury Issued a General License to Increase Support for Internet Freedom for Iranian users (, which broadened up possibilities related to Iran but which was not studied nor implemented in Web3 to our understanding. We are seeking funding and all other forms of support to create clear guidelines on what tools and services are possible to offer to Iranians. We hope to cover the question of sanctions with regards to the following fields within Web3: educational content in Farsiprovision and usage of communication and collaboration toolsservices offered at no-cost (no monetary transactions involved, “no-cost services”)“Provides additional authorization for the services that support the communication tools to assist ordinary Iranians in resisting repressive internet censorship and surveillance tools deployed by the Iranian regime.”decentralized services (such as; digital identity, DeFi, NFT, wallets, miners/validators, etc) We are looking for crypto lawyers, regulators and whomever else can assist us in creating rules that safeguard Iranian users from risk aversion discrimination. If you or someone you know is committed to making the vision of a decentralized and inclusive web a reality and want to support this cause, please get in touch with us in the comments here or email us at [email protected]. We will regularly update you on the project, and share a draft for iterations. The ‘Collective for Freedom and Decentralisation’ is a group of cypherpunk crypto OGs, partnered with ‘Women in Blockchain Farsi’, a group that successfully works on inclusivity and education in the space.
Public Nouns Operations
Public Nouns OperationsPublic Nouns ( exists to promote, fund, and proliferate aligned projects that focus on serving our public.Inspired greatly by Nouns DAO and the mechanisms it’s pushed forward, Public Nouns is a project that leverages these awesome mechanisms to help fund Public Goods and experimentation thereof.Borrowing from the Charity:Water model, Public Nouns has a goal to fund any operational expenses separate from the funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury. By supporting Public Nouns Operations, you help allow 100% of funds that go into the Public Nouns DAO treasury via sales of Public Nouns to be used towards Public Goods and experimentation thereof.Public Nouns launched at the end of September, and has raised over 165 ETH in its first 70 sales of Public Nouns. Docs: OperationsThe Public Nouns Operations will be funded out of pNounders.eth multisig. Funding into pNounders.eth would planned to be used for things like:Kickstarting some early experimentationBots set-upStarting iteration on governance and research (interested in exploring things like RageQuit into Public Nouns)Proliferating the Public Noun meme from the start, for Public Goods sake of courseRetroactive to contributorsHosting and ongoing maintenanceEnsure Public Nouns is well supported to startSuccessThere are varying degrees of success when it comes to deploying a new project. While success could be as minimal as being net positive $1 in favor of Public Goods versus what it cost to launch, we’re setting our sights much higher. We’re setting out to gamify the funding of Public Goods using the proven flywheel mechanism of Nouns, and then iterate beyond on creative ways to continue funding Public Goods. Success would be Public Nouns becoming a formidable addition to the Public Goods-funding ecosystem.Public Nouns DetailsQuick examples of public good attributes added to the mixPG Nounders “pNounders”PG Nounders “pNounders” “pounding the pavement for public goods” Founders of Public Nouns. This small starting group of aligned public goods communities kickstarted and deployed the initiative:Moloch (attr: Demon)MetaCartel (attr: Chili)Gitcoin (attr: Bot/Green Pill)Panvala (attr: stampee)Radicle (attr: seedling)CLR.FUND (attr: Bubbles)Optimism (attr: OPossum)
Free The Food
Ara Diamante FamilyWe are growing food for everyone ! We plant street-sides and public spaces with fruit trees, berries, edible greens, flowers, medicinal plants and many other useful plants.We imagine a world where we can pick fruits and greens everywhere we go, and feel welcome to do so ! We want to restore this feeling that we are at home, in the garden of Eden, enjoying abundance and also doing our part.Street-sides, communal salons, around soccer fields, schools and community gardens… They are so many opportunities for us to plant food accessible to all ! We wish to inspire and empower other communities all around the world to free the food with us !We are following principles of Permaculture and particularly Syntropic Farming : A really intelligent way to reforest the planet, recover soils and biodiversity while feeding us at the same time !Watch this Video to learn more about Syntropic Farming: far we’ve started a community garden and planted 5 street-sides including 1 communal salon. Already there are more street-sides ready and waiting to be planted..We are super inspired to share what we are doing with the world ! Every time we go planting, we take pictures and videos and use that to create educational content, each time there is so much to learn ! We use a Telegram group to write a review after each Action. We explaining what we did, what we need to do next, we share knowledge and practical techniques and tips. Join us on Telegram : can also find us on Instagram : freethefood.crAll of what we do is funded by donations of money and time from volunteers. We ask for donations to buy plants, tools and materials and to pay for transportation and maintenance work. We provide 100% transparency with donation allocation and use of funds. Thank you for your contributions to help heal soil, sequester carbon, and grow the decentralized food movement! You help us Free The Food !
CRYPTOMURALS Street art is a public good
CRYPTO MURALSCryptomurals is a blockchain-based platform focused on promoting and preserving the best street art worldwide, making it accessible as a public good.Our mission is to preserve the cultural heritage with interactive web3 dApps and bring artists and active citizens together to build inclusive environments in public spaces.The project was started as an EthGlobal finalist at the Web3Jam Hackathon in November 2021 and since then it has been iterating a lot always in head of Nats Giraldo a.k.a @0xnats and recently joined Joanna Caraballo a.k.a @jojoliciosa 1. CryptomuralsCryptomurals aims to be a living archive in the Ethereum blockchain that allows navigating the history of all the layers of murals painted over the years on the same wall - we call it "The Wallchain". Cryptomurals public gallery will be the digital home to curated geolocated murals, with a dynamic map that allows exploring cities in gamified street-art huntings.2. Collaborative experiencesWe believe that art is for everyone. Cryptomurals run local initiatives to support artists to create murals and tokenize their artworks in cities around ETH community events. 3. Street art hunters communityOur platform will allow a collaborative process where individuals provide insights on the state of the artworks by city, securing the preservation of the heritage and keeping the archives updated. The community will collaborate asynchronously in challenges around inclusion, culture promotion, and web3 adoption initiatives to fund street art as a public good while playing around.It's a tool that can be used by anyone who wants to make their city a more beautiful place.A geolocation-based scan system will allow participants to claim new murals and unlock exclusive content such as animations, AR experiences, or soul-bonds NFTs. 4. The future of CryptomuralsCities and art festivals can integrate Cryptomurals as the leading platform to archive the cultural heritage of the murals in their location. We want to make it easy for anyone to use web3 tools to share their local murals with others worldwide. Insights in the Cryptomurals platform will nurture the community's collective intelligence and the decision-making around local-run initiatives. Opportunities can include quadratic voting to promote new murals geolocations or support the renovation of existing spots.We are a group of street artists and tech enthusiasts from Latin America who believe in inclusion thanks to art workshops and renovation of public spaces such as basketball yards, Sk8 parks, etc. We believe in street art as a public good. 5. ContributionsWe're thrilled to share that we're making progress with our mission. Along with Devcon and the ETH Colombia community, we had built Cryptomurals graffiti tours with the Cryptomurals Street Art Hunt experience for #DevconVI visitors. Participants can discover Bogotá and unlock exclusive content in our genesis. The experience is created by us and developed thanks to the support of Doingud. We're excited to continue on this journey with the progressive support of our community, and we hope you will join us in our quest to extend the values of decentralization to fund public goods.Please contact us and jump into our Twitter and Instagram @cryptomurals to see the murals we started geolocating in Bogotá for DEVCON VI and Medellin during EthMedellin !See you on the streets,Your CM crew
Sean is the crossroads of encrypted messaging, decentralized identity, and Lens social graph. The open-source products include:Receiver: A drop-in Intercom-like App directory & profiles (highlighting ImpactDAOs and regen NFT badges)Particularly relevant for Giveth is our directory of ImpactDAO apps (+ hypercerts and regen projects). These cards will include the verified ENS / Lens / Farcaster / etc accounts for each app, for user onboarding, support, and bug disclosure.We are on GitPOAP for open-source at
Token Engineering Commons
Token Engineering CommonsThe Token Engineering Commons is a DAO with the purpose of advancing the field of token engineering.The TEC supports the creation of ethical, safe, resilient and diverse economic systems to benefit societies around the world.If you want to support Token Engineering in general, donating to this project is the BEST way to do it. The funds collected by this project will be allocated by TEC Token holders to advance token engineering.About usThe TEC’s mission is to become a Schelling Point for the token engineering community through economic and social layers. The economic layer funds projects that discover, develop and proliferate the best practices for engineering safe tokenized economies, while aligning our collective success with the individual benefit of TEC token holders. Our social layer is even more important, as it unites the token engineering field around the ethical principles, standards, tools and methodologies that emerge as this nascent field advances.The Token Engineering Commons cultural framework operates based on Elinor Ostrom’s principles for governing the commons. It values a prosocial perspective and prioritizes the advancement of token engineering over short-term gain. Integrity, curiosity, constructive inquiry, consistency, presence and gratitude are foundational for maintaining mutual respect within the growing community.The TEC encourages its members to be radically open source, non-hierarchical, transparent in their intentions and accountable for their actions.LinksOur website is: https://tecommons.orgOur discord is: https://discord.tecommons.orgOur forum is: https://forum.tecommons.orgOur handbook is: DAO is:
Electronic Frontier Foundation
See schedule of electronic frontier foundation, inc. ("Eff") was formed for the purpose of understanding and fostering the opportunities of digital communication in a free and open society.
Grassroots Economics Community Currency
Will RuddickGrassroots Economicsseeks to connect people to their own abundance by supporting them in creating their own Community Inclusion Currencies - which are blockchain based Vouchers backed by the goods and services of community groups in vulnerable communities in Kenya and growing to other countries.Our vision is of communities creating their own medium of exchange linked to local values and connected to other communities creating an emergent, healthy and decentralized economic system. Our work is also anchored in Syntropic Agroforestry as the basis for local economies and sustainable food production.We need help in testing, developing, integrating and maintaining open source software and documentation Please join us on our team and help us fund this really important work!Besides software development and support, we train organizations and communities around the world how to design, start and maintain community currencies - Your support also helps support new communities to develop their own programs.Contact us at [email protected]
Modoc Earthrace Conservation
Earthrace ConservationEarthrace is a non-profit Conservation Organization that works on various Conservation Missions and Scientific Research around the world to help the Conservation of Animals on Land and in the Oceans. Our Recent Projects are working with the Government Agencies in Costa Rica and Panama Facilitating Partols in MPA's and National Parks.We Provide the Ship Modoc, a 7.4m Rib, a 4.7m Zodiac, Schiebel S100 Military UAV and a Tracking Dog 'Appa' Free of Charge. In Conjunction with the assets we provide we also Supply Accomodation for the Rangers, Food, Water, Petrol/Diesel, Crew and Expertise.We have been working in Costa Rica for the past 3 Years and have patroled Corcovado National Park, Piedras Blancas National Park and all 16 MPA's on the Pacific Side of Costa Rica including Cocas Island.Modoc has Recently Arrived in Panama and is about to start Similar Patrols in the MPA's here.Our Ship is a 1944 Ex-Military Tug that is now become our Base of Operations and when we are not on patrol it is constant maintainence.All donations will go towards the upkeep of the ship, food for Volunteers & Government Personnel, fuel for patrols and maintenance of tenders and other assets.If you are interested in Crewing aboard the Ship as a Volunteer and helping with patrols and Maintainence feel free to reach out to us at [email protected]. Also Check out our Volunteers page in our website hereCheck us out on social media Update:The Capitan is officially on Holiday. The Crew will play while the Capitan's away. So there is 3 Crew Left aboard at the moment and soon to be Just Josh and Appa. We have a cool Project starting in June but at the moment we don't have a lot of diesel to keep the boat fully operational and food constantly coming in as we cant keep the fridges on all the time so Josh and Cassandi are having to put on their fundraising hat and getting to work in the dark ship of Modoc for the next few months.We will have a few things happening in the coming months after June and the captain gets back but before that happens we may be pulling the ship out the water and Doing a Refit if we get the funds in for the said projects.That's it this weekKeep Fighting the Good Fight
Saving Kids by Giving Free Vital Medical Help
Katherine LysykhHi there!We are a small team of developers that put an aim of creating a next gen giving platform that will be at least 99% effective, 100% transparent and will save lives for real. It means that donations must go directly on saving lives and not on administrative costs. It also means that everything we do must be open to public, including money movements.We decided to start with undeveloped counties without free healthcare from the government. Right now we work in Senegal, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau in West Africa. In the future we plan to operate in Cambodia, Kenya, Nigeria & Liberia. This is how it works now:1. We connect volunteers, charities and hospitals We target a poor region and work on building a local network. Every member is being verified and thus can be trusted. 2. Find kids who need urgent medical helpVolunteers meet those who are in need of urgent medical help but can’t afford it. They check their background to make sure that this is a case for the Helpster program. Depending on what medical help is needed they put the kid in the list and send to a hospital.3. Hospitals treat the kids for freeHospitals have the real-time Helpster waiting list. Kid in the list receive all the necessary medical help, including urgent surgeries. When a life is saved hospitals put all the reports and bills in our system and donors receive a report with all the evidence.4. We send 100% of donations to pay those billsHospitals have a special Helpster deposit account from which they cover the bills. We make sure that everything is transparent and double checked.For now we have 7 kids from West Africa that were approved for a waiting list with approx costs of 10 000 $. Doctors decided in which order help should be given, not us. Every life is sacred. Kids move up automatically in the list depending on how fast we donate.Please more details and our waiting list at our website: https://helpster.charityWe would be very happy if you supported the kids because they deserve it.Please take a note that we are still in a testing mode but we will provide all the reports in due time on your email. As said, we will not hold any donations for operations. We work for free to make the world a better place.With love,your Helpster team.
Trustlines Network
Andreas FletcherThe Trustlines Network is a community-driven project that empowers people to create their own money and access digital payments. We call it People Powered Money.To enable People Powered Money, we are building a universally accessible payment system. It allows people to make and receive payments without any intermediaries, lessening the burden of linking a bank account or depositing any money upfront.This GivEth page is created by the community. The received donations will be used to support the ecosystem for community-driven projects (e.g. meetups, project financing, infrastructure costs, etc).
Diamante Bridge Collective
Diamante Bridge CollectiveWe operate in the space where public goods and private ownership meet personal responsibility and collective power.The DBC is a nested set of entities both public and private that work together as a whole to advance our capacity for coordination toward creating a vibrant and resilient network of local economies.We are so grateful for every giver and everything given that has allowed us to be in service to this mission! Your donations to the DBC in 2023 support regenerative livelihoods for our stewards, provide materials for restorative earthworks projects, and fund scholarships for participants who would not otherwise have access to the transformative experiences and education programs offered.The DBC hosted our network partner Bloom International's 2022 retreat, and organized a tour of the many initiatives, lands and people that have been incubated through the Collective.For greater transparency and accountability with our donations as well as to show and tell of our accomplishments more regularly, we recently released a YouTube channel filled with impactful and educational content, and a public website to demonstrate our decentralized governance practices for approving activities and allocating resources.Check out our Forum and Calendar for more details! We prioritize the transcendence of land “ownership” and actively transform our contractual agreements toward land "donorship", choosing instead to be stewards of nature and the gifts bestowed unto us for future generations. This dream was made real in 2022, with the Diamante Luz Regenerative Living Center being donated by the title holder into a private perpetual Land Trust! Several land nodes are ready to follow suit using our 7 Stages of Stewardship model of acquiring beneficial interest. First order of business in 2023 is the receiving of land use rights by the DBC for establishing a public intercultural commons.Our self-organizing collective of radically responsible individuals has actualized in the past 2 years an intentional community, an activation hub, a non-profit association, a public commons, a landing pad, a leaping point, and given hundreds of people big warm welcome home to heaven on earth hugs!We govern ourselves using Sociocracy as a tool, honoring the diversity of perspectives within our collective and ensuring space for all voices during decision making processes. In late 2021 the DBC spun up a Costa Rica-registered social impact organization, el Asociacion Puente Diamante, with 26 founding members. Our 2022 Annual Membership Meeting brought official membership to 45 including new talent on the Board!The Diamante Bridge Collective is a decentralized village, with many permaculture and agricultural farms, intentional communities and retreat centers, shared homes and private casitas, co-working hubs and collaborative spaces at various stages of development.We are all bridges to what we are becoming, and we each bring valuable wisdom, experience and gifts to share with the world.. and we do that one relationship at a time by both reaching out and welcoming in. We invite you to reach out, explore what opportunity the collective may hold for you in the fulfillment of your own destiny.. receive the offerings shared already, and consider giving back to those here now building forward, for those who will come after.
Urbanika and the SolarPunk awakening
Humberto Besso Oberto🧐 What is Urbánika?Urbánika teaches about the intersection of Web 3.0 and regenerative urban governance. Our immersive approach focuses on turning the learning experience from a passive video course watching to gamifying impact-making in both local and digital communities.🤔Why?Three reasons.The mainstream education and media have convinced people all around the world that capitalism is the only way forward! However, the truth is that There Are Many Alternatives!! (TAMA)Humans are lacking inspiration and knowledge on alternative ways of governance, management, and relating.Traditional education systems are B O R I N G.💡Solution PLUS Connecting them all with funding mechanisms, such as Giveth, Gitcoin, and Urbánika's own fund distribution system* 🛠️What are we working on?Three things.1. Commons 101 with David Bollier. This is the basic course on the Commons.This course covers:What are the commonsThe patterns of the commons (Social life, P2P governance, and Provisioning for the commons)Web3, Wallets, DAOs, and dAppsFunding the commonsWhen? End of November.2. Specialized courses for activists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers (accessible only after graduating from the "Commons 101" course)3. Mini-educational videos posted on Twitter.🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻How is this immersive?Apprentices get a Skill badge when they test their understanding of each module with quizzesApprentices take both in real-life and virtual challenges through QuestChains so to get a PostCapitalist adventurer collectible. These challenges require the apprentice to generate a tangible impact in its community. Some examples of challenges are: Record yourself teaching two friends about the Commons, Research an urban commons in your region and post a half-page of it at your nearest bus stop, and plant a native fruit tree at your closes park. Apprentices and social media followers get Eureka moments through watching our mini videos that show the consequences of choosing capitalism or postcapitalism as ways of living.Context:We believe that urban commons combined with the power of cyber-physical organizations such as DAOs and the proper token engineering will efficiently run cities. A very early empiric experiment about this was run in 2018-2019 in the city of Chetumal. The result was getting 23 people from across the government, universities, NGOs, business chambers, and citizens coming up with projects to regenerate their city. However, coordination failed due to starting from a city perspective when neighborhoods had different interests, tech interfaces were difficult to use, and the team didn't have the proper knowledge, just the will.The lesson was learned and these people have gathered again, now with a greater understanding of urban commons, human coordination technologies, and matured networks of public good and crypto-commoning activists.🧠 Tell me more about the training contentThe training's content is based on the book "Free, Fair, and Alive" by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, and on personal experience engaging in DAOs and using blockchain4good dApps.The challenges within the episode start in the realm of understanding, reflecting, and becoming aware of the commoner inside each of us, then they advance into claiming, regenerating, and maintaining local public spaces as local urban DAOs that bootstrap local regenerative initiatives with the neighborhood and other local agents' support.As we are covering three niches (Policy makers, Entrepreneurs, and Urban activists) the challenges in each module will be several so apprentices can choose which one to solve based on their skills and interests. They will require to pass only one challenge per module, and one final graduation challenge. We believe in Open Knowledge. Thus, all the content created is being done using Creative Commons 4.0, meaning is free and for public access. The course will be available in the original language of the speaker with subtitles in English and Spanish.A SolarPunk styleInitially, Kin, the main SolarPunk character, will be focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean, however, the storyline will show in shadows other unrevealed characters that are doing the same in other parts of the world. The idea is that Urbánika's story and challenges call people to form a fandom. Social movements based on shared interests and fun have the power to quickly adopt new trends, which in this case is adopting regenerative and post-capitalistic lifestyles. We hope, that others can join us, create new characters, and spread the word of the commons!Kin, the SolarPunk agent sent by the Galactic Federation to accelerate the transition to a regenerative and post-capitalist society.🏆TeamThe team members are passionate activists from Mexico and Europe, with a digital and physical reputation track that has enabled them to have leading roles in innovative communities globally.Anna Kaic: Creative, storyteller, and marketeer. She designed and created Proof of Humanity’s walkthrough videos gathering thousands of subscribers in a few weeks as well as thousands of views per video. She has managed and strategized social media accounts of web 3 projects such as PoH, MetaGame, and the Crypto-Commons Association, as well as from traditional organizations such as Istria Wine, Faculty of Economics at Rijeka University, Airfood OÜ.Rodolfo Ramos: Instructional Designer at two top 10 universities in Mexico. He holds broad experience in working with telecommunications companies and crafting immersive audio-visual productions (including virtual reality) in both Mexico and Japan.Bernardo Fernandez aka BEF: Bef, is a Mexican writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer that has been awarded several prizes, including the Mexican Novelist Prize “Otra vuelta de tuerca”, the Grijalbo Prize, the Silverio Cañada Memorial Prize of “the Semana Negra de Gijón”, the Ignotus Prize of the Spanish Association of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror. His works have been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, and Mandarin.HBesso31.eth: Social entrepreneur leading this solarpunk and post-capitalistic training program. He has been experimenting with social participatory approaches since 2014 by founding and orchestrating P2P-based services. In Chetumal, he led the first iteration of regenerative city-making. Magna cum laude in both MSc and MA of eGovernance and public sector innovation from KU Leuven. Alumni of the Programa para el Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en América Latina, Trusted Seed of The Commons Stack, Hatcher of the Token Engineering Commons, Recruiter Champ in MetaGame, and Summoner of the UBI Blockchain Collective.B0gie: 3D designer and producer with more than 4 years of playing and researching 3D design. He is creating all the scenarios and avatars to display within the film series.Rok Kranjc: Game designer, researcher, and bridgebuilder between the now and a commons-based society.Ruslan Zolotarev: 3D artist and developer specializing in photo-scanning urban elements. Project manager, community teacher, virtual producer, and futuristic solarpunk.Pedro Mendoza: Animation engineer taking care of the 1st episode.David Bollier: Mentor and instructor of the Commons 101 course.💸 Budget Up to now, we have received around $10,000 in Gitcoin and $3,000 in Giveth. Additionally, we have put around $4,000 in cash from our budget, plus the work the team has provided without payment for already two months. The team has proven to be completely committed to propagating an alternative way of living, but we are running very low on our savings. Here is where you can make a huge difference. If you have arrived at this point, we ask you three simple things:Give a heart to our project. It makes our project go higher on the discovery page.Donate whatever you can. We are a verified project, and we are invested in turning your financial support into high impact.Share about Urbánika. Even a tweet saying: "Do you know about the immersive activism school of Urbánika? Check them out in @Givethio!" It makes a huge difference!!Complementarily we are putting in place an economic model to sustain our efforts.Our goal is to make the most impact possible, therefore Urbánika will invite those people that have the biggest potential to successfully apply the knowledge learned in our course to shape their local context.
Our limited attention is given to cohorts of 30 people. This is to ensure that the treatment and accompanying are extraordinary.
The cost of creating the course and providing so close attention is $15,000 in total or $500 per person (30 students).
🌻 So, what about the business model? Experimenting with regenerative and post-capitalistic ones!As we are focusing on creating open, free, and engaging educational content that accelerates societal’s transition to post-capitalism. We have been tinkering with potential ways to fund Urbánika's development. We have come up with the following:1️⃣ Value-aligned sponsorship. Urbánika will look for organizations or collectives that are willing to sponsor the student’s cost. The student can also decide to pay for its own cost.2️⃣ Value-aligned service offerings. From scripting to animating and video editing, we can help other mission-driven orgs narrate stories and educational content that helps in reaching a brighter, fairer, and safer future.3️⃣ Gift economy-based consultation hours. Our team's knowledge and experience are extended to support others.Our income surplus... Students, professors, and the Urbánika team will have governance rights on deciding where to allocate the following funds: *Urban Commons funding (40%). Financially support the emergence and consolidation of urban regenerative initiatives from the graduates of the course series.*Common-good emergence and consolidation (25%). Financially support common-good initiatives such as universal basic income, universal basic services, and others through Gitcoin, Giveth, and Goteo. *Workers' benefits (25%). Experiment with a post-capitalist economic model to sustain its purpose while taking care of its workers and supporting complementary value-aligned efforts. *Research, Development, and Knowledge Propagation (10%). Urbanika's purpose is to disseminate the knowledge and tools that facilitate our transition into a regenerative interplanetary species, for that we need to research, upskill, and experiment.Additionally, the students, professors, and the team will have governance rights on curating which content should be added or modified in the curricula, as well as in the creation of new courses.The funds coming from crypto are publicly available through analyzing the Urbanika.eth wallet. The funds coming in fiat are openly available through the Open Collective's report.Once we have a steady income, we will issue a consolidated report on how the funds are being managed.✅ Monitoring and Metrics:-Monitoring-Weekly Twitter threads on our progress so far.Monthly Twitter Spaces with the Crypto Commons Association where progress is shared in a Ask Me Anything (AMA) style.-Metrics-Main success indicator: Number of urban commons created across Latin America coming from the graduated apprentices.Secondary success indicators: Video content's number of views; Number of people finishing the exams; Number of people finishing the QuestChains' immersive challenges.⚖️ Legal setup & considerations for the projectThe equipment owned and content generated will be governed by its workers aka The Team through a legally recognized cyber physical org (Production Cooperative legally constituted in Chetumal, México with a digital twin as a DAO. The guild will be the main operator of the funds).The content will be created through Creative Commons 4.0.💖 Please support us with three quick things:A heart ♥ on the project,Donating to it,and sharing it wherever you can.These things will already be doing world-impact.
Gitcoin Grants Matching Pool
Kyle WWe’re on a mission to build an internet that is open source, collaborative, and economically empowering.We are creating community and infrastructure for Web 3 — a diverse range of tools, technologies, and networks that enable people to work for the open internet.By funding projects, building community, and making learning resources accessible, we are teaming up to create the digital public infrastructure of tomorrow.The objective of this grant is to help us Grow & Sustain Open Source with Gitcoin Grants. All funds will go directly to our matching pool!
Giveth House
Franco RuizWelcome to the Giveth House! 🦄A beautiful home, office, and community space located in Barcelona. The Giveth House has been available since 2017 to accommodate the greater Giveth community. When Giveth was founded in 2016, we knew it would be important to have a physical space to help facilitate the growth of Giveth. We also wanted the Giveth house to give the greater Web3 community a real location for events, gatherings, coworking, hack sessions and just a place to rest your weary head.Why Barcelona? Impassioned by first hand experiences of the Catalan struggle for independence, Giveth founders wanted to establish a local haven that represents freedom of thought and choice, and serve as a physical space to exercise that freedom. We are open to and inclusive of all walks of life that have equality, safety, comradery, freedom from tyranny, hierarchy and subservience in their philosophy. Until now we have sustained the Giveth House successfully through a revenue stream that has unfortunately recently diminished due to changes in the Ethereum network and market. We are asking for the support of the community at large to keep this wonderful IRL solar punk nexus alive!Centrally located near Plaça d'Espanya with easy access throughout the city and beach, the Giveth House welcomes anyone in the blockchain4good ecosystem who needs a place to stay, work or just hang out while in town. We want the space eventually to grow into an increasingly dynamic and regenerative locale where we can hold events for the different projects and become a strategic point to exchange ideas, create, and contribute to the community.Please support the Giveth House and help us maintain this gentle and warm, and open-door safe haven for the solar punk community that connects the greater Giveth ecosystem!
Joshua BateDeSciWorld is an early stage project that aims to bring the scientific research community and the decentralised crypto communities together; to foster the growth of DeSci as a culture and as an institution.DeSciWorld consists of four key parts:DeSciWorld Dashboard - a one-stop shop to gain an overview of the progress being made in the world of DeSci. Gain a quick one-page view of DeSci projects, interact with governance, discover events and more. P2P Funding - an experimental peer-to-peer research funding marketplace. Aspiring researchers can propose a study, experiment, partnership or grant application for a decentralised entity to fund and assist.NFT Showcase - in collaboration with NFTKey, DeSciWorld's NFT showcase hosts a curated selection of research-based visual media that encapsualtes the blend of science, art and positive action that the scientific community is crying out for.Community - lastly, but most importantly, DeSciWorld's community ecosystem aims to bring anyone with an interest in furthering innovation in the field of science together, regardless of their background or education status. The beating heart at the core of the project, the DeSciWorld community is a place to learn, share, engage and grow.DeSciWorld is the service arm associated with DeSciDAO, a treasury and an organisational entity.DeSciDAO will function principally as a growth treasury for the DeSci culture and ecosystem. Although it is possible the DeSciDAO will support proposed research grants in the community, our primary role is to foster peer-to-peer interactions and build the community infrastructure that will allow DeSci to flourish.Please join our Discord, register your interest through the membership form and join the conversation!Website:
Vivero is a Participatory Giving Trust and Cryptobridge
Todd Y.Vivero is a participatory giving trust and functional concept application developed in collaboration with the Earth Regenerators, Possible Planet, and Serve.You can join the app and participate at daily life, a Vivero is a tree or plant nursery where fragile seedlings and cuttings are propagated, protected, and nurtured until they are ready to be planted in their final habitat.In the Earth Regenerators network, Vivero serves as a community-funded treasury, enabling participatory budgeting and community-led giving and grantmaking toward individuals, fellowships, projects, and social enterprises.In 2021, the Earth Regenerators Fund was formed to do fundraising, participatory budgeting, and allocate grants. It's led us to understand what works, partner with a non-profit organization, Possible Planet, and resulted in the co-creation of Vivero – a new app to enable collective fund accounting and some social features to support and direct regenerative projects.What is the Earth Regenerators network?The Earth Regenerators network is an online community, rooted in the care and stewardship of Earth, working toward a global network of bioregional learning centers - what we lovingly call Ecoversities.How is it operating?As a legal structure and a fund, Vivero is a fiscal sponsorship of Possible Planet, a New Jersey registered 501(c)(3) organization focused on ecological stewardship and community resilience building, offering fiat donors in the United States potential tax deductions.How is it constructed?Vivero was built in collaboration with Serve Commons PBC, a public benefit company based in North Carolina, focused on trust technologies for community finance. Similar to a DAO, but built with "Web2" technologies, Serve helped construct Vivero as a desktop and mobile app (built with Glide) to organize the community around focus areas, nominate potential beneficiaries, and keep track of accounting for the fund. Contributions to the shared treasury are facilitated by Stripe and OpenCollective and integrated into the application for transparency. As fiscal host, Possible Planet acts as trustee, managing funds on behalf of the Earth Regenerators network.How is Vivero a cryptobridge?What makes Vivero unique is its relationship to digital tokens (also called cryptocurrencies). By leveraging a community investment (staking) position as a ground layer for our grantmaking pool and community treasury, we are able to recreate the dynamics of an endowment fund, which typically relies on public market investments to grow capital. It is this dynamic that allows Vivero to be regenerative - growing within and alongside the crypto-economic systems through reciprocity and the creation of mutual benefits.By offering a fiat onboarding via Stripe, and directing contributions (in part) to a crypto-backed treasury, we are able to expand web3 benefits to an audience that may have otherwise never heard of crypto, opening the door to curiosity.As a crypto-native treasury, Vivero grows through the collection, re-stake, and eventual gift of tokens. Currently, we are using the $REGEN token, on the Cosmos network, and of course $GIV.Learn more about Vivero from the Earth Regenerators at
Meta Gamma Delta 1M Fund for Women in Web3
Kseniya LifanovaTaking a comprehensive approach to women-led initiatives: inspiring women to enter our world and making space for what they bring! A public good. We are seeking 10 partners at $100,000 each to form a $1M fund. Smaller donations are also welcome. We can begin formative work on the project with as a little as $25,000.Meta Gamma Delta has a track record of giving grants to women-led projects in Web3 since its summoning at ETHDenver in 2019. This is a $1M fund to expand that effort: at the heart of it, if we want to empower women by supporting their initiatives, we're going to need to open the door to more women. We propose to create an end-to-end solution that attracts more women into the space, creates opportunities for them to succeed and opens the way for the blossoming of the ecosystem. We see this as an essential public good. After all, the best solutions to the widest problem set will come from diverse people and perspectives. It's not only how you coordinate, but who's in the room when you do.We believe that to really move the needle, we need an end-to-end solution:Find potential new talent, and knock down their barriers to entryProvide robust educational opportunities through scholarships with major educational partners. (In 2021, Consensys provided scholarships for 10 Meta Gamma Delta members to Consensys Developer Bootcamp, an inspiring model.)Create or partner on a basic income program that supports women while they are gaining skills and onboarding (3-6 months for women who are accepted into the program).Provide mentorship and other resources from Meta Gamma Delta and partners.Through these partnerships and our network, help with job placement upon completion of the program.Continue to support women-led initiatives and startups, creating a wider footprint by actively sourcing more projects through hackathons and by other means.MGD has been an all-volunteer operation. To deliver on a project of this magnitude, we will need to conduct a discovery phase, create paid workstreams, recruit skilled workers and create a pilot program to test the concept:Create a pilot program for 3-5 women for the first round of the programPartnership developmentProgram development: develop structure around the path from onboarding through education to job placement or startup initiative, and create paths for developers as well as some specific non-technical paths in areas of need for the ecosystem: marketing, project management, business development, etc.Recruiting program including incentives and bounties, actively identifying good candidates from traditional companies, educational institutions, or related fields, and attracting them to apply.Documentation of all of the above, with detailed milestones and budget for successive phases.Success metrics and questionnaires for an ongoing assessment of the program.Evaluate and apply innovative compensation models and universal basic income programsWe expect to spend about $25,000 to create a roadmap, including detailed budget and milestones, and also to set up key partnerships in this phase. Based on that, we can run a pilot program onboarding 3-5 women. We expect to produce results from that program that can be further iterated by others, and we would use that information to inform the further expansion of the program to more women. This will be the most comprehensive diversity initiative we know of to date in Ethereum and the DAO space.About the TeamThough we are seeking funds to build a new program, this may partially be considered retroactive public goods funding. We have a track record as an early, inclusive and well-regarded Moloch DAO supporting women. We hold monthly calls that cover a wide range of topics from learning about DeFi protocols such as Aave, to discussing legal issues in the DAO space, and even sharing PR tips to get more awareness for your project. We’ve provided grants to DeFi dapps such as Good Ghosting, publications like The Defiant, and art initiatives like DADA collective.We currently have about 80 members: web3 entrepreneurs, developers, experts, and educators. We have the capacity to provide meaningful mentorship in various aspects of Ethereum. Meta Gamma Delta members are accomplished in their areas of expertise.Partnerships are essential to this initiative, gathering assistance from all quarters, but also - importantly - enabling other DAOs, companies, and entities to collaborate on this major public good. In particular, we propose to partner with other DAOs to fill out the workstreams. We will need a variety of people to design and implement this ambitious program. We may look to Raid Guild cohorts, Metagame, Padawan DAO, and others - and create not only workstreams for their members but also a meaningful trade of value in terms of mentorship and opportunity.If funded for a minimum of $25,000, our first task will be to convene a working group of 5-10 MGD members to jumpstart this initiative. We will engage with other diversity initiatives such as Panvala’s Women-Led Coalition and Jovian to inform the development of this work.The timeline should be about a year, with the first three months dedicated to mapping out the rest. We will make all of our work products public and accessible so others may track our progress and copy our models as desired.We made a proposal to MolochDAO to be a cornerstone partner in this major initiative. Have questions? Want to partner? We'd love to chat with you.TwitterDiscord
Eco Moyo Education Centre
Max BuserEco Moyo Education CentreA modern school in a rural villageOur school is located in Dzunguni village, outside Kilifi town - 2 hours north of Mombasa. Thanks to creative and generous individuals, we have built a unique school which is farm based on sustainable design were we catch and store rainwater, use solar power for our energy needs and compost our waste. Vision - Increase the quality of life for underprivileged children in Kenya through education Mission - Provide free, primary education for all children in Nzunguni village What does Eco Moyo mean? Eco is short for Ecology (the scientific study of interactions among organisms and their environment). Moyo means heart in Swahili. The name Eco Moyo therefore, refers to showing love for our environment.About Eco MoyoEco Moyo Education Centre is a private primary school, located 2 hours north of Mombasa, in a rural area called Ezamoyo. We follow the national curriculum and are registered with the Kenyan Private School Association. Our teachers are certified by national standards and registered with The Teachers Service Commission.As of 2022, 240 students from Dzunguni village receive free education. All students are provided with the following:- Nutritious porridge for breakfast- Uniforms and PE Kits- Textbooks and all school material neededOur ten acre plot includes the following facilities: Nine classrooms, four school toilets, sports field, office and storage room, staff room, school kitchen, eight staff units for our teachers and a dormitory for 12 students from Mombasa (where we originally started the project). We are planning to construct more classrooms, a computer room and develop school gardens as well as improve outdoor learning areas.
Unchain Fund
Alex CasasUnchain is a charity project created by blockchain activists – open to everyone.With your support we can quickly raise and distribute money to the people of Ukraine – to where they need it the most.We are urgently raising funds for the support of the Ukrainian people - supporting effective NGO's doing work on the ground right now.These NGOs include:Voices of ChildrenVostok SOSProject C.U.R.EInternational Medical CorpsPeople In NeedPolish Centre for International AidWe are consulting with the community for further effective NGOs to support. These will be decided by the community.Our larger goal is to help Ukraine become the country it deserves to be: peaceful, successful, substantive, friendly, educated, and free.Let’s unchain the real power of blockchain for the good.Our goal is to break the chain of war and scatter its links far away from each other. So that they could never meet again.Our main method of fundraising is through the sale of NFTs. These can be purchased or you can make a simple donation.Important! We don’t raise money for weapons. We raise money for medicine, evacuation and repair needs, food and clothes. Our priority is to help civilians.Let’s break this chain together.FAQHow do I know funds will make it to the organizations listed?All donations garnered go to a multi-signature wallet before being distributed to our chosen effective organizations.Each signatory to this wallet are active in the larger cryptosphere and have made their wallet addresses public. All transactions are publicly readable on the blockchain here.Only after a majority of signatories sign a transaction can funds be moved. This is an extra measure of security against rugpulls and bad actors.How were the NGO's chosen?NGO's were chosen based on the following guidelines:1. Must be local, have history of working in Ukraine, or preparing for refugee support2. Must be focused on non-military aid3. Highly rated by Charity Watch and Charity Navigator, or strongly vetted4. Recently activeNGO's will still be decided by community vote.I have a question / how can I get involved?Join us on our Discord server here.
Safe Internet Usage For Farsi Speakers
Coiniran FarsiGlobal sanctions and internet censorship for Persian-speaking blockchain activists.The Persian blockchain and crypto community has been going through difficult times lately.Persian-speaking blockchain activists haven’t accessed training courses, the community is now in dire straits, along with disruptions to global networks and strict internet censorship in Iran.Global sanctions and internet censorship in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan have not only deprived activists of up-to-date blockchain and Web3 knowledge in these countries, but have further isolated them and prevented them from communicating with global experts.The risk of being arrested and imprisoned Persian-speaking activists in this field. They have been repeatedly accused of conducting dubious economic activities due to the Iranian government's ignorance of cryptocurrencies, so the risk of being arrested and imprisoned also threatens them.Such a circumstance has constrained active members of the community to emigrate or cease their activities. Also, it must be noted that immigration is a very complicated task for most individuals, due to the low monetary value and low validity of the passport.What had we done? CoinIran is the first Persian blockchain and crypto website which launched as a non-profit group in 2014 to empower the Persian-speaking community. Over the past few years, we have been translating, writing, and publishing thousands of articles, creating hundreds of videos and podcasts, and conducting numerous research and training projects to achieve this goal, and this path will go on.What do we need to do? According to the portrayed conditions, CoinIran will enlist your help to take effective measures in line with its main goals, overcome language barriers and technological obstacles, and support the activities and growth of the Persian-speaking community. We are seeking funding or other forms of support to successfully implement the program below. The most important measures we want to take:Providing dedicated VPNs to bypass filtering and censorship.Educating the strategies for keeping up the security of assets.Making instructional videos on safe and secure internet usagePrivacy oriented educational materialWe are also open to suggestions and intellectual assistance of any kind. Do not hesitate to send us your ideas to improve the situation of the Persian-speaking community.We will regularly update you on the project, and share a draft for iterations.Some update On 07-Mar-2023We have been translating, writing, and publishing thousands of articles, creating hundreds of videos and podcasts, and conducting numerous research and training projects to achieve this goal, and this path will go on.Such as:1-For anyone who needed it, we provided trusted VPNs to bypass filtering and censorship.2-Hold workshops on “layer two platforms” and introduced “Metaverse and NFT” in the first Iran Mobile Congress.3-Translating and publishing books:The bullish case for BitcoinThe little Bitcoin bookInventing BitcoinBitcoin money: a tale of Bitville discovering good money4-Research about Iranian cryptocurrency Exchange Benchmark in order to choose the best and safest exchange: English Report: texts about blockchain solutions that can be used in Iran into Persian (such as blockchain applications in healthcare, education, the oil and gas industry, banking, intellectual property protection, financial services, voting elections, agriculture and logistics). 7-Research about the blockchain ecosystem and Coinmap in Iran (the network of all the participants in the blockchain network that share the business process and business objectives) that will be published in a month.
BrightID Proof of Uniqueness
Han HegemanBrightID lets all sorts of applications make sure their users don't have multiple accounts so that everyone has a fair share and a better experience.It solves the unique identity problem through the creation and analysis of a social graph. BrightID works by creating a social identity network that allows people to prove to applications that they aren’t using multiple accounts. By using a social graph of connections BrightID can prove uniqueness without disclosing a large amount of privacy details as found in all sorts of KYC procedures.Thus BrightID enables new experimental currencies, voting systems, benefit programs, and all sorts of other projects for which it's essential that no one gets to create multiple accounts. As all users have their own unique BrightID.
Ronald SteyerEmpower the positive side of the Blockchain force and help to co-create THE vibrant platform for impact DLT in the webiverse!PositiveBlockchain's mission is building the web of knowledge and collaboration for technology and social impact enthusiasts willing to leverage blockchain technologies for the U.N. SDGs.PositiveBlockchain is a network of volunteer professionals that curates an open source database and knowledge platform, actively building a community that explores and promotes the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact. The database currently lists more than 1,100 projects and startups using blockchain technologies for good causes. PositiveBlockchain is a contribution-based non-profit organization based in Paris and active worldwide.To further improve the database for actuary networking and research, we are working with international organizations and prestigious universities to build a common database that will reach a new level in terms of quality. We are expanding our network with partners in France and Cameroon to also put further maintenance of the database on a new basis. Your support allows us to obtain professional assistance in a few tasks for these activities. If further funds become available, we will invest them in the educational activities and the further expansion of the network, especially in Africa.
1Hive Gardens
Paul Glavin🌱 Gardens is a 1Hive initiative to create a template for public communities to coordinate shared resources from the bottom-up, essentially taking the best lessons learned from the 1Hive community and allowing any DAO to implement them in a plug-and-play fashion. With Gardens, anyone can set up a DAO in minutes, leveraging Conviction Voting, a Community Covenant, and the Celeste arbitration protocol, while also getting the network effects of joining a community of quickly blooming Gardens DAOs.We're accepting Giveth donations to help fund the continued development and support of our platform.Gardens is committed to providing a free, open-source token governance model to any organization that can benefit from it. Currently, we are sustainably funded through the 1Hive community, but we’d like to use Giveth both as a way to get more visibility and as a way for supporters to show their appreciation for Gardens while also earning GIVbacks 🙂Helpful Links:Our WikiDiscordTwitterOur Futurespective
ReVillaging Mutual Mentorships Program
Nodes n Nomads TTPThe Revillaging Mutual Mentorships Program is one of the many projects within the Diamante Bridge Collective. Designed by Dani Bellavita to further the work of “ReInhabiting the Village” book project, the mentorship program provides an environment in which individuals can openly support each other in re-creating themselves within a village context. We can only truly reinhabit the village once we have revillaged the inhabitants!'This is not your typical “Master/Apprentice” dynamic.We are connecting young minds and talent with opportunities to intimately study community life by taking on new roles and responsibilities where there is an experienced mentor to coach and review their work in a new area, and! The mentor is also here to learn new tools, gain fresh insights, and receive feedback from alternate perspectives, honoring that everyone has a gift to share and a voice in choosing their path. As ReVillagers we are all mentors, learning together in mutual respect about both new and ancient tools that may be implemented to help those who come after us.Our collective attracts individuals who both have mastery in their own field and seek mastery in another. These individuals would normally find their current skills used within existing extractive systems, limiting their potential for self-discovery and growth while becoming part of a machine which has proven to cause harm to our planet and imbalance within our society. The aim of the Mutual Mentorship program is to liberate willing souls from that reality and harness their skills for the good of all: to practice and share the wisdom and tools necessary for living in community and raising a village. We offer multiple mentorship opportunities: each program led by a different mentor, each sharing their own unique skill sets. Our programs cover the key skill sets that are necessary for life in a thriving village community. Returning to the Village is about creating healthy regenerative systems on all levels of life, from the smallest microorganisms in the soil, to the roadways and waterways, to the youth and the elders and people within our local community and amongst our vast global community network. It is about the inner work, knowing thyself, as much as it is about “all our relations”, plant, animal, and human.The Revillaging Mutual Mentorship Program is a holistic approach to all aspects of a healthy life and community, and its intention is to train 3 community members for 3 roles necessary for the next phase of our evolution. In the process, we create regenerative livelihoods that value the wisdom, experience and contributions of those holding stewardship positions with the DBC.All donations to this project are used to pay housing and living expenses for the mutual mentorship participants and recipients of scholarships to this program.🎊 2023 Cohort B Mentors 🎉Cohort A (completed 2022):This pilot of the program was a 3 month long Mutual Mentorship journey led by one of the DBC co-founders Dani Bellavita. The journey focused on training Cohort participants (Krista, Lala & Nikola) to fulfill specific roles newly created and very much needed within the ever-expanding Diamante Bridge Collective community. Please check out past updates on the project listing at for a record of the experience.Program Structure:Our Mentorship programs start at 3 months and can last up to 12 months and include room and board. The first phase of the program is a one-month orientation period. Upon successful completion of the orientation phase, the participant will commence into the second phase, which is a 3-month internship (the first month having already been completed). Upon successful completion of the 3-month internship, we will celebrate as the participant graduates into entering the full Apprenticeship phase of the program, which means completing an additional 9 months. Upon successful completion of the 12-month program, the participant will be prepared and equipped to enter into long-term community life at one of the associated land nodes, should they wish to do so. As part of our program, they will have the opportunity to join our extensive network of communities affiliated with the Diamante Bridge Collective, located within Costa Rica and also internationally. Each community in our network offers a different flavor, style, and structure, and it’s important for individuals to find the place which is the best fit for their needs and values.From a perspective of growing community and roles to be taken, this mentorship program is focused on specific roles within the developing structure, and aims to establish functioning systems for our Collective. 12 months marks the completion of a natural solar cycle. Following this model, we see that 12 months is the necessary amount of time required for an individual to integrate deeply into a new way of living. Participants of the Program:Our mentorship program is aimed primarily at integrating individuals into community life and filling future roles that will be necessary for a healthy, fast-growing, and sustainable community. It also prepares individuals to bridge the world of Crypto Economies with life on the ground working in harmony with our Earth and teaches them how to use this resource to further restore and protect our land. The goal of the program is the transmission of knowledge and wisdom from senior members of the community to the youth. This allows us to bridge the generations and ensures that the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of experience is passed down to ensure the success, health, and empowerment of future generations.Cohorts are selected based on their skills and ability to live in harmony, be diplomatic, open and who exhibit strong communication and connection skills. They are eager to learn, expand, and eventually, to also pass on their wisdom to the next Cohort. They also act as a learning tool for Elder members, allowing both to share their unique abilities with one another and to help the Mentor hone their teaching skills. Sponsoring Mentorship Program Participants:Those who choose to sponsor this program are helping to empower a group of community-oriented individuals who will then carry the wisdom and tools they need to create and connect communities wherever they are. Together, we can liberate a generation from life in individual-centric jobs which only succeed in further reducing our resources. Funding requested:US $3600 per person per 3 months (there are 3 spots/roles available)Funding will be used towards several aspects of the program: “For most of human history we have lived as Villagers… Yet, in a matter of a few generations, much of the world’s populace has become imbalanced and disconnected from our environment and from each other, and we are seeing the ramifications of this disconnection across all spectrums of life...We as a species live at a critical crossroads, a time in which the impacts of our past and the potential of our future intersect. A time in which the choices each one of us make every day, and the decisions we collectively agree to influence, create a legacy for future generations.”- Excerpt from ReInhabiting the Village: CoCreating our future, by Jamaica StevensYou can learn more about our collective here: don't forget to follow us on Twitter
Kyle SmithSupport codeslaw public goods! This project gives out grants for codeslaw public goods & services.LexDAO is the International Legal Engineers Guild.why donate?Donating will support our maximally-Web3-prosocial community focus:help build powerful open source public goods (Wrappr, LexLocker, etc.)help offer invaluable-yet-affordable public good services (LexClinic, cryptolaw advocacy, etc.)opportunitiesCheck out our Lexdaoism Substack for industry leading articles and monthly updates about our public good projects.Please join our server to chat about or get involved in cryptolaw and legal engineering!Please think about becoming a member, especially if you're a cryptolawyer or legal engineer.For the law students out there, our Clinic has a lot of practical Web3 educational and excellent networking opportunities. We use a student + supervisor model common to law school clinics. Please onboard here. legal engineeringLegal engineering is a mixed-specialty profession. The profession has emerged as one of the important highly-skilled trades newly catalyzed by Web3 technology. Legal engineers deal with financial markets, organizational structures, IP/assets and many other fundamental ways society functions at scale.Legal engineers find themselves at the most basic plumbing level of Web3 protocol development: code-is-law infraFor instance, legal engineer Nick Szabo invented smart contract technology and so is arguably the grandfather of Bitcoin. Moreover, legal engineer and SGML inventor Charles Goldfarb is the grandfather of the Internet.
Ethereum Medellin
Mateo DazaETHMedellín is a casual Ethereum week after Devcon with many distributed events happening around the city and a central co-working space where the community can reunite and collaborate. Think of it as a festival of different side events in the City of ETHernal Spring 🌸🦜Community & Co-working:We will have a central co-working space where the community can reunite and collaborate. Spaces with a friendly atmosphere for those arriving from the Devcon.Crypto-Art:Tokenomeno will be the First Crypto-Art Festival in the city,
This set of events brings together in the framework of Eth Medellin artistic groups such as: Enefty, Bloque79, NFT's Latinoamérica, Platohedro, Casa 3B.
You will meet the most active Crypto - art community of the city.Talent MatchA space where the community will have the opportunity to meet with potential employees, projects and startups that are building the future of the web, creating new connections with all those who are part of the ecosystem.
Expedition Grundeinkommen
Joy PonaderWe’re testing universal basic income!More and more people feel that universal basic income could be really good for our society. We think so too. Universal basic income has been a hot topic recently. There are pilot experiments, trial models and field studies in model regions. Let’s finally give it a try – a scientifically sound and ambitious governmental universal basic income trial!We are a non-profit organization, founded by Joy and Laura in spring 2019, with a team of 16 people and a crowd of supporters all over Germany. We understand unconditional basic income as the basis for a new social contract for the 21st century.We are starting an attempt, which is unique in the world, to initiate a public experiment for an unconditional basic income with the help of a referendum (“Volksbegehren”) in Berlin.
Web3beach accelerating web3 adoption in LatAm
Carlos MelgarMost people think web3 is about speculating on tokens to grow your capital. This causes people in communities where web3 education and adoption is most needed and has most potential for impact to overlook the tech's potential. We're onboarding people to web3 through "Impact Onboarding"; social and environmental impact events that make a tangible difference in our community.Proof of Impact Community members who participate in our "Impact Onboarding" events earn income, and accumulate NFTs to represent their Proof of Impact. Members will use these tokens to govern our programs, future projects, and expansion and access other perks through 3rd parties, such as discounts on products and services.Services already being offered to our communityDiversity, Equity, Inclusion - We are creating adoption in historically marginalized communities, empowering these communities to participate in the web3 ecosystem and benefit from their work in public goods.Mental Health services Offering therapy for Honduran buidlers having difficulties during these market conditionsKids web3 education Reading nights with families and art sessions that get turned into NFTsEnvironmental Impact Weekly "Impact Onboarding" beach clean upsSocial Impact Training local teachers in Emergency First Response because we don't have hospitals or ambulances on our island:Mini Grants ProgramGrantees must have participated in previous social and environmental impact events to apply for their own Public Goods initiatives on the islandProgram Expansions We have plans to expand our programs to neighboring islands and mainland Honduras. We're confident this project can help protect the environment while improving the quality of life for many. Ultimately we'd like to create a model anyone can copy and paste anywhere in the world to benefit their local environment, economy, and the lives of their community.
Coletivo XV
Vlad NikoIt is a movement that was born spontaneously through the union of skaters who were in the city center, mainly in Praça XV. Due to the repression of the municipal guard that limited the practice of skateboarding in public squares, there was a need to organize, question the ban and, above all, speak out in favor of freeing up the public spaces. Due to the need to communicate with the government in a formal and representative way, we founded the Associação Cultural do Skate. From then onwards, the activities unfolded into social actions, film screenings, musical presentations and art exhibitions related to skateboarding culture held at Praça XV, in cultural centers and museums. Nowadays, it is a cultural group that moves and forms partnerships with institutions, other collectives and brands.Coletivo XV is a non-profit organization that need funds to continue making the social difference through skateboarding culture.This was our last event funded by Skatehive community on Hive and LBRY Blockchain:This is our website -> (under construction)Reach us at ->
ReFi Spring
ReFi SpringLet’s make ReFi accessible for all! Introduction It’s not a moment; it’s the movement. The ReFi Movement, to be specific. ReFi Spring is a nonprofit team working to enable global IRL ReFi events to create new communities in the ReFi ecosystem. We do this by providing free, accessible, full-range event support services and educational content, including: Event Toolkit: This toolkit contains all the information event organizers need to run a successful ReFi event, including event frameworks, marketing materials, tips for press engagement, workshop plans, and more. Event Funding: Every ReFi event can apply for event funding; however, our funding criteria is weighted towards supporting events by and for marginalized communities. We recognize the importance of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental values supporting the healthy growth of the ReFi ecosystem. Marketing Support: We activate our global community to advertise and attend ongoing ReFi events. ReFi Spring also provides event organizers with marketing support to make promoting their events as easy as possible. Intro to ReFi Course: ReFi Spring is currently curating an “Intro to ReFi” online learning course for new and native audiences to understand and engage in the ReFi ecosystem. We offer all of the above and so much more.Check out our Global Sponsorship Deck for more details and get to know our team here. Why ReFi Spring is doing this At the edges of our imagination lies a regenerative economy, a financial system that serves humanity and our collective home. Within web3, the ReFi movement aims to cultivate this vision within a new economic system. ReFi Spring exists to support its emergence across a rich diversity of global networks. Project Update and Roadmap In 4 months, 50+ event organizers have applied to ReFi Spring to receive event support. ReFi Spring funds 22 events in 2022 and 30 in 2023. At the moment our team has far more events applying for funding than we can support with our current budget. These events will take place across a diverse range of locations, including but not limited to: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Suriname, Uganda, Kenya, Australia, Peru, France, Germany, India, USA, Cameroon, Canada, UK, New Zealand, and Singapore. Ways your funding would support the ReFi Movement. More information Thank you for your support and for being part of this movement! There’s never been a more vital need to regenerate the Earth. Join ReFi Spring on Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram for ongoing updates. We welcome you to check out our website, attend a nearby ReFi event, and sign up to be notified when our Intro to ReFi course goes live.
GRACEaid Earthquake relief
Andreas PapazidisGRACEaid fundraising to support earthquake relief in Turkey & Syria...Early Monday morning, on the 6th Feb, a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck the region around Gaziantep, Turkey and north-west Syria. This was followed by an aftershock of 7.5 later in the day, causing further devastation. At the time of writing, the death toll is estimated at more than 15,000 and continues to rise.Rescuers dig through rubble in snow and freezing temperatures to search for survivors. In Syria, the situation is exacerbated by a lack of infrastructure and an ongoing cholera outbreak after more than a decade of uprising and conflict.In recent years, North-West Syria has become one of the hardest places to reach with only one aid corridor from Turkey. Gaziantep, at the quake’s epicentre, is an important UN aid hub for northern Syria and the earthquake has disrupted the vital flow of cross-border aid.GRACEaid is launching this appeal to support two established and experienced NGOs providing assistance in Turkey and Syria: Ahbap and Molham Team to provide immediate humanitarian needs and the necessities they lack to lessen suffering in aftermath.Photograph: Gaziantep, Turkey: Anadolu Agency/Getty ImagesAbout GRACEaidAlerted by the suffering of everyday people, arriving on the shores of Greece fleeing war and persecution and the terrible conditions in the infamous Calais Jungle, GRACEaid grew from a grassroots community effort in south-east London in 2015, providing basic daily necessities,such as clothing, food and shelter.GRACEaid has helped thousands of people get access to basic supplies when they need it most; both internationally and at the heart of the local community.GRACEaid now has an established presence in the local community running a community shop and warehouse to support people displaced by war, persecution and trafficking.Thanks to the Giveth platform, GRACEaid was an early adopter in the use of crypto for fundraising by humanitarian aid charities and NGOs. A registered charity in the UK, GRACEaid has harnessed the compassion and support of the London community and donors globally.Thank-you for your support!
Osmotic Funding
Sem 🐝Osmotic Funding is a protocol built on top of Conviction Voting to create and regulate project funding streams based on the interest a community has in them. Community preference is revealed continuously, since tokenholders are able to change their stake at any moment.It allocates funds to initiatives from a pool of tokens over time based on the votes they receive from a governance token holder community. This way the community can signal along all the time which are their preferences. The rate at which each project is funded is determined by the staked amount and the available funds. The rate variations are smoothed over time to avoid high rate variations and offer stability to the projects.It won two sponsor prices in ETHOnline 2021: MakerDAO - 1st Place and Superfluid - Best Coordination Mechanics. The current state of the project is a prototype, and we would like to develop an MVP to do our first pilot.Important: We prefer people to donate through the xdai chain, we will only be able to use the mainnet funds by deploying a gnosis safe there.
The Giveth Community of Makers
Lauren LuzWhat is Giveth?Giveth is a community focused on Building the Future of Giving using blockchain technology. Our intention is to support and reward the funding of public goods by creating open, transparent and free access to the revolutionary funding opportunities available within the Ethereum ecosystem. Read more in our docs! What is is the free, open-source, and decentralized application for peer-to-peer donations that you are using right now. 💜 allows anyone to open crypto funding portals by creating projects for their for-good initiatives on our DApp. Donors can choose from a wide range of projects that run the gambit on for-good ventures - feeding the homeless, funding open-source software, saving the environment. Projects can be made in minutes, Donors can make contributions in seconds! Currently, is available on Ethereum Mainnet and xDai Network.How are donations being used?Donations such as yours are our primary source of funding and are deeply appreciated! Donations to will help our team continue to expand our community support and outreach, onboard more designers and developers, and fund the UI/UX overhauls coming soon to our DApps. Some of our main near-term goals are the integration of with our original DApp Giveth TRACE, and the launch of our new governance system using 1hive Gardens.FYI: is part of the Panvala League, so donations in $PAN earn donation matching thanks to Panvala!How can you get in touch?Your questions, suggestions and feedback are needed to guide the team in deciding what features and functionality to build next. Check out our Support Page and our Join Page for ways to contribute, learn or join our thriving community. Let us welcome you personally to the Future of Giving!
AmwFund Bringing Web3 to Public Education
AmwFund AmwFundBringing Web3 to Public Education🌱EIN 81-2138952ABOUTAmwFund is the digital asset fundraising ecosystem that supports the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) at AM Winn ek-8 Public Waldorf School in Sacramento, CA. The PTO, also called the Guild, is a registered 501 (c)(3) non-profit and our school's primary fundraising entity. We accept digital assets via a variety of open source software platforms and distributed ledger technologies to access & participate in the Internet of Giving and Blockchain4Good.🎓 AM Winn serves primarily low-income and otherwise disadvantaged communities as a Title I public school💸 Utilizing digital asset donations, OSS platforms, DLT Tech & Developer collaborations to Bridge the GapWeb: https://www.amwwaldorf.orgTwitter: PROJECTSGitcoin GR14 :: NFT Education - FRACTIONALIZE :: Craig AndersonToken Engineering Commons :: Commons Stack :: Giveth :: Gitcoin :: KernelTwitter @crayan17
NFTP Rainbow Rolls
Rainbow RollsRainbow Rolls is an NFT for Public Goods project that wipes away medical debt, one sheet at a time!The Majority of proceeds go to: Gitcoin, Giveth, and RIP Medical Debt.For every Rainbow Roll that you mint:Total = 0.1337 ETHGiveth: 0.02206 ETHGitcoin: 0.02206 ETHRIP Medical Debt: 0.02674 ETHDonation DAO: 0.01337Team: 0.04011Marketing: 0.00936 ETHLet's zoom in on our non-Web3-partner, RIP Medical Debt. For every $1 they receive they can wipe about $100 worth of medical debt away, so at the time of writing this, for every Rainbow Roll you mint, RIP Medical Debt will receive ~$124 which enables them to wipe about $12,400 worth of medical debt. You could (and should) donate to them directly through their Giveth page, but if you'd like a cute NFT for your donation, head to and mint yourself a Rainbow Roll (🌈, 🧻)Follow us on Twitter: @Rainbow_RollsMint Rainbow Rolls at NFTP.FunJoin our Discord: Community
Free Solidity Development Course in Farsi
Shayan EskandariUpdate: Over 20 hours of our Solidity course is now online for free and has more than 30,000 views just on youtube: are working on the next cohort for Winter 2023. -------------------Dear Friends, in these past few months we have embarked on an unbelievable and extraordinary journey! Thanks to your support, we were able to educate over 500 Farsi speaking people about blockchain and smart contract coding (Solidity). Over a year ago, seven different women (now Women in Blockchain Farsi) living in different parts of the world heard about a scholarship for the ConsenSys Academy smart contract development course for Farsi-speaking women. This opportunity, organized by the non-profit educational organization “CoinIran”’s founder Bahar and Women in Blockchain’s Founder Thessy Mehrain (also ½ Iranian), was designed to teach all the fundamentals of smart contract development. All seven women who applied for this program successfully graduated the course.This indeed was huge for us. Participating in an international course, coming from Iran, enabled us to overcome some of the everyday challenges imposed on Iranian society. Words cannot describe how grateful we are for this opportunity! This opened new doors in the world of decentralized technology and blockchain. We were able to take on freelance coding projects and even participate in hackathons! Now we want to help others do the same and here is why:There is a general lack of resources and educational content in the native language of these regions, posing major obstacles to Farsi speaking communities when it comes to accessing finance and decentralized technology. The Farsi-speaking community has a population of more than 120 million, located in West Asia in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and Iran. Recently, the Taliban government in Afghanistan has banned all girls from schools and has even closed universities. Moreover, heavy sanctions imposed on Iranian citizens has limited them from accessing most social media platforms via geoblocking and even blocking educational platforms, in this way making it difficult to gain access to accurate and up to date education content. Last year, we created the smart contract development forum to share and build on the knowledge we acquired through this course and participating in hackathons. The forum grew fast and is now an active platform for Farsi speaking community consisting of over 550 members. We also taught a Smart Contract course in the summer of 2021. The request for participation in this course exceeded the capacity of the class with 150 applicants. However, given the limited volunteer labour and resources, we only accepted 35 eligible students. The course was co-founded and instructed by Women in Blockchain Farsi, and mentored by Shayan Eskandari. The course ran for 3 months and featured more than 40 hours of online classes and technical articles. In this course, students were first introduced to the basic concepts of blockchain and Ethereum, and were taught all the technical skills needed to develop smart contracts and decentralized applications. Thanks to the endless labour of our volunteers, the course was well received by students. We had a diverse range of students, even as young as 13 years old! Our graduates received their special POAP developer certification.A few testimonials from the graduates of the summer course: though the course ended in September 2021, our work here isn’t done, we need your support!In this year’s ConsenSys Academy Ethereum developer bootcamp, we were able to sponsor 65 Farsi speaking individuals (45 from Iran and 20 from Afghanistan). Unfortunately, the course abruptly ended for most of our students due to unknown legal issues regarding their jurisdiction. Even though this was a hard blow for both our students and mentors, we managed to pick up the pieces and move forward. We are determined to continue spreading smart contract development education and teaching valuable skills to foster autonomy and grant access to decentralized finance. Latest update: Our Gitcoin grant also was suspended due to the "jurisdiction" of our students!!Please support us in our mission! Not only will your funds help ensure that our volunteers get fairly compensated for the hard labour they put into managing and maintaining this course, but it will also help ensure that the course content and materials stay accessible and free to everyone!Let’s build a more equitable future by ensuring that everyone - regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, and geographical location - can benefit from blockchain. ----------Here's the Women in Blockchain Farsi team:
Life - New Creation Association
Marko PrljicMissionOur mission is to promote and encourage joyful and happy living through spiritual abundance. We do that by helping individuals raise self-awareness and consciousness in all aspects of their lives. How to bring your life into a state of spiritual and material abundance in your daily activities? How to contribute to the spread of love among people through achieved spiritual well-being?Our activitiesteaching through workshops, lectures, and seminarsorganize scientific and professional seminarsorganize cultural events and exhibitions of works by members from the field of their activitypublishing books and magazinesCurrently seeking donations for:financially supporting the treatment of a very young girl with sever disabilities and ongoing multiple surgeries, Iva Simacsupporting education and personal growth of three young kids in Africa, Kaisalija, Zayane and FareesFor more details please read our Updates.
Mutual Aid and Civil Defense by Cut The Plastic
Cut The PlasticMutual Aid and Civil Defense with Cut The Plastic EMS- stems from a series of groups that provide food, clothing and jobs for housing insecure people in the Denver Metropolitan area. We take food that would be destined for the landfill and divert it so that housed and unhoused members of the community have access to home cooked nutritional meals, clean drinking water, laundered clothing and personal hygiene needs. Residents volunteer at food banks; collect bruised, damaged or "expired' food from grocery stores; transfer it to people who cook meals in their homes and take it to public spaces to provide safe spaces for people to eat. We collect and purchase sustainable containers for storing drinking water reducing reliance of plasticized water, provide permanent (not disposable) plates and silverware that is washed after each meal and work with laundry services to ensure that people without housing have access to fresh laundry.Additionally we promote issues important to our communities like having access to water, affordable housing and fighting laws that criminalize people for being poor. These methods include providing potable water to people who live on the street, participating in the political sphere to fight efforts to criminalize poverty and assisting people in navigating the infrastructure of low income services to find solutions assisting people in receiving the dignity of stability in their lives.
Wise Crowds Liberating Structures
Jeremy AkersHey Hi, this feels super awkward. Here I am, just some relatively random person, about to represent the global grassroots community of Liberating Structures. Maybe that’s a bit presumptive, so let me describe the corner of the community I tend.But first a little context. Back in 2012 these dudes, Keith McCandless and Henri Lipmanowicz, published a book “The Surprising Power of Liberating Structures” under the Creative Commons Copyright (with attribution and non-commercial if you’re curious). The contents of that book are 33 tools for Shared Thinking, you can imagine them as facilitation techniques that are simple enough that no background or experience in facilitation is needed to use them. They are so simple in fact that you, yes you, can use them to organize any conversation you are having with any amount of people. What I mean to say is that no external facilitation is needed. Democratizing and distributing the ability to facilitate any conversation anywhere.Think about what that can do. Not only can everyone benefit when any one person in a group can offer ideas on how to enable the conversation, but everyone can also do so, opening up an new meta-conversation we call Process Mindfulness.This Toolkit of Liberating Structures is a Commons and it continues to be developed as an Open Source development project by users all over the planet. Go ahead and google whatever country/city you are in and “Liberating Structures User Group” and you will find folks self-organizing their practice sessions.My name is Jeremy Akers, and I am one of those people.Now this Process Mindfulness thing is pretty much the best platonic sensation I’ve ever experienced. It is extraordinarily generative and, my favorite part, it naturally leads to action: using the product of the meta-conversation on process to have the larger conversation on content. I work as a person who hosts a lot of meetings. I usually spend 3 hours of planning and preparation for every 1 hour of meeting. Unless I am working with another LS User, then we can shrink that planning and prep time down to 30 minutes.Like I said this feels extraordinary, and I want to spend more of my life with more people in this way. So I am hyper-active in the LS scene working towards these ends byGrowing the amount of people familiar with LSIncreasing the fluency of everyone with LSFor example, every Monday I host a Wise Crowds LS Design Call where a random group comes together to give and get help planning or designing meetings and workshops. One person takes on the role of client with a Design Brief consisting of:1. Place: context meeting is happening in2. Purpose: intended goal/outcome of the session3. Participants: who will be need in order to be successful4. Process: any ideas they have for how to go about it (or not) Tthen use the Liberating Structures Wise Crowds and Design Storyboard to Consult on the Client’s Design Brief. In about 30 minutes we prototype what we call a String of different LS they could use to meet the Design Brief. Oh yeah that’s one of the coolest things about LS, you can String them together like letters, words, sentences, paragraphs etc. idea is that we’re engineering a win-win-win-win-winClients win consultation.Context of the client wins by the application of all this Shared ThinkingConsultants win learning from one another and practice designing StringsLearners win from practical examples of what specific LS are good forI win by getting to spend more time, with more people in this generative and creative wayClients are then more confident to use LS in their context, introducing them to more people. Grow the User base, check. Increase fluency, check. Clients come back and tell us how it went, what they learnt and the Liberating Structures Learning Journey never ends.You should come join us. I’m sure there is at least 1 meeting that could become more life affirming a s a result addition to events like this, their are meetups happening almost every day that are more try-it-out practice sessions. A group of people will set a topic and then lead a group through a string of structures to explore the topic. They get to practice hosting and joiners get to experience how the structures work. I usually host one of these myself per month in one of 4 different groups. client I’m working with at the momentPlus all the action on the LS Learning Journey side there is the continued development in the community. New LS, new tools for using the old ones and guides for applying them to perennial problems. For example there is a Community of Practice around adaptive Strategy Knotworking, where we’re working to refine and explain the myriad of different ways we us LS to explore the unknown in order for us to act in it.In the lingo/jargon of the LS scene, I am what you would call a User Group Organizer. What I want to do is to pump as many resources as possible into the pool of User Group Organizers. Not only would I like to go pro in serving the community full-time but I want to enable ever other User Group Organizer to do the same.Grand Hypothesis:I believe that offering resources to those intrinsically motivated towards stewardship will encourage them to do more in the way of events, ambassadorship, and development of the commons.So I will create a DAO in order to bring these contributors together, make our coordination explicit and develop a web3 ledger of participation and proficiencyAnd measure worldwide LS users, level of proficiency on a per structure basis, overall levels of development, distribution of proficiency, duration of development arcI am right if the tooling becomes adopted, participation in the global community goes from 5k to 25k in 12 months, and all existing 5k take a step in their development, between 3 and 81 fulltime stewards
The WAGMI Water Project
40acres DAOMinority communities are facing lethal levels of disinvestment within the "The Worlds richest country".The Problem:In light of recent flooding due to climate change and global warming, the water main that services Jackson, MS (a city that's 82% black) it has left a city of over 150,000 citizens without drinkable water. With no relief in sight this experience is just one of the many examples of those with power failing the people. Time is of the essence, but no amount of water bottles can solve the underlying issue of infrastructural racism and the lack of sustainable investment within Black and Brown communities, that is where blockchain comes in.The Solution:We are using blockchain technology as a coordination tool to not only gather critical resources but to develop internet native infrastructure to ensure this never happens again and to build community control of public goods. By investing in this project you are helping to fund the distribution of safe, drinkable water, testing & purification kits for at home use & research and development of open source tools for early detection and defense against water contamination.Supplemental Resources:Climate Crisis Impact Worse in Black CitiesProject Lead:Catalyst (Uhuru Force Steward)Contributors:Walthova (La Familia DAO)Key Local Stakeholders:Cooperation JacksonEleven86Water Distribution
The Unchained Index by TrueBlocks
Thomas Jay RushThe Unchained Index is a collection of tools that "scrape" EVM-based chains looking at every transaction/trace/log/block/receipt -- that is -- everything and builds an index of address appearances.With that index, which we publish in a novel way using IPFS, we can build unique and interesting applications. We recently completed this application, which demonstrates our stance vis-a-vis the Ethereum data: Ethereum data is a public good, and it must remain so.In January, we published a Specification for the Unchained Index, which fully explains the process of building the index. We've begun writing various "mini-dapps" which will help to explain and showcase our tech stack.We seek funding to continue our work which would involve professionalizing, documenting, and getting the word out about our project. We've written extensively about our work here: and have an active community at our discord (accessible through our website).
Crowd Funded Cures
Savva KerdemelidisImagine if we can treat depression with an off-patent psychedelic-assisted therapy or cancer with a ketogenic diet? Crowd Funded Cures is a registered NZ charity (partnered with VitaDAO, Molecule, PsyDAO, & LabDAO and receiving advisory support from Protocol Labs and the Health Impact Fund) whose mission is to create a financially innovative Impact Market to re-align private incentives in the medical industry away from monopoly-priced patented medicines and towards low-cost, open-source therapies that can treat and potentially cure millions of patients and improve global health and well-being. Currently, 1000s of otherwise viable unmonopolizable therapies are ignored by the pharmaceutical industry because a monopoly price cannot be enforced. We call them public good medicines because once the treatment protocol is published, it is not possible to stop people accessing the therapy from multiple sources (non-excludable) and use of the treatment protocol does not prevent others from using it (non-rivalrous).Unfortunately, this causes a tragedy of the commons which means that pharma companies will not fund the large clinical trials needed for them to be reimbursed by health insurers or obtain regulatory approval. Governments and health insurers also do not want to take on the political risk of paying for large clinical trials in case they fail, which means these treatments will typically not be accepted by the mainstream medical establishment. They include repurposed off-patent generic drugs, supplements, plant medicines, psychedelics, diets, and non-pharmaceutical / lifestyle interventions.We can solve this tragedy of the commons and provide a high impact use case for web3 that unlocks billions of dollars in social value for relatively low cost by establishing an Impact Market that incentivises impact investors to fund IP-NFTs representing public good medicines. Successful clinical trial data that validates the safety and efficacy of such public good medicines converts the IP-NFTs into Hypercerts eligible to receive outcome payments from a crowdfunded Open Source Medical Prize Fund proportional to improved patient outcomes validated in clinical trials (see Medical Prize fund figure below). The Impact Market also de-risks the funding of clinical trials for donors / public. The result would be that investors fund new public good medicines that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and available to the entire global community at low cost, while obtaining a standard return on investment.However, in order to bring this open source business model to pharma, we need to crowdfund a source of retroactive (and quadratic) funding of the Impact Market through our Medical Prize Fund, which is governed by our Medical Impact DAO. Together, by supporting our Medical Impact DAO, the community can usher in a new era of medicine which does not ignore otherwise viable therapies because they are not profitable under the traditional patent system. Unlike donations to traditional charities (which often receive the majority of their funding from big pharma), through this novel “pay-for-success” mechanism, you can also be sure that your donations will only fund successful clinical trials.The following research seminar for Protocol Labs by founder Savva Kerdemelidis and CTO Cyrus of Eden explains the problem of this tragedy of the commons and how to solve it using crowdfunded Medical Impact NFT, a Medical Prize fund, Hypercerts x IP-NFTs to create an impact market for open source medicine: Giveth donations will be used to:Build out the core infrastructure (frontend, backend and operations) for our Medical Impact DAO, which will govern our Medical Prize Fund, a source of retroactive funding for Phase 2 clinical trials of public good medicines.Support the establishment of an impact market for open source longevity medicines via a Longevity Prize pilot with VitaDAO and, and an Open Psychedelic Medicine Prize fund for treating depression (sign up to whitelist for initial Medical Impact NFT drop for Open Psychedelic Medicines here). Go-To-Market Plan & Business ModelStage 1: Medical Impact DAO crowdfunds Medical “De-Risking” Prize Fund for Retrospective Funding of Phase 2 RCTs (see Figure 1 below)Step 1.The Medical Prize Fund will be crowdfunded via sales of Medical Impact NFTs (e.g. Open Psychedelic Medicine NFTs or Open Longevity NFTs for Longevity Prize pilot, noted above), with 5% platform fee to support DAO infrastructure & operations, 5% royalty to support NFT artist and 90% allocated to the Medical Prize Fund.Step 2.IP-NFTs are then minted to secure funding from impact investors for Phase 2 RCTs that generate treatment protocols with the most impact, as measured by % improved clinical outcomes vs. standard of care, which will be allocated impact points that determine the right to receive outcome payments from the Medical Impact Fund, through a flexible prize mechanism (e.g. 50% improvement in clinical outcomes vs usual care provides 50 impact points). The higher the impact, the more impact points and more proportion of the annual 20% outcome payment received. This incentivizes incremental improvements and medical breakthroughs and “de-risks” Phase 2 RCTs and to determine the optimal treatment protocol for a public good medicine.It also means that the Medical Prize Fund is scalable - the larger it is the more RCTs are registered before “market equilibium” is reached. This also ensures the efficient pricing and delivery of impact by the markets.Treatment protocols that are less efficacious/safe than standard of care will not be rewarded.Step 3.Successful clinical trial data validating safety and efficacy of a certain treatment protocol converts IP-NFTs to Hypercerts which has the rights to register to the fund and receive outcome payments for a period of time (e.g 5 years), proportional to Impact Points generated, as validated by an independent contract research organization and multisig oracle. IP-NFTs owners receive exclusivity over their treatment protocol, as long as they are actively conducting the RCT.Figure 1. Our Medical Prize Fund acts as a retroactive (and quadratic) funding “pull” incentive to optimize treatment protocols in Phase 2 Randomized Controlled Trials (RCTs) for public good medicines that are off-patent, unmonopolizable, and potentially curative.Stage 2: Medical Impact DAO establishes Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments (AMCs) for funding Phase 3 RCTs needed for Regulatory Approval of Public Good Medicines (see Figure 2 below)Once the optimal treatment protocol for Phase 2 RCTs is obtained by the Medical Impact DAO (see Stage 1 above), a Public Good Pharma company owned by the Medical Impact DAO will negotiate Advanced Market Commitments from Payers, e.g., healthcare payers - private and public - government, etc. ensure that funding the Phase 3 RCTs are rewarded with an exclusive commitment to purchase a “branded” therapy, e.g., $100m for OpenKetamine for treatment-resistant depression. The Public Good Pharma company can also leverage method of use / dosing regime patents and reformulations to strengthen its IP position although these would primarily be enforceable against payers but not against doctors and patients (hence the tragedy of the commons) - so open source is "baked-into" the model.AMCs provide financial incentives for Impact Investors to back a Phase 3 RCT which costs around $50m, and also conduct post marketing surveillance to check the therapy’s performance in real life scenarios, to study the long-term risks and benefits of using the therapy and to discover any rare side effects.The amount of the AMC will be less than the cost savings for Payers that successful treatment protocols derived from these clinical trials provide, which allows the business model to scale. As part of the Advanced Market Commitment, Phase 3 RCTs that fail to show efficacy/safety vs. standard of care will not receive a payout from the AMC.Figure 2. Our Medical Impact DAO will establish a Public Good Pharma Ltd to negotiate Advance Market Commitments for the funding of Phase 3 RCTs required for regulatory approval (e.g., FDA, EMA) of public good medicines.Explainer Video by Life Noggin showing for Advance Market Commitments or "Pay-For-Success" contracts work to incentivise generic drug repurposing Roadmap & MilestonesOver the next two quarters, our DAO building efforts will focus on the following:Building community and forming Working GroupsCommunity & PartnershipsDAO Governance (Discourse / Snapshot)Ethics Executive Team / OperationsLegal & PolicyPublic Good Medicine DealflowPayer & Donor EngagementTechnology / TokenomicsOKR developmentDAO & FundWeekly town hallTo enable community members to create and contribute to proposals and have a voice in DAO governance.Onboarding a Core Partner NetworkIncluding payers, contract research organizations and other service providers, researchers, patient groups, policy makers, health care systems, generics manufacturers, healthcare practitioners, regulators, academia and non-profit, funders, health technology assessment organizations (e.g. ICER).EstablishingMedical Prize Criteria Committee Ethics Advisory BoardWritingWhite PaperSourcingPromising research projects (e.g. generic drug and nutraceutical repurposing use cases) that will advance public good medicine development Clinical Trial “Deal Flow” (on-going, includes OpenKetamine).PreparingToken Launch (Q1 2023)
Bloom Network
Bloom NetworkWhat? Bloom Network is an international community of people and projects creating and nurturing regenerative cultures to permanence. Local Bloom hubs around the world grow participation in practices such as food security, local economies, celebrations of diversity, and art as cultural transformation. Where and Who?There are 16 local Blooms in 7 countries on 4 continents, and we estimate there are approximately 30,000 people involved on the ground. Our participants include farmers, creatives, Indigenous leaders, and professionals who are working together in coalitions. Why?Why are we doing this? There are tens of thousands of initiatives solving major social and environmental problems, who are excluded from mainstream media and institutional finance because the way they work is naturally collaborative and polycentric. Now that Web3 is useable enough by a non-technical audience, we will implement a membership model to support grassroots organizing on an ongoing basis.MilestonesYour contributions to this project will go toward these milestones:+ Complete a "Regenerative Actions Ticker" on our homepage, to document and reward actions like planting food forests, hosting a CryptoParty, or teaching a class on restorative justice.+ Launch our "Call to Bloom" to help 100+ local Blooms get started as centers of regenerative action in their cities.+ Implement MyMeta, a profile system on Ceramic built by our friends at MetaGame, for an open, portable profiles system that can work across different websites. + Code DAO templates that local Bloom chapters can use to fund the coordination labor of actions such as regional food security, policy development, mutual aid, and startups that generate ongoing financial stability.
Smart Native Bee Shelter
Ronny CastilloWe are a project that through the use of easily accessible technology allows us to generate open data for the study of Solitaire Native Bees through research and citizen science. Bees take care of a large part of the important process of pollination. A Smart Bee Shelter helps ensure a nesting site and data collection for research and investigation.The Smart Bee Shelter has an interactive design component, with an acrylic wall on the sides of the shelter, and doors that allow the visualization of the nesting area. The shelter has laser sensors on the nest entrances, and a camera takes a picture of every action on the shelter and sends it to a database.Other sensors the shelter has are temperature, pressure, humidity, and UVs. This is an open-source and open design project. In our platform, you can get complete building and assembling instructions, the ISO file to connect your shelter to the worldwide network and share your data with the community, and education materials to use your shelter as a STEM teaching tool in school.We have more than 20 shelters in education institutions in more than 10 countries including Costa Rica, Canada, Mexico, Ecuador, El Salvador, and Spain, and we are constantly looking for funding to keep fabricating and delivering them to universities, animal sanctuaries, and
The Decentralized Freedom Fund
40acres DAOBail Reform is a racial justice issue!The ProblemNearly half a million people are behind bars in America (the largest carceral state in the world) and have yet to be convicted for a crime. In Texas specifically, the rate for detainees yet to be convicted makes up over half of the incarcerated population. This disproportionately impacts minority communities who lack the financial means to post bail without being forced to overcollateralize (putting up houses, cars, etc.) to simply be free as according to the constitution (innocent until proven guilty).With Mass overcrowding in local and state detention centers, crumbling infrastructure & inmate violence on the rise, these facilities are proving not to be sufficient for rehabilitation. With nearly 1/3 of all people arrested being detained pretrail purely due to inability to pay we as a community MUST look to alternatives to ensure the safety and justice of our most vulnerable populations. The OpportunityThe legacy bail industry (in mass facilitated by insurance companies and conglomerates) facilitates racial prejudice and the prison industrial complex which is ripe for deconstruction. Freeing those in pretrail detention is a form of justice that contributes directly towards the ethos of web3 and contributes to the much needed decongestion of overcrowded facilities to promote higher quality care for those sentenced. We seek to leverage blockchain technology and artificial intelligence to automate, optimize and segment targeted populations that does weekly bail outs and provides custom built care during the length of the trial to ensure vulnerable populations are given access to much needed resources.Supplemental Resources LeadCatalystContributorsWalthovaFree_DynastyLead PartnersLuke 4:18 Bail Fund
Mettodo BENjombe, located at the southwest of Tanzania, is the capital of Njombe region. Around 100,000 people live in this town and the number has been rapidly growing in the past years.As in many other places in Tanzania, solid waste management is a challenge in Njombe. 35 tons of solid waste are generated daily in the town: 28 tons are taken to a dumpsite, where the waste is usually burnt since the dumpsite is getting full faster than expected. The rest of the waste is burnt in pits at the backyards or it simply ends up in the environment. 10 % of the solid waste is plastic waste: 3,500 kg of per day, which is equal to 1000 tons of plastic waste every year.The SMART Centre approach (train and support local entrepreneurs in developing their businesses around simple and affordable technologies) has already proved to be successful for water technologies. Precious Plastic "gave" us the blueprints to replicate this approach with plastic recycling technologies and tackle the plastic waste problematic locally.Njombe Beyond´s objective is to reduce the plastic wasted in Njombe town and to raise awareness in the local community about the problems and opportunities around plastic.Our specific objectives are:- To establish a sustainable value chain for plastic recycling locally and at small scale- To collaborate with the different stakeholders of the chain and ensure fair working conditions- To involve the community, including schools, in Njombe Beyond to shed light on the problems and opportunities of plastic wasteThis is how we organiseYou are welcome to contribute and be part of Njombe Beyond network, wherever in the world you are!
Open Dharma Foundation
Jim IrvingOpen Dharma Foundation is a scholarship fund for silent meditation retreats. It exists in order to provide individuals from all over the world with scholarships for silent meditation retreats who without financial aid would be unable to access sustained, intensive practice. If you are someone interested in meditation who wants to explore the depths of practice available through silent retreat and are in need of financial assistance, the Open Dharma Foundation is here for you.
ARTXV the First Web3 Org for the Disabled Community
Ava HalvaiARTXV is the 1st Web3 org for the disabled community, starting off as the 1st NFT collective for neurodivergent artists (any condition or disability which involves brain function that differs from the 'norm', e.g. autism, ADHD, bipolar etc.)We have now expanded to provide support and opportunities for all disabled creatives across the globe 🚀What do we do?We give underrepresented and marginalised artists the exposure, financial independence and recognition they deserve through selling their work as NFTs, which they were previously denied by the traditional art world.We also provide a community and safe place for the wider disabled community to be onboarded onto Web3.How did ARTXV start?ARTXV was started by 2 sisters, Ava and Tara.Ava, a student from London, started ARTXV because of her big sister Tara, an autistic, non-verbal artist. Ava tried to get the traditional art world to recognise Tara's work but was continuously turned away and not taken seriously once people would realise she's autistic, something that all the neurodivergent artists in ARTXV have experienced.That all changed with NFTs, where our artists have been wholeheartedly embraced by the Web3 community <3DID YOU KNOW: Leonardo DaVinci, Picasso and Andy Warhol were all thought to be neurodivergent? Their neurodivergence heavily influenced their work and made them the artists they are celebrated as today.The neurodivergent artists of today have the ability to be the next Picassos, DaVincis and Warhols of our time, they just need the opportunities to do so.ARTXV is preparing for its VERY FIRST DROP on 30th June. Help us grow our team and community of neurodivergent artists, art lovers and allies.What have we been up to?-We became the 1st NFT collective to partner with Google Arts & Culture, following our artists and their stories. See the project here.-We've officially announced our 17 artists. Meet them here.-We were featured in Forbes! Read here.-We were featured across Times Square-We were the official artwork for NFT.London's NFT tickets-We participated in TED (TED Talk)-We featured in Dua Lipa's Service95 newsletterSocials:Website: https://artxv.orgTwitter:
Tota Sacred Lake Water Soil ReGeneration by Gaia BioLab
Gaia Bio SophiaA Self Sustainable Holistic PermaCultural EcoCenter / BioHub An EcoSystem with Food, Medicine and Native BioDiverse Plants, andA Sacred Place to Learn, Remember and Experience Spiritual/Nature Connection.Location: Tota Lake, Sogamoso, Boyacá, Colombia.Area: From 1ha to 200ha +The first lot which has already advanced in its purchase, consists of 5000 square meters and has access for cars. It is 30 minutes away from Iza a cultural and traditional Boyaca town where you can find souvenirs, food and typical experiences of the region.We have a beautiful shore in the middle of a small forest where you can get in the water and enjoy the sand at your feet while been standed, at this spot will be build an small Eco-deck. With a plane part of the field high in the mountain with an amazing view we will build there the main social and cultural saloon, an inclination of the land allows a perfect view for several EcoCabins on the way down to the lagoon without interfering with each other. The whole project will be build and developed with sustainable and permacultural designs. The investment required for this first phase of the project is approximately 1.000.000 USD which will be destined to complete the buying of the land and development of the main infraestructure of the EcoCenter and the fist 20 hectares aprox.Main 4 Dimensions:Environmental: Reforestation with native trees around the lake, (replacing the Contamination of the Industrial MonoCultives (Fish and Onions) cleaning of garbage and toxins around and inside the lake.Educational: Permaculture courses, conferences and workshops aimed at farmers, with the purpose of giving and presenting practical and productive solutions for the regeneration of the territoryAncestral Spiritual: Offerings and pilgrimage to sacred places around the lake with the elders and native leaders, regional and international mestizosCultural: International and Local Musicians for Concerts. Artistic presentations. Art exhibition, Gastronomic fairAbout Tota Lake - In this vast natural lake of 22,370 hectares, there is a precious treasure, preserved in the stories of the Muiscas that inhabit this territory. With a storage capacity of 1,900 million cubic meters, this place is one of the most extensive watershed nationally and the second in South America.However, the problems surrounding the lake are several: What are the qualities and values that are most important to us? Healthy balanced relationships, a solid loving community, willingness to work toward the greater good for all including people, plants, animals, Minerals, micro-organisms, soil, water, fire and air. What are the things we don’t want to see harmed or lessened in any way? Quality of loving compassionate relationshipsQuality of the natural ecosystem and the native animals. air soil or water,. What would we take a stand for? · We would take a stand for what we feel is best for all, to thrive optimally in a healthy balanced environment. ● For the elemental resources to be protected and respected above all because they are the foundations that allow all life to flourish, (water, air, earth and sun/fire). ● Next is the natural ecosystem because it is like the frame of the structure that allows for great biodiversity where many species are able to coexist in harmony, (the microbiome of the soil to feed the diverse plant species, the diverse plants to give food shelter and material for all the animals and people, the native animals who disperse seeds and give food to plants, other animal, and people.) ● Allow all people the right to a part of the abundance in a healthy balanced way where we can all be keepers and creators in respect to all life. General GoalsGoals are statements of desire — of what we want, what we hope to achieve by realizing our intention. Goals should be doable and reachable — or at least some should be if a group wants to survive and thrive. So goals are often more specific and time bound than visions or even intentions.So groups need small and large goals, short-term and long-term goals. >>What are some of the goals and activities that we want to realizeIntegral Experiences, Food Sovereignty, Protection, Conservation & EcoLogical Restoration and ReGeneration.To manage, propose and carry out any other action that can contribute to the promotion of the inter-cultural bio-tourism of the World, especially through the creation of new services, events and experiences of growth, recreation and leisure at a personal, familiar and collective level." Earthen structures to hold and slow the flow of water: (ponds, water holes, swales, berms, stone walls, dams, ditches, pits, terraces, hugelkultur mounds, raised beds.) ● Restoration of the soil: (mulch, wood chips, leaves, logs, manure, planting of bioaccumulators, nitrogen fixers, tap rooting plants) ● Restoration of natural ecosystems: (clearing of undesirable/invasive species, Mass plantings of native perennials and trees, microclimates/ecosystems for diverse species.) ● Built structures: (fence, trellises, walls, houses/shelter, tool shed, chicken coop/chicken run, driveway, sweatlodge, kusmui)Planting food through BioDynamic Agriculture for a clean (agroecological), diverse and nutritious production.EcoSystem Protection, Conservation and Regeneration Sanctuaries>> Resources, skills, allies and knowledge to achieve these goals?As much as Land as posible to stop the Industrial Crops keep Destroying the EcoSystem.Resources and tools: barbed wire, posts, post driver, post digger, shovel, staples, chainsawSkills & knowledge: permaculture principles, planning and management, ecology, water/irrigation and land management practices, carpentry, stone masonry.Building materials forBuild the houses of the people who wants to live there as Sacred EartH keepers Create spaces for all kind of Education and Cultural GatheringsCreate a garden and a greenhouse for self sustainable nourishmentCreate a traditional house of wisdOm and spaceRehabilitating the natural habitat to restore biodiversity and natural balanceCreate a food forest that is integrated into the natural surrounding habitat and for sustaining a community with food, medicine, and construction materialsHuman ResourcesPermaCultural Development TeamEnviromental Activists and Artists.MultiMedia & Production TeamIntegral Wise Elders, Pedagogues and Teachers in General
Das Hallo Projekt
Leb Bunt e.V. Das Hallo Projekt is an initiative from Leb Bunt e.V. , a NPO based in Munich. It brings newcomers and seniors together in cultural events to combat social isolation and cultivate a more diverse and tolerant society.How do we do? We organize group activities, tandem partnerships and community events to bring our supported groups together to get to know each other, to exchange ideas and to break down prejudices.Our activities take place after office hours, as well as on weekends, which allows working immigrants to participate as well. The activities take place only in German, in a pleasant and trusting environment, so that immigrants can use their German skills without fear of making mistakes. Here all participants support and help each other.Through the tandem program, we connect immigrants who want to improve their German language skills with seniors, who want to meet new people and refresh their foreign language skills. For us it is very important to create sustainable, positive and personal relationships. That is why we organize a tandem program in which seniors and immigrants meet in pairs. These pairs are formed according to common interests, hobbies and place of residence.Last, but not least, we organize community events for our immigrants. The goal of this type of activity is to give an opportunity to immigrants to get to know each other better, exchange tips and information about life in Germany, help each other but also make new friends.
Territorial Regeneration in Barichara Colombia
Joe BrewerWe are hard at work regenerating an entire bioregional territory in Barichara, Colombia. Check out our website to get a better feel for how things have progressed so far. The project I share here is for one key piece of the bigger puzzle -- we want to raise $15,000 to set up a learning center that focuses on the transformation of food, healing of cultural traumas, and cultivation of leadership among women in the community.Some of you may know that we recently raised $120,000 equivalent in Ethereum to begin negotiations for the purchase of a strategic piece of land. The mission for that effort is to restore native forest, bring a dead river back to life, and do so by establishing it as the future home of Barichara Ecoversity. This project is a key step in the process to establish the ecoversity.We have an amazing woman in our village named Margarita. For years now, she has been a weaver of community whose work has focused on cultural healing through the transformation of food. She is poised to establish a learning center that works with a diversity of campesino groups throughout the region with a special focus on the empowerment of women.We want to give her and her team the ability to devote a full year to the incubation of this new learning center that grows out of many years establishing trust and collaborating with a lot of diverse people. Can you help us make this a success?
Help our Community Grow a Fruit Forest
Rhiannon CommunityHere at Rhiannon Community, our vision is to be sustainable and offer a place for people to heal and express themselves to their fullest capacity, while living in connection with Mother Earth. Every year, we plant around 1000 trees at Christmas time to reforest, regenerate and stimulate wildlife in Rhiannon. This Christmas, we are starting a 3-part project, which includes planting fruit trees, digging a reservoir to irrigate them, and using the clay from the reservoir to build an adobe accommodation for long-term volunteers. If you feel strongly about offsetting your carbon footprint, this could be a great reason to donate or offer a newly planted tree to a friend or family member as a Christmas present. We thank you in advance for supporting this project that will significantly impact our little community we call home.------------------------3 in 1 project, collective financing Christmas 2022. Rhiannon Community presents this dream to the online community! With great enthusiasm by the end of 2022 we are working hard on a triple project that tries to articulate activities in a multidisciplinary way: Agroforestry, water collection and natural construction are the keys. Education, sharing and caring of mother earth are our pillars, sustainability our desire. As you will have seen in our videos, we have plenty of reasons to start a project with this level of ambition. Our region has finally reached the implementation of the irrigation system, which allows us to initiate a different conservation commitment. So we can make a small change in our reforestation strategies towards a productive alternative. After more than 10 years of deforestation with timber trees and carbon fixers, a long time working the land to capture more moisture and give our trees a good future, we can finally have a controllable water source where it will allow us to care of trees with higher maintenance needs.How do we plan to achieve this goal? In the first third of funding, we plan to derive $3,000 from the purchase of mature, potentially fruit-bearing trees that come from a local production source. With this amount of money we calculate to buy approximately 300 trees that meet our design requirements. If you know Rhiannon, you know that the fundamental annual goal for this time of year is to plant 1000 trees and although we would love to achieve this goal, we are prepared to make a sacrifice and plant fewer trees but with a vision of fruit and vegetable production through an agroforestry design that we are working on at the moment. We plan to use the second third of financing, the next US$3,000, for the sustainable management of water resources. We are clear that when the irrigation water service begins (estimated February/March 2023), they will give us a maximum flow of 27000 liters/day, which gives us a quantifiable reference to plan a reservoir that would be maintained with a constant flow in order to design an new watering system. Our plan is to create a collection reservoir in the highest topographical area of the land, this reservoir is our multidisciplinary link, this is where we find the sustainable cycle where, through excavating a reservoir, we will be able to harvest materials for a construction that we plan to execute from December to January/February. On our last third of our financing expectation is our "Guide House" a housing space for 2 people who assume the long-term commitment and have or have acquired the skills of facilitator / resident guide. We are very excited to use the last part of our financing plan in this construction, our intention is to buy materials, both wood to structure and cover the roof. The objective of this construction is to design with the vision of demonstrating different styles of structure, filling, insulation, where as an example we can mention “Bahareque” “Quincha Mejorada” “thermal barriers with clay/straw” “thermal masses with different soil mixtures” “use of glass bottles for filling” “use of eco-bricks”. So as a summary, we invite you to support us financially in this brave journey towards a space with productive infrastructure, with collection and conscious use of water and care of the beings who come to give their lives and their energies in these beautiful projects of conservation and commitment with the environment. What are we going to do with this money? Stage 1 - Purchase fruit trees - Create a space for their environmental adaptation during a short-term period - Tools and materials for execution: wheelbarrows, shovels, soil, fertilizer. Stage 2 - Execute the installation of an irrigation water reservoir. - Soil movement towards the new construction space. - Irrigation systems, pipes, connections and drip lines. Stage 3 - Purchase of construction materials (structure wood, ecological roof, miscellaneous) - Execution of foundation, rental of machines, potential employment of local workers. - Fencing and finishes (guadúa, wood, glass) ideally recycled.---------------------------------------------------------
Proyecto 3 en 1, financiación colectiva Navidad 2022.
Rhiannon Community presenta este sueño ante la comunidad!
Con mucha ilusión, les contamos que, para finales de 2022, estamos trabajando duro en un triple proyecto que intenta articular actividades de una manera multidisciplinaria: Agroforestería, colecta de agua y construcción natural son las claves. Educación, compartires y cuidados de la madre tierra son nuestros pilares. Sostenibilidad nuestro anhelo.
Como habrán visto en nuestros videos, nos sobran razones para iniciar un proyecto con este nivel de ambición, nuestra región ha llegado finalmente a la ejecución de las tuberías de agua de riego, lo que nos permite iniciar un compromiso de conservación diferente, vamos a hacer un pequeño cambio en nuestras estrategias de re-forestación hacia una alternativa productiva. Después de más de 10 años
de deforestación con árboles maderables y de inyección de carbono, de mucho tiempo trabajando la tierra para capturar mejor humedad y poder darles un buen porvenir a nuestros árboles, finalmente podremos tener una fuente de aguacontrolable donde nos va a permitir trabajar arboles con mayor necesidad de mantenimiento.¿Como pensamos lograr este objetivo?
En el primer tercio de financiamiento, planeamos derivar 3000 u$d a compra de árboles maduros, que potencialmente presenten fruta y vengan de una fuente de producción local. Con esta cantidad de dinero calculamos comprar aproximadamente 300 árboles que cumplan con nuestros requisitos de diseño.Si conoces Rhiannon, sabes que el objetivo fundamental anual para esta época del año es plantar 1000 árboles y aunque nos encantaría lograr este objetivo, estamos preparados para hacer un sacrificio y plantar menos arboles pero con una visión de producción de frutas y hortalizas a través de un diseño de agroforestería en el que estamos trabajando en este momento.
El segundo tercio de financiamiento, los próximos 3000 u$d, tenemos planeado utilizarlos para lo que respecta a manejo sostenible de recursos hídricos, tenemos claro que cuando el servicio de agua de riego inicie (estimado febrero/marzo 2023) nos van a entregar un caudal máximo de 27000 lts/dia, lo que nos da una referencia cuantificable para planificar un reservorio que se mantendría con caudal constante para poder diseñar un plan de tuberías de riego. Nuestro plan es crear un reservorio de colección en la zona topográfica más alta del terreno, este reservorio es nuestro vinculo multidisciplinario, aquí es donde encontramos el ciclo sostenible donde a través de excavar un reservorio, podremos cosechar materiales para una construcción que tenemos planeada ejecutar desde diciembre hasta enero/febrero.
