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Diamante Bridge Collective
Diamante Bridge CollectiveWe operate in the space where public goods and private ownership meet personal responsibility and collective power.The DBC is a nested set of entities both public and private that work together as a whole to advance our capacity for coordination toward creating a vibrant and resilient network of local economies.We are so grateful for every giver and everything given that has allowed us to be in service to this mission! Your donations to the DBC in 2023 support regenerative livelihoods for our stewards, provide materials for restorative earthworks projects, and fund scholarships for participants who would not otherwise have access to the transformative experiences and education programs offered.The DBC hosted our network partner Bloom International's 2022 retreat, and organized a tour of the many initiatives, lands and people that have been incubated through the Collective.For greater transparency and accountability with our donations as well as to show and tell of our accomplishments more regularly, we recently released a YouTube channel filled with impactful and educational content, and a public website to demonstrate our decentralized governance practices for approving activities and allocating resources.Check out our Forum and Calendar for more details! We prioritize the transcendence of land “ownership” and actively transform our contractual agreements toward land "donorship", choosing instead to be stewards of nature and the gifts bestowed unto us for future generations. This dream was made real in 2022, with the Diamante Luz Regenerative Living Center being donated by the title holder into a private perpetual Land Trust! Several land nodes are ready to follow suit using our 7 Stages of Stewardship model of acquiring beneficial interest. First order of business in 2023 is the receiving of land use rights by the DBC for establishing a public intercultural commons.Our self-organizing collective of radically responsible individuals has actualized in the past 2 years an intentional community, an activation hub, a non-profit association, a public commons, a landing pad, a leaping point, and given hundreds of people big warm welcome home to heaven on earth hugs!We govern ourselves using Sociocracy as a tool, honoring the diversity of perspectives within our collective and ensuring space for all voices during decision making processes. In late 2021 the DBC spun up a Costa Rica-registered social impact organization, el Asociacion Puente Diamante, with 26 founding members. Our 2022 Annual Membership Meeting brought official membership to 45 including new talent on the Board!The Diamante Bridge Collective is a decentralized village, with many permaculture and agricultural farms, intentional communities and retreat centers, shared homes and private casitas, co-working hubs and collaborative spaces at various stages of development.We are all bridges to what we are becoming, and we each bring valuable wisdom, experience and gifts to share with the world.. and we do that one relationship at a time by both reaching out and welcoming in. We invite you to reach out, explore what opportunity the collective may hold for you in the fulfillment of your own destiny.. receive the offerings shared already, and consider giving back to those here now building forward, for those who will come after.
Stand up for Iranians Stand up for Web3 Inclusivity
Crypt0 ZanContribute towards legal efforts that will outline how to best navigate US sanctions against Iran to include Iranians in Web3. Iran is going through a critical time: the current mass movement and the violent response by the government in power makes the population increasingly vulnerable and in need of access to blockchain native tools. Who in crypto hasn't heard of, or been concerned about, sanctions violations? The aversion to this risk is so high, that instead of applying the law, the crypto space became a victim of overcompliance (all while remaining a grey legal area), resulting in the unfair discrimination of Iranian users. Popular Web3 platforms and services have poorly rejected and banned Iranian users citing US sanctions as a reason. In an effort to avoid this risk, the crypto space is now trending towards overcompliance to the extent of racism. This is unfortunate since Iranian users have always been a part of the crypto communities, experience ongoing internet shut-downs, and are geo-blocked from accessing basic crypto tools like digital non-custodial wallets. But excluding Iranians from tools that are in existence to exactly alleviate repression and censorship is counter productive to the mission of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and crypto in general. Yet, no formal legal guidelines exist regarding Iranians and their possible relationship to educational and web3 projects (for more information on this see: Help us fund and draft guidelines with experts in the field of sanctions on the scope of economic sanctions against Iran and how best to navigate them within the crypto decentralized space. Let’s collectively understand the risks, the scope and the requirements for compliance to US economic sanctions against Iran in order to surgically address compliance needs instead of implementing unreasonable and discriminative blanket bans based on nationality, language, etc. Understanding the regulatory ever-evolving landscape is no easy task. The latest positive development in the field is the September 2022 US Treasury Issued a General License to Increase Support for Internet Freedom for Iranian users (, which broadened up possibilities related to Iran but which was not studied nor implemented in Web3 to our understanding. We are seeking funding and all other forms of support to create clear guidelines on what tools and services are possible to offer to Iranians. We hope to cover the question of sanctions with regards to the following fields within Web3: educational content in Farsiprovision and usage of communication and collaboration toolsservices offered at no-cost (no monetary transactions involved, “no-cost services”)“Provides additional authorization for the services that support the communication tools to assist ordinary Iranians in resisting repressive internet censorship and surveillance tools deployed by the Iranian regime.”decentralized services (such as; digital identity, DeFi, NFT, wallets, miners/validators, etc) We are looking for crypto lawyers, regulators and whomever else can assist us in creating rules that safeguard Iranian users from risk aversion discrimination. If you or someone you know is committed to making the vision of a decentralized and inclusive web a reality and want to support this cause, please get in touch with us in the comments here or email us at [email protected]. We will regularly update you on the project, and share a draft for iterations. The ‘Collective for Freedom and Decentralisation’ is a group of cypherpunk crypto OGs, partnered with ‘Women in Blockchain Farsi’, a group that successfully works on inclusivity and education in the space.
Trusted Seed Unconference
Max SemenchukThe StoryTrusted Seed is a global network of trusted actors who apply wisdom, expertise, and capital to early-stage web3 Commons committed to creating regenerative economies for public goods.In September 2022, we joined researchers, community stewards, and web3 founders at Crypto Commons Hub and discussed the future of commons. Our vision, Protopia, was based on two key trends: our ability to organize inside and to connect outside. We used Burning Man’s Playa as an example of interactions we want to build and Metamodern as a guiding philosophy.We believe that stewards (servant leaders, community managers, HR personnel, coaches, and facilitators) are the key to turning our vision into reality. Given this, we sense that now is the moment for the leadership development of Web3 stewards, with help from the angels (founders, sponsors) in our ecosystem.Thus, we’ve created the Trusted Seed Unconference as a space to bring us together and support our growth as future leaders of a protopian world.ExperienceWhat is an Unconference?Unconference is a non-traditional event that has an open agenda and allows participants to co-create its format. The agenda is created by the attendees at the beginning of the program. Anyone who wants to initiate a discussion on a topic or any activity can claim a time and a space.Example of the unconference organization✍ Understand the theme: ProtopiaIn its original, minimalist — and admittedly rather lacking — formulation by Kevin Kelly, Protopia is simply a term that denotes the gradual improvement of society over time, without claiming either perfection or the reaching of a point of stability.If we cannot allow ourselves to believe in a future paradise that has stabilized around a blissful state of affairs (Utopia), and we find it insufficient to look for those beautiful little exceptions of what life and society can be in certain regards under specific circumstances (Eutopia), perhaps we can more cautiously and realistically allow hope and faith in gradual but over time substantial improvements of society. As mentioned earlier, Kelly views such a capacity to improve as the true opposite of Dystopia.Some inspiration from Monika Bielskyte about Protopia and its framework:PLURALITY — BEYOND BINARIESCOMMUNITY — BEYOND BORDERSCELEBRATION OF PRESENCEREGENERATIVE ACTION & LIFE AS TECHNOLOGYSYMBIOTIC SPIRITUALITYCREATIVITY & EMERGENT SUBCULTURESEVOLUTION OF VALUES — CULTURE OF CONTRIBUTIONWhat are the goals?Build connections and partnerships between stewards and organizations in our ecosystemHelp stewards learn new tools and build or improve their skillsNurture a sense of belonging and form a shared identity in our communityProvide inspiration and emotional supportWhat’s on the agenda?Webinars and workshops – propose a session and activity you’d like to organize through the formNetworking – we’ll have some mixers and activities to boost connectionsProject Showcase – pitch your project and get feedbackReading sessions – read and discuss relevant books or articles with a groupWho’s invited?Public good foundations (e.g. Wikimedia, Ethereum, P2P Foundation)Communities & hubs (e.g. CryptoCommons, AKASHA, Decentralized Science)ReFi (e.g. VitaDAO, grassroots economics, ReFi Summer)Academia (e.g ETH Zurich, Stanford, RadicalxChange)Web3 service providers (e.g. Opolis, BrightID, Aragon Network)Web3 developers (e.g. BlockScience, Curve Labs, General Magic)How do we do it?Registration is now OPEN to Stewards and Angels. You can propose and lead an activity/event, or register yourself as a participant or sponsor/donor. We will contact you with the next steps after you register. The earlier you register, the sooner we can begin launching your proposed activity or event.We will collaboratively build the curriculum/agenda based on the registration results (e.g. skills gaps, shared topics and proposed activities) as we receive the forms.The Gardeners will help in organizing, coordinating and promoting each activity or event. Individual invitations will be sent to those who signed up for the Unconference.Activities, events and sessions can be held from October until mid-December. These sessions may be recorded and documented.After the last event/activity of the Unconference is completed, we will gather the documentation and prepare them for distribution. We will also do a retrospective to assess your experience and what we may improve in the future.How to contribute?✅ Engage as you like – there would be a bunch of different events and opportunities with recaps and reminders for your comfort🎁 Give first – let’s practice gift economy, propose the agenda (registration is here), coach and support your peers👩🏽🏫 Be open – there’s an abundance of good ideas if you’re ready to take or give🙏 Praise - Acknowledge all kinds of contributions to this program and our community🤣 Have fun – always important, let’s play and take it easy💭 Provide your thoughts – we are open to feedback and suggestionsWhat do I get?Access to inspirational and smartest people in the space during the programSkills development and new tools (even toolboxes)Better working opportunities (there’s always demand for great talent)A feature and feedback on your work, project and ideasEmotional and intellectual support with your challengesPotential access to funding opportunities in selected Impact DAOs
Electronic Frontier Foundation
See schedule of electronic frontier foundation, inc. ("Eff") was formed for the purpose of understanding and fostering the opportunities of digital communication in a free and open society.
Relocating Web3 Iranians
Mahsa AminiIran is in turmoil.Protests are breaking out all over the country, despite the fact that protesters are regularly arrested, tortured and too often die while in custody. There are so many arrests by plainclothes police officers that kidnappings are starting to happen in daylight and people simply assume it is the police. It is frankly unsafe to be in Iran right now, especially if you are in web3.Iranian tech leaders are routinely arrested and jailedThe internet has been heavily censored. Iran is using a system similar to what China uses to censor the internet, except they are being much more brutal with the enforcement related to maintaining it.Most developers working in the web3 space must use a VPN, ssh tunneling or Starlink to access the international services they need to do their job, and in doing so they are breaking laws and are at risk of being arrested. Activists in the space are especially at risk, Hossein Ronagi and Amir Emad Mirmirani (Jadi) can be mentioned as examples.Hossein RonaghiㅡA young engineer in charge of the anti-censorship committee in Iran (IranProxy) has been arrested and jailed several times. He recently escaped the clutches of plainclothes agents who broke into his home. Unfortunately, he was later arrested and unjustly imprisoned.Amir Emad Mirmirani aka Jadiㅡ A programmer and technology promoter in Iran, as well as the founder of Radio Gig Podcast has prepared thousands of hours of free online training courses for anyone interested in programming and free open-source software. He has also been one of the opponents of censorship and internet restrictions in Iran and has informed people about the issue. Jadi was abducted from his home by plainclothes agents on October 5 of this year.Zia Sadrㅡ An Iranian blockchain evangelist and lecturer was arrested and jailed late this summer.UPDATE (Dec 19, 2022)All three of the above tech leaders have been recently released. 🎉 International relations are getting worse.The US President, Joe Biden said, “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran, they're going to free themselves pretty soon.” These are worrying times.With the general distaste for the Iranian government growing within and external to Iran, the chances of a violent revolution / civil war erupting are rising every day. This could lead to the boarders being closed and our web3 colleagues being trapped in a bad situation.It is difficult for Iranians to travel. Not only are there visa issues, but also there are social and economic issues to be considered as well.This grant hopes to alleviate the economic burden and create a supportive social network of web3 Iranians in Istanbul.We will reimburse the flights and lodging for them and their immediate family to encourage them to flee for safety before it is too late. We will also help them book accommodation their access to international banking infrastructure is obviously limited.We have helped 2 web3 community members escape Iran already and they are currently searching for a nice neighborhood in Istanbul. When they have chosen on one, we will bring as many people as possible to stay close together, so they can have regular gatherings and build strong relationships in these troubling times.Turkey only offers Iranians 90 day visas. After our community members have been there 2 months, if the situation does not seem to be getting better, we will help them find another country to go to.Maybe nothing will happen and things will calm down. This is our hope, we would excitedly take down this project, and the web3 community members that left for Turkey could return home to their local community with new friends. If this happens unused donations will be sent to donation.eth (Giveth Matching Pool).All expenditures will be documented in the updates of this project.We will make every effort to protect the identity of the web3 community members that are in Iran, many are pseudonymous and could lose their jobs if their employers find out where they live. We appreciate this and will use an encrypted form to take applications and while doing our due diligence to confirm that applicants for this subsidy work in web3 we will in no way hint to their employers that they are from Iran. We will also make sure we send reimbursement funds to a fresh Ethereum address as opposed to their public/ens address.If you are a web3 community member currently in Iran, please stay safe and consider if you can do more to support the people of Iran outside the country, than you can do protesting inside the country. If you would appreciate support in leaving the country, we are here to help! Please use this encrypted form to apply.
BrightID Proof of Uniqueness
Han HegemanBrightID lets all sorts of applications make sure their users don't have multiple accounts so that everyone has a fair share and a better experience.It solves the unique identity problem through the creation and analysis of a social graph. BrightID works by creating a social identity network that allows people to prove to applications that they aren’t using multiple accounts. By using a social graph of connections BrightID can prove uniqueness without disclosing a large amount of privacy details as found in all sorts of KYC procedures.Thus BrightID enables new experimental currencies, voting systems, benefit programs, and all sorts of other projects for which it's essential that no one gets to create multiple accounts. As all users have their own unique BrightID.
Safe Internet Usage For Farsi Speakers
Coiniran FarsiGlobal sanctions and internet censorship for Persian-speaking blockchain activists.The Persian blockchain and crypto community has been going through difficult times lately.Persian-speaking blockchain activists haven’t accessed training courses, the community is now in dire straits, along with disruptions to global networks and strict internet censorship in Iran.Global sanctions and internet censorship in countries such as Iran and Afghanistan have not only deprived activists of up-to-date blockchain and Web3 knowledge in these countries, but have further isolated them and prevented them from communicating with global experts.The risk of being arrested and imprisoned Persian-speaking activists in this field. They have been repeatedly accused of conducting dubious economic activities due to the Iranian government's ignorance of cryptocurrencies, so the risk of being arrested and imprisoned also threatens them.Such a circumstance has constrained active members of the community to emigrate or cease their activities. Also, it must be noted that immigration is a very complicated task for most individuals, due to the low monetary value and low validity of the passport.What had we done? CoinIran is the first Persian blockchain and crypto website which launched as a non-profit group in 2014 to empower the Persian-speaking community. Over the past few years, we have been translating, writing, and publishing thousands of articles, creating hundreds of videos and podcasts, and conducting numerous research and training projects to achieve this goal, and this path will go on.What do we need to do? According to the portrayed conditions, CoinIran will enlist your help to take effective measures in line with its main goals, overcome language barriers and technological obstacles, and support the activities and growth of the Persian-speaking community. We are seeking funding or other forms of support to successfully implement the program below. The most important measures we want to take:Providing dedicated VPNs to bypass filtering and censorship.Educating the strategies for keeping up the security of assets.Making instructional videos on safe and secure internet usagePrivacy oriented educational materialWe are also open to suggestions and intellectual assistance of any kind. Do not hesitate to send us your ideas to improve the situation of the Persian-speaking community.We will regularly update you on the project, and share a draft for iterations.Some update On 07-Mar-2023We have been translating, writing, and publishing thousands of articles, creating hundreds of videos and podcasts, and conducting numerous research and training projects to achieve this goal, and this path will go on.Such as:1-For anyone who needed it, we provided trusted VPNs to bypass filtering and censorship.2-Hold workshops on “layer two platforms” and introduced “Metaverse and NFT” in the first Iran Mobile Congress.3-Translating and publishing books:The bullish case for BitcoinThe little Bitcoin bookInventing BitcoinBitcoin money: a tale of Bitville discovering good money4-Research about Iranian cryptocurrency Exchange Benchmark in order to choose the best and safest exchange: English Report: texts about blockchain solutions that can be used in Iran into Persian (such as blockchain applications in healthcare, education, the oil and gas industry, banking, intellectual property protection, financial services, voting elections, agriculture and logistics). 7-Research about the blockchain ecosystem and Coinmap in Iran (the network of all the participants in the blockchain network that share the business process and business objectives) that will be published in a month.
Pol LanskiDappnode is a free and open source platform that allows anyone to easily deploy and run decentralized applications (DApps) and validators. By donating to Dappnode, you are supporting the development of a better user experience for the web3 ecosystem and helping to decentralize networks.The dappnode software is completely free, and more than 4000 validators in Ethereum use it to maintain their nodes running and up-to-date. Dappnode doesn't, and can't, charge anything for it because it's built with self-sovereignty and privacy by design.Currently, our focus is in lowering the capital requirement for validating PoS networks and Ethereum in particular so we bridge not only the technical gap, but also the economic gap to participate in the ownership and upside of decentralized tech.Your donations will directly impact the continued development and improvement of Dappnode, allowing us to create new features and enhancements that make it easier for users to access and use DApps. This in turn will help to further decentralize the Ethereum network and promote the use of decentralized technologies.In our quest for better User Experience in the web3 ecosystem, we've created a wealth of Open Source tools that any project can use.Keymanger API: We coordinated client implementers and stakeholders to standardize the way keys are managed between different pieces of software.Keymanager UI - a front-end that uses the Keymanager API to connect to any validator implementation and web3signer.And of course, Dappnode is completely open source too! Here's a demonstration of how easy it is to deploy all the software for running a validator:
Urbanika and the SolarPunk awakening
Humberto Besso Oberto🧐 What is Urbánika?Urbánika teaches about the intersection of Web 3.0 and regenerative urban governance. Our immersive approach focuses on turning the learning experience from a passive video course watching to gamifying impact-making in both local and digital communities.🤔Why?Three reasons.The mainstream education and media have convinced people all around the world that capitalism is the only way forward! However, the truth is that There Are Many Alternatives!! (TAMA)Humans are lacking inspiration and knowledge on alternative ways of governance, management, and relating.Traditional education systems are B O R I N G.💡Solution PLUS Connecting them all with funding mechanisms, such as Giveth, Gitcoin, and Urbánika's own fund distribution system* 🛠️What are we working on?Three things.1. Commons 101 with David Bollier. This is the basic course on the Commons.This course covers:What are the commonsThe patterns of the commons (Social life, P2P governance, and Provisioning for the commons)Web3, Wallets, DAOs, and dAppsFunding the commonsWhen? End of November.2. Specialized courses for activists, entrepreneurs, and policymakers (accessible only after graduating from the "Commons 101" course)3. Mini-educational videos posted on Twitter.🧑🏾🤝🧑🏻How is this immersive?Apprentices get a Skill badge when they test their understanding of each module with quizzesApprentices take both in real-life and virtual challenges through QuestChains so to get a PostCapitalist adventurer collectible. These challenges require the apprentice to generate a tangible impact in its community. Some examples of challenges are: Record yourself teaching two friends about the Commons, Research an urban commons in your region and post a half-page of it at your nearest bus stop, and plant a native fruit tree at your closes park. Apprentices and social media followers get Eureka moments through watching our mini videos that show the consequences of choosing capitalism or postcapitalism as ways of living.Context:We believe that urban commons combined with the power of cyber-physical organizations such as DAOs and the proper token engineering will efficiently run cities. A very early empiric experiment about this was run in 2018-2019 in the city of Chetumal. The result was getting 23 people from across the government, universities, NGOs, business chambers, and citizens coming up with projects to regenerate their city. However, coordination failed due to starting from a city perspective when neighborhoods had different interests, tech interfaces were difficult to use, and the team didn't have the proper knowledge, just the will.The lesson was learned and these people have gathered again, now with a greater understanding of urban commons, human coordination technologies, and matured networks of public good and crypto-commoning activists.🧠 Tell me more about the training contentThe training's content is based on the book "Free, Fair, and Alive" by David Bollier and Silke Helfrich, and on personal experience engaging in DAOs and using blockchain4good dApps.The challenges within the episode start in the realm of understanding, reflecting, and becoming aware of the commoner inside each of us, then they advance into claiming, regenerating, and maintaining local public spaces as local urban DAOs that bootstrap local regenerative initiatives with the neighborhood and other local agents' support.As we are covering three niches (Policy makers, Entrepreneurs, and Urban activists) the challenges in each module will be several so apprentices can choose which one to solve based on their skills and interests. They will require to pass only one challenge per module, and one final graduation challenge. We believe in Open Knowledge. Thus, all the content created is being done using Creative Commons 4.0, meaning is free and for public access. The course will be available in the original language of the speaker with subtitles in English and Spanish.A SolarPunk styleInitially, Kin, the main SolarPunk character, will be focusing on Latin America and the Caribbean, however, the storyline will show in shadows other unrevealed characters that are doing the same in other parts of the world. The idea is that Urbánika's story and challenges call people to form a fandom. Social movements based on shared interests and fun have the power to quickly adopt new trends, which in this case is adopting regenerative and post-capitalistic lifestyles. We hope, that others can join us, create new characters, and spread the word of the commons!Kin, the SolarPunk agent sent by the Galactic Federation to accelerate the transition to a regenerative and post-capitalist society.🏆TeamThe team members are passionate activists from Mexico and Europe, with a digital and physical reputation track that has enabled them to have leading roles in innovative communities globally.Anna Kaic: Creative, storyteller, and marketeer. She designed and created Proof of Humanity’s walkthrough videos gathering thousands of subscribers in a few weeks as well as thousands of views per video. She has managed and strategized social media accounts of web 3 projects such as PoH, MetaGame, and the Crypto-Commons Association, as well as from traditional organizations such as Istria Wine, Faculty of Economics at Rijeka University, Airfood OÜ.Rodolfo Ramos: Instructional Designer at two top 10 universities in Mexico. He holds broad experience in working with telecommunications companies and crafting immersive audio-visual productions (including virtual reality) in both Mexico and Japan.Bernardo Fernandez aka BEF: Bef, is a Mexican writer, cartoonist, and graphic designer that has been awarded several prizes, including the Mexican Novelist Prize “Otra vuelta de tuerca”, the Grijalbo Prize, the Silverio Cañada Memorial Prize of “the Semana Negra de Gijón”, the Ignotus Prize of the Spanish Association of Fantasy, Science Fiction and Horror. His works have been translated into English, French, German, Dutch, and Mandarin.HBesso31.eth: Social entrepreneur leading this solarpunk and post-capitalistic training program. He has been experimenting with social participatory approaches since 2014 by founding and orchestrating P2P-based services. In Chetumal, he led the first iteration of regenerative city-making. Magna cum laude in both MSc and MA of eGovernance and public sector innovation from KU Leuven. Alumni of the Programa para el Fortalecimiento de la Función Pública en América Latina, Trusted Seed of The Commons Stack, Hatcher of the Token Engineering Commons, Recruiter Champ in MetaGame, and Summoner of the UBI Blockchain Collective.B0gie: 3D designer and producer with more than 4 years of playing and researching 3D design. He is creating all the scenarios and avatars to display within the film series.Rok Kranjc: Game designer, researcher, and bridgebuilder between the now and a commons-based society.Ruslan Zolotarev: 3D artist and developer specializing in photo-scanning urban elements. Project manager, community teacher, virtual producer, and futuristic solarpunk.Pedro Mendoza: Animation engineer taking care of the 1st episode.David Bollier: Mentor and instructor of the Commons 101 course.💸 Budget Up to now, we have received around $10,000 in Gitcoin and $3,000 in Giveth. Additionally, we have put around $4,000 in cash from our budget, plus the work the team has provided without payment for already two months. The team has proven to be completely committed to propagating an alternative way of living, but we are running very low on our savings. Here is where you can make a huge difference. If you have arrived at this point, we ask you three simple things:Give a heart to our project. It makes our project go higher on the discovery page.Donate whatever you can. We are a verified project, and we are invested in turning your financial support into high impact.Share about Urbánika. Even a tweet saying: "Do you know about the immersive activism school of Urbánika? Check them out in @Givethio!" It makes a huge difference!!Complementarily we are putting in place an economic model to sustain our efforts.Our goal is to make the most impact possible, therefore Urbánika will invite those people that have the biggest potential to successfully apply the knowledge learned in our course to shape their local context.
Our limited attention is given to cohorts of 30 people. This is to ensure that the treatment and accompanying are extraordinary.
The cost of creating the course and providing so close attention is $15,000 in total or $500 per person (30 students).
🌻 So, what about the business model? Experimenting with regenerative and post-capitalistic ones!As we are focusing on creating open, free, and engaging educational content that accelerates societal’s transition to post-capitalism. We have been tinkering with potential ways to fund Urbánika's development. We have come up with the following:1️⃣ Value-aligned sponsorship. Urbánika will look for organizations or collectives that are willing to sponsor the student’s cost. The student can also decide to pay for its own cost.2️⃣ Value-aligned service offerings. From scripting to animating and video editing, we can help other mission-driven orgs narrate stories and educational content that helps in reaching a brighter, fairer, and safer future.3️⃣ Gift economy-based consultation hours. Our team's knowledge and experience are extended to support others.Our income surplus... Students, professors, and the Urbánika team will have governance rights on deciding where to allocate the following funds: *Urban Commons funding (40%). Financially support the emergence and consolidation of urban regenerative initiatives from the graduates of the course series.*Common-good emergence and consolidation (25%). Financially support common-good initiatives such as universal basic income, universal basic services, and others through Gitcoin, Giveth, and Goteo. *Workers' benefits (25%). Experiment with a post-capitalist economic model to sustain its purpose while taking care of its workers and supporting complementary value-aligned efforts. *Research, Development, and Knowledge Propagation (10%). Urbanika's purpose is to disseminate the knowledge and tools that facilitate our transition into a regenerative interplanetary species, for that we need to research, upskill, and experiment.Additionally, the students, professors, and the team will have governance rights on curating which content should be added or modified in the curricula, as well as in the creation of new courses.The funds coming from crypto are publicly available through analyzing the Urbanika.eth wallet. The funds coming in fiat are openly available through the Open Collective's report.Once we have a steady income, we will issue a consolidated report on how the funds are being managed.✅ Monitoring and Metrics:-Monitoring-Weekly Twitter threads on our progress so far.Monthly Twitter Spaces with the Crypto Commons Association where progress is shared in a Ask Me Anything (AMA) style.-Metrics-Main success indicator: Number of urban commons created across Latin America coming from the graduated apprentices.Secondary success indicators: Video content's number of views; Number of people finishing the exams; Number of people finishing the QuestChains' immersive challenges.⚖️ Legal setup & considerations for the projectThe equipment owned and content generated will be governed by its workers aka The Team through a legally recognized cyber physical org (Production Cooperative legally constituted in Chetumal, México with a digital twin as a DAO. The guild will be the main operator of the funds).The content will be created through Creative Commons 4.0.💖 Please support us with three quick things:A heart ♥ on the project,Donating to it,and sharing it wherever you can.These things will already be doing world-impact.
Token Engineering Commons
Token Engineering CommonsThe Token Engineering Commons is a DAO with the purpose of advancing the field of token engineering.The TEC supports the creation of ethical, safe, resilient and diverse economic systems to benefit societies around the world.If you want to support Token Engineering in general, donating to this project is the BEST way to do it. The funds collected by this project will be allocated by TEC Token holders to advance token engineering.About usThe TEC’s mission is to become a Schelling Point for the token engineering community through economic and social layers. The economic layer funds projects that discover, develop and proliferate the best practices for engineering safe tokenized economies, while aligning our collective success with the individual benefit of TEC token holders. Our social layer is even more important, as it unites the token engineering field around the ethical principles, standards, tools and methodologies that emerge as this nascent field advances.The Token Engineering Commons cultural framework operates based on Elinor Ostrom’s principles for governing the commons. It values a prosocial perspective and prioritizes the advancement of token engineering over short-term gain. Integrity, curiosity, constructive inquiry, consistency, presence and gratitude are foundational for maintaining mutual respect within the growing community.The TEC encourages its members to be radically open source, non-hierarchical, transparent in their intentions and accountable for their actions.LinksOur website is: https://tecommons.orgOur discord is: https://discord.tecommons.orgOur forum is: https://forum.tecommons.orgOur handbook is: DAO is:
Giveth Matching Pool
Lauren LuzThe Giveth Matching Pool is raising funds for future donation matching to verified projects on Giveth! It is a one-stop-shop for donors who want to ensure their donation has a broad impact.Our vision for the Future of Giving is a world in which giving is effortless and people are rewarded for making positive change. Give to donation.eth, make a difference for public goods, and get rewarded with GIVbacks.Donations to this project as well as funds sent directly to the donation.eth multisig on Mainnet or Gnosis Chain are eligible for GIVbacks. In both cases, 100% of the funds collected will be distributed to verified projects on Giveth. Note: only donations in tokens on the GIVbacks token list are eligible for GIVbacks.The donation.eth multisig is a 7/15 multisig managed by core Giveth team members. Once we have reached our goal of $500,000 we will begin to distribute the funds to verified projects on Giveth at the end of each 2-week donation round.The intention of the raise goal is to ensure we have enough funds to provide significant matching ($10-20k) every 2 weeks for a full year (26 total rounds). The exact details of how the donations will be distributed are to-be-determined. If you want to help us design the system for allocating these matching funds, please weigh-in with your comments in our forum. We’ll keep you posted with the results in project updates!Note: We are not matching funds to this project, we are using these funds to provide additional funding to other verified projects.
Unchain Fund
Alex CasasUnchain is a charity project created by blockchain activists – open to everyone.With your support we can quickly raise and distribute money to the people of Ukraine – to where they need it the most.We are urgently raising funds for the support of the Ukrainian people - supporting effective NGO's doing work on the ground right now.These NGOs include:Voices of ChildrenVostok SOSProject C.U.R.EInternational Medical CorpsPeople In NeedPolish Centre for International AidWe are consulting with the community for further effective NGOs to support. These will be decided by the community.Our larger goal is to help Ukraine become the country it deserves to be: peaceful, successful, substantive, friendly, educated, and free.Let’s unchain the real power of blockchain for the good.Our goal is to break the chain of war and scatter its links far away from each other. So that they could never meet again.Our main method of fundraising is through the sale of NFTs. These can be purchased or you can make a simple donation.Important! We don’t raise money for weapons. We raise money for medicine, evacuation and repair needs, food and clothes. Our priority is to help civilians.Let’s break this chain together.FAQHow do I know funds will make it to the organizations listed?All donations garnered go to a multi-signature wallet before being distributed to our chosen effective organizations.Each signatory to this wallet are active in the larger cryptosphere and have made their wallet addresses public. All transactions are publicly readable on the blockchain here.Only after a majority of signatories sign a transaction can funds be moved. This is an extra measure of security against rugpulls and bad actors.How were the NGO's chosen?NGO's were chosen based on the following guidelines:1. Must be local, have history of working in Ukraine, or preparing for refugee support2. Must be focused on non-military aid3. Highly rated by Charity Watch and Charity Navigator, or strongly vetted4. Recently activeNGO's will still be decided by community vote.I have a question / how can I get involved?Join us on our Discord server here.
Basic school supplies
Helpers Social Development FoundationThis project will provide basic school supplies to out-of-school children in various public schools in Oji-River. 18.5 children are out of school in Nigeria and 10.5 million children are girls. Supporting this initiative will help close the gap by helping more underprivileged children to stay in school. There will be relief on the burden of parents, who are unemployed to provide these basic essentials for underprivileged children.Helpers Social Development Foundation was established to make a difference in Nigeria. We believed that lasting change happened when children, youths and women have access to social amenities. We have touched more than 3.700 lives from different initiatives since our inception in 2016. We recently established a nursery and primary school in the Oji-River area of Enugu State with a population of 30 pupils. Helpers Foundation nursery and primary offer free education to underprivileged children. We have grown to include working with the parents of the children and the community leaders of the villages in which we operate.Why We Are Working Hard We distribute free school supplies to underprivileged children in 20 public schools in Enugu state to keep them in school. We attack are the root cause of factors that stand as barriers to underprivileged children's education so that underprivileged children can access free and quality education and realize their full potential.Where And Challenges This is truly a trying time for underprivileged Nigerians as many people have lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 18.5 million children dropped out of school, and 10.5 million are girls, they struggle daily for not having the stools needed to help them in school. Poverty regardless of level is linked to reduced academic achievement. Students who live in poverty come to school every day without the proper tools for success, as a result, they are commonly behind their classmates physically, socially, and emotionally. Help us to reach out to millions of out-of-school children.SolutionHow can we use crypto to narrow the performance gap in children's education? Better funding for out-of-school children's education. Helpers Social Development Foundation provides funding to support children from the start of school across Oji-river local government, specifically targeting children with special needs and families. Meeting some of the children's basic needs, like food, healthcare support at school and supplies. Long-Term Impact Your support of this project will have a lifetime impact on the people and Oji-River communities. It will help support out-of-school children to achieve academic, professional, and communal success by creating a positive, supportive environment for their academic, professional, and social growth.Thank you for your generosity.Website: link: handle: handle:
Grassroots Economics Community Currency
Will RuddickGrassroots Economicsseeks to connect people to their own abundance by supporting them in creating their own Community Inclusion Currencies - which are blockchain based Vouchers backed by the goods and services of community groups in vulnerable communities in Kenya and growing to other countries.Our vision is of communities creating their own medium of exchange linked to local values and connected to other communities creating an emergent, healthy and decentralized economic system. Our work is also anchored in Syntropic Agroforestry as the basis for local economies and sustainable food production.We need help in testing, developing, integrating and maintaining open source software and documentation Please join us on our team and help us fund this really important work!Besides software development and support, we train organizations and communities around the world how to design, start and maintain community currencies - Your support also helps support new communities to develop their own programs.Contact us at [email protected]
Gravity DAO
Juan Carlos Bell LlinasGravity DAO is a conflict management project that emerges from the Token Engineering Commons, to offer Alternative Dispute Resolution and community building services to web3 communities.Our objective is to promote competence about conflict transformation, while spreading a culture of prevention and self composition that supports human coordination.Join the Token Engineering Commons Discord server and learn more about us :) will be launching our website in Q1 of 2023!
Gitcoin Grants Matching Pool
Kyle WWe’re on a mission to build an internet that is open source, collaborative, and economically empowering.We are creating community and infrastructure for Web 3 — a diverse range of tools, technologies, and networks that enable people to work for the open internet.By funding projects, building community, and making learning resources accessible, we are teaming up to create the digital public infrastructure of tomorrow.The objective of this grant is to help us Grow & Sustain Open Source with Gitcoin Grants. All funds will go directly to our matching pool!
Commons Stack
Commons StackCommons Stack is raising funds to cover the costs of launching new Commons, continuing to evolve our Technical and Cultural Builds, developing protocols that can be open-sourced so any community can deploy a Commons using our design patterns, and our general operational costs.What is Commons Stack?We, Commons Stack, started as a think-tank primarily focused on crypto-economic primitives to underpin a design framework for a Commons, a tokenized community with a mission benefitting a public good. We aspired to scale commons as a way to realign incentives with public goods. To achieve this, we needed to elaborate cultural designs that reinforce commoning principles and create novel tools such as the Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC), Conviction Voting and the Praise reward and reputation system. Our Commons design pattern is a curated library of tools and processes for governance, funding, proposal, analytics and initialization of a Commons. Some have come straight out of our research collaborations - such as the ABC, CV and the Praise reward system - while others were chosen from those available in the web3 tooling marketplace. To really understand what we are trying to build, try out the Commons Simulator: see the work of Elinor Ostrom as our North Star and set out to weave her principles of governing commons into the cultural fabric of a Commons. Our Cultural Build defines practices for clear boundaries, conflict resolution, monitoring, participatory decision-making, as well as others. Among our milestones are supporting BlockScience in open-sourcing cadCAD, developing the edutainment program Commons Simulator, launching the Trusted Seed, developing a collaborative economics method, deploying the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) - the first field test for our Commons design patterns, launching the Commons Prize and starting our commons collaboration with Grassroots Economics, the winner of the prize.While we have already had some success, we have only just begun. Our research continues. The lessons learned from a first field test, the Token Engineering Commons (TEC), are being rolled into new deployment protocols and our curated commons library of tools and processes continues to evolve. We did not get this far alone. We have collaborated with BlockScience, Blossom Labs, Metagov, Curve Labs, PrimeDAO, Giveth, 1Hive, Aragon, Token Engineering Academy, Token Engineering Commons, and many others.