All Projects
Alberto DavilaIberoAm is a non-profit and three-fold initiative aiming to identify, promote then support iberoamerican blockchain/web3 projects with a clear social and/or financial impact for the region and prioritizing minorities. The goal of this grant is to raise funds to organize Conferences, Hackathons and NFT Exhibitions as a mean to onboard then support the most impacting and innovative iberoamerican projects with a clear social/financial impact for the region and always prioritizing minorities. Our first and successful achieved goal was to organize an online conference that was streamed to our YouTube channel: and identify at least 3 iberoamerican impact projects. An independent committee was assembled for that task and 6 iberoamerican impact project were identified and rewarded using tokens from (i) a CrowdFunding initiative in partnership with NFTfy, BlockchainRio, Ribon, BanklessBr and PlustusFi and also from (ii) Shade Protocol.The six selected Impact Projects are:Favelaverso Chaco Samba com S Oyxabaten Online Conference Program (August 26-27th)Our 3 main achievements in Q1 2023 have been:(i) We successfully organized a disrupting IRL event to onboard scientists, data privacy advocates and social impact leaders on the blockchain ecosystem called "From Genomes and Privacy to Social Impact using Blockchain" funded by Eth-Colombia and The whole event was recorded and is publicly available at the Technological Park of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro youtube channel: Participated as speakers in the first ever Decentralized Science (DeSci) panel organized by Ethrereum Brasil in Ethereum Rio conference.(iii) We also successfully organised the first ever Decentralized Science (DeSci) event in Brazil called DeSci Rio ( having DeSci World, DeSci Latam, Ibmec and Favelaverso as partners.
Ethereum Colombia
Mateo DazaThe idea of this project is to collect and manage resources using a multi-sig as a governance method between the leaders of the 3 active Ethereum communities in Colombia, to sustain and help to grow the efforts related to education and adoption of blockchain technologies in the Country.At this moment, there are few direct expenses related to hosting the Ethereum communities, as because of COVID-19 all events have been virtual and we only pay for subscriptions like zoom and meetups (Antioquia, Bogotá y Caribe).But we hope that things get better this year (looking forward DEVCON 6) and we want to be prepared to be able to host local events, organize and sustain workflows, design community projects, and make some merchandising for the ETH Colombia Community.For that, we are asking the Ethereum Broad Ecosystem funds to make the best possible community in Colombia, to promote the social impact of blockchain and keep incentivizing decentralized developments in LATAM and the Caribbean.Ethereum Antioquia: Youtube - TwitterEthereum Bogotá: Youtube - TwitterEthereum Caribe: Youtube - Twitter
Saving Kids by Giving Free Vital Medical Help
Katherine LysykhHi there!We are a small team of developers that put an aim of creating a next gen giving platform that will be at least 99% effective, 100% transparent and will save lives for real. It means that donations must go directly on saving lives and not on administrative costs. It also means that everything we do must be open to public, including money movements.We decided to start with undeveloped counties without free healthcare from the government. Right now we work in Senegal, Guinea and Guinea-Bissau in West Africa. In the future we plan to operate in Cambodia, Kenya, Nigeria & Liberia. This is how it works now:1. We connect volunteers, charities and hospitals We target a poor region and work on building a local network. Every member is being verified and thus can be trusted. 2. Find kids who need urgent medical helpVolunteers meet those who are in need of urgent medical help but can’t afford it. They check their background to make sure that this is a case for the Helpster program. Depending on what medical help is needed they put the kid in the list and send to a hospital.3. Hospitals treat the kids for freeHospitals have the real-time Helpster waiting list. Kid in the list receive all the necessary medical help, including urgent surgeries. When a life is saved hospitals put all the reports and bills in our system and donors receive a report with all the evidence.4. We send 100% of donations to pay those billsHospitals have a special Helpster deposit account from which they cover the bills. We make sure that everything is transparent and double checked.For now we have 7 kids from West Africa that were approved for a waiting list with approx costs of 10 000 $. Doctors decided in which order help should be given, not us. Every life is sacred. Kids move up automatically in the list depending on how fast we donate.Please more details and our waiting list at our website: https://helpster.charityWe would be very happy if you supported the kids because they deserve it.Please take a note that we are still in a testing mode but we will provide all the reports in due time on your email. As said, we will not hold any donations for operations. We work for free to make the world a better place.With love,your Helpster team.