Lo que nos posiciona en el último tercio de nuestra expectativa de financiamiento, nuestra “Casa de guías” un espacio de vivienda para 2 personas que asuman el compromiso de largo plazo y tengan o hayan adquirido las capacidades de facilitador/guía residente. Nos emociona mucho utilizar la última parte de nuestro plan de financiamiento en esta construcción, nuestra intención es comprar materiales
tanto sea maderas para estructurar y la cobertura del techo. El objetivo de esta construcción es diseñar con la visión de demostrar diferentes estilos de estructura, relleno, insolaciones, donde como modo de ejemplo podemos mencionar “Bahareque” “Quincha Mejorada” “barreras térmicas con paja/arcilla” “masas térmicas con diferentes mezclas de tierra” “utilización de botellas de vidrio
para relleno” “utilización de eco-ladrillos”.Entonces como resumen, les invitamos a apoyarnos financieramente en este valiente viaje hacia un espacio con infraestructura productiva, con colección y utilización consciente del agua y cuidado de los seres que vienen a entregar sus vidas y sus energías en estos proyectos tan hermosos de conservación y compromiso con el medio ambiente.
¿Que vamos a hacer con este dinero?
Etapa 1
- Comprar árboles frutales- Crear un espacio para su adaptación ambiental durante un periodo de corto plazo- Herramientas y materiales para la ejecución: carretillas, palas, suelo, abono.
Etapa 2- Ejecutar la instalación de un reservorio de aguas de riego.- Movimiento de suelo hacia el nuevo espacio de construcción.- Sistemas de riego, tuberías, conexiones y líneas de goteo.
Etapa 3- Compra de materiales de construcción (maderas estructura, techo ecológico, miscelánea)- Ejecución de fundación, alquileres de máquinas, potencial empleo a trabajadores locales.- Cerramiento y finalizados (guadúa, maderas, vidrios) idealmente reciclados.
Escuela de Agricultura Sintropica en Barichara Colombia
Tannia Falconer y Cecy RestrepoNuestro objetivo es contribuir a la regeneración ambiental y social del territorio a través de la técnica de la Agricultura Sintrópica y del fortalecimiento de las relaciones sociales basadas en la confianza.Somos la primera Escuela de Agricultura Sintrópica en Colombia. Además del enfoque ecológico, nos centramos en otros tres aspectos: sociocultural, económico y espiritual en el territorio.Los fondos los usaremos para poder llevar a cabo todas las tareas de mantenimiento de parcelas demostrativas ya existentes, compra de herramientas necesarias para la labor del campo, compra de material vegetal (plántulas y semillas, árboles y materiales para abono orgánico para las primeras etapas). También queremos crear un Centro de Investigación, Intercambio y Aprendizaje de Agricultura Sintrópica y Alimentación Integral Basada en Plantas y un Centro de Semillas y Vivero Estamos subiendo contenidos a nuestra cuenta de Instagram: @sintropicabarichara
PROPHET REWARD FOUNDATION (PRF)Prophet Reward Foundation (PRF) intiative grassroots charity in a developing country's motto is to "empower people to help others"; now featuring people in blockchain, with big heart of doing public good deeds; philanthropists, literature, donors, marketers, fundraisers, investors, volunteers and other fields willing to support charity effort through online industries through funding, partnership, sponsorship and donations.Our aim is to transform the marginalized and poor community through resourcing to our active number of physically identified initiative sustainable meaningful development projects in Kenya and beyond horn of Africa Countries. our mission of keeping on investing to support vulnerable poor community, we are requesting the donations to build a multi-million dollars project in establishing our PRF sustainable charitable Food Banks and Africa Hyper Volunteers Centre (Home away from Home) for volunteers and traveler home stays and ever unique project.This Africa Hyper Volunteer Centre is now a GIVETH verified project to fundraise donations in bringing all our charitable programs together for sustainability in buying a land within Nairobi metropolitan, for building a charity house to centralize our physical & digital conmunity services and ownership headquarters.Through our experience, lack of ownership properties to nonprofit organizations end up of wasted donation monitoring impact sustain for donors.Africa Hyper Volunteers Centre with all physical and digital community requirement facility hubs, to recruit, train, hosts local and international volunteers and placement to our well physically identified meaningful projects, to train in digital migration, crypto, talented artists, photographers, artifacts, historical, cultural, musicians in NFTs creating, collections, fundraisings, investment, museums, etc.With Food Banks facility; food packaging, food donation, mobilize people to collaborate, partner, volunteer, businesses and farmers to donate money or nonperishable food to ensure that no child in any of the children’s home and vulnerable status children we serve goes hungry at any given time, receive a well-balanced nutritious and mobilizing a campaign to kick off hunger out of Kenya and other horn of Africa countries.All facilities will be set as self sustaining in income generating activities, five star hotel, volunteers & travelers home hosting stay, professional hubs, founders & idealist meetups, innovation & talent implementation support, food importing, exporting and selling stores, creating job opportunities, exchange programs villages to villages, county to counties, country to countries, regional to regionals local to international where we serve and network expanding world wide as we grow.If you are one in blockchain with big heart passion of doing public good deeds; philanthropists, literature, donors, marketers, fundraisers, investors, volunteers and other fields willing to support charity effort through online industries through funding, partnership, sponsorship and donations let make this happen through your fully funding donation to our approximate $16M.We are inviting you abroad in Kenya for your physical volunteering to experience where your donation goes. Donate, become our partner, sponsor, funder, one team, one international family of changing the world to become better place to live.DONATE NOW!!!
Ethereum Colombia
Mateo DazaThe idea of this project is to collect and manage resources using a multi-sig as a governance method between the leaders of the 3 active Ethereum communities in Colombia, to sustain and help to grow the efforts related to education and adoption of blockchain technologies in the Country.At this moment, there are few direct expenses related to hosting the Ethereum communities, as because of COVID-19 all events have been virtual and we only pay for subscriptions like zoom and meetups (Antioquia, Bogotá y Caribe).But we hope that things get better this year (looking forward DEVCON 6) and we want to be prepared to be able to host local events, organize and sustain workflows, design community projects, and make some merchandising for the ETH Colombia Community.For that, we are asking the Ethereum Broad Ecosystem funds to make the best possible community in Colombia, to promote the social impact of blockchain and keep incentivizing decentralized developments in LATAM and the Caribbean.Ethereum Antioquia: Youtube - TwitterEthereum Bogotá: Youtube - TwitterEthereum Caribe: Youtube - Twitter
Return to Green
T.R. PriceAchievementsReturn to Green hosted one of the first metaverse events for the regenerative finance movement. This event brought in 5.3 eth to Giveth projects around the world focused on the environment through an NFT auction featuring art from 48 artists. The second event helped to bring in funds through a digital artist's first ever NFT exhibition and auction, with funds going to mental health organizations on Giveth. EthSantiago streamed their event into the metaverse and the community has grown to 159 Twitter followers and a 49 person Telegram. NowReturn to Green will move away from events being the only thing that the organization does. Now it is working on the creation of an NFT marketplace that'll give artists the ability to support public good projects on Giveth whenever they'd like. Further details about the NFT marketplace can be found here Info:
Richard SchumannOpen Source Web3 Icon SetMaking web3 more beautiful, fast, and open through great iconography.I believe the best way to bring personality and performance to websites and products is through great design and technology. My goal is to make that process simple, by offering an intuitive and robust collection of open source icons. By using fusion, you can integrate icons seamlessly and however you prefer.Fusion for vue and react @ NPM is now available as Figma Community File write specs how to contribute as designer- work on community suggestions- add more icons web3 icons- keep coin icons up to date with new rising WebsiteIs the Hub to learn more and explore about this Project. Visit https://fusion.liProcess ExampleThanksfor supporting, it means a lot to me.update january 2023hoping for some bigger donations to enable me building a team that can work on fusion to continue and maintain fusion on a larger scale.update march 2023i sadly had no luck get much funding to cover me work full time on this project i just can work now and then on these icons for some hours here and there.happy for feedback how i could get serious funding to make this a successfull project.
Help regro farmers protect and augment our forests
MLIBTYUnder the increasing climate emergency pressure, the regrò project aims to connect land owners, farmers and growers, interested in sharing resources to build resilient agro-ecologic systems through Regenerative and Conservation Agriculture, Permaculture and non-invasive practices. Our website: www.projectregro.comYour contribution will help fund:The expansion of Simon’s farm, his food forest and regeneration projects, including the re-introduction of native plants such as bambooPart of the materials needed for fencing the Assisted Natural Regeneration (ANR) area in Tuscany, and actively protecting its inhabitants and visitors from hunting and other destructive practices (per Italian law, every non-fenced territory is free hunting area even if privately owned, with the only restriction for active cultivations, and ecosystem restoration is not considered an agricultural practice) The materials to bring water to the ANR area: this will kick-start the Soil Regeneration program as well, with the installation of wooden slopes amended with humus and vermicompost, which in turn will allow a sensible increase of the local humidity.The research and sharing work that will keep benefiting both active regro projects and future onesProject Showcase 1: fencing in Kenya, recycling and protecting the land Why is fencing important?Simon raises free-range chickens and geese, so fencing is crucial to provide the birds with a predator-free environment and to prevent them to wander too far away from the farm.Pilot area: Simon bought fence poles from a local producer of recycled plastic objects, installed the poles and the net, and planted roses, durantas, some palms and Carissa edulis he gathered in the wild.Project Showcase 2: wildlife water station in Tuscany, a big help for small beingsWhy are water stations important? Drought and soil erosion are two important driving factors of ecosystem decline in the Maremma region in Southern Tuscany. Wildlife, from bees to foxes, are dependent on rainfall for their survival during the increasingly dry months: small water stations made of recycled containers can greatly benefit -even save- their lives.Pilot area:Under the oaks’ shade at the very beginning of the forest, we created the first pilot area of regro’ in Italy in 2019. The primary goal here is to augment the Soil Organic Matter since this plot was heavily roamed by domestic pigs for at least a decade before we started stewarding the land. In the very first season, we introduced aromatic plants: Thyme, Sage, Mint, Summer savory and Lavender, and tested agroforestry beds under the trees' canopy.During the second season we added a stable water supply that feeds the water station and, through a dropping system, the plants and moss at the edge of the forest: we hope in this way to re-connect the depleted mycorrhizae net and attract all the actors necessary to re-grow a healthy ecosystem.Next steps, how your contribution will help: More recycled, local materials containers will be installed for small animals such as insects, turtles and other reptiles, birds + water stations for bigger animals, such as boars and roe deer, and for endangered birds (European turtle dove) already nesting in the ANR area.Project Showcase 3: agroecology farm in Croatia, a place to grow and make artMarko has joined regro in 2022 with his land in Croatia. He is funding this project with his own finances and sharing his journey and art with the regrò community ever since. To increase wildlife and soil health, much work is in preparation to be ready to sow beneficial plants. Pilot area:On his land in Istria region, Marko and his family are working to re-introduce native herbs and bushes.Next steps, how your contribution will help: Marko wants to keep learning about agroecology within the regrò network and expand his artistic practice using the materials he's discovering on his land. Your contribution will fund the research and sharing benefiting Marko's practices, while we will all enjoy the new art he will create.Meet the farmers: Simon in Kenya - Serena in Italy - Marko in CroatiaFarmers on the blockchainWe met on, a collaborative art platform, and through drawing together we discovered our love for nature and the land. In the early crypto art movement, we found supporting friends who helped greatly the regrò project development.Thanks to this net of artists, gardeners and technicians we expanded our knowledge about regenerative practices in agriculture, the blockchain role in monitoring, verifying and reporting and regenerative finance. Meet the land: Nyandarua - KenyaMeet the land: Maremma - ItalyOur partnersSince regro’s first steps, many entities have been crucial in its development: the cryptoart community with prominent artists and thinkers, but also inspiring organizations such as, Open Forest Protocol and Blockchain for Social Impact.Our website: ~ Free downloadable POAP Mantis papertoy ~ Download it from the POAP: new beehive in Nyandarua ~
Sex Workers Outreach Project
Brittany AndrewsSex Workers Outreach Project is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.SWOP is committed to the safety, autonomy, and human rights of people in the sex trade, and stands in solidarity with the many social justice movements intersectional to our own, including but not limited to Black Lives Matter, disability rights, drug and immigration reform, gender equality and the LGBTQ movement, and the rights of the working class.Our work would not be possible without the support of our lovely donors. Your donations directly support local grassroots advocacy, small-scale service provision, and community organizing.
Njombe Innovation Academy Panvala League
Mettodo BEUnleashing the potential of local youth to transform social challenges into social enterprises. Njombe Innovation Academy replicates the social innovation academy (SINA) model in Njombe (Tanzania).DescriptionNjombe region´s main economic activities are agriculture (76.3% of GDP) and livestock keeping. Local youth have few employment opportunities. Around 10% are unemployed and face unfavourable conditions to become entrepreneurs; hence, they usually engage in informal and unstable income-generating activities such as “mishe mishe” (daily small jobs) or seasonal farming. Youth who have not completed secondary or higher education (41% are out of school in secondary) are the most affected since they lack the skills and network to create or find decent income-generating activities. At the same time, Njombe faces social challenges such as malnutrition (levels of stunting are 49.4 %), HIV (11.4% prevalence) or poverty (GDP/capita 10% lower than the national level).Could we create an environment where local youth gain the tools and mindset to transform the challenges that surround them into social enterprises? SINA has the answer. The SINA model has proven that through a cost-effective and “freesponsible” community approach, marginalized youth can become self-reliant and can create a future for themselves through social enterprises, which in turn disrupt the root causes of social problems. Skills are gained by taking up responsibilities within self-organization in a SINA community. Youth grow personally and professionally while putting learned tools immediately into practice.Social enterprises which emerged range from organic mosquito repellant soap to construction out of plastic bottles or a flooring solution from plastic bags and eggshells. SINA scholars have gone as far as being recognized by the Queen of England, Obama or Ban Ki-moon as changemakers and social entrepreneurs.This model has already been replicated in countries other than its origin, Uganda; thus, planting a “SINA model seed” in Njombe will probably lead to additional self-organized spaces for social entrepreneurship across Tanzania.The ecosystem in Njombe is ready for SINA: there is political will, learning spaces and technologies, innovators and the interest of local youth who are already paying to attend training offered by Mzee Pwagu and SHIPO. A social innovation academy will be the space to bring together local (young) actors, provide them with additional skills and create a self-sustaining ecosystem that turns local challenges into social enterprises. Theory of ChangeThe desired impact is an increased number of social challenges tackled in Njombe by youth-led enterprises with locally available resources. In order to achieve that we will bootstrap a self-organised community of youth in Njombe who commonly owns and manages resources (material, knowledge, financial, social) to create social enterprises out of challenges (outcome). It is assumed that the potential and leadership to create positive social and environmental impact of local youth will be unleashed through the SINA model.Expected outputs after 2 years:10 local youth (scholars) are capacitated to become coaches and mentors of future cohorts (3 in Uganda and 7 in Njombe). It is assumed that scholars trained in Uganda have incentives to create a SINA community in Njombe.At least 20 scholars trained per year who create 5 social enterprises per year. It is assumed that successful scholars and enterprises have incentives to continue to contribute to the SINA community in Njombe.Mechanisms for the sustainability of the academy are in place. It is assumed that those mechanisms create the required culture (freedom and responsibility, knowledge sharing and mutual support, shared finances, shared materials and space, teamwork & collaboration) for the sustainability of the community.Milestones 3 young people from Njombe complete SINA´s 5 stage replication process in Uganda - 8,000 USDSpace and materials ready in Njombe, including water, food and electricity provision systems - 20,000 USD1st and 2nd cohorts of scholars in Njombe - 15,000 USD1st social enterprise registered in NjombeAn enterprise has a 2 million TZS turnover1st cohort of certified trainersSecured funding to run another yearStrategic approach & sustainability2-3 youth (at least 1 woman) will stay at SINA in Uganda for 9 months to become equipped with all the skills and tools necessary to replicate the model in Njombe. In the meantime, in Njombe, the learning space will be arranged, materials will be procured, SINA Njombe will be registered, local mentors and coaches will be selected and a selection process will be carried out to select 20 participants of the first cohort in Njombe. At least 50% of the selected participants will be women, 15% will be people with disabilities and all of them will come from marginalised and/or poor backgrounds.Within NIA´s first 2 years, two cohorts of scholars will undergo SINA´s empowerment process (one cohort each year) while living together and co-creating a self-organised, commons-based, feminist and transparent community with open source principles, benefiting from the experience of those youth who stayed in Uganda. Their enterprises will then move into the incubation phase. Before the second cohort starts a “train-the-trainer” training will take place where scholars will get ready to become the life-coaches, mentors, training facilitators and self-management trainers of the second cohort.In the short term we will look for donations (e.g. local business people). In the medium term social enterprises "born" at NIA will be the main source of income, with donations matched by Panvala and we will experiment with tokenisation or community currencies.Implementation arrangementsLocal youth are the key project agents: they are not “passive beneficiaries” but active agents who lead the creation of a SINA community in Njombe. The other agents offer a conducive environment and provide support and expertise in required topics. This arrangement has already been successfully implemented to replicate SINA communities in Zimbabwe or DRC, to mention a few. It allows youth to gain skills by taking up responsibilities within self-organization in a SINA community and to grow personally and professionally while putting learned tools immediately into practice.All the agents will walk the talk and self-organise with Holacracy, a SHIPO representative filling the lead link role. All the agents will walk the talk and self-organise with Holacracy. Hence, decision-making (including the chanelling of funds) will be consent-based and transparent.Transparency Gnosis safe main multisig wallet: 0x308Fd8FB79379dEAD5A360FFb6Dd2D1AFf9F5EE4Wallet addres for Giveth: 0xAb2456B5758C0d7f4272151eFb56cb7643CA7E30Team:SHIPO: implementing agency, project coordination. Workshop and learning space. Expertise on simple technologies and circular economy Local youth (scholars): learn and experience the SINA model and replicate a self-organised community in Njombe. SINA (Uganda and other SINA communities): the whole project mentoring and support. International network. Expertise on empowerment process and Holacracy. Mzee Pwagu: technological innovation knowledge. Workshop, tools and machinesVAHACA: mentoring and coaching of scholars. Expertise on innovation processes. Learning space in NjombeLocal and national mentors and coaches Buni hub: mentoring for scholars and the whole project. Expertise on innovation processes and incubation. National level network (mentors & coaches, events, business and industry connections) and funding.Want to contribute?Funding is our main current need; we need it to get started!Njombe Innovation Academy (NIA) is a proud member of the Panvala League. Donations in PAN are very much appreciated. You can get PAN on Uniswap and Honeyswap (xDai)Since we are just starting we are not very well known in the crypto ecosystem. If you like NIA, share this grant with your friends or just tweet about us! E.g.:I have supported NIA on @Givethio: they are empowering youth to transform local challenges into social enterprises in a self-organised and #freesponsible community in Tanzania. #PanvalaHQ league members (donations in PAN appreciated). @WeAreSINAWhen things get moving on the ground we will require additional help: e.g. mentors and coaches for scholars and local social enterprises.Check updated issues on our Github ;)Karibuni sana!
Spread the Love Commission
[email protected]Spread the Love Commission (STLC),, is a national nonprofit organization whose mission it is to take the helpless out of our homeless crisis by bridging the divide between those experiencing homelessness and those who wish to help. In December of 2014, founder Wren Fialka, asked a man in the pain cycle of homelessness a very simple question:“If there were a bag of basic things I could bring you tomorrow that could make your day-to-day life easier, what would be in that bag?”His answer was eye-opening and in that moment Spread the Love Commission was born. To this day, this impactful list is used and fine tuned with the insight of those STLC serves on every outreach.According to the most recent counts, there are between 600,000 and 1.5 million people facing homelessness in the U.S. According to The Hill from March 1 of 2021, “11 million additional households could face homelessness as COVID-19 protections (from eviction) expire.Since that pivotal moment in 2014, Wren and a dedicated group of volunteers have personally served over 40 cities and communities in need across the U.S. With one employee, a trusty Honda Element and a growing number of passionate sponsors and supporters, STLC has already distributed close to 1 million dollars worth of critical supplies and services to our unhoused and displaced neighbors. In turn, providing hope, health, comfort and advocacy for this growing demographic comprised of people from all walks of life.As STLC continues to expand its reach it is time for some critical next steps to meet the demands of their outreach. This year STLC is raising funds to hire an experienced support staff and purchase and build out their first outreach van. Imagine how much love can be spread with your help!One of the first things STLC realized was the desperate need for housed people to better understand the root causes of homelessness and the people caught up in it. More often than not, the stigma and misinformation around this crisis discourages housed people from reaching out to help in compassionate and informed ways. Educating ourselves and others is one of the first places we can start.Some of the top 5 reasons for our homeless crisis in the U.S. might surprise you and can happen to most of us. Without a supportive family or safety net, many of us could be facing homelessness when faced with these situations.1. Lack of affordable housing2. Lack of a living wage3. A tragic life event - a death or illness in the family, job loss, a natural or man-made disaster, domestic violence4. A major illness (mental or physical) or accident5. Substance abuse With Spread the Love Commission’s simple 3 pronged approach, Connection, Compassion and Vital Supplies their mission helps heal this crisis from the ground up.By breaking the stigma of homelessness and the invisible wall between those humans caught in its pain cycle and those who can offer a hand up, this approach continues to prove itself with one success story after another. Take 10 minutes to watch our award-winning video about our friend, volunteer, and client
Philippa 'Pippa' AttwoodFUTURO NATIVO ( is born to support our indigenous ancestors to rehabilitate the land, cultivate healthy jungles and share cultural traditions. Our mission is to protect forests and promote sustainable, economic growth in indigenous communities.Currently we support 10 indigenous communities in the Brazilian Amazon, Peru, Costa Rica and Mexico. We have personal contact and lifelong friendships with each of the villages we support. Trust & Transparency are our integral part of our Values and Ethics.All donations go directly towards the projects of:REFORESTATION & CONSERVATIONWe support the villages to build tree nurseries to grow native species and begin agroforestry projects. We construct the nursery, source native seed and saplings and install water and irrigation equipment. We support the villages to reforest degraded land with productive species using agroforestry principles, to provide food security and a good nutritional diet to the inhabitants of the village. The surplus of these agro-forests can also be exchanged with neighbouring towns and villages and be used as an alternative economy. COMMUNITY, EDUCATION & INFASTRUCTUREWe support educational events to share indigenous teachings and knowledge of the land with other indigenous and non indigenous neighbours, to understand why it is so important to keep the forest alive, stop deforestation of the land and how the forest can be productive. A typical 3 day event that invites indigenous leaders and non indigenous representatives of neighbouring towns, including food, accommodation and travel costs between $4000-$5000 for 100 attendees.MUSIC PRODUCTION & ARTS The indigenous have long used singing as a way to tell their stories and deepen their connection with natures. The strength of their language and vibration of their songs are powerful and it's time to share those prayers with the world. We are supporting indigenous musicians by donating musical instruments, recording equipment, to produce professionally mastered tracks that can be released into our mainstream channels, Spotify, YouTube, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud. In traditional craft making, jewellery making and basket weaving the long linage of cultural craftsmanship still remains strong in the villages, we support (mostly women) in their indigenous crafts. We support the villages to produce & sell their crafts within boutique shops and online stores.FUTURE VISIONAs stewards and guardians of the land Our Future Vision is to create large scale protected forest zones. Where land has been reforested and regenerated, this will be protected without threat from future exploitation.More information on the projects can be found here:
Emprende DAO
jose coronadoEmprende DAO es una comunidad que nació por un grupo de WhatsApp ( Grupo Emprendedor) el cual buscaba crear ideas que ayudara y construir un proyecto para mitigar los efectos de la crisis económica que atraviesa nuestro país, implementando las nuevos tecnologías, la web 3 y las criptomonedas como base para crear una economía que nos proteja de la depreciación de nuestra moneda local.Emprende DAO is a community that was born by a WhatsApp group (Grupo Emprendedor) which sought to create ideas that would help and build a project to mitigate the effects of the economic crisis that our country is going through, implementing new technologies, the web 3 and the cryptocurrencies as a basis to create an economy that protects us from the depreciation of our local currency.Del WhatsApp pasamos a encuentros presenciales en jornadas de trabajos, discutiendo protocolos y interactuando con algunas DAO en el ecosistema, así fue como tomamos la decisión de que nuestro proyecto seria una DAO llamada Emprende DAO.From WhatsApp we went to face-to-face meetings in work days, discussing protocols and interacting with some DAOs in the ecosystem, that's how we made the decision that our project would be a DAO called Emprende DAO.El problema nosotros somos de caracas Venezuela un pais caribeño que en los últimos 10 años a venido teniendo problemas políticos y económicos los que ha causado una inestabilidad a nuestra sociedad, causando el aumento de la pobreza y la emigración de millones de venezolanos en busca de una vida mejor. el problema mas grande que ha causado todo estos toda esta serie de problemas es la inflación de nuestra moneda, la cual ha llegado a ser una de las inflaciones mas grande del mundo.The problem, we are from Caracas, Venezuela, a Caribbean country that in the last 10 years has been having political and economic problems that have caused instability in our society, causing an increase in poverty and the emigration of millions of Venezuelans in search of a better life. The biggest problem that has caused all of this whole series of problems is the inflation of our currency, which has become one of the largest inflation rates in the world.Una forma de hacerle frente a esto es con las blockchain y las cryptomonedas la cual nos puede facilitar en el uso de pasarela de pagos por la comercialización de productos, nosotros estamos creando usando la blockchain de gnosis chain para ese uso ya que cuenta con comisiones bajas y es full rápida en sus transacciones. la implementación de esta tecnología es fundamentar la adopción de la misma es por ellos que aparece nuestro primer contribuidor.One way to deal with this is with the blockchain and cryptocurrencies which can facilitate the use of a payment gateway for the commercialization of products, we are creating using the gnosis chain blockchain for that use since it has low commissions and it is full fast in its transactions. the implementation of this technology is to base its adoption, it is for them that our first contributor appears.cripto start: es un proyecto propuesto por unos chicos para impulsar la adopción de las cryptomonedas en la comunidad de EmprendeDAO y sus clientes, usando las redes sociales como YouTube, Twitter e instagram y creando talleres presenciales para una mejor educación.cripto start: it is a project proposed by some boys to promote the adoption of cryptocurrencies in the EmprendeDAO community and its clients, using social networks such as YouTube, Twitter and instagram and creating face-to-face workshops for better education.Nuestro pais también mantiene un bloqueo de otros paises producto de la inestabilidad política, la cual nos incapacita para el uso de algunos protocolos y Exchange centralizados es por ello que nace un segundo actor en nuestro proyecto.Our country also maintains a blockade of other countries as a result of political instability, which disables us for the use of some protocols and centralized Exchange, which is why a second actor is born in our project.Gcompartidas: esta dirigido por un amigo llamado Diego el cual desde hace algún tiempo viene prestando el servicio de cambio de monedas, el papel que jugaría este proyecto dentro de EmprendeDAO es la comercialización de criptomonedas de la red de gnosis a BS o dólares en efectivo que son fundamental para la reposición de inventario.Gcompartidas: it is directed by a friend named Diego who has been providing the currency exchange service for some time. The role that this project would play within EmprendeDAO is the commercialization of cryptocurrencies from the gnosis network to BS or dollars in cash that They are essential for inventory replenishment.En la actualidad EmprendeDAO esta trabajando impulsando 2 proyectos productivos que ya se encuentran activos en su primera etapa, estos son ( recarga de agua purificada y Bubbe´s Factory) dirigido por marialex y mi persona el cual presta servicio en el sur de la ciudad de caracas llevándole agua purificada a la comunidad y la fabricación de productos de limpieza ( jabón desinfectaste cloro y desengrasante)EmprendeDAO is currently working promoting 2 productive projects that are already active in their first stage, these are (purified water recharge and Bubbe's Factory) directed by marialex and myself, which provides services in the south of the city of Caracas bringing purified water to the community and manufacturing cleaning products (chlorine disinfectant soap and degreaser)En los últimos días hemos estado en contacto con una amiga llamada Karla la cual tiene un proyecto de diseño y arte es una escuela que estamos incluyendo dentro de EmprendeDAO la llevar arte a nuestra comunidad. In recent days we have been in contact with a friend named Karla who has a design and art project in a school that we are including within EmprendeDAO to bring art to our community.Pronto vendrán mas proyectos a nuestra comunidad y aparecerán las primeras acciones y bienes tokenizados que es otra manera de impulsar nuestra economía. hoy en día estamos contrayendo las beses de esta organización es por ello que si es de tu agrado apoyarnos les agradecería desde mi corazón, los fondos recaudados serán enviados a nuestra bóveda en gnosis safe para ser utilizados en esta construcción como son el pago colaboradores diseñadores entre otros.Soon more projects will come to our community and the first tokenized shares and assets will appear, which is another way to boost our economy. Today we are contracting the kisses of this organization, which is why if you like to support us, I would appreciate it from my heart. The funds raised will be sent to our vault in gnosis safe to be used in this construction, such as the payment of collaborators, designers, among others. others. Nuestras redes sociales: podemos llegar lejos y fuertes.Together we can go far and strong.
Alex CorrenEstablishing Common Ground for the Resilient Communities of our FutureWe work to reclaim and protect the commons by supporting the development of resilient place-based communities and a culture of regeneration.We collaborate with others to acquire land for regenerative projects that is held in perpetuity by a network of bioregional community land trusts (bioregional nodes).We work with the appropriate stakeholders to develop a permaculture master plan for the land that the bioregional node is responsible for implementing and stewarding.The bioregional node creates leaseholds based on the proper ecological land use identified in the master plan and leases the land to people and organizations to use.The leaseholder may own the building on the land and has rights to all the profits they generate from their work on the land or improvements they make to it, but they don’t own the land itself. That always stays with the bioregional node. There’s a lot more to share…🌎 Visit the Website📖 Read the Whitepaper V1"The story of land is older than the story of man. Land came first; no man created it. Every society, large or small, must devise ways in which its members will share this gift. This is allocation. Members of the society must also determine under what conditions the land will be passed on to the next generation.This is continuity. And they must decide if, when, and how it may be traded with others. This is exchange." - Robert SwannOur FocusLarger projects that combine the community land trust model of land tenure with regenerative agriculture, permaculture, natural building, rural development, good urbanism and web3 technology to support the resilient place-based communities of our future.Our Vision (maybe yours too) A global network of regenerative bioregional economies and place-based communities built on ecological design principles and resilient systems to support humanity as we transition into a new paradigm of abundance. Legal Status: We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and every bioregional node will be too. (or a similar structure depending on the country)WHERE THE MONEY GOES - Supporting the core functions and responsibilities of RegenCLT along with its team members and contributors- Build out a website that meets the functionality we need to support our member portal and initiative process- Confirm our legal strategies and the develop governing document templates- All funds raised will be spent transparentlyWHAT WE CAN DO WITH MORE FUNDING - Fund the first mutli-stakeholder RegenCLT project- Acquisition of property (in discussion for projects in Colorado and Puerto Rico)- Legal incorporation of the bioregional node- Full-blown permaculture design, site assessment and master plan- Make sure the people doing this regenerative work are paid a fair wageOn the Technical side we want to:- Co-create the web3 governance system to run in parallel to the ‘analog’ legal title-holding bioregional node- Assemble the tech stack we need to support our member community of global and local commons stewards- Launch a membership token for governance, access, bioregional staking, carbon credit and ecocredit integration, and regenerative local economiesOn the Cultural side we want to:- Collaborate with various stakeholders to make projects happen efficiently and that the work being done is truly regenerative.- Work with DAOs and other organizations as the land-stewardship partner to ensure that the land for their project is held in common trust in perpetuity.- Be a catalyst for the cultural shift from extraction and degeneration to conservation and regeneration so that we may reverse the course of the 6th mass extinction and create better conditions for all life on Earth.🐦 Connect on Twitter 🤝 Become a MemberThank you for your support 💚
Bridging Digital Communities
Kay @geleeroyaleI run a bridge server for chats (Discord, Telegram, Riot, ...) and am actively engaging communities connected to the Ethereum space. Especially with the advent of newDAOs my services are being requested on a regular basis. Most requested at the moment is bridging between community servers on Discord (both communities get to share a room), whereas before it was mostly mirroring rooms between different protocols. Once a bridge is up, it still needs to be maintained and I regularly check that everything is in working order. I never charge for these services, but I do accept donations (all Ethereum tokens) Current list of bridged communities:GivethThe Commons StackMetagameHackalong1hiveethereum.orgbalancer.ioAragoncadCADToken EngineeringToken Engineering CommonssourcecredRaid GuildDappNodebrightIDMetafactorydOrgMaticConsensysPanvalaGitcoinYearnDAOHausKshazuDAO Book ClubMol Le ArtETHLatamShenaniganSeeing EarthBoson Protocol
Gnars Dao
Vlad NikoONE GNAR,LESS OFTEN,FOREVER.Gnars are a new way to fund extreme athletes. We prefer a world where kids aren’t shilled energy drinks by their heroes. So as a community of action sports enthusiasts, we’ve formed a DAO to rethink how extreme sports people get sponsored.Based on Nouns open source code and CC0 artwork, they’re stored fully on-chain on Ethereum with no external dependencies (not even IPFS), and each one represents a DAO vote. We’re changing the way extreme sport is funded as stewards of Nouns Athletes with backing from Nouns DAO.Start creating Gnars off-chain using the Playground (soon) or learn more at artwork is in the public domain.One Gnar is trustlessly auctioned every 10 minutes, then less often, forever.By “less often” we mean auction length doubles every 1000 auctions.Gnar auction proceeds are trustlessly sent to the treasury and founder.Setting the bid slider determines the resulting percentage split.Settlement of one auction kicks off the next.All Gnars are members of Gnars DAO.One Gnar is equal to one vote.The treasury is controlled exclusively by Gnars via governance.Artwork is generative and stored directly on-chain (not IPFS).Nouns Athletes receive 10% of supply for 5 years.Gnars DAO utilizes a Gnosis Safe multisig, which combined with Zodiac Reality Module and Snapshot, allows for gasless governance voting. Gnars DAO is the main governing body of the Gnars ecosystem and the Gnars DAO treasury receives whatever percentage of ETH proceeds bidders choose at time of bidding.Each Gnar is an irrevocable member of Gnars DAO and entitled to one vote in all governance matters. Gnar votes are non-transferable (if you sell your Gnar the vote goes with it) but delegatable, which means you can assign your vote to someone else as long as you own your Gnar.This profile seeks donations for Gnars Treasure, so enthusiasts can help accelerate our Dao goals, of supporting athletes and artists
Reintegration Program for the homeless of Mexico
Daniel Alejandro Calles ValenciaGreetings from Mexico.This is a letter to the citizens of the world:By definition, an individual who lives in poverty is someone who is unable to aquire the basic basket of consumer goods.According to recent studies made by CONEVAL (National Council for the Evaluation of Social Development Policy), the percentage of mexicans experiencing extreme poverty grew from 14% in 2018 to 17.2% in 2020.The population of homeless grew from 17.3 million to 21.9 million in just two years.Lesser forms of poverty (but poverty still) are estimated to be between 49.9% and 52.8%.The numbers are very clear: half of the people in Mexico suffer from some or other form of precarety.As a mexican myself, these numbers are, at first alarming, requiring immediate visibility and action.There are many complex reasons (historic, social, political, etc.) in our country that make these kind of projects hard to find or nonexistent.Through inspiration gathered from other good deeds inside and outside this platform I have decided to take direct action and start this journey which, step by step, person by person, aims to lend a hand to the most in need.We aim to:-Provide basic care and consumer goods to those who most need it as a start.-Treat psychological and psychiatric illnesses with the help of professionals.-Support the rehabilitation process. Drug addiction is not easy to treat, but not impossible.-Create and find job opportunities adequate to the individuals' aspirations and habilities.-Build safe enviroments that promote education and guidance to those who seek it.-Educate and teach Internet basics (as a tool to find more opportunities).-Provide necessary communication tools essential for employment (cellphones, laptops, or just simple access to the web).-Reconnect homeless people with their families if possible.-Expand our reach indifenetely, even geographically. The more we do, the better.-When the rehabilitation process is succesfull, be open and accept these individuals as agents of change in their communities. Genuine help is rewearded with gratefulness and a desire to give back.In conclussion, our final and current goal is to FULLY reintegrate individuals to society, opposed to the more superficial and uninterested help we have grown so accustomed to see in social media (yikes).How this started:The man shown in the cover picture is Adrian Sánchez, a 31 y/o man living in the streets of Guadalajara.I met him outside an OXXO (convenience store equivalent to a 7-eleven) during a travel trip and after sharing a couple of minutes of very coherent conversation I decided to dwelve into his story. Both of his parents died and the family fell appart: his siblings kicked him out of their home after learning he had a severe drug addiction.Adrian Sanchez, 31 y/o. It has been one year and a half since that event, trying everything to get up on his feet again but, as every homeless person, he faces obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Still, I sensed his strong desire to get out of this situation, so I decided to start somehow.He accepted a haircut, a complete shower and hygiene kit, food, a backpack and clothes (new and used).Adrian made promt use of every single item, showing the truly complicated situation he is in.I did want it to end there: I gathered his info (a friend of his in homeless situation too has a cellphone which I can text, and he can text back) and left with the promise that I would find a way to come back and help him (I am from another city) as I did not have more resources to do it immediately.So here I am wishing not to fail him.I am confident this could also work outside Mexico, we are just starting here.I seek help because I do not have the means to do this by myself but wish to be an active agent of change in my community however I can.When provided with basic care and food items, most homeless people just need psychological asisstance and another chance to get back on track.To us people in better circumstances, It is our duty to provide those opportunities. Together we can stop the dehumanization of the homeless people. I thank you for reading me, deeply.-H.S.....My contact info is [email protected] proof of every single item bought via donations will be provided.
Run Zimbabwe Project for Anti Poaching Units in Zim
Ryan MossAround Zimbabwe in 80 Days!The Run Zimbabwe ProjectEvery year, a group of elderly, verging on bloody ancient social mountain bike riders known as the Old Legs Tour look to have fun, to do good and above all to do epic on their bikes whilst riding them to ridiculously faraway places, like Cape Town, like Kilimanjaro, like Uganda, raising money and awareness for Zimbabwe’s beleaguered pensioners in the process. Often steep hills are involved, and sometimes wild and dangerous animals that can either eat you or stand on you."We ride bicycles because they go faster than say someone running, always a good idea when long distances are involved, or wild and dangerous animals looking to stand on you or eat you, and also because sore bottoms are easier to treat than sore feet and stress fractures. None of this is breaking news. The bicycle was invented by pedestrians a long time ago. Mostly we ride bicycles instead of running because we are not certifiably mad, which is more than can be said for Ryan Arthur Moss."1st April 2023, Ryan Arthur Moss, a veteran of 4 Old Legs Tour will take epic to ridiculous levels when he becomes the first athlete in history to Run around Zimbabwe. Ryan is looking to run a grueling 3500 kilometers in 40c Heat around Zimbabwe’s borders, through Mana Pools and the Zambezi Valley, through Gonarezhou and along the Eastern Highlands, the length of Lake Kariba, from Victoria Falls down to the Tuli Circle through Hwange National Park, braving lions, elephants and tsetse flies, in under 80 days. Silly boy.One man running a marathon a day, every day, for 80 days through Zimbabwe’s wildest and most rugged landscapes, it doesn’t get more epic than that, or hard, or pretty much every other superlative in the book.Ryan will Run Zimbabwe to raise money and awareness for Zimbabwe’s pensioners, and for the conservation efforts of Project Ranger and the Projects they fund - ATS Savé valley, Bumi hills APU, Bushlife mana pools, Conservation wildlife fund Hwange , Mother Africa and Sapi with Zimparks. All operating in the wilderness areas he runs through.You will be able to follow Ryans every brutal step of the way on www.ryanarthurmoss.comShould Ryan survive being eaten, stood upon, etcetera, Ryan has asked for a new bicycle for Christmas.
Mexican Cultural Center Denver
Founded in 1992, the Mexican Cultural Center is a non-profit 501c3 organization that works in partnership with cultural, educational and other institutions to promote and maintain the richness of Mexican culture in the State of Colorado. The Mexican Cultural Center is dedicated to increasing awareness of Mexico’s unique arts, customs, traditions and destinations among the audiences of the United States of America. Mission: The Mexican Cultural Center works in partnership with art and cultural institutions to promote and maintain the richness of Mexican culture in Colorado. The Center is dedicated to increasing awareness of Mexico’s splendid traditions of travel, cuisine, art, music and handcrafts among the audiences of the United States. Vision: Our activities will contribute to the development of education and culture in the State of Colorado.
Denver Art Museum
The primary mission of the Denver Art Museum is to enrich the lives of present and future generations through the acquisition, presentation, and preservation of works of art, supported by exemplary scholarship and public programs related both to its permanent collections and to temporary exhibitions presented by the Museum.HistoryFounded in 1893 as the Denver Artists' Club, the Denver Art Museum today is one of the largest art museums between Chicago and the West Coast. The museum’s global art collections represent cultures around the world, with more than 70,000 works of art in 12 collections, including African art, architecture and design, art of the ancient Americas, Asian art, European and American art before 1900, Latin American art, Oceanic art, modern and contemporary art, photography, textile art and fashion, Indigenous arts of North America, and western American art. The museum’s global collections also reflect work by artists from Denver and the Rocky Mountain region—and provide invaluable ways for the community to learn about the world.At the Denver Art Museum, we believe art has the power to forge connections, bridge differences, and transform lives. We are always looking for people who share our passion for creativity and community building to join our team.Links:
The Yagazie Foundation YES Camp Initiative
Yagazie FoundationShort Story about Yagazie FoundationYagazie Foundation is an organization that cares for the younger generations; we use one of our capability platforms (The YES Camp) to provide the teens with the tranquillity of open space in our Educative project, which features fun, excitement, a safe environment, and learning through a wide range of social activities that promote “can do” attitude that can help enhance their confidence and cognition.The Yagazie Foundation YES Camp is a continual project which will always be an opportunity for them to express their feelings, hopes, and frustrations and give them a chance to develop their cognition and other skills they need, such as STEM, critical thinking, problem-solving, team works, financial literacy, voluntary work, listening. The Reason for this CrowdfundingThe funds will enable us to host a successful YES Camp Project that will take advantage of Literary, Social, Numerical, Arts, Cultural, Painting, and Sporting activities. The landscape is hinged to be a learning environment and a safe space for learning, development, and interaction.The children will benefit from this project which will help them to fill their time and get out from their exposure to ongoing scenes/acts of violence and psychological harm that hurt their physical and mental well-being, making them relevant to themselves, their families, and communities. As a stakeholder in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), I assure you that this will be a well-nurtured partnership that would benefit unreached communities in Nigeria in conformity to the SDGs. Thanks for your help and support for Yagazie Foundation Yes Camp!Learn more about how the Yagazie Foundation Allies with the Sustainable Development GoalsImpact Report Yagazie Yes Camp 1:
Mafia Creativa
Razvan PopescuWe are a decentralized and mission-driven organization. Our goal is to use creative problem solving in order to bring joy to the world and create a sustainable economic models for the people that actually make the world a more beautiful and inclusive place!🍀We started as a twitter group back in 2020 and managed to help artists and creatives navigate web3. We are also proud that due to our tutoring sessions a lot of our members managed to contribute to DAOs, launch small projects and some even got full time jobs in web3.Until now we have:-onboarded over 30 people to web3 and helped them discover opportunities-created a Discord server where we post and share educational materials that help people understand the future of the collaborative economy-donated to 3 local NGOs via pay pal-used part of the funds Mafia Creativa Jius Valley to feed stray animals and also street animals(cats, dogs, birds, etc)-hosted open educational twitter spaces for RomaniansWebsite: https://mafiacreativa.orgDiscord: will rebrand soon and keep Mafia Creativa Jius Valley as our local Romanian branch.PS.We have no funding atm and we are working pro-bono!😇
Giveth Names
Tekr from Punk DomainsWe would like to build a unique way for the Giveth community to interact with each other on the upcoming Web3 Social platforms.We will launch a Web3 Social username service called Giveth Names where anybody can mint their very own web3 domain username with a .giveth extension on the Gnosis chain (examples: franco.giveth, team.giveth, etc.)The .giveth extension represents the Giveth community. Once a username is minted it belongs to the user forever (no renewing fees).Strengthening the bonds within the Giveth community 💡Many people are already using .eth names as usernames on Twitter and other social media.Imagine the same happening for the Giveth community. Having your own domain extension is good for spreading awareness and it also strengthens bonds between members of the community.More than just a domainWeb3 names are a digital identity. Giveth members can use domains as usernames when they log into web3 apps. They can also attach additional data to a domain, like a website URL, a Twitter handle, or an email address. Or they can use domains to easily send tokens and NFTs to each other.The Giveth Names service is built on top of the Punk Domains protocol that is the go-to protocol for many big projects like KlimaDAO, PoolTogether, Smol Brains, Layer2DAO and more. You can learn more about the Punk Domains protocol in our documentation: Many possible integrationsAny dApp or web3 frontend can easily integrate with .giveth domain extensions.The protocol is completely permissionless and the code is open-sourced on our Github: Minting fees => Public Goods ❤We are firm believers in public goods funding. That is why 80% of the name minting proceeds will go into the Giveth Matching Pool. This will be implemented into our smart contract so that every time a new .giveth name is minted the proceeds will go automatically to the matching pool address.Use of fundsDonations to our project will help us cover the costs of developing and managing the Giveth Names project. We will set up smart contracts and a custom website for minting Giveth Names.After the launch, we will manage promotional activities to attract new and existing users into the Giveth Community. The future & conclusion 🔮Web3 Social is arriving in a big way. There are many projects building different parts (lego blocks) of the upcoming Web3 Social.Usernames (aka “domains”) are one of these building blocks. The whole idea is based on the fact that every user owns their online identity and the content they produce (posts, comments, images, etc.)Web3 names are an integral part of Web3 Social. They mainly serve as usernames, but can also hold additional (optional) data such as homepage URL, image data, email address, etc.Let’s bring the Giveth community into the Web3 Social space together!Website:
Childrens Museum Of Denver
We believe in kid-powered learning.Every day, we work to open doors for our future leaders, innovators, and adventurers to explore, create and learn - on their own terms. Our target ages are newborn through eight years old, but everyone can have a good time at the Museum! Our exhibits are hands-on, interactive and totally one-of-a-kind.The Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus is a 501(c)(3), private non-profit organization and a Tier II SCFD member. MissionTo create extraordinary experiences that champion the wonder and joy of childhood.HistoryWe first opened in 1973 as a traveling experience. In no time, our need for a more permanent location was evident and we leased a renovated building on Bannock Street. Within months, the Museum was drawing record numbers of visitors, so we began planning for a larger facility. In 1984, we opened our new building in its present location along the west bank of the Platte River. In 2015, we went through a $16.1 million expansion, creating a 9-acre campus and doubling our exhibit space.Our commitment to our communityThe Children’s Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus is a community gathering place. We welcome all children and their adults, regardless of ability, age, color, creed, ethnicity, gender expression, gender identity, immigration status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation or socioeconomic status, and invite everyone to learn and explore together.We celebrate diversity in all aspects of our organization. Through inclusive programming, exhibits, communal spaces and hiring practices, we commit to creating an environment that reflects and respects our community.Why children's museums?The Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus is a member of the Association of Children's Museums, a trade organization made up of more than 500 members. Children's museums are one of the fastest-growing segments in United States educational/cultural institutions. Over the last decade, the number of children's museums has grown by 100% annually, reaching 30 million children and their families. Children's museums rank only second to zoos among museum-related attractions in their ability to attract ethnically and culturally diverse audiences, and address the developmental needs of young children.Links:
Regens Unite
Xavier DammanWhat is Regens Unite? Regens Unite is a fresh way of gathering a widely sourced group of people who are working on regenerative solutions for themselves, for communities, and for our planet. Its focus is on connecting meaningfully with each other to learn and grow resilience.It’s a way to bring Regens together in real life to build a strong web between all the different types of regenerative sectors, both in and outside of web3, so that we can learn from each other and foster new avenues of collaboration & unification.Our in-person events bring together regenerative thinkers and doers in DAOs, ReFi, DeSci, Platform Coops, Purpose Organizations, Climate Activism, NGOs, and Art to co-create & share projects, knowledge, food, kindness and hope.OUR RECENT EVENTS: Bogotá (Regen Hub @ Devcon) - October 11-14 2022 - September 16-17 2022 PhotosAmsterdam - September 22-24 2022 - May 19-20 2022 PhotosWhat are Regen Unite events like? People have expressed awe and surprise by whom they’ve met and by the different approach Regens Unite events have taken. No powerpoints, no convincing each other of solutions, but uniting in our common goal: regenerate ourselves, regenerate how we communicate & collaborate, and regenerate the planet.These unconference-style events include:- Facilitated workshops- Round circle discussions- Co-creation spaces- Relaxation areasSome of the reactions we received in the feedback form on the question ‘what surprised you?’- Solid female presence, and people who didn’t know what web 3 was (YES)- I was positively surprised, that not only people from crypto world attended- The leaning into regeneration as a personal, interpersonal human need as well as environmental regenerationWhat’s next for Regens Unite? There is a reason that greenpilling is such a strong movement: the understanding that we do not want to recreate current global system imbalances by building in a silo. We need to build bridges, we need to connect to our neighbours and to offline communities.There is a lot more potential in the ideas behind Regens Unite. We are now organising to become a DAO to to help each other create those spaces where Regens can unite in every city and every region.Our goal is to facilitate more events in 2023, produce great content around the movement, and help Regens unite around the world. Every donation helps us to move this mission forward!
William SkinnerWelcome to the Tsuji ResidenceAn ancient Japanese compound older than the Constitution of the United States, this residence was passed down through 16 generations of the Tsuji clan. A culturally significant relic located just north of Kyoto, the Japanese government requested to preserve the property as a national heritage site. However Mr. Tsuji, the last living descendant, insisted on a private sale so that he could choose who would carry on the Tsuji legacy.After extensive research and discussions, we’re honored to have been chosen as the next generation of caretakers to renovate the property into a vibrant community space for both local and international artisans, builders and creatives. Our mission is to transform the Tsuji residence into a container for human flourishing, seamlessly blending deep cultural heritage with modern creative endeavors. Provided the serenity of nature, vibrancy of a multidisciplinary community and freedom to experiment, fail and persevere, could we design a new paradigm of modern living?We have only one month to raise the funds to capitalize on this once in a lifetime opportunity. Will you join us??
Regenerating Sonora
Chris CasillasRegenerating Sonora 501(c)(3) was founded in September of 2019, and is working towards seeing all life thriving in the Sonora Bioregion. We seek to unleash the potential of underserved communities in systemic ways that foster education, collaboration, and inspiration. We see this leading to healthy communities filled with people who are capable of being a blessing to the world around them. Immediately, we are focused on the town of Superior, AZ, a rural mining community of some 3,000 souls. All crypto given goes directly to work team members who are paid for their time they contribute to our natural capital initiative.
Espaço VoaA Dream for Carrancas: Espaço VoaCarrancas is a town of 4 thousand inhabitants, of great cultural importance and full of natural riches. And it is in this small town in the South of Minas Gerais, a collective dream was born: the Espaço Voa - a place for self-directed learning and human development.The Espaço Voa is a living environment where families, educators, collaborators, and children are given tools to move between self-knowledge, transformation, and connection. We aspire to develop the creative potential inside each one, promoting integral, autonomous, respectful, and meaningful learning. We believe that when we follow what moves us, what makes sense to us, our commitment and dedication to learning are potentiated.Counting on a self-directed learning after-school program, this place welcomes the diverse learning needs of the community's children. Everyone involved in Espaço Voa is encouraged to be free to believe in themselves and their dreams. We wouldn't be here if we didn't believe in ours: building an inclusive learning space that promotes human connections and motivation for learning.Our purpose is to promote a self-directed and inclusive learning space. ✨Our goal?To promote an inclusive learning space. For every family that can support us financially and has a kid with us, we match this to help another kid in the community to receive a social grant. And for this dream to come true, you are essential! Come with us to building #aDreamForCarrancasFollow us at:
Aline SilvaMempodera is a female empowerment project. We focus mainly on girls as a form of historical reparation, we have in Brazil as well as in the world a process of repression of female participation, our project aims to offer a psychologically safe environment for them to feel comfortable to learn something new, such as wrestling, speak English and learn about blockchain and programming. Historically we hear that women are more thoughtful and risk less than men, but the truth is that we can't go wrong, we have less chances, data in Brazil show that of the total number of students in courses related to computing, only 15% are women.In practice, our project works in public schools in Brazil offering wrestling and English classes twice a week and web3 classes will start once a week as soon as we manage to raise the necessary funds to get the computers, pay for the internet and teachers.With the money we will be able to pay for:Teachers: US$4.800/year per schoolComputers: US$62.400/just once for the first 3 classes with 64 students eachWi-Fi: US$400/year per schoolThe other activities from our program is already being payed with other partnerships that we have. We now have Mempodera in 3 schools in Brazil, 2 schools in Cubatão and 1 in São Luís do Maranhão, for the next years our purpose is to have the program all across Brazil.You can learn more about us in our website and social media strongly believe that opportunity is what can change our world through people, if you think so too, you are welcome aboard our mission.

Denver Public Schools Foundation

Denver Childrens Home
See Schedule O.Denver Children's Home restores hope and health to traumatized children and families through a comprehensive array of therapeutic, educational, and community-based services.
Diamante Luz Center for Regenerative Living
Diamante LuzDiamante Luz is a space for integrated collaboration and cooperation with nature. Our residents, neighbors, and visitors have been drawn to the area in order to co-create a space for living and working in balance with all of our relations.As the first node of the Diamante Bridge Collective, we are passionate about the integration of permaculture and shared common land-based resources.We offer learning environments for ecological wellness and restoration so all ages can share knowledge and connect with the wisdom of this place.We provide spaces for things such as:Cultural centers for artisansProcessing kitchens for medicinal and food preparationsSyntropic food forests for food security Mentoring those passionate about becoming leaders of local food movements Environmentally responsible regenerative businessesAll whilst offering the space for personal development through community interaction.We are an evolving eco-village of nomadic co-creators at the beginning stages of development with many opportunities for regenerative investment for the benefit of future generations. The land itself has drawn us in with two majestic waterfalls of dramatically different characters, a spring that is in need of replenishment through reforestation efforts, and a three hectare section of land that we have set aside as protected forest and waterways. Much of our work takes place in transforming the ten hectares of pasture into a thriving live/work community with opportunities for collective and personal land stewardship. We are inspired to share our passions for clean water, healthy soil, clean air, and beautiful sustainable structures.Our beautiful onsite waterfall, who we lovingly call Abuela. Cleaning our waterways, and keeping them clean, is a core project within our collective. A snapshot from a cultural exchange event, held at Diamante Luz, with respected local Indigenous Elders. We shared food, gifts, stories, values and intentions. We continue to nurture these relationships in honor of our Indigenous wisdom keepers and for continued collaboration. 8th July 2021.The structure which houses the heart of our community - the sacred fire, the kitchen, and the gathering and sharing space. Currently our most solid structure on the land, and built with our own loving hands, and the help of many volunteers. So much takes place in this simple beautiful structure!Diamante Luz family sharing wholesome plant-based food at a community lunch. All the greens for our amazing salads come from the land!Our master Syntropic Permaculturist Travis Britzke out in the field, sharing his knowledge. We have planted more than 1000 plants and trees in the last 2 years at Diamante Luz. We are aiming for food sovereignty and food security! Our soils are rich for planting a wide biodiversity of edible species. We also share our knowledge of permaculture and planting through educational pursuits such as public Plant Walks, a Mentorship Program, and during our regular weekly Hands on the Land events. This is Travis teaching Syntropic farming in a Plant Walk in July 2021, at Diamante Luz.Wendy Planting a Syntropic Line!Diamante Luz Plant Nursery. Providing plants for our food forests, plus a regenerative enterprise that we can share, sell & trade with our neighbors, and other communities in the valley. Still in it's early stages and a current Trace on! Check it out here:;We value highly the sharing of our knowledge with the youth! Empowering those will become the stewards of our lands and our communities, in times to come. The youth, who are the key to positive transformation on our planet. We hold Sociocratic community meetings every Monday at Diamante Luz, upholding transparency in our decision making process and providing updates about the various aspects of our growing project! Each meeting starts with a "check-in", giving each person a chance to share with the group how they are feeling and what might be going on, on a personal level. This is part of how we look after each other, connect from the heart, and keep the communication channels open as we continue to build this new way of living together... a model we are constantly defining and creating as it unfolds before us. We value art, music, creativity and play! Seanny Ray on the accordion! Music with a view!Maps of our lands in progress. Diamante Luz is nestled inside the stunningly beautiful, rich and green Diamante Valley. Our beloved river flowing from Abuela.
Mafia Creativa din Romania Jius Valley development
Razvan PopescuTransforming mentalities is not easy, but somebody's got to try to do it! Cities, countries and places cannot change without changing the people that inhabit them, the collaborative economy is the biggest global shift since the previous industrial revolution and Mafia Creativa's mission is to ensure that creatives from Jiu's Valley are not left behind,Because a lot of the members of the Mafia are from Jiu's Valley, our first objective is to try to integrate the new digital economy based on collaborations into the local economy here and create opportunities for local people. Jiu's Valley was a industrial driven economy and when the coal mines and industrial complexes closed a lot of people migrated, were left with no hope or sunk into poverty. The main hope of the local authorities is tourism because we are surrounded by beautiful mountains, natural reservations and we have an incredible fauna and flora. Mafia Creativa believes that Jiu's Valley is the perfect place to experiment with digital microeconomic models and integrate them into a macroeconomic plan for all the cities that are part of Jiu's Valley. It's developed enough, but not digitally integrated yet and the risk is that the whole Valley(which is made up of 7 cities) sink even more into poverty.We started advocating the use of digital currencies here since 2020 and reached out to local businesses, tourism agencies and we are working on establishing a bridge with the local authorities here. Because we believe that everybody should work on what they know best, we will focus on the creative side of things and will try to launch a local creative hub with the goal of integrating blockchain with fun creative solutions for old and solid issues.Read more about Jiu's Valley here: more about the poverty risk here: academic study about livability here: that this project is still in development! Some aspects may change over time, but the mission will remain the same: using creativity to create opportunity!Description and scope of Mafia Creativa(this grant is for Jiu's Valley development only)Mafia Creativa is small collective of creatives with different backgrounds based in bloody Transylvania, Romania, on a very unique mission that we believe was never probably attempted before.The main mission is to get local creatives, altruistic people and builders educated around blockchain, web 3 and technology and teach them how to leverage these new tools that can have an amazing impact on society and also in their personal lives.This is not only about crypto, it's about teaching creatives how to strategize and how to live sustainable lives by creating stuff that they love.We are trying to create a system that can reward creatives for doing altruistic work and for making the world a more beautiful place!Our main vision is to create a truly unique human collaboration experience formed by people with different professional backgrounds that will each dedicate time and good will to our common missions . We wish to create a community of creatives and hopefully experts that believe in decentralization, public goods and making society more fun to be part of.All parts involved could dedicate time, resources or ideas to research and explore novel ways in which we can use creativity to engineer solutions that could improve society by starting and creating solutions at a local level.Our secondary mission is to launch the most craziest and fun creative experiments with the purpose of making our society more decentralized, inclusive, fun and promote critical thinking while at it. We believe that the real world can be just as fun as the meta-verse and the two should merge in healthy and unexplored ways.Until now we have:-established a bridge with local authorities and local businesses from Jiu's Valley-build a community of local creatives with different backgrounds both online and offline-some of our members actively contribute in DAOs like 1Hive, TEC, Gitcoin and CTC-Onboarded at least 30+ people into crypto and blockchain(from all over the world)Our values are:-faith-honesty-cunningness -prosperity-versatility-being creative for the benefit of life, lolDecentralized members:Popescu Razvan Matei aka Zer8Pruteanu Alexandru(Designer/founder Ambra)Robert Secrieru(Investor/Trader/Nice guy)Anton Laurentiu(Photographer/visual artist/producer)Dorian Drimbe(teacher/visual artist)Annomalia(Psychologist/Artist)Vanea Cristian(professional skier, tourism advocate, business owner, event organizer and altruist)Join our Discord and say Hi: just started building so watch out for updates soon!
Girls Incorporated Of Metro Denver
The mission of Girls Inc. of Metro Denver (GIMD) is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold. The vision of GIMD is a world in which every girl values her whole self, discovers her inner strengths, and achieves her goals. Girls Inc. Metro Denver’s comprehensive approach to whole-girl development reflects the following: Girls today face real and profound challenges to their well-being and success, including sexual harassment and violence, inequitable access to education, teen pregnancy, and limiting stereotypes and messages. Girls living in poverty are at increased risk of chronic health and psychological disorders, higher rates of violence and crime, lower rates of high school completion, and limited access to economic and social capital necessary to thrive. Girls-only spaces are designed with the unique needs of girls in mind, provide girls physical and emotional safety, increase girls’ self-esteem and positive decision making, create social support networks, and allow girls to discover their strengths and their voices. Girls Inc. of Metro Denver is proud to announce our three year strategic plan. Our Bold Goal is to be the leader in delivering high-impact programs to girls and advocating for girls’ rights in Colorado. As GIMD invests in organizational and programmatic growth, the organization will continue to partner with girls to remove barriers that limit their innate power and advance gender equity in the world around them. The Girls’ Bill of Rights Girls have the right… to be themselves and to resist gender-stereotypes; to express themselves with originality and enthusiasm; to take risks, to strive freely, and to take pride in success; to accept and appreciate their bodies; to have confidence in themselves and to be safe in the world; to prepare for interesting work and economic independence.Links:

Mental Health Center Of Denver
Mental Health Center of Denver provides evidence based mental health services to enhance the wellbeing of the Denver community.
Colorado Multiversity
Ronny CastilloFundación Madre Tierra Verde (FMTV) aims to contribute to Costa Rica's transition to a green and intelligent society paradigm, following the guidelines of the National Climate Change Strategy (ENCC) and the Decarbonization Plan, through the guidance, advice and equipment of companies, organizations, communities, and governments. Based on the climate change agenda, we focus on the following axes of work: capacity building and technology transfer, financing, public awareness, and culture creation.The Colorado Multiversity project is an initiative that seeks to create an academic and research space with a methodology focused on people and their interaction with the environment, with partnerships and collaborations with projects, organizations and initiatives that feed on content to be able to train and empower communities on issues that benefit the Sustainable Development Goals.The multiversity campus consists of more than 1000 Ha at the Barra del Colorado National Wildlife Refuge in Pococí, Limón, at the North Caribean of Costa Rica, and at the outset will have facilities to accommodate up to 50 students, starting with the Disaster Care program in conjunction with Refuge Project, the Citizen Innovation Laboratory in conjunction with SIFAIS Lab and the Precision Agriculture Training Center , in addition to the Volunteering Programs with universities in the United States and Europe and the Community Precious Plastic Collection Center.This project is supported by the Spanish Cooperation, Gaia Gives, SDG Impact Fund, the United Nations International Organization for Migration. The need for capital is to start the infrastructure development project while reaching the necessary progress to receive the contributions of international cooperation and starting to operate with the first programs in June 2021.Next, we share a video that we prepare to better illustrate what the project is about.
Wild Bird Information And Rehabilitation Of Denver
WE ARE ON A MISSIONto rehabilitate injured, sick, and orphaned wild song birds for release into an appropriate territory and to provide rescue outreach and public education.ENVIRONMENTAL IMPORTANCE OF OUR MISSIONWild birds play an important part in maintaining the delicate balance of nature. Wild birds control many forms of insects that are harmful to vegetation and humans, as well as provide an early warning system for environmental contaminants and diseases. Helping keep wild birds alive helps our planet!FROM THEN TO NOWFounded in 1999 by a group of talented and caring Colorado citizens, the organization in its original carnation as Wild Bird Information and Rehabilitation of Denver, operated until 2014, saving thousands of Colorado's wild birds. In 2017, Wild Bird Information and Rehabilitation of Denver reemerged as “Wild Bird Rescue & Rehab.” Keeping true to the original mission of rehabilitating injured, sick and orphaned wild Colorado birds, Wild Bird Rescue & Rehab opened a new facility in June 2017, located in Wheat Ridge, Colorado. In late 2019 we moved our flight cages to a spacious farm in Watkins, CO. In the spring of 2020, we moved the rest of our facility to our current home in Englewood, near the Inverness business park.Links:
Follow The Black Hare
Stea MeWe want to solve one problem: focus teenagers' attention on science We know that a community can do an AAA game and believe that plays are the best form of education. Our team is integrating learning into fun. Gameplay and an exciting story can show and get across real technology and science, which can help to bring new minds. Our solution: the game Follow The Black Hare, a cyberpunk-themed RPG adventure with multiple endings. Story The young inventor committed a crime as a child on a moon station and was placed on the blacklist for all humanity. Onka's Innovation Factory gives him the chance to change punishment and to catch the monster inside. But will he kill him? Or will he find a home for the beast? Why Web3?We create a space where people can use all our tools, all assets, LOR, and characters to create new things. We can show people that games can be learned. And we can do space where developers' attention will be focused on the educational mass format. We believe that the community can make AAA games and do it useful.Open Source The game uses open source code and the project assets are open to all.What will the grant go to?We are planning to launch a story in serial format. This will allow you to quickly receive feedback and attract an audience. And the project wait time will not be as long as if we release everything at once.Open source projects do not mean anything without community support. We need money to develop the 1st part of the game:Among the tasks: redacting and translating script; converting assets from 2D to 3D format in preparation for the release of game mechanics; and creating a slew of interactive promos for a large audience.We are waiting for you at the Innovation Factory! It'll be hot!Repository link
LunCo accelerates Lunar Colonization with opensource
MoonDAO Community MoonDAO CommunityLunCo: opensource Lunar Colony engineering softwareMission To accelerate Lunar Colonisation providing open source engineering software to benefit humanityWhy? Permanent presence on another celestial body would help humanity to understand how small and fragile our planet is!How it works?*LunCo relies on web3, like IPFS for information sharing, allowing anyone to participate in decentralized space missionsImpactLowering the cost of space missionsFaster engineering, faster knowledge sharingDecentralized and distributed space missionsFeaturesMission & spacecraft simulationsDecentralised collaborative trainingDecentralized Engineering Knowledge sharingSupport of CCSDS standards and other space standardsBuild in tools for model analysisSample ApplicationsSolar Power Station in Space engineering, like this project Civic Earth Observation Constellation for MRV, CO2, deforestation tracking designEducational tool (game mode) for students about space engineeringMetaverse for space engineeringContactsLanding pageGithubTwitter GitcoinLinkedinFounder's Twitter
Art and Culture Center
Diamante LuzWhat & WhyThe project's objective is to develop the common spaces that the DBC has in the Diamante luz farm, with the intention of a center for the growth of art and culture. For this first stage, we seek to create a structure called Rancho, an inspiration by indigenous cultures of Costa Rica such as Boruca and Bribri. Made with natural and sustainable materials.In this mission, we will receive the guidance and knowledge of Don Ulises, an indigenous Boruca who will facilitate the process to use Palma as a roof.The intention with the Rancho is to create our central fire, a space that will be a meeting point for cultural activities.In addition to the Rancho, we seek to create dry toilets and showers in this first phase. The space to be used is located in the first campus in the Diamante Luz farm, the design, and planning of the total place are in constant evolution, so the first structures will be important to continue visualizing the space.We are making efforts to complete this first Rancho phase which is the bathrooms and the showers. All donations received will be used first to cover the cost of material and labor, as well as to make a fair exchange with Don Ulises and support his cultural mission. We are looking for financial support of 10,000 dollars to cover all the expenses that we detail below: Base Structure 8 Guachipelin poles 3 meters: $2008 bamboos rest 3-4 meters: $7016 bamboo 8 meters: $4206 internal supports 5 meters: $858 extensions 3 meters: $808 lengths 4 meters: $904 for splits 5 meters: $60Extra bamboo: $50 Palm work: Palm cut: 500 units at 750 colones each: $6205 people who transport the palm: $2501 person who cuts the palm: $115Load the truck: $50Palm transportation: $950Roofing and palm cracking workshop run by Don Ulises and 1 assistant: $1,160 Extra materials such as scaffolding, screws, rope, and tool maintenance: $800 Remuneration of $300 for 5 people who live on the farm who contribute to labor and organization: $1,500 Materials and support for the shower and dry toilet: $2000Food, electricity, water, and gas to receive collaborators during construction time: $1,500 TOTAL: $10,000 Thanks for supporting our mission of better and more inclusive integration of cultures in Costa Rica.EspaniolEl objetivo del proyecto es el desarrollo de los espacios comunes que tiene el DBC en la finca Diamante luz, con la intencion de crear un centro para el desarrollo del arte y la cultura. Para esta primera etapa, buscamos crear una estructura llamada Rancho, una inspiracion de culturas indigenas de Costa Rica como Boruca y Bribri. Elaborada con materiales naturales y sostenibles.En esta mision recibiremos la guia y conocimientos de Don Ulises, indigena Boruca que nos facilitara el proceso para usar Palma como techo. La intencion con el Rancho es crear nuestro fuego central, espacio que sera punto de encuentro y reunion en las actividades culturales. Ademas del Rancho, en esta primera fase buscamos crear Banos secos y duchas. El espacio a utilizar se encuentra en el primer plantel en la finca Diamante Luz, el diseno y planificacion del lugar total esta en constante evolucion por lo que las primeras estructuras seran importantes para seguir envisionando el espacio. Estamos haciendo esfuerzos para concretar esta primera fase con el Rancho, los banos y las duchas por lo que buscamos donaciones para cubrir los costos de los materiales y la mano de obra, asi como tambien poder hacer un intercambio justo con Don Ulises y apoyar su mision cultural. Estamos buscando un apoyo economico de 10.000 dolares para cubrir todos los gastos que detallamos a continuacion: Estructura Base 8 postes de Guachipelin 3 mts: $2008 bambues descanso 3-4 mts: $7016 bambues 8 mts: $4206 soportes internos 5 mts: $858 extensiones 3 mts: $808 largas 4 mts: $904 para splits 5 mts: $60Extra bambu : $50 Trabajo de la Palma: Corta de palma: 500 unidades a 750 colones cada una: $6205 personas que transportan la palma: $2501 persona que corta la palma: $115Cargar el camion: $50Transporte de la palma: $950Techado y taller de rajado de palma a cargo de Don Ulises y 1 ayudante: $1160 Materiales extra como andamios, tornillos, cuerda y mantenimiento de herramientas: $800 Remuneracion de $300 para 5 personas que viven en la finca que aportan a la mano de obra y organizacion: $1500 Materiales y apoyo para la ducha y el bano seco: $2000Comida, luz, agua, gas para recibir a los colaboradores durante el tiempo de construccion: $1500 TOTAL: $10.000
The Fledge Foundation
Jerry NorrisThe Fledge Foundation is a community organization / Nonprofit based in Lansing, MI.We are raising funds to help us increase our capacity to help others acquire their basic needs, but not just with charity. We use these funds to protect our community, teach our community, and help our community thrive. We have a large diverse population who uses our services from young people experiencing gun violence, to musicians, artists, and entrepreneurs. But also the most vulnerable such as the unhoused, single mothers, and people suffering from substance use disorder. And the most oppressed and underrepresented - People of Color.We work on a model called the ALICE Threshold - the threshold defines the cost for housing, healthcare, childcare, food, transportation and technology. Approximately 3 out of 5 people in our community cannot cover these costs.We have programs to help people increase their prosperity through entrepreneurialism and skill or competency development, while at the same time working on reducing the burden of the basic needs or our community.We have a DAO called the Fledge DAO that uses funds to help invest in our community by creating opportunities for equity in property, projects, and our future.
Marc Louis-charlesSHE redefines the paradigm of what it means to be an athlete and fan on the internet.Shenanigan (aka SHE) is a decentralized NFT and ERC20 platform built on xDai, designed for athletes to tokenize their accomplishments in a merit-driven, collectible economy. Fans will be able to directly invest in and empower their favorite athletes and their achievements. SHE enables athletes to harness their best monetary asset: themselves.SHE brings forth opportunities never heard of in the traditional financial system. Each athlete powered by Web 3.0 (AKA “Dathlete”) generates a personal DAO that functions as both a fan page and athlete investment platform. Accomplishments are documented and challenges are minted into collectible NFTs. Creation of an athlete’s initial NFT will also mint personal ERC20 tokens that can be evaluated based on size of an athlete’s fanbase, as well as their performance.This enables Dathletes of all denominations to have fans invest directly in their future success, and decrease reliance on branding and sponsorships. It also allows fans to prospect on athletes for whom they see potential and realize gains in a way that completely disrupts the conventional sports collectible market.
Metro Denver Homeless Initiative
Layla SaidMDHI is the Metro Denver Continuum of Care, sanctioned by the US Dept. of Housing and Urban Development to coordinate Metro Denver’s response to ending homelessness. We’re a regional system, coordinating services and housing for people experiencing homelessness in Adams, Arapahoe, Boulder, Broomfield, Denver, Douglas, and Jefferson Counties.MDHI’s Flex Fund is designed to remove the last financial barrier that prevents a household from obtaining or remaining in permanent housing. Through the streamlined referral process, staff at partner organizations can request access to these Flex Funds as a last resort, when all other funding is exhausted, to assist in both the process of securing permanent housing or preventing the loss of housing. Flex Fund is designed and run to rapidly meet the needs of individuals who are in crisis, cutting through bureaucratic red tape to help households fast.
Universidade Libertaria
Daniel Miorim de MoraisThe Libertarian University is made up of a group of persons that share the same ethical values and that have a common ground in the importance of publicizing libertarian ideas. Our site, more than a place where we post free articles, is a place for watching paid and free courses about many different subjects.We from UL believe that the only way to achieve a free society, where individual rights and private property is respected, is to disseminate the knowledge and cross different group schema that the ones we live with. Our aim is not only to increase the knowledge of those people who are already submerged in philosophy and economy studies but also to present these areas to those that have difficulties in comprehending these subjects that are so scarce in our schools and universities.A Universidade Libertária é formada por um grupo de pessoas que dividem os mesmos valores éticos e compartilham do interesse de divulgar os ideais libertários. O nosso site, além de um local onde postamos artigos de forma gratuita, também disponibilizamos cursos grátis e pagos sobre os mais diversos assuntos.Nós da UL acreditamos que a única forma de alcançar uma sociedade livre, onde o direito individual e propriedade privada sejam respeitados, é propagar o conhecimento e fugir da bolha em que vivemos. Almejamos não somente aprofundar o conhecimento daqueles que já estão imersos nos campos da filosofia e economia, mas também apresentar essas áreas para indivíduos que possuem dificuldades em compreender esses temas, tão pouco abordados nas escolas e universidades do país.Alinhados com nosso objetivo de trazer conteúdos de qualidade, lançamos a Editora Konkin, em que com o esforço conjunto de nossos doadores e mais de 40 profissionais e diversos voluntários e conseguimos disponibilizar de forma totalmente gratuita a tradução de 4 livros inéditos em língua portuguesa: Homem, Economia e Estado com Poder e Mercado, a Magnum Opus de Rothbard; Socialismo, de Ludwig von Mises; O Mito da Defesa Nacional, um conjunto de artigos editados por Hans-Hermann Hoppe.Pelo Fim do Banco Central, um ataque direto ao FED (e a todos os bancos centrais) dirigido por Murray RothbardAlém disso, lançamos a Gazeta Libertária no dia 04/10/2021, com o objetivo de levar notícias do dia a dia, artigos de opinião, guias, entrevistas e diversos outros conteúdos livres do viés estatista e da grande mídia.Além disso, continuamos cumprindo nossa missão, disponibilizamos o primeiro curso online sobre Agorismo do mundo, ensinando e incentivando milhares de pessoas a colocar a liberdade em prática. Agora já são 13 cursos em nossa plataforma, distribuídos em 4 trilhas diferentes.Por fim, tivemos o prazer de anunciar o primeiro experimento libertário de educação do mundo: a Academia Libertária, com jovens bolsistas estudando integralmente em uma casa de estudos voltados a eles, dedicados a ampliarem seus conhecimentos nas suas respectivas áreas com orientação e direção da Universidade Libertária. E tudo isso só foi possível devido ao apoio de todos os nossos doadores, voluntários e seguidores. Esperamos que todas as conquistas descritas aqui sirvam de inspiração para que cada vez mais pessoas se juntem a nós nesta luta por um mundo mais livre, justo e pacífico.
The Playground
Marc WinnWhat if a community had the time, space, tools, relationships and resources to play?What would they create?The Playground is a new kind of innovation space where a whole community is invited to come and play. It is a way to come together to solve the complex problems of our time in new and unconventional ways.We have a 5 acre site on Guernsey filled with greenhouses in various states of repair. They are the remnants of an old tomato growing industry that has long since collapsed.The project began in 2014 and has been through several iterations together with lots of failure, learning and breakthrough. Doing regeneration at large scale without much in the way of financial resources whilst avoiding central top-down organising is a hard problem to solve.Despite all of these challenges, there are now a number of organisations that collaborate together to regenerate the site. The umbrella brand for this project is now called - The Playground. It holds a vision for a new type of community lab that can be based on dilapidating land in small island states that can be used to drive social and economic innovation to solve local challenges like reducing cost of living, adapting to climate change and the ageing population.The objective was to create a new model of regeneration that involves the spare time, generosity and creative capacity of the entire community.Think of it as a place for Google 20% time without needing to work for Google.Or as a place where we can say yes more in a world where it can take a lot of effort to get to no.A place where the focus is on building strong relationships and gently dismantling bureaucracy wherever it occurs.A place where people are inspired to solve problems and for them to access the tools to solve them.Long Term Components Required for The PlaygroundThere are a series of well-established component parts that can come together to create a strong ecosystem for social and economic innovation. The co-location of diverse individuals and community groups with the space, tools, expertise and opportunities to solve local challenges will empower the community to create social and economic value in new and interesting ways. The more diverse the community groups present, the more interconnectedness that is fostered and the more likely interesting and positive outcomes will occur.These are the components that we are looking to build within our labs over time:Art at the Core - These labs are all about inspiring communities to create a more beautiful world that we do not yet know. To do that wonder and beauty needs to be at the core of these spaces.Flexible Land and Space to Prototype New Ideas - Low cost and low-risk space to get started and prove things work.Co-Working Space and Community Cafe - A place for people to gather and build relationships. We know that providing space where diverse groups of people can connect and work together innovation happens. It is particularly important to have a place for digital communities like coders and online creatives to interconnect.Maker Space and Men’s Shed - A low-cost place social and economic space where people can design and build anything physical. Giving people open access to tools like 3D printers and laser cutters significantly reduces the costs of prototyping ideas.DIY Biohackerspace and Lab - A place where people can access all of the innovation available in biotech in a low-cost way. Again low-cost access to be able to prototype and test is the key to unlocking innovation.Community Kitchen and Culinary Incubator - A low-cost place for people to cook together and for food startups to be able to prototype and add value in a low-cost way. The key to being able to compete with global food supply chains is to be able to support small producers with the tools they need to create high-value products in clean environments without large costs in doing so.Education, Events & Training Room - A place for community members to learn the skills they need to solve the challenges that inspire them.Childcare Facility - The more diverse the community members that can access and use the site the more challenges that can be solved. Having on-site childcare opens up the site to parents that would otherwise struggle to contribute towards local problem-solving.Wellbeing & Lifestyle Medicine Centre - What lies at the heart of changing the world is the mass scaling of individual transformations. The relationship between individual wellness and the wellness of our planet is key. A centre that prescribes community and lifestyle provides the why for people to participate more deeply.Access to Low-Cost Accommodation - Empowering people from around the world to visit and exchange ideas.More information can be found here:
For the healthcare services to the rural farmers
Parfait MugishaAs a local community in the middle, the communities mainly women farmers and their families, they are confronted with the inaccessibility to health services, firstly because the health care structures are not developed and do not have the financial ressources, to pay for these health services.To create a community that works for the restoration of the land, the protection of the environment, we also need to offer them modern health services to be healthy. In addition to the restoration project that we are developing, we have also created a health care structure in this same community called CEntre Medical Lumiere de la Santé "C.M.L.S" which is a community health care structure. We are looking for donations to continue its extension, to pay the volunteer nurses and the doctors, but also to buy the drugs. The health care structure that we are mobilizing funds for its development, serves curative and preventive health services, free of charge for children under 5 and pregnant women.This health care structure also serves more than 12,000 patients each year, mainly children and pregnant women.To make the project more solid and more independent, we organize the farming communities around savings groups of money generated, to contribute to the payments of these community mutual funds. All your donations will be used for the development of this project of the Center Medical Lumiere de la Sante, based in rural Burundi.For more information visit the Healthcare´s website :
Moloch Cloudship
Musashi MiyamotoMoloch CloudshipWhy Moloch Cloudship?Reduce EntropyGather work, communication, and coordination into one hubProvide a simple, visual, tangible work flowBuild rich work spaces with ample integrationsDAO to DAO CoordinationBreak down barriers between DAO coordinationBring DAOs together in a more intimate environmentProvide a rich personal experience with your team and DAO membersGamify Problem SolvingMake work and collaboration funIncentivize quality work that helps the communityPromote fast product/service developmentSocial CohesivenessIntimate engagementOne step closer to IRLInteractive eventsTone, gestures, and body language are present, leading to more understanding and richer contextWhat Is Moloch CloudshipOk, picture this:We build a spaceship in the open metaverse. As we walk through the halls we see doors with signs above them. One is MetaGame. One is MetaCartel. One is Token Engineering Commons. You enter one and are presented with a built-out space (built by their community or directed by and sponsored by their community). You see a door labeled “DAO”, a door labeled “Hangout”, a door labeled “Workspace”, a door labeled “Players” (or whatever is a VIP to their community. Players for MG.). As you work within your own space, you can walk down the hall to TEC and work on tokenomics in their workspace, walk down the hall to hire Raid Guild, down the hall to vote in someone else’s DAO or at the DAO Dome that has all the DAOs represented on the ship. So, basically everyone is floating on this ship, building out our cloud cities from within the ship. We shift all things we do on discord and Github and notion into this ship. As we build out our cloud cities, we are orbiting Earth to establish our cloud cities when we are prepared. One by one, the ship should empty, as we all build out IRL cities all over earth. So, the ship can represent Moloch. We can build ghostly demons showing up around the ship that hold info about a problem that needs solving from amongst one or all of these DAOs. The demons can be “cast out” if the raid is taken on and succeeds. Then demon is slain. In MetaGame, we are currently looking to gamify our work as well. This allows us to silo everything we do in discord, notion, discourse, snapshot, Github, etc all in one platform. While also allowing for many different ways to gamify each aspect we want.DAO Members🐙Musashi13#5579Misanthb0gieAperionCreations150CyberWarlockContractsMoloch Cloudship(DaoHaus)Site: Contract: 0x6Da39B984811FA079CcDDA88dDf2D168f03618ca Gnosis Minion Contract: 0xa24489c24062a080b74039fba43e879b52425dc4Moloch Cloudship Booty(Gnosis Safe)Site: Safe Address: 0x42E4a3C74221BE985bD8C8161b1Cea09cBc34280
Ancient Beast
Dread KnightAncient Beast is a browser based game, played in 1vs1 or 2vs2 matches, each player starts with a Dark Priest and a limited resource called plasma, that can be used to shield from enemy attacks and also materialize a squad of units as you see fit 👿And it's free open source software! This is the match-based eSport that you'll love to play for decades to come against friends, future friends and even your enemies altogether! 🎮 🐺turn based strategyfree and open sourcebrowser based game1vs1 or 2vs2 matchesduel others for cryptoYou materialize and control a carefully selected squad of creatures to defeat others.Over 50 creatures to choose from, each having unique stats and abilities.creative commons licensingmore units sets coming3d modeled in blenderThink of chess combined with card games, while also having some moba elements (Dota 2 /LoL).It's like the reverse of Super Smash Bros Brawl as it features lots of original creatures that already made their way into 3rd party games and cg animations.This grant helps out a lot with new releases:fixing lots of nasty bugsimplementing new featuresrevamping old ugly codeadding playable creaturesadding creature animationsadd new combat locationsadd new epic soundtracksEven if you might not be into turn based strategy games (at first), you can think of this project as an universe (the reverse of Super Smash Bros. Brawl), since it has many original characters and creatures, which will be featured in many other games and animation projects (game being free open source), so this project will set its finger print all around (already does so). If you have a project, you can make use of the artwork or use any of the creatures. Heck, I even hope that the game engine could spawn forks with mechas and such at some point (how cool would that be?). At very least, Ancient Beast could inspire a whole lot of other projects in many ways (ideology, codewise, licensing, business strategy, pipeline, workflow, etc.).Feel free to 🌟 our repository drop by our official Discord server 💬
Running the Berlin marathon for Kinderherz
Lefteris Karapetsas3 years ago I became a father.Soon after birth it turned out that our kid suffered from a birth defect that luckily was not life threatening, but required medical attention and eventually a surgery. I can remember the shock and the fear when we first learned that we are standing ahead of a long, everyday struggle that we have never before imagined and were not prepared for.At the same time we received tremendous support from the medical personel, who helped us through this period. To me it was invaluable and I will be forever grateful for the professional care that my kid received.I would like to do a small part in giving back what I have received and support Stiftung Kinderherz, who support kids with heart diseases, congenital or not, and their parents in so many different ways.I am setting this fundraiser with a goal of 42,195€, coresponding to the number of meters in a marathon. With my run I want to inspire people to donate to this cause and raise awareness not only of the heart diseases but also of great work done by organizations like Stiftung Kinderherz.(Regardless of whether the goal will be reached or not, the gathered amount will be given to Stiftung Kinderherz)
CAHUITA ROOTS Regenerative Development Project
Néstor BaltodanoCahuita Roots Regenerative Development and Community ProjectLocation: Cahuita District, Talamanca, Limón, Costa Rica.“A people without the knowledge of their past history, origin, and culture is like a tree without roots” Marcus GarveyWho is Cahuita Roots?CAHUITA ROOTS Regenerative Development Community Project was born as a platform and ecosystemic facilitator to support local communities in the South Caribbean Bioregion of Costa Rica focused mainly in afrocostarrican and indigenous population and sociocultural groups of Talamanca.We facilitate the synergy between the different change makers and social, cultural and environment groups that work in the region.Our mission is to promote the protection and regeneration of our natural ecosystems and promote food safety, sustainable, economic, social and spiritual growth for our communities while preserving the local cultural traditions and ancestral knowledge. Why are we doing this?We are located in one of the regions of Costa Rica among the richest biological, cultural and historical diversity and heritage. We believe that our communities have to look towards their self resilience for all the challenges that are approaching at planetary level while setting an example of cooperation and thrivability even as our communities face difficult social and economic inequity.In contradiction with all the natural beauty that sorrounds Talamanca, we are one of the regions in Costa Rica with more poverty, unemployment, lack of infraestructure and other social problems that came as a result of the marginalization that the central government has with our province for decades as a way of social discrimination and invisibility of the afrocostarrican and indigenous populations.We understand that the answers and solutions to our problems are in nature and in our ancestral knowledge, in our ground. It's time to listen to the voice of the Earth and from the Ancestors, it's time to make an "evolution" in the way that we relate with our environment and with our living brothers and sisters. Let's plant the seeds of a better world for the future generations. We want to be a model of inspiration for other communities in Costa Rica that we can regenerate our reality in this world.How are we doing this?We work applying an integral methodology taking into consideration the six pillars of regenerative development.We have weaved a network between different learning centers, local farms and advisors in agroecology and other practices and important local change agents committed to the regeneration of the local communities.We have started food and medicinal gardens, composting sites and ran many clean up campaigns and education campaigns to care for our environment and our communities wellbeing, and have set the example for the community to come together for a common purpose.We are dedicated to teaching the future generations, teaching agroecology to the school kids, their teachers and their parents, women's empowering groups and community organizations. Who contributes to Cahuita Roots?The Cahuita Roots initiative is currently stewarded by Néstor Baltodano, member of Colectivo Kamuk while being supported by local and abroad volunteers and organizations that have contributed with time, wisdom and material donations to drive the different initiatives.Néstor has worked for almost two years as ecosystemic facilitator, network weaver, and doing the groundwork of many different initiatives and campaigns that have set the example and tied the community and other agents together with common goals of regenerating Cahuita and nearby communities.Néstor Baltodano is the dedicated steward and coordinator and has been contributing hard work and heart to regenerate the community and support the different CAHUITA ROOTS projects, serving the following functions:Perform the groundwork for the different food gardens, medicinal gardens, composting sites and some of the food forest work.Work as ecosystemic facilitator to weave the agroecology network while promoting principles of regenerative development.Coordinate the different alliances within the community and other cooperating organizations.Plan and coordinate reception of material donations for different projectsCoordinate and work on the beach and community cleanup campaignsDocument through photography the different projects and other events of interest within the community.Promote the local cultural events and the different projects through social media management. Roots projects have received recurrent cooperation from different local volunteers, members of Cahuita Regenerativa women’s group, teachers and staff members of the local schools and learning centers, local businesses and other organizations focused in agroecology, composting, bee keeping, regenerative development and social activism including:Agroecología HumusTerrakuraSelva MayaIYIWÄK AgroecologíaIntegrity EarthFinca Don EdgarSEEDS Changemakers ProgramSEEDS Regenerating Central America initiativeWhat do we need the donations for?CAHUITA ROOTS (South Caribbean Bioregion) and Agroecology NetworkWe need funds for:REGENERATIVE DEVELOPMENT AGROECOLOGY NETWORK AND COMMUNITY GARDENSRegenerative Development and Agroecology Community Network weaved between neighbors, local schools and child care institutions, supported by parents committee, volunteers, local farms and agroecology advisors.Progress:Creation and maintenance ofCahuita’s Kindergarten food garden and composting site Cahuita’s tree nurseries with approximately 150 native and fruit trees for food forests and donating to communityHone Creek’s School food garden, composting site (starting in January 2022)Comadre’s School food garden, medicinal garden, food forest, hydroponics (2022) and composting projects (2022)We need funds for our agroecology network to donate this materials to the different regenerative Projects:Build Green houses Irrigation systemsPlants and SeedsTools Motor hoeCAHUITA ZERO WASTE (COMMUNITY COMPOSTING PROJECT)Community project for educating around reducing waste, proper recycling, and gathering composting material to support the community composting spaces.Progress:Creation and maintenance of composting spaces in different spots in the Cahuita community, in Cahuita’s Kindergarten, Cahuita’s School. Educated different businesses and local organizations on waste management to contribute to the composting sites. We need funds for:Organic waste shredderComposting supplies: molasses, mountain microorganismsEDUCATIONAL EVENTS - TEACHING & LEARNING for 2022 (WORKSHOPS)We want to support educational events to share agroecology, composting, waste management, medicinal plants, agroforestry, and other practices that can be important tools to support the community on its path towards food sovereignty and to educate the community at no cost.The following organizations are offering their expertise to perform teaching events for early year 2022 upon securing the necessary funding to perform the workshops:Agroecología Humus (Agroecology)Terrakura (Composting and Agroecology)Selva Maya (Native Bees and natural cosmetics)IYIWAK (Agroecology and Medicinal Plants)We need funds for:Compensate the teachers and the materials for the workshopsCAHUITA COLORS / MURAL ART by local artists in the Schools and public spaces of CahuitaWe want to help the local painters to promote their work in the Schools and public spaces of Cahuita and involve the kids and the local communities in the local culture and art.We need funds for:Pay the local artists and the materials for the murals.CAHUITA REEFSCommunity project to promote the connection of the local population with the sea through surfing, snorkeling, diving and the protection of coral reefs. This initiative arises thanks to the support of the allied organization Olas Del Alma, Costa Rica and the instructor Hershel Lewis who is helping us to build our own organization to work with the children and youth of Cahuita and the surrounding communities.It began with Surf Therapy for children and adolescents of Cahuita and surrounding areas. We already had three sessions of Surf Therapy, the first one in Cocles Beach and two in Playa Negra de Cahuita which were extremely successful and a true celebration of the sea and the sport for the children, their parents and neighbors. We need funds for:10 Surf Long BoardsTeachers (salaries)Gasoline--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Abono Km0We are AbonoKm0 🌱We are a non-profit association based in Barcelona, we work to empower citizens and create networks to convert food waste into a renewable resource in a democratic, ecological and local way. We are a circular economy lovers and thats what we do! every three month we return to de community the fertilizer generated through a vermicomposting process. Yes, we are also a worms freakies.The soul of the AbonoKm0 project is to work with the community on the need to change consumption habits, especially the importance of revaluing the organic waste resourses generated in the city and the importance of reintroducing it into biological chains of green environments and agri-food systems.We are creating the first Compost club in the world where all the people can compost their organics. Creating a large network of people committed to the care of the planet and the fight against global warming, our idea is to replicate this all over the world.Join us in Instagram as AbonoKm0 where you can see everything we do.
Love for Iran
Love 4 IranEVERY REVOLUTION NEEDS LOVE - NOW IT IS IRANIANS TURN TO RECEIVE SOMETldr: By donating for small, grassroot, decentralized initiatives dedicated to supporting society’s emotional wellbeing and mental health, help the Iranian freedom revolutionary movements persist, subsist, and strengthen in this difficult and lengthy battle. The funds will be distributed to multiple initiatives, proactively or retroactively. Supported projects will be outlined in subsequent regular updates (on this page and this twitter account: This is an experiment, which hopefully will be the start of something big. Be a part of the revolution, of justice, of a post-political humanist world by supporting this cause. Show the world that crypto cares and that you have hope and trust in humanity. We will not disappoint.Donate and share. Thank you <3-----------------WHAT’S HAPPENING? Iran is in the midst of a revolution. Iranian people are facing great duress for their right to be free from systemic oppression and servitude. It is the first ever feminist revolution, started by the Woman, Life, Freedom movement that rose in the wake of the death of the young woman Mahsa Amini at the hands of the Morality Police. The numerous uprisings of the past decades, happening with shorter intervals in time, the current one being the biggest, are a testimony to society’s feelings regarding the dictatorship in place in Iran for the past 43 years (the “Regime”). The protests have entered their third month: the longest uprising since the 1979 Iranian Revolution. As a truly decentralized movement, it knows no specific political, social or moral ideology and remains leaderless without losing its vigor. Quite the opposite, its decentralization is valued as a feature against the risk of capture by centralized forces whose incentives are to leverage chaos towards their own power and control.IT’S TOUGH, FOR EVERYONEThe current movement has its roots in a mass traumatic event, adding to many years of piled up trauma and conditioning. In a country already plagued by authoritarianism, covid and sanctions, we must additionally face the violent repressions and psyops skillfully orchestrated by the Regime in the physical and digital realms.Local businesses and workers go on strikes to further destabilize the State finances, despite already suffering from an economy crushed by government mismanagement and hyperinflation. Internet shutdowns and harsh filtering further isolate people, by making communication, entertainment, and information flows especially difficult. Nonetheless, the atrocities happening against people have been extremely well documented by people’s phones and widely distributed online. These images are often extremely difficult to watch, especially when coupled with content related to the lives of those who have been killed or arrested. These social media profile contents help remove the distance between “them” and “us”; we are all not so different. The Internet is also used to share messages and pictures to give hope, free legal advice, free medical advice, opsec tips, etc. This battle for freedom cannot be lost under exhaustion from the existing asymmetry of power and the disproportionate energy and sacrifices it takes from civil society to beat the ghoul. Our morale must be kept high. It is a marathon, and despite the repeated instances of grief, loss, hopelessness, fear, worry and desperation, there must be hope and strength. More than ever. WE CAN PROVIDE CARE and HEALING.Healing, through empathy, love, sympathy, generosity and care, is a crucial need for society to keep on moving towards this greater, despite uncertain, future. Healing may never be fully achieved - but that does not negate the importance of the process and the strong signal sent by acts of love. Some of the current healing efforts we observe on the ground can be found on the linked twitter.So much is and can be done!YOU TOO, CAN HELP.Although current care and healing actions are conducted without outside financial support or need for incentivisation, we believe that by gifting funds we may see bigger and different actions, and provide a direct way for people outside of Iran to show their support and contribute to spreading love on the ground. Something they can’t do otherwise. Donate to this cause and share this page with your network. We don’t need much, but we need many to signal their support. We want to hear your thoughts on the subject, talk with us on twitter @healing4iran and send a message along with your donation. WHERE WILL THE MONEY GO?The funds will be distributed to as many projects, people, and initiatives as possible who pursue the goal of healing, supporting society’s well being, especially children and young adults, through these difficult days in Iran. We value and respect the decentralized nature of this movement, and by no means want to disrupt it. Therefore, this initiative is structured as a grant proposal for small distributed nodes. The money will go to a few trusted individuals first, and if this first round is successful, next rounds will go to other nodes through these first waves of successful projects, in a mycelium-like network on the ground: distributed, permissionless.The only control mechanism in place regarding the usage of the small funds distributed by the nodes will be trust, personal connections, and faith. It is because of this faith in justice, humanity and love that we have gotten this far. We wish to cultivate a culture where the default is trusting your known peers, and trusting that they will care about their reputation and impact. Given that the amounts at stake per node will be relatively small, if they fail, we believe that they have seen no other choice. We will however not work with these nodes again.BE PATIENT, BE HOPEFUL.For safety reasons, we cannot outline specific projects or give further details about the means of expenditure prior to the actions having taken place. We do guarantee though to give regular updates to the community. This is an experiment, but we won’t rug. Every penny will be cherished for its financial value, and for its symbolic value: the funds are a strong signal that you care about people, you care about justice, about doing the right thing. We believe in the power of crypto to make change and in these dark crypto days, we will together prove to the world that it can.Thank you <3
Vladimir Skate Film Festival
MLIBTYVladimir Film Festival (VFF) is an independent skateboarding festival established in 2011, in Fažana, Croatia, by the skateboard club August Šenoa. It is a unique event in Europe. Its main focus lies on underground skate video production and independent projects, driven by the DIY philosophy that makes it a unique event not only in Europe but also on the world skate scene. Every year VFF brings new skate documentaries, skate videos, photo materials, art, and literature by various authors involved in the skate culture, from across the globe. Various skate videos and even some skate movies had their first world premiere at Vladimir Film Festival in Fažana.Although a place with less than 4.000 inhabitants, Fažana is also the center of the DIY scene on the Istrian peninsula. It had two concrete DIY spots and one skate park, all in a circle of 500 meters, not to mention the nearness of the sea and the beautiful sunsets. Since the DIY spots were located in two abandoned factories, they were torn down by the local authorities. The skatepark was also removed, with the promise of a better and bigger one, but it's still all in the words. In VFF's early years, the importance of the historical moment for underground skateboarding wasn't recognized, but things changed after the festival put Fažana on the world skate map and we even started a new DIY skate park/installation on a more secure place, in 2019. Every year we try to build some new parts. As our non-profit organization and activities rely only on our love for the most fun thing and on institutional funding, each year is a new challenge and support is not constant. Since day one we are doing it with no corporate sponsors and, on our path to become even more independent, this is our next step towards decentralization.Kyle Beachy reading from his book The Most Fun Thing at Fort Forno. PHOTO: Henry KingsfordOur website:
Dream Village
Clement MatorwmasenDream Village is a holistic regenerative community of people and the planetPerhaps some 20 years ago, sustainability was enough, but the great deterioration of the planet and of the society in which we live today requires going beyond just protecting and sustaining. We must improve existing resources, replace damage mitigation actions, to adopt comprehensive and long-term solutions to face the problems that currently threaten the planet, humanity and the community of life. Our world is heading towards a new dimension.. These times urgently require innovative solutions that heal our communities and our beloved Earth, Change is happening; A future with an equitable, inclusive and diverse society is possible. You can MAKE IT POSSIBLE by building one community at a time and connecting them in a global consortium, Enabling us to act local but think global, Alternatives already exist and are many depending on the context, location and realities.Join our team as we learn and build communities that seek to team up with nature towards a regenerative world
Osasere EgbonBirth Of Sept2HelpSept2Help is an unregistered project that was started by originally to bring together people born in September and reach out to those who need not-so-privileged in September. It started off with me and a few friends, born in September interested in the cause. We created a group on Whatsapp on the 22nd of August, 2018, to bring together people who are interested. Other friends who were interested but not born in September joined as well and the group currently holds 23 participants. 👉 Sept2Houp Invite link.See the Group Count & Date of Creation in the Images above. Sept2Help Journey & VisionThe vision now for Sept2Help is to connect people back to their humanity by reaching out other humans in need.Since Inception in 2018, we've visited an Orphanage home and an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp - This is a camp for people who have been displaced from their homes due to terrorism, insurgency and banditry. It's also now named Home For The Needy.While the visit to the orphanage in 2018 was good, there was no call to do more until we visited the IDP camp in 2019. It was a nostalgic experience. Here's a Twitter thread I made back in 2019 to describe the experience as well as solicit support for the people there. It wasn't a good sight.Here's a video compilation of pictures back then in 2019.The food wasn't enough, their water system is epileptic. Educational and health infrastructures are nothing to write home about. As you can see if you take a lot at the video compilation above and the documentary which we made (Sharing shortly).I realized that visiting with meager foodstuffs and items wasn't going to do much for them - The population of the camp is about 3000 persons and to date, they still use about 15bags of rice per meal (say breakfast or lunch) not per day. I realized that we cannot feed a village, but we can help them stand to feed themselves. This is why I'm embarking on this particular project for this Home for the Needy in Uhogua, Edo State.Sept2Help Project 2022We've been making efforts to reach out from time to time with little amounts of foodstuffs and clothes, but each time we went there our hearts sank. Our efforts were almost negligible. So we decided to make a documentary to call for help to everyone who cares about humanity. Although we couldn't actualize the plan we had since last year because of some logistics issues, here's the documentary video we recorded in 2021.Considering that it's been a year since that video was made, I, on behalf of Sept2Help, went there to check out what their needs still are in 2022 and it remains Food and Educational Funding, in addition to the struggle with water supply.We believe water is a key element to life and with it comes growth. Hence, this is where Sept2Help would channel its efforts to this year.The water situation at the Home For The Needy, Uhogua, Edo state is not an admirable one. The population at the camp far exceeds the water storage capacity. One of the supervisors explained to us that the queue for water when its been pumped gets really long. And sometimes some kids have to carry over bathing to the following day because water gets exhausted before it's their turn to get some. To make matters worse, they currently do not have power supply from the national grid and they have to use an electric generator to make pump water.They'd like a like to have a solar powered pump to lessen their dependence on electric generators which costs them a lot of money fueling it considering that our economy is currently hyperinflationary. One litre of gasoline currently costs about N180 an average electric generator fuel tank is about 20L. The dollar exchange rate is about $1 to N705 and it's on the rise.We have a plan to salvage an old water system designed to be solar-powered but never functioned in order to reduce the cost. The goal is still a solar-powered water system. Here are images of the old water structure.We've had experts do the survey and possible solutions and we are looking to raise about $10,000. The project cost was estimated at about N6,000,000. We are currently working with another contractor to get a less expensive cost which he already estimates to be about N5,000,000. Here's an official project cost documentation from the selected contractor.In addition, we'd also like to solicit support for education funding for the kids who are in school.If we set up a sufficient water supply structure, then we can start thinking of how to boost their farming to help them cut down the cost of feeding.Please, let's make this a September to remember for the people at the IDP Camp, Uhogua, Edo State. Thanks!
The Savimbo Project
Drea BurbankFair-trade carbon offsets. The Savimbo Project was designed by, and for, smallfarmers in tropical forests. Existing community organizations who want to move their economic models from deforestation, to conservation and reforestation.The majority of deforestation — over 80% in tropical forests — occurs on farms less than 5 hectares. Three-hundred-year-old trees are sold for pennies on the dollar to international hardwood traders. But this is not because local populations don't care about their land. It's because they have no other source of income.There are 1 billion subsistence farmers who are excluded from global markets, and unable to participate in carbon-sequestration projects directly because of institutional middleman, digital and scientific illiteracy, and lack of access to transactions.The Savimbo Project is directly reversing this trend.We pay smallfarmers directly for conserving the land that they own. We make monthly, floor-price micropayments transacted through crypto, mobile money, and existing banking systems to landowners who choose to conserve or replant.We validate farmer's efforts through trustless digital methods. We use high-resolution satellite imaging, GPS, machine learning on smartphone images, on-the-ground surveys, and annual drone capture.We certify carbon offsets through existing organizations. Carbon offsets can take 5-10 years to validate and track in existing registries like Verra, SustainCERT, and Gold Standard. Our organization takes the time to do it right. We plan and track projects using established scientific methods. When credits finally are ready for sale, we give smallfarmers 20% of the final profits for their collaborative investment.We are a B-corporation, with for-profit and nonprofit arms. We accept donations through our 501(c)3 registered US nonprofit Empulsive Ink (ein 88-1869344). Non-profit funds are used to expand smallfarmers capacity to participate in projects. This includes digital and reading literacy programs, access to bank accounts, conservation education, silviculture training, women's aid, indigenous and local land rights. Our for-profit arm pays smallfarmers a fair-trade monthly floor price for replanting and conserving on their land, and sells carbon offsets on the traditional market while enabling early investment by offset brokers through Web3 tokens.
Alberto DavilaIberoAm is a non-profit and three-fold initiative aiming to identify, promote then support iberoamerican blockchain/web3 projects with a clear social and/or financial impact for the region and prioritizing minorities. The goal of this grant is to raise funds to organize Conferences, Hackathons and NFT Exhibitions as a mean to onboard then support the most impacting and innovative iberoamerican projects with a clear social/financial impact for the region and always prioritizing minorities. Our first and successful achieved goal was to organize an online conference that was streamed to our YouTube channel: and identify at least 3 iberoamerican impact projects. An independent committee was assembled for that task and 6 iberoamerican impact project were identified and rewarded using tokens from (i) a CrowdFunding initiative in partnership with NFTfy, BlockchainRio, Ribon, BanklessBr and PlustusFi and also from (ii) Shade Protocol.The six selected Impact Projects are:Favelaverso Chaco Samba com S Oyxabaten Online Conference Program (August 26-27th)Our next step is to organize (i) a Social Impact Blockchain Hackathon and a (ii) NFT Expo also focused on Social Impact from 20-22nd October 2022 in Rio de Janeiro. The Social Impact Hackathon will promote the participation of artists, minorities, especially from favelas, and iberoamerican social impact organisations and will welcome applications from iberoamerican people (Spanish-speaking or Portuguese-speaking). The NFT Expo will priorize the exhibition of Iberoamerican art. We are seeking for funding to support both activities.Several pre-Hackathon interviews and informations are being publicly released on YouTube, like the one with "Brazil Mentors": more recently (on October 20th) a public presentation of the Hackathon at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro in partnership with H.E.R. DAO Latam that was streamed to our IberoAm YouTube channel: Social Impact Hackathon information is now available at our Notion page: the Applications for the Hackathon are now open and the form available here:
Skatehive Skateboarding Community
Skate HiveWhat's Skatehive? | SkateHive is the house of Web 3.0 skateboarders and our goal is to onboard skaters and "extreme" artists in the blockchain world. | SkateHive is built on top of decentralized platforms that allow us to own our accounts, our communities, which means that instead of allowing others to advertise on our content to generate value, we tokenize interactions, allowing us to retain value generated by our content, to be sold on the free market in the form of cryptocurrency.This has allowed this humble community to fund a HUGE Online Game of S.K.A.T.E , Giveaways, Sponsor real-life events, DIY Skateboarding Contests, help community members with medical bills , fundraisers for DIY skatepark obstacles and many more.Use of FundsAll funds raised on will be kept in our community wallet and will be used in funding skate-related projects, events and contests after community voting.We already have a steady source of funding thanks to Hive blockchain but our user base is growing fast and so do our financial needs.In order to keep building we are expanding to Giveth.ioPartners in "crime" Burnquist Gold Coletivo XV StokenMeet The TeamContact InfoE-mail : [email protected] : : :
Pact TeamPactDAO is a NYC-based collective working to build local, people-led institutions through mutual aid, education, and activism. We use web3 tooling to strengthen collaboration and bonds within our community to organize better together. We are inspired by mutual aid because it shows us the seeds of what is possible - deliberate and democratic community-run systems of care.The problem: In an extractive, capitalist society, community organizing and mutual aid efforts are often fragmented and unsustainable because they lack consistent funding and autonomous organization.Our solution: We want to use the power of web3 to get consistent funding to organizers and use decentralized tools to bridge coordination among the many existing revolutionary efforts.
Rio Crypto Hub
Rio Crypto HubRio Crypto Hub is a monthly event that aims sharing knowledge and strengthening the web3 scene in the city.Rio de Janeiro has become the ideal setting for encouraging innovative projects and networking. Whether you are a beginner in this disruptive moment, or a blockchain builder, this is the place for you. Rio Crypto Hub fosters human and digital connection among key players in the global innovation market. In 8 editions, we had the participation and debate of several niches of the web3:Blockchain networks representatives;Content Creators;Traders and Analysts;Social Projects and ESG;NFT Digital Artists;Press office;Lawyers and Jurists;Exchanges (National and International);Heads of the on-chain Real State Market;We can't talk about adoption on web3 without mentioning the social impact. That is why part of the budget is intended for public school students to attend the event. This empowers our community, fostering a solid network as an important social tool.We seek to give Rio's favela youth an opportunity to choose. By offering development, gamefi and 3D modeling courses, the gap between the favela and the asphalt narrows.The program serves children and young people, who come from social backgrounds with the highest rate of digital illiteracy in Brazil. Boosting young people from favelas of Rio de Janeiro is not only an objective of the program, but the main reason why it exists. Our greatest ally in social and technological integration today is the TTK Movement, organized by the cubs(natives) of Catete, a classical neighborhood at Rio.Rio Crypto Hub aims to be an itinerant event, positioning itself in a decentralized way in various technology centers around the city. Through The Unstable Lab DAO, we will be present in the lives of our students and collaborators on a weekly basis, with in-person and digital creative and activity events.
Popular Book as a Guide to the CryptoCommons Movement
Sarah Manski Sarah Grace ManskiProfessor, George Mason University( Sarah Grace Manski wrote her PhD dissertation on blockchain technology and is a founding member of the CryptoCommons movement. Dr. Manski is a scholar of technology, political economy, commons economics and globalization at George Mason University. She studies uses of technology for democratization as well as technology as a site of social struggle. In 2017, Dr. Manski founded the International Society of Blockchain Scholars. For the past 25 years she has been involved with projects empowering workers as an activist, labor organizer, journalist, researcher and Business/Global Affairs professor. Her research is situated at the intersection of global business, new technologies, and social enterprise concerning commons-based peer production, self-sovereign identity, generative value accounting, supply chain transparency, and strategic approaches for a 21st century technological commonwealth. Dr. Manski is a widely cited academic author, speaker at technology conferences globally, ethical advisor to and the Civana Foundation, affiliate researcher with the P2P Foundation and the George Mason University Center for Social Science Research (CSSR), and Expert Reviewer for the National Science Foundation’s SBIR program.Shel IsraelProfessor Writer( Israel is an expert in simplifying complexity without dumbing it down. He’s the author of seven critically-praised business books on disruptive technologies and has contributed to Forbes, FastCompany, and BusinessInsider. He’s written hundreds of keynote speeches, pitch decks, websites, white papers, and thought leadership pieces.Vision:We will write a 60,000 word book that makes emergent technologies like blockchain, Web 3, cryptocurrency, augmented reality, distributed governance, etc. accessible to everyone so that we broaden the public’s participation in building the future of the Open Web. We are living through a period of serious systemic problems that are incredibly demanding and complex. For many who look at emerging technologies like crypto, it may be difficult to see light at the end of the tunnel, even for the most avid admirers of humanity's beauty and organization. We introduce the CryptoCommons Movement for the first time to the public as both a visual representation and a practical strategy for constructing the techno-economic commonwealth we need to bridge towards a positive regenerative future for all life.We focus on technologists alone, not to discount the amazing work done by other activists globally, but rather to bring technologists into the community working towards positive change. Our argument is that technologists coding the future are a class of activists, impacting emancipatory futures and the potential for social justice in the process. Technologists and the systems they code are constituting future worlds inhabited by citizens of the mid-21st century. Technologists’ aesthetics, politics, social and economic inclinations are determinative of key social choices. Technologies are constituted of technologists’ values. The convergence of distributed ledger, spatial web, and AI technologies is producing new domains and new sovereigns. In a political context where surveillance capitalism, platform monopolies, data-driven surveillance and authoritarianization are shaping future possibilities, the CryptoCommons Movement.The commons are all those things that capitalism has privatized: land; natural resources; water; knowledge; digital resources; cultural expressions; genes and seeds; artworks. All these resources belong in principle to everyone but they have been enclosed by private companies who have put them up for rent or sale instead through intellectual property rights or copyright laws, or they have been given away as gifts by governments under conditions set by corporations in trade deals like NAFTA. The commons as a resource is not limited to the material world. It also includes the immaterial world of culture; languages, stories and history; collective knowledge, science, philosophy, art, that are all essential for the survival of humanity. The commons includes social relationships like those between friends or family or within communities that capitalism has broken up through its marketization of everything.The CryptoCommon movement is building open, distributed, democratic, generative cyber-physical infrastructures that empower Commoners and expand the Commons of the world. They are also seeking to replace and in some cases delete infrastructures including the Big State (surveillance-powered dictatorships), Big Money (billionaires, huge banks, and extractive corporations), and Big Tech (eastern and western centralized digital infrastructure monopolies). They believe these entities will invest considerable energies in destroying what is built by the CryptoCommons movement; institutions that are decentralized and jointly-owned by the people. Their goals are to assist the many people already working on the development of the Commons, to identify what is valuable and useful in the blockchain industry from a commonist perspective, to contribute and interact with the leading new infrastructures, to avoid wasting energy in producing something that already exists, and to fill the void in regards of what is lacking.The CryptoCommons movement starts with a radical notion of democracy: direct democracy at the grassroots level, without representation, in which people take collective decisions about their common needs directly with one another. It builds on the experience of thousands of communities who have successfully managed common resources such as land, water and forests over hundreds or even thousands of years. It draws inspiration from new digital commons initiatives such as Wikipedia, free software projects like Linux.Milestones:Month 1 - finalize the Table of Contents and the book’s promise to the readerMonth 2 - write out the seven part outline for each chapter Month 3 - rewrite and finalize chapters one through four (a draft of these chapters has already been written)Month 4 - write and finalize chapters five and sixMonth 5 - write the conclusion and finalize the entire bookMonth 6 - finalize the cover design, and e-book formatting Month 7 - send the book out to reviewers, and voice the book’s text for the audio versionMonth 8 - sales of the book are open to the public on AmazonBudget:$10,000 per month for writing / editing expenses for 7 months$1,500 for cover design and layout$1,500 for e-book preparation and formatting$3,000 for a voice actor to record the audio book
Pevensey Community Orchard
Andrew DurlingThere is a shortage of healthy, organic local fruit for people in the Pevensey area to freely and easily access, and a lack of suitable foraging habitats for pollinators, especially bees. A new community orchard in Pevensey would address both needs as well as increasing the biodiversity of the area, especially as so many local orchards, as well as 97% of UK wildflower meadows, have disappeared since World War 2. According to the Produce Marketing Association, over the past two decades the UK has become increasingly reliant on imports, with a self-sufficiency rate of just 11% in fruit. International food supply chains are increasingly fragile due to climate change & the erosion of globalisation, so more local fruit growing would increase local food security as well as create a new outdoor community facility for local people to use for social gatherings, picnics, celebrations, or just to enjoy being in a beautiful natural setting in the very heart of the historic village of Pevensey and against the imposing backdrop of Pevensey Castle with its Roman walls and Norman keep.The local parish council has made some public land available for the creation of a community orchard and has recently cleared the land of grossly overgrown brambles, giving the Pevensey & Westham Community Forest Garden team of volunteers a chance to take over the management of the site and develop it to its full potential. The Pevensey & Westham Community Forest Garden has been active since 2015 and has already successfully created a flourishing forest garden in the local area, with the support of Pevensey Parish Council and Wealden District Council. The forest garden volunteer team has acquired many skills and much knowledge over the years, especially about the care of fruit trees, and has a strong commitment to restoring and maintaining the natural heritage and cultural tradition of fruit cultivation in the local area, sharing it with the public through the many community workshops, guided tours, and Apple Days they have organised over the last 6 years.The site is well protected from cold northerly winds and facing south in an area that has the best sunshine record in the UK as well as one of its warmest climates, so it is ideally suited to fruit growing. A few fruit trees already exist on site, planted about 7 years ago, but many more are needed to create a fully-fledged community orchard, so much of the funding would be spent on purchasing quality, two years old, fruit saplings plus the stakes and guards needed to protect them for the first few years. Funds would also be used to purchase quality information boards to stake on site to inform the public about the project and the specific fruit trees on site. Some new garden and landscaping tools would be needed for the volunteers to carry out routine maintenance.
Fatemeh Abdollahintroduction: Many people suffer from Alzheimer's, ADHD, depression, Parkinson's, etc., since brain disorders are on the increase in the modern day.Large volumes of data based on biosignals are required by researchers working on therapies for various disorders.Targeted data collection is a global challenge and a barrier in the Neurotechnology ecosystem.Zarela tackles this issue by enabling researchers to collect data more rapidly and cheaply in order to help individuals enhance their longevity and quality of life.Zarela is a free, borderless, open-source platform built upon the Ethereum Blockchain Network for collecting and delivering human bio-signals to researchers and entities demanding bio-signal data.People suffering from ADHD, depression, sleep disorders, and other conditions can contribute anonymously to the Zarela dApp and send their biosignals to earn Biobit tokens (ERC20) using the Proof of Contribution mechanism.In addition to gaining money by providing Biosignals to researchers on a peer-to-peer basis, they contribute to the development of medicinal treatments, applications, and games.Zarela's team launched this project on September 26, 2021, with the conviction and solid belief that the open source community can contribute to the creation of a world free of brain disorders. Zarela Technical Solution Zarela’s Smart Contract (ZSC) is written in Solidity programming language and it follows the ERC-20 standard of the Ethereum blockchain. ZSC source code is accessible on the Zarela’sGitHub page and available under MIT license.Zarela details are described in Whitepaper completely.Zarela dApp: The Zarela dApp is now accessible at link , where researchers may make their requests, and hubs and contributors who are eligible to participate will provide their data to them. What do we need grant for: Zarela has been created by a founders fund up to this point, and the infrastructure is complete. We require funding to grow Zarela community in several locations such as Turkey, South Africa, and South America.Q3 2022 Updates:Due to our goal of expanding the Zarela community during the last 3 months, we have done the following activities:Participating in the "ME+ Brain Initiative Summit" at Uskudar University, Istanbul (July 1-3, 2022) and inviting 30 Neuroscientists to Zarela community.Collaboration and partnership with 3 Neuroscience hubs in Portugal and Netherland (DCG Lab, Maxpromed, High Performance Brain)Collaboration with the "Nova Blockchain Club" in Lisbon, PortugalCollaboration with the "Blockdojo community" in London, UK.Q4 2022 Updates: Zarela was accepted in Cohort 3 of "Satoshi Blockdojo community" in London, UK.1 New request submitted on Zarela platform titled "Normative EEG database of people aged 25 to 30".The first request on Zarela "User Authentication using Brain Signals" is completed. 50 people around the world went to the Neuroscience labs and then share the collected EEG signals.
Commons Stack Community Fund - Panvala League
Griff GreenThis is a special Giveth Project, part of the Panvala League. This grant accepts all donations, but donations in $PAN on xDai or Mainnet will receive extra MAJOR matching!If you are a member of the Trusted Seed, you get to vote with your CSTK Score to decide how these funds are used every quarter. Read this post to learn more: can increase our $PAN matching in 2 ways!#1 Donating PAN to this Grant#2 Hodl $Pan and Stake for us: do we distribute the fundsWe collect the funds for 3 months and convert all donations raised into PAN and then distribute them to the Trusted Seed's top 15 grants.First GoalIf any of the grants collected less than $1000 that quarter in total funding, they will be topped up to $1000. We estimate this will require ~$5000 worth of funding, but it may take more or less and that will be reflected in the final result.Second Goal (Unlocked after ~$5000)If we raise enough to ensure that all the top 15 grants receive at least $1000 in funding, the next $10,000 will be split between the top 5 projects, as voted on by the Trusted Seed. The first place project will get 40% of these funds, 2nd = 30%, 3rd=20%, 4th = 7%, 5th = 3%Third Goal (Unlocked after ~$15000)If we raise enough to award the top 5 projects $10,000 in the 2nd goal, the next $10,000 will be split equally to the top 10 projects, as voted on by the Trusted Seed.Fourth Goal (Unlocked after ~$25000)If we raise enough to award the top 10 projects $1000 each in the 3rd goal, the next $30,000 will be split equally to the top 15 projects, as voted on by the Trusted Seed.Fifth Goal (Unlocked after ~$55,000)If we raise enough to award all 15 projects with $2000 each in the 4th goal, the rest that we collect will be split between the 15 projects along this rate: #1-7 = 10% each, #8-12 = 5% each, #13&14 = 2%, #15 = 1%
Red Armonia
Matthew ChristodoulouRed Armonía (English = Harmony Network) is an ELEV8D initiative birthed in 2021 in the South Pacific region of Costa Rica. A foundational network for community sovereignty. We’re using technology and people power to:Create a Digital App that will establish a network that connects the local community with organic farmers and vendors via an online marketplaceCreate hands-on practical education for things like composting, soil building, planting and rain water collectionContinue to host community events such as our EcoMercado that helps sustain local small businesses, organic farmers, and entrepreneursCreate a safe haven, mother hub nursery for the preservation and cultivation of organic Seeds and plant Genotypes, to ensure generational food securityCreate a collection and distribution network for food production and food excess/waste from private lands and businesses that can be donated to families in needBuild Community Gardens using sustainable local resources such as bambooCampaign for Change (activism) to educate people on the benefits of organic and harmonious practices, and inspire the elimination of harmful conventional farming(En Español)Red Armonía es una iniciativa de ELEV8D que nació en 2021 en la región del Pacífico Sur de Costa Rica. Una red fundacional para la soberanía comunitaria. Estamos utilizando la tecnología y el poder de las personas para:Crear una aplicación digital que establecerá una red que conecte a la comunidad local con agricultores y vendedores orgánicos a través de un mercado en líneaCree educación práctica práctica para cosas como el compostaje, la construcción del suelo, la siembra y la recolección de agua de lluvia.Continuar organizando eventos comunitarios como nuestro EcoMercado que ayuda a sostener pequeñas empresas locales, agricultores orgánicos y empresarios.Crear un refugio seguro, vivero de plantas para la preservación y el cultivo de semillas orgánicas y genotipos de plantas, para garantizar la seguridad alimentaria generacionalCrear una red de recolección y distribución para la producción de alimentos y el exceso/desperdicio de alimentos de terrenos y negocios privados que puedan ser donados a familias necesitadasConstruir jardines comunitarios utilizando recursos locales sostenibles como el bambú.Campaña por el cambio (activismo) para educar a las personas sobre los beneficios de las prácticas orgánicas y armoniosas, e inspirar la eliminación de la agricultura convencional dañinaFor more information or to get involved visit / Para obtener más información o participar, visite:
Kyle WebsterPoignART////////////////PoignART is both a platform for the artists of the world to make their voices heard, and a way to pierce and evoke the hearts of a global audience. It’s a fundraising mechanism that will automatically donate all proceeds to Unchain ( ). It’s also a way to amplify the very thing that Russia fears; freedom, expression and the right to self determination. PoignART itself is a lazy minting platform for artists to create NFTs. It fixes a few major pain points currently being experienced:Many people want to support the cause as creatorsMany people are trying to exploit the situationThe misalignment of trust between the genuine and ingenuine is dampening efforts, increasing friction for participation and wasting effortCreators might not have the funds to pay for gas on main-net EthereumPoignART is intended to be a channel for raw emotion and shared experience to flow. The value inherent in that energy can be harnessed for funding organizations that are directly supporting the Ukrainian people.Narrative:PoignART is named after the "Poignard", a long thin dagger which is used to pierce armor and to wound the heart.The earth watches in horror as Vladimir Putler’s Russian Bear attacks. Killing and displacing tens of thousands of Ukrainian people. This is a fundamental threat to the stability of our world. There is a new battlefield now, fought in the hearts and minds of people around the world.Ukraine now shields the entire world from an aggressor and his military. The history between Ukrainians and Russians has been going on for well over a century. In 1922 Ukraine fought for its independence but lost and was subsumed to the communist state. Ukraine has always been a separate entity with its own language, status and culture within the USSR. Fast forward to 1932-1933 when Joseph Stalin, fearful of an independent Ukraine, decided to forcefully take the land away from the Ukrainian people and give it to the Soviet State. The atrocity that ensued became known as the Holodomor also called The Secret Genocide. The Holodomor is Ukrainian for Extermination by Hunger. This artificial famine developed by the Russian government starved to death an estimated 4 to 6 million Ukrainians."In the case of the Holodomor, this was the first genocide that was methodically planned out and perpetrated by depriving the very people who were producers of food of their nourishment (for survival). What is especially horrific is that the withholding of food was used as a weapon of genocide and that it was done in a region of the world known as the ‘breadbasket of Europe’.” – Prof. Andrea Graziosi, University of Naples.History is seemingly beginning to repeat itself and a major humanitarian crisis is looming on the horizon with this Russian invasion of Ukraine. This is one of many reasons why the team at PoignArt is so dedicated to helping out the people of Ukraine.Memo:Hey everyone, Kyle Stargarden here <3We are hoping to raise $2,500 to enable one of our core contributors to volunteer all of his time over the next 30 days to humanitarian efforts, as well as his work on PoignART. The funds will be used for: a new very inexpensive lap-top (about $300), his living expenses and gas for his trips between Spokane WA and Federal Way as he transports donated goods to Meest.
The Social Network of Science
Maria SampaioCoractium is building the social network of Science. We have made impact in the brazilian community across 2021 and 2022: using existing social networks such as Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter and Youtube, we have gathered regional scientific communities.Our cause was simple: to increase the number of scientists in the world.We will support anyone succesfully doing it. It was impressive to see the commitment of academics turn to our cause. Academics are everyone between 0 and 100 that are inserted in classic academia and have aquired scientific knowledge.We culturally found out what scientists have in common and created branded content for them.Our scientific community has access to the following products:Schools: granting the first lab coat to children and allowing them to build their first scientific prototype. ( "netflix like" subscription to undergraduates that want to watch infoproducts about how to enter and rise in science. ( in the job market: built the first ever platforms of opportunities, application processes, science groups and laboratories in the world named Pupil ( representing web3 iniciatives in Brazil alongside. Coractium will have web2 and web3 fronts.Will Coractium be global just in time to pioneer the new sci-tech economy sector? Maybe: if we can reach the right investors in time.If you're a scientist, you are ALREADY part of the future!
DiseasedHumans An Educational NFT Collection
Don JonDiseasedHumans aka Diseases of the Body, is an educational NFT Collection on Stargaze. Starting with Diseases of the Brain, our goal is to use NFTs as a platform to educate, bring awareness, and provide support, to those afflicted by the illnesses explored by our collections. Bipolar Disorder- An artistic depiction of a bipolar brain, using cortical thickness imaging.Our art is based on factual information of the brain, and is depicted in a way to teach and also still look appeasing. Our discord is used as a forum; you can ask and answer questions, provide support for one another and learn fun facts. The idea is to learn, discuss, discover and understand our bodies more, with ways to prevent illness and live a healthier life, both physically and mentally. We have medical personnel, like myself, who create content and moderate our discord. DepressionThrough fundraising, charity, and one day, 50% donation of secondary NFT sales, we want to change the world, one diseased organ at a time. Currently we are a Parkinson's Champion, and will be also be donating to: Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, Alzheimer's Disease, Epilepsy, and Stroke.Please visit: for more information about our project, and information on our First Fundraiser for Violet!
ReConnection Tech
Danilo VazImagine a world in which our technological devices offer us the opportunity to connect not only with our human peers, but also with the other-than-human world that surrounds (and literally makes) us! Imagine what that could mean for how we engage with our environment and our fellow neighbors. What that could mean for our perception of reality. This is what Re-Connection Tech is about.Inspired by the work of researchers and artists seeking to decipher the bioelectrical activities of plant and fungi, we have been experimenting with different DIY devices in order to read and transform such biodata into multimedia experiences. All of this with the purpose of illustrating the sentience and conscience of these beings, while enhancing ours own.After public demonstrations, it has become clear that this kind of experience has the great potential to fundamentally change people's perception around the aliveness of fungi and plant. By listening to the sounds produced by their electrical activities, as well as jamming/interacting with them live, people have expressed such awe that we are convinced that this is a fruitful approach towards promoting environmental understanding and lasting connection, thus preservation.The Climate UrgeThe ReConnection Tech experiences give us the power to open-up windows of public dialogue around the urgency of the climate crisis pretty much everywhere. When people are sensory-confronted with the animated lives of plants - and tree in particular - we have the opportunity to bring into surface the threat our model of civilization imposes to these other life forms, and actively discuss how we - as citizens - can engage with climate solutions policies and projects. This has been happening in the location where the ReConnection Tech is incubated. The community of Rio Sagrado, in Morretes-PR (Brazil) is under the threat of a destructive railroad project that aims to cut through (and pollute) more than 100 water springs and their surrounding vegetation. ReConnection Tech has been an ally of a bottom-up community mobilization against such a project, giving "voice" to the local flora and funga to "speak" for themselves against such devastation. And so we have been cultivating interspecies interactions for over a year. Most recently, with an increasing focus on portability so as to bring about such Awe-areness enhancing experiences everywhere. We have been doing this in close contact with collaborators from many fields, weaving a rich web of knowledge and practice. The technical details behind what we do can be found on this repo.The financial support received by GivEth will be used towards the acquisition of new equipment, as well as for compensating the many (almost voluntary) hours being put into the developments of such experiences. We hope that you can see (or hear) the potential of such an approach, just like the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) has done when granting Danilo (ReConnection Tech initatior) the 2022 SPUN Scholar Grant:
Bankless Brasil DAO
Gustavo doreaBankless BR DAO is the first Brazilian DAO, from the Bankless community focused on making educational content in order to onboard 100 million Portuguese speakers on web3.The DAO has created projects such as:PodcastYoutube ChannelDaily newslettersInstagram and Twitter presenceMerch storeWeekly talks on DeFi and NFT to DAO membersNFT salesBooks club on cryptoA project that aims to bring more girls into web3The first learn-to-earn project in BrazilStudies on tokenomics and governanceAnd much more....You can see all of our important links on this page: need your help to further fund this project.We are a public goods centric DAO offering our content free of charge and because of that we have to rise money to pay our contributors and keep making high quality educational content.We managed to grow our audience to over 15k+ people across Instagram, Twitter, Youtube, Newsletter and 80+ DAO members with our governance token.
UNIMIND DAO the first Polish educational DAO
Wiktor Grzyb1. UNIMIND DAO - first educational Polish DAOUNIMIND DAO is the first educational DAO that operates fully in Polish language. We aim to provide best educational content for Polish community for free. Our mission is to teach people to think by themselves. We want Web 3 to be inclusive for everyone. People should be able to educate themselves about Web 3 in their own native language. 2. Problem and OpportunityAs we (the team) were firstly entering the Web 3 space, we were all dependent on English creators and learning materials to gain knowledge about Web 3. Materials that were available in Polish language were sparse and low quality. The few institutions that exist and teach about cryptography and blockchain lock their courses behind paywalls. We think that is not how it should look like.We created a community of open-minded people with the aim to one day become a fully operational educational Polish DAO. We want to encourage our members to create their own educational materials, that we will curate and share on our socials and in the bespoken library. This way we will create a bridge between Polish blockchain enthusiasts/students and the broad Web 3 space. This is also a way for many to make their first steps in their Web 3 career, by creating content for UNIMIND and learning in doing so. 3. Value PropositionWe want to create a fully operational educational DAO. Our main goal is to focus the activities of the collective towards creating an organized online library for everyone to use, that would provide articles on the topics of cryptography, blockchain technology, smart contract creation and more. We want to achieve this by posting regular video content to our YouTube channel, writing high-quality articles on our blog and regularly taking care of our community by providing them with up-to-date news regarding cryptospace through our Twitter profile. All the above mentioned channels we want to integrate to our library in the future, hence creating the best space to learn about Web 3 in Poland.Our DAO consists of several guilds. We have the University for researchers to create articles, Theater for video creators, Workshop for developers, Law Office for layers, Embassy for people searching for sponsorships, Gallery for graphic designers, Monastery for technical analysts and Watchtower for marketers. We welcome everyone from Web 2, that would like to taste what Web 3 world is like and we want to build incentives for those contributors to do so. To build such an extensive library of knowledge, we know we would need much more people than only ourselves and hence the idea of the DAO. We want to give everyone an opportunity to create value for Web 3 space and learn the basics of it. We will also provide a lot of opportunities for Polish members to partner with and acquire job in Polish Web 3 projects.4. Funding Model (Tokenomy)From the Season 1 (currently we are considering ourselves as working in Season 0 - it’s the time to establish all of processes, tools, gain more knowledge and encourage more people to follow our mission, so we can have a great official start when Season 1 rolls out at 1st of January 2023) we are going to implement our full tokenomy based on ERC-721 NFT tokens as well as ERC-20 tokens - both existing on Polygon. To have voting rights on our Snapshot (test version on Rinkeby already implemented and tested, as well as the same solution with Aragon), a member of the DAO needs to regularly contribute. Any member of our DAO can start to help UNIMIND at any moment by joining any of the Guild calls (PODs/groups working in different areas) and become a Journeyman within the first minutes of joining our Discord. During performing any work for the organization, contributors can earn ERC-20 MIND tokens for their work as a form of payment. Those tokens are going to have a future liquidity pool with USDC, so they can be treated as a real payment for the hard work of our contributors. USDC in liquidity pools will be coming from DAO treasury - more precisely from minted NFTs (explained below) and from payments for our services (we plan to become a consultancy for Polish Web 2 businesses that would like to come into Web 3, as well as offer our guidance for newly created DAOs). When the amount of MIND tokens earned by a contributor will reach a certain level (corresponding to about one to three months of work) such Journeyman will be rewarded with NFT, which will make him a full-fledged member of the Guild he participates in. This NFT will enable each holder to vote on DAO’s proposals on Snapshot concerning the whole organization, as well as for minor proposals concerning only certain Guilds associated with NFT (each guild will have its own NFT). However, to avoid situations in which some NFT holders would stop contributing, every month each NFT needs to be held in a wallet with a certain amount of MIND tokens to keep its voting power, as a guarantee of fulfilling contributors tasks. This way we can be sure contributors actually provide some value to the DAO but are also fairly rewarded.That being said, we don’t want to restrict the possibility to be involved in the life and decision making of the DAO, to only those who are truly contributing. We also want to reward our community members, who are talking with us, reading our content, watching our videos and joining our calls. We want to provide an opportunity for them as well. At the beginning of the Season 1 we will announce NFT mint. This NFT will be very similar to NFTs which contributors earn on their journey within our DAO (however it won’t be providing voting rights in Guilds, only at the whole DAO level in decisions such as how we should spend our treasury). To cut off the supply we will choose to mint to only 16% of the amount of people who will sign for the whitelist lottery. Those people who will mint our NFT with price of 250$ + gas will be also able to stake it. Staking will provide rewards in a few tranches (goal is to give back 50% of the NFT price to the minters). 1st reward will be Season 1 Original Genesis hoodie with the NFT graphic printed on it - after 4 months of staking. Second one after 8 months of staking will be a ticket for our on-site event for contributors. The last one, after 12 months of staking, will be voting rights for the whole Season 2 as our expression of gratitude for helping in DAO development and providing fair payment for work to the contributors! The rest 50% of the funds gained will be held in treasury and will be spent on on-site event, providing better tools for the DAO, as a payment for contributors and for expenditures decided upon through voting by the contributors. After the whole Season 2 - if staked all the time - those Season 1 NFTs will still be able to vote and will grant guaranteed spots on a whitelist for next season NFTs.This model will provide incentives to participate as a contributor, as well as just being a regular, not contributing member of our community and will allow us to gain enough funds to provide the best services. At the same time this model should also ensure that NFTs won’t be traded so much (as then they won’t be able to gain all of the rewards) which will make its price grow in the long-term, additionally rewarding our community.With our growth projections for our community we should be able to mint 1000 NFTs in Season 1 - which would give us 250.000$ (of which 125.000$ will be able to spent as 50% comes back to buyers with rewards). In season 2, it should be around 1.000.000$ (and 500.000$ to spend). In the long term those funds will allow us to reward our community more, and focus more on the consulting and providing services in the Web 3 space, especially within the Polish market.5. Go-to-Market Plan We already have Discord, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn. These are the main channels which we focus on and use as a way to attract more members to join our community. We have established partnerships with (the biggest Polish Web 3 wiki) and Web3 Devs Poland (community of Polish Web 3 developers) which will over time bring more attention to our DAO. Other than that we have established connections inside Bankless DAO, WGMI DAO and Developer_DAO, which we think of cooperating with to bring more attention from Polish members of their communities. Additionally a certain portion of gathered funds we will invest into marketing tools and strategies for our DAO, which will bring us even more members.6. Competitive AnalysisAs it stands the biggest Polish crypto YouTuber has 275,000 followers. His video materials are lacking in quality of execution and he operates by himself. Many of his materials are just his opinions. Unfortunately he is not an exemption - that is what currently dominates the Polish scene. There is no good, organized space to learn about Web 3 in Polish for free. All other educational solutions are in English or require you to pay. We aim to provide much higher quality educational materials that go in-depth on different protocols, tokenomics, smart contract creation and more. As we generate that educational content we plan to connect it with already existing Polish Web 3 Wiki, thus creating high quality, organized content.There are Polish institutions that teach Web 3 knowledge like Instytut Kryptografii or even studies on Polish Universities (SGH Warsaw School of Economics being an example), but they lock their knowledge behind paywalls. When searching for Polish courses on Udemy with “blockchain” key word, there are only 5 results and all of them require you to pay. On Coursera there is 0 results. That shows how underdeveloped the whole Polish space is. 7. The TeamYou can find all the founder team members by their Discord handles:@Saczyyy - Ops Manager, Educational Creator; Lead of the Research Guild; working for Web3 VC in Berlin, fan of austrian economics school, studying blockchain on the best polish economic university@Wikist - Ops and Marketing Manager, Educational Creator; Lead of the Technical Analysis Guild; researcher on the topics of self-organization, e-commerce selling experience; is an absolvent of the best business school in Middle & Eastern Europe Kozminski University in Masters of Business Development. @Mochito - Business Operations Manager, day to day running a software house; fan of economics, management and running business operations.@Gagarin - First Lead of Developer Guild; backend developer, experience with Web 3 coding@Krzystov - Second Lead of the Developer Guild, frontend developer, experience with automation services and Web 3 coding@Przemax - member of the Research Guild; Blockchain enthusiast, analyst, entrepreneur. Master's degree in international relations and administration. For years associated with the media market. Author of many articles on cryptocurrencies and blockchain for private clients, web portals and universities. Speaker at the IX Digital Money & Blockchain Forum Conference. Specializes in evaluating the foundations of crypto projects. As a veteran, he can assess things realistically.@Worixon - member of the Research Guild; young and motivated student of Psychology with a main focus on human interaction with technology. Excited by the opportunities that Web3 creates for a new level of digital interaction between human beings and participation in the process of creating the new, better Internet. As a member of Unimind.dao, in a researcher position, he specialized in bringing an outlook on the idea of humans in the new digital reality that is ahead. @Mack999 - Member of the Developer Guild, frontend developer, passionate about crypto, finance and geopolitics@Hopyenc - a product designer and an expert in UX/UI. She co-founded a startup Supuppy around pet supplements that was successfully funded. Graduate of Google for Startups x Huge Thing Pre-Acceleration. She has also worked with many clients as a freelancer.@Damiansikorski - Founder of Polish Web 3 wikipedia, experience with e-commerce and automation services@Kuba98 - Lead of the Legal Guild; lawyer by profession GDPR, data privacy and cybersecurity lawyer, regular trader, analyst of the traditional finance market, educational creator on youtube and twitter.8. Financial Projections and Key MetricsAll the metrics below are only our estimates, but considering our team and background we think we can achieve those metrics with the proposed timeline.Financial Projections: The end of first year of operations (31.12.2022):0$ - here we will be working only with grants, and with our own funding.The end of second year of operations (31.12.2023):250,000$ (of which 125,000$ we are able to spend)The end of third year of operations (31.12.2024):1,000,000$ (of which 500,000$ we are able to spend)Those numbers as well as where they come from are explained in our tokenomy at paragraph 4.Key Metrics: In order to establish ourselves as the go-to place for Polish Web 3 enthusiasts and students we need to expand our reach on social channels. Some of the grant money that we will gather from the Gitcoin round will be put into marketing operations, to make those metrics more achievable.The end of first year of operations:Subscription count on YouTube: 30,000Partner count: 10Discord member count: 4500Educational video materials count: 104 (2 materials a week)Twitter following count: 13,200LinkedIn following count: 260High quality educational articles count on wiki: 12 (1 article a month)The end of second year of operations:Subscription count on YouTube: 80,000 (+50,000)Partner count: 50 (+40)Discord member count: 12,000 (+7500)Educational video materials count: 312 (+208) (4 materials a week)Twitter following count: 35,200 (+22,000)LinkedIn following count:1040High quality educational articles count on wiki: 48 (+36) (3 articles a month)The end of third year of operations:Subscription count on YouTube: 185,000 (+105,000)Partner count: 100 (+50)Discord member count: 27,750Educational video materials count: 624 (+312) (6 materials a week)Twitter following count: 81,400 (+46,200)LinkedIn following count: 2400High quality educational articles count on wiki: 120 (+72) (6 articles a month)9. RoadmapThese are our goals for the Season 0 of UNIMIND DAO:1. Implementation of tokenomy and airdrop.Goal: Rewarding contributors, enabling reputational voting, facilitating management.Method: Introducing both DAO tokens and NFTs, distributed according to commitment.Description: This is perhaps the most important stage as it creates tools for both motivating the community and decision making mechanisms. Thanks to voting (e.g. monthly), the whole community will be able to propose decisions and make them. It will also create a mechanism for motivating DAO members, thanks to which their involvement will increase. DAO tokens will give you the opportunity to participate in voting, and maybe someday they will also have some value. NFT tokens will signal the specialization and position of the holder, eventually they may have additional other functions.2. Systematic increase in the reach of DAO and the number of new members.Goal: Increasing the awareness of DAO by steadily increasing the number of people we reach.Method: Acquiring traffic on the website thanks to its expansion, partnerships and SEO.Description: This topic can be broken down into four parts:a. regular content creation: Taking up current topics, blog entries, creating short films on YT, AMA meetings, public discussions on Discord. For this to work, new content (in any form) should be published every 2-3 days. There is a need to keep checking which way of communication gets the most impressions.b. optimization of the website for the requirements of the Google search engine: It requires the determination and constant use of keywords, other SEO techniques and the use of tools such as Google Trends and Analytics.c. acquiring partnerships and backlinks: Thanks to cooperation with other services, similar to partnership. Cold mailing to people from the Web3 environment in Poland is worth considering.d. full implementation of the new website: Which includes a new graphic design and migration of existing content.The effect of these activities should be a constant increase in the number of DAO members.3. Attractive presentation of the perspective of personal development through participation in DAO.Goal: Transforming the audience into contributors.Method: Presenting DAO members with reasons why it is worth getting involved in building and developing the organization.Description: Without gaining commitment from members, DAO will remain the marginal fun of a few hobbyists. We need to develop a strategy to transform audiences into participants. A well-written article about the benefits of participating in DAO, a video on a similar topic, or an entry on Discord, showing development paths inside the DAO, can be helpful here. We will setup a subpage describing the possibilities of cooperation for guilds, similar to the one described on Discord. The creators can be motivated by the use of DAO and NFT tokens, as mentioned in point 1.4. Acquiring a community manager to help those who want to get involved in DAO work.Goal: Lower the entry barrier for creators, motivate them and make their work easier.Method: Announcement of recruitment for this position, determining the scope of work and bonuses and selecting the right person by the City Hall.Description: Such a person is necessary to make the action of potential authors as easy as possible and to motivate them to work. He needs to remove obstacles and dispel doubts so that they can focus on their tasks. To determine what scope of tasks incumbent on the authors (backend) should be taken over. It will be an important and time-consuming function, so it must be adequately rewarded with the allocation of tokens, an attractive NFT, and generally give prestige and the right to participate in the works of the City Hall.5. Systematic development and specification of the roadmap as a signpost for DAOGoal: Continuous foundation reinforcement, leading to completion of the DAO by January 1, 2023.Method: Continuous evaluation of the Roadmap, its modifications and making its entries in accordance with agreed deadlines.Description: The roadmap is a living document that changes over time to evolve with the changing needs of the organization. There should be a rule that the development of DAO focuses on the points written in the RM, and new ideas become DAO's goals only after they are voted on and added to the RM. Until then, the originator may implement them on his own, after the approval of the Town Hall.10. AsksAs we know that we are still lacking a lot of knowledge, we would highly appreciate anyone who would like to help us or give us some advice on the steps that we proposed and the methods that we have chosen. Our Discord is in Polish (the channel for English friends is on the way), but if you want to give us feedback or help our cause please, please go to our Discord: There please connect with @Wikist or @Saczyyy and we will be able to talk about mutual possibilities. If you would like to help us in the future, we will later give you an “Friend” role and reach out to you whenever we need an advice. If you are also so kind, we would also highly appreciate following our social media:Twitter:
Alas DAO Pathways
Torsten GoerkeWe adopt DAOs as a mechanism for community-driven learning. Alas DAO is the driving force and governance structure for builders and players to promote the OpenGuitar ecosystem.“Pushing our self past our boundaries of limitation and extreme, sometimes to something that knocks off our comfort zone, it creates new neuro pathways with our brain, we become smarter, wiser, more clarity, our life becomes more fulfilling. Only because we have a totally new experience. We get a new brain with that. Neuroplasticity” ― Angie KaranIn Alas DAO Bulletin #2 we announced the first 💝 Alas! Electro Niche 101. Coordinape circles allow us to collectively reward Alas DAO members and OpenGuitar contributors. We therefore decided to continue experimenting with reward systems for decentralized collaboration.To support creator economies we also design Dapps. At the ETHglobal DAOhacks we worked on programmable cashflows budgets that can be distributed between individual contributors and created the Superfluid community aid - a dapp that helps distributing funds to reward musical collaboration.Alas DAO set out to pave the way for guitar builders and for guitar players:Builders pathwayGoal: Compensate for materials cost. We will provide a complete set of parts to build-your-own open guitar to workshop participants. The instrument building process is designed as an engaging and creative activity, which teaches a wide range of skills, from 3D design and hands-on woodworking to computer aided manufacturing (CAM), sensor-robotics and computer programming with a focus onthe elemental math behind digital signal processing.Alas DAO is a coalition of projects with the mission to advance the OpenGuitar ecosystem. OpenGuitar started as a social-educational project with focus on STE(A)M education (science, technology, engineering (arts) and math) for children and teenagers from disadvantaged backgrounds.Together we run workshops, do live concerts and network performances, create software (“Acustica Lab”) and educational material for students and provide build-your-own open guitar kits for educators.Players pathwayGoal: Teach & Learn. Raise incentive money for educators.OpenGuitar works to provide an education ‘bundle’ in STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, math) through the construction, manipulation and playing of a musical instrument. The core concept underlying the OpenGuitar is that, although it can work as a normal piezo driven nylon-string guitar, to get the best sound out of it, one needs to plug itinto a computer. The OpenGuitar is equipped with an electronic pickup system that allows the connection with specialised computer software, which in turn enables a broad spectrum of sound and music making capabilities.We believe the web is moving away from attention as its business model toward creator economies. Education and creative work needs to be funded. We apply Web3 tooling to share decision power between community members. This is a great chance and gives musicians a real chance to explore this space without extracting their devotion for and attention to music.
Creative Capitol Exhibit
IRL ArtTitle:Public good: Creative Capitol Exhibit AbstractIRL Art and The Golden Triangle Arts District have been awarded the opportunity to showcase an NFT exhibition for the Creative Capitol Exhibit November 29th 2022 - MAy 2023 at the State Captiol in Denver, Colorado. does this initiative support Public Goods?The 4 month, free to the public exhibition will showcase 30 incredible and diverse creators based in Colorado, all exploring the theme "Public Good". "A commodity or service that is provided without profit to all members of a society, either by the government or a private individual or organization. The benefit or well-being of the public."Artists are invited to imagine the future of public goods in a city; art spaces, public art, libraries, transportation, community gardens, co working, communal spaces, makerspaces, recreation centers, home life, education, and public goods that don't yet, but should exist in today's world.How is it non-excludable?The State Capitol and ETHDenver provided stipends to us to give selected artists a $300 honorarium. Arts and Venues recognized our Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts and granted us to support the opening night event. We are intending to also do special programming during ETHDenver. The exhibit will be free and open to everyone.How is it non-rivalrous?IRL Art or Golden Triangle Art District won't keep a commission from this exhibitions' sales. Artists will choose a % of the sale to donate to our beneficiary; Big Green DAO. A non profit turned DAO that is radically democratizing and providing grants to organizations fighting food injustice. Why does it need funding right now? Our team is working out of pocket, because this is a high impact opportunity to support artists, a non profit, and further align the values of Web3 with the State of Colorado, touring school groups, and the public. Our team is not profiting to produce this exhibit. Impact/Deliverables support 30 artists, a non profit beneficiary, opening event + additional programming for ethdenver.Feedback Loop To introduce a layer of free, public governance, All visitors of the exhIbit and the metaverse exhIbiT can claim a polygon nft to Vote For theIr favorite art piece. The Top voted ARtIst wins 1 ethereum. FundraisingAny funds raised will go towards the 1 ethereum prize, towards a metaverse builder to recreate the state capitol, and to video/photo documentation of the project.
NFThub Panvala League
BruceTheGoose $DOWNNFThub is a diverse, community-driven platform and network containing a large variety of features, content, and projects dedicated to making the NFT industry less complicated to learn, navigate, and thrive in. Originally founded in 2020 by BruceTheGoose, the project has evolved and adapted over time to best serve as a boon to the overall NFT industry and community. Current features include (but are not limited to):A permisionless directory of NFT projects/resources, allowing anyone to post information about their own project/collection/etc. or that of a project they value. The community is then able to signal user sentiment by upvoting or removing their upvotes from the project.An open-submission community calendar allowing anyone to post information about their NFT-based IRL and Virtual events. Users can also sync their own calendar for automatic updates on published events on their iCal, Google, or Outlook calendars.Social networking via public forums, group page creation (public or private) and direct messaging within the platform. Group pages are customizable and function in a manner akin to twitter.Gamified learning paths which (when fully integrated) will offer token/NFT rewards as incentives to learn various aspects of the NFT industry, along with an upcoming faction-based casual PvP aspect, making learning competitive and fun.Useful 3rd party tools that are relatively under-realized, directly embedded in the platform with their creators' permission.[Currently inactive] token staking / liquidity staking to earn NFT rewards from various established and upcoming artists.Community ownership via the NFThub DAO; a moloch DAO deployed on Polygon with plans to expand into a multi-network organization.Several other features are planned for the coming months/years, and the community has the ability to recommend/request any changes, features, or upgrades they deem necessary by creating proposals in the DAO.
Folks protagonists of their own development
Acocgua GuatemalaACOCGUA GUATEMALACreating a better future for Guatemala!ACOCGUA is an NGO based in Guatemala that has been promoting social development in agriculture, health care, education and technical training in rural areas of Guatemala to indigenous populations since 2003, you can check most of our milestones clicking here.ACOCGUA is promoting social programs to avoid Guatemalan immigrants, we believe we can encourage and improve our local economies to create opportunities for everybody.We are now focused on malnutrition families, specially children and pregnant women, we are raising fund to provide dietary suuplements to improve their life quality through nutrition, specially kids who are the future of our country.We have identified around 5000 people from Comalapa and other towns nearby Comalapa Chimaltenango where malnutrition is creating a high impact in health and school performance.Acocgua is currently working in a new project to banking indigenous populations and promote e-commerce based on Bitcoin transactions using Lightning Network. Our first step mission is to approach 8000 people around Guatemala including micro, small and medium business (tourism, creators and merchants of handicrafts, fabrics, farmers, service providers, etc) and provide training and assistance to teach them how to use bitcoin wallets, how to trade in centralized and decentralized exchanges and how they can get benefits using cryptocurrencies and exchange Bitcoin to fiat currencies like Quetzal or Dollars and viceversa. The next step is to create a national and international marketplace to trade Guatemalan products using Bitcoin as the accepted currency, train people to understand and create smart contracts using the most valuable blockchain technologies such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Solana, Polygon Matic, Polkadot, as some examples. Additionaly, we will teach people about how the decentralization will help to promote a more transparent nation and create legal initiatives to be able to legalize Bitcoin in Guatemala and attract tourism and commerce to the country, which will help communities development. ACOCGUA is currently looking for support to get more Bitcoin profesionals to promote Bitcoin in Guatemala and avoid disinformation, is looking for financial support from international entities, bitcoiners communities and local companies that are currently in the Bitcoin business. ACOCGUA is looking for to achieve a fair economy and promote the e-commerce and digital transactions to attract international investment and
CYC CryptoDistributed blockchain research institution. Focusing on underlying technology research and practice.Website:
Stephen ReidDandelion is an open-source platform for ticketed events and co-created gatherings created by the not-for-profit worker co-operative Dandelion Collective. We operate on a donation/gift economy basis.
Samaanta Foundation
Trina TamrakarSamaanta Foundation is non-profit that provides quality higher education opportunities to students from poor socio-economic backgrounds in Nepal. It is a 501(c)(3) registered organization that provides comprehensive fellowships to meritorious students in need, to cover their educational expenses and support their overall holistic development. Samaanta foundation’s fellowships are comprehensive in nature, as such, it covers tuition fees, accommodation, transportation and any other related expenses. Fellows are placed in quality higher education institutions. Recognizing that success in higher education does not depend only on the classroom, the fellowship also offers i) mentorship, ii) networking opportunities, and iii) extra-curricular support such as workshops on civic sense, personal finance and mental health for fellows' holistic growth. In addition, Samaanta supports its fellows in acquiring English language proficiency to facilitate our fellows’ transition from public schools to private colleges.In a nutshell, what Samaanta offers its fellows is Education Plus. We seek to create an enabling environment for our fellows so that they do not only become empowered themselves but also contribute towards the empowerment of their communities. Our mission is not to provide charity but to reward the fellows for their good work and to encourage and support them to achieve even more in the days to come. Samaanta started as a pay-it-forward movement among four friends 10 years ago. It started out as a passion project that we worked on weekends, all volunteering and pooling in our own funds to kickstart. The foundation has now supported 76 students, out of which 46 are female. Since 2015, at least one Samaanta fellow has been selected to receive International United World College (UWC) scholarship to study abroad. To date, we have had nine fellows receive a UWC scholarship, out of which eight were female fellows. We have had one dentist graduate so far. Since 2015, 10 female fellows have received the Women LEAD fellowship, the first professional leadership development organization for young women in Nepal. We consider these milestones as strides in the right direction, considering it is a country where school enrollments of girls is still less in comparison to boys.ValuesOur three core values are Education, Empowerment and Equality. The word “samaanta” means “equality” in Nepalese. Thus Samaanta foundation aims to promote equality and empowerment by providing quality higher education to those in need. MissionEducation is increasingly considered an uncontested social good but it is only a particular kind and quality of education that leads to the transformative experience of empowerment and greater freedom. As explained in the “context” section below, such quality education remains beyond the reach of most aspiring students from public schools in Nepal. We believe that everyone should have equal opportunity to access quality education.The mission of the fellowship program therefore is to Promote empowerment and equality through quality higher education We assist students throughout their high school and are now expanding to support high achieving fellows through their college career to access quality education. ObjectivesThe objective of the organization isTo provide comprehensive fellowships to facilitate quality higher education for meritorious needy students from rural communities in Nepal We are building an engaged, sustainable fellowship program to facilitate quality higher education for the poorest and most marginalized.Context: Higher education in NepalWhile the education sector in Nepal has expanded greatly in recent years, it suffers from various problems. Some of the key problems include the low quality of education, lack of relevance to the market needs and poor access for students from underprivileged households. While these problems affect the entire education sector, they are especially pronounced in higher education. The pervasive emphasis of international development agendas such as the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and Education for All (EFA) have led to a disproportionate emphasis on primary and secondary education, to the peril of higher education. There are fewer scholarship opportunities and the costs of education are disproportionately high after secondary schooling. Poor access is a key problem for students from poor and underprivileged households. According to National Living Standards Survey 2011(NLSS), the higher secondary gross enrollment rate (GER) stands at 76%. Notably, the enrollment rate varies widely across poverty groups. The GER for the poorest 20% is 17%, compared to 148% for the richest 20%. Among those who can access education at this level, there is a widening gap between public and private school outcomes in Nepal, resulting in segregation of students along income status. The lack of socio-cultural and economic capital holds public school students back, as they do not get the same opportunities for upward mobility. Further, as the generation of students undergoing mass schooling aspires to middle class status, language of instruction becomes increasingly important, with English preferred as the international language. As public school students make the transition to higher secondary education, their inexperience in ‘modern’ settings as well as their lack of language fluency (lack of cultural capital) affects their performance in higher education.Selection of fellows Our target group is highly motivated, academically strong students from poor socio economic backgrounds. We have a rigorous selection mechanism in place to select the students that are most suited to the foundation’s goals. Our selection mechanism emphasizes all round excellence coupled with a strong commitment to social responsibility, so that the fellows can be effective change-makers in their communities and the country. SustainabilityThe fellowship program has been successful only with the support from individual and institutional donors as well as partner schools that believe in the equality of opportunity. We have also been working closely with United World Colleges (UWC). One of our fellows has been selected to study the International Baccalaureate at UWC Mostar this year. What Samaanta offers is solidarity and not charity. The Foundation currently relies on contributions from those that share our vision but we seek to develop a sustainable model through a dedicated endowment as well as a pay-back to pay-it-forward mechanism, whereby graduate fellows contribute back to support the initiative. This mechanism to give back to the Foundation is flexible to suit the needs of each fellow. We are thinking of the following ideas:Fellows will be required to pay back a certain amount of their fellowship investment once they are earning a certain minimum income. We expect our fellows to sponsor meritorious needy children in their own communities in primary and secondary levels, when our fellows are able to do so. Beyond finances, we expect our fellows to engage in their communities as positive contributors and continue to represent Samaanta values throughout their lives. We seek to create and sustain a critical mass of Samaanta fellows from different marginalized communities throughout rural Nepal to empower a powerful network of a new generation of change-makers at the local level and national level. We are able to work towards this vision only with the support of generous donors and institutional partners who collaborate with us on the basis of our share vision. Visit us at:
The Dandelion Foundation
Marc WinnWe need a new model of human thriving for up to 10 billion people that is within planetary boundaries. We believe that Small Island States can be inspired and enabled to contribute directly towards this challenge. Our theory of change is simple.Unlock the capacity for innovation in small island states through the long term building of social capital.Most island communities have the ideas, tools, resources and people to solve their own challenges but they lack the depth of relationships, collective will and inspiration to make that possible. How Do We Unlock the Innovation?We aim to continue to run a series of experiments to develop a working model for social capital building that can be used on islands to empower populations to solve their own challenges. Why Guernsey as the First Location?Guernsey is situated 50 km off the north-west coast of France, in the Bay of St. Malo and 120 km from the English coast.An independent and self-governing island forming part of the southernmost group of islands that make up the British Isles, the Bailiwick of Guernsey includes the smaller neighbouring islands of Sark, Herm and Alderney. The island has a total surface area of 25 square miles, with a population of around 63,000.As a small self-governing nation, Guernsey is a microcosm, operating on a human scale. In small states like Guernsey, it is possible to solve complex systemic issues in ways that cannot currently be achieved in large nation-states. Guernsey has already used its small size and autonomy to become a global leader in many areas of social and economic innovation. Guernsey is fortunate to have an excellent public-sector service for its size and population, including a high-quality health service with good coverage and excellent schools. It has a culture of innovation, flexibility and rapid change when necessary. With the right values and social capital, a good idea can become law and/or national policy within two years.We at the Dandelion Foundation have long believed that small nation-states that can set their own laws, decide how their resources are used and have the social capital to solve complex challenges, can achieve audacious goals.Island communities like Guernsey can create a blueprint for large scale change recognising that there are many other small island states with different social profiles around the world that can also contribute to the innovation necessary to create a model for human thriving that fits within planetary boundaries.Is it time for Location 2?We are interested in experimenting in a 2nd small island state with a different social profile to see if a social capital building process can make a difference in wider contexts. If you are interested in partnering with us in another jurisdiction please get in touch.More information at
Sex Worker Community Support Line
SWOP Behind BarsThe community support line (CSL) is a centralized toll-free hotline that can be accessed by anyone in North America for assistance with safety planning, networking and accessing resources. We receive more than 200 calls a week seeking assistance with a wide variety of issues from crisis support around and assault or an arrest, to sex positive resources for medical and mental health resources to housing and transportation requests. We created the Chat for Support feature on our website in March of 2020.Since 2015, the SWCSL has grown from less than 25 calls a week to more than 200. We have provided services and support to individuals and organizations who are seeking to assist members of our community in crisis, assisted in providing crisis counseling, gap housing and transportation for victims of crime and assistance to people who have been released from jail or prison. We are committed to creating an outlet for the provision of hard resources that are sex work supportive, trauma informed and client centric in their application in local communities throughout the USA.
Stuart BeverleyOn 31 July 2022 Nick Holme took the first steps of a walking endurance event around Lake Kariba, the world’s largest man made lake by volume, situated on the Zambezi River. Anticipated to take two months to complete, the walk covers approximately 800km, through some of wild Africa’s rawest, most challenging and most beautiful terrain, in the Zambesia region of Southern Africa.The reason for this expedition is to raise awareness about the incredible link between the natural world and mental well being and how we need to conserve what’s left of our wild areas, not just for our physical health, but for our mental health as well. The healing power of Nature is incredible – a fact that is being recognised more and more by health professionals as a viable alternative to medical interventions in treating a wide range of mental health issues. The aim behind the walk is to highlight this fact to the rest of the world and to encourage more people to reconnect with the great outdoors for their own well being.The Covid-19 pandemic has highlighted the fragility of conservation efforts throughout the world. Traditional funding through tourism has dropped dramatically and the people on the front line of conservation are suffering the consequences, with the lack of funding severely impacting the ability to maintain National Parks and Game Management Areas, as well as conduct anti-poaching patrols.Mental health issues have been on the increase for a number of years now, with people of all ages increasingly suffering from mental health problems due to the pressures of our modern day existence. The Covid-19 pandemic has significantly magnified those problems to the extent that mental health is fast becoming an expensive, major challenge for governments around the world to deal with.
MyceliOhm Network
MyceliOhm NetworkWelcome to the MyceliOhm Network.We are constantly writing our futures moment by moment. A prime example of this is happening underneath the noses of society at large within Blockchain Technology. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain solutions are quickly becoming the gateway to the future of how not only finances are exchanged, but it has begun to expand into some of the most influential global industries. This includes insurance, education, art, social issues, real estate, entertainment, politics, the workforce and more.Our question to you is... why not wellness? If there is anything more strictly hoarded and manipulated than money, it is very likely to be health and lifestyle techniques. Seeing as health should ethically not be referred to as big business, and empowering each others health can lift us all up, we are looking to expand the incredible resources available in the new realms provided by the crypto space into the manifestation of wellness that can be granted to all, and not something to be earned or favored to the elite. Join us in expanding the ways that we can offer equal opportunities in health and wellness to all beings. Connecting and empowering likeminded service providers and customers all over the globe to achieve a new height of health and wellness for humanity and our environments.The MyceliOhm Network aims to empower communities globally through sharing knowledge, connecting resources and educating those who wish to learn.
Strengthening the Urban River Initiative
Río UrbanoRío Urbano (Urban River)We cannot see cities isolated from their natural environment, as we have forgotten. In order to create a new culture towards these esencial spaces, to recover them as part of our identity, it is necessary to rethink our place in the world and reconcile our exchanges with everyone and everything around us. Under these principles Rio Urbano is founded as a non-profit Organization that dreams to change the way we see, feel and relate to the rivers that cross our cities and the natural environment of which we are a part.We have been working since 2012 to promote awareness, education, training and participation in issues related to water, the city and urban ecology. Enabling in many ways the reencounter of citizens with these important natural spaces and awakening their involvement in the processes of physical-environmental regeneration.We work as a collective and in the communities, developing initiatives and self-managed projects, through six fundamental axes: Research. Communication and Dissemination. Education and Culture: Linking with the Community. Volunteering. Coordination and advocacy.In the same line, for us it is very important to position ourselves as a channel between organizations with the main objective of increasing the impact of our actions, improving our relationships, providing feedback and strengthening our work.We are part of and co-founders of the Local Committee of the Interurban Biological Corridor of the Torres River Biosphere Reserve and the Local Committee of the Bicentennial Interurban Biological Corridor Tiríbi. Together with 6 other organizations, we lead the collective project Rutas Naturbanas. We are part of the improvement process of the Micro Hydrological Watersheds Category of the Ecological Blue Flag Program and since 2017 we are part of the Technical Committee of this category. We are also part of the Clean Rivers team, National Strategy for the recovery of urban watersheds 2020-2030.Among our recurring activities are: guided walks, volunteer days, urban cleanups, reforestation, educational talks and workshops, community work programs for students, cultural projects, festivals, exhibitions, audiovisual production, national river picnic days, academic tours, historical documentation, research, water and biodiversity monitoring, waste recovery and management, among others.Some mentions include in 2019 the national award: Rafael Gallo Palomo. Safeguarding the future of our rivers. This award stimulates and recognizes the work done in our country in favor of the environment and water sources.We believe that it is possible to have healthy rivers and sustainable cities. And that this is not only necessary for the present of human development, but also for the future of this wonderful and magical planet. Thank you for helping us to continue.(Spanish below)Río UrbanoNo podemos ver las ciudades aisladas de su entorno natural y, sin embargo, lo hemos olvidado. Para crear una nueva cultura hacia estos espacios esenciales, para recuperarlos como parte de nuestra identidad, es necesario repensar nuestro lugar en el mundo y nuestros intercambios con el mundo. Bajo estos principios nace Río Urbano, una Organización sin ánimo de lucro que sueña con cambiar la forma en como vemos, sentimos y nos relacionamos con los ríos que atraviesan nuestras ciudades y el entorno natural del que somos parte.Trabajamos desde 2012 para promover la sensibilización, la educación, la formación y la participación en temas relacionados con el agua, la ciudad y la ecología urbana. Posibilitando de muchas maneras el reencuentro de los ciudadanos con estos espacios naturales y despertando su implicación en los procesos de regeneración físico-ambiental.Trabajamos como colectivo y en comunidad, desarrollando iniciativas y proyectos autogestionados a través de seis ejes fundamentales: investigación, comunicación y divulgación, Educación y cultura, enlace con la comunidad, voluntariado, coordinación e incidencia. Además, funcionamos como un canal entre organizaciones para aumentar el impacto de nuestras acciones, mejorar nuestras relaciones y retroalimentarnos mutuamente.Nuestras actividades más importantes incluyen: caminatas guiadas, jornadas de voluntariado, limpiezas urbanas, reforestación, charlas y talleres educativos, programas de trabajo comunitario para estudiantes, proyectos culturales, festivales, exposiciones, audiovisuales, jornadas nacionales de picnic en el río, recorridos académicos, documentación histórica, monitoreo de agua y biodiversidad, recuperación y manejo de residuos, entre otros.Formamos parte del Comité Local del Corredor Biológico Interurbano del Río Torres Reserva de Biosfera y del Comité Local del Corredor Biológico Interurbano Bicentenario Tiríbi. Junto con otras 6 organizaciones, lideramos el proyecto colectivo Rutas Naturbanas. Formamos parte del proceso de mejora de la categoría de Microcuencas Hidrológicas del Programa Bandera Azul Ecológica y desde 2017 formamos parte del Comité Técnico de esta categoría.Entre otras menciones, recibimos en el 2019 el premio: Rafael Gallo Palomo. Resguardando el futuro de nuestros ríos. Con este se estimula y reconoce, el trabajo que se realiza en nuestro país en pro del medio ambiente y las fuentes de agua.En Río Urbano creemos que ríos sanos y ciudades sostenibles son posibles. Y que esto no solo es necesario para el presente del desarrollo humano sino también para el futuro de este maravilloso y mágico planeta.Gracias por ayudarnos a continuar con nuestro trabajo.