Web3beach accelerating web3 adoption in LatAm
Carlos MelgarMost people think web3 is about speculating on tokens to grow your capital. This causes people in communities where web3 education and adoption is most needed and has most potential for impact to overlook the tech's potential. We're onboarding people to web3 through "Impact Onboarding"; social and environmental impact events that make a tangible difference in our community.Proof of Impact Community members who participate in our "Impact Onboarding" events earn income, and accumulate NFTs to represent their Proof of Impact. Members will use these tokens to govern our programs, future projects, and expansion and access other perks through 3rd parties, such as discounts on products and services.Services already being offered to our communityDiversity, Equity, Inclusion - We are creating adoption in historically marginalized communities, empowering these communities to participate in the web3 ecosystem and benefit from their work in public goods.Mental Health services Offering therapy for Honduran buidlers having difficulties during these market conditionsKids web3 education Reading nights with families and art sessions that get turned into NFTsEnvironmental Impact Weekly "Impact Onboarding" beach clean upsSocial Impact Training local teachers in Emergency First Response because we don't have hospitals or ambulances on our island:Mini Grants ProgramGrantees must have participated in previous social and environmental impact events to apply for their own Public Goods initiatives on the islandProgram Expansions We have plans to expand our programs to neighboring islands and mainland Honduras. We're confident this project can help protect the environment while improving the quality of life for many. Ultimately we'd like to create a model anyone can copy and paste anywhere in the world to benefit their local environment, economy, and the lives of their community.
Richard SchumannOpen Source Web3 Icon SetMaking web3 more beautiful, fast, and open through great iconography.I believe the best way to bring personality and performance to websites and products is through great design and technology. My goal is to make that process simple, by offering an intuitive and robust collection of open source icons. By using fusion, you can integrate icons seamlessly and however you prefer.Fusion for vue and react @ NPM is now available as Figma Community File write specs how to contribute as designer- work on community suggestions- add more icons web3 icons- keep coin icons up to date with new rising WebsiteIs the Hub to learn more and explore about this Project. Visit https://fusion.liProcess ExampleThanksfor supporting, it means a lot to me.update january 2023hoping for some bigger donations to enable me building a team that can work on fusion to continue and maintain fusion on a larger scale.update march 2023i sadly had no luck get much funding to cover me work full time on this project i just can work now and then on these icons for some hours here and there.happy for feedback how i could get serious funding to make this a successfull project.

Desai Foundation
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3We empower women and children through community programs to elevate health and livelihood in India & U.S.
Peer Collective
Tom BradyHello! We are building Peer Collective, a startup which will re-define mental health across the world. We find and train amazing people (peer counselors) and match them with people in need. It really works. We pay our counselors $20/hour and users are charged $28-$32/hour. We have lots of amazing users and lots of amazing peer counselors - but we could be doing more. That's where we need your help. A lot of people who use our service cannot afford psychotherapy and so any money we raise from Giveth will be used to help those people get free access to support. We also want to be able to pay our peer counselors more as they are amazing people with incredible talents, so we'll also use contributions from Giveth for that. If you need to work through anything and want to choose a counselor with lived experience who you can pick by identity, ethnicity, age who will be here for you today then come and give us a try. Thanks for all your help and support! 💙💙💙
The Frankie Fund
Joseph HenziThe Henzi Foundation MissionTo aid in providing financial relief to families or caregivers of children to assist with the final expenses due to an unexpected loss. We aim to provide this relief regardless of the child’s race, religion, gender, sexual orientation or cause of death. All funds paid out would be directly to those providing the service such as funeral homes, obituary and legacy services, etc. For more information please see our FAQ, or feel free to write us. We are a corporate nonprofit entity, registered in the State of Ohio on 1/5/21. The Henzi Foundation is a 501(c)3 charity, effective 1/8/2021 as determined by the IRS.

Child’s Dream Association
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3Child’s Dream was established in 2003 with the vision of empowering children and young adults to responsibly shape their communities by promoting health and education for sustainable development in Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand.
Support Civichub Decentralised Learning Community PANVALA LEAGUE
Civichub EN: Civichub is a pre-acceleration program which has taken place twice so far. The first iteration in 2018 consisted of 6 in-person weekend sprints in the volcanic region of La Garrotxa (Girona, Catalonia), the second version of the course took place in 2020-21 online. During these two sessions, more than 40 startups, social movements, cyber activists, corporate and government teams came together to boost and cross-pollinate their civic innovation, distributed governance and decentralized technology projects. We learned about facilitation, open source hardware and software, how to decentralise organisations, how to create platform cooperatives, community resilience, the philosophical implications of AI, blockchain and Holochain, and much more. The participants were exposed to many ideas and technologies that they would probably not have encountered otherwise.These initial two iterations of Civichub were sponsored by the Catalan and local governments. Now we want to become more autonomous as a project, reduce the bureaucracy, and make the content more accessible to everyone. To do this, our plan is to put the recordings of the previous course on Udemy or a similar learning platform and make it available online for a low price. With the funds generated we hope to repeat the full course again in-person with new teachers. Your contribution will allow us to spend time editing and preparing the video course, and any surplus will go towards the next in-person version of Civichub.More details on the official website here.Videos from past editions are on the Pandorahub YouTube channel.Preview of the 2018 edition is here:ES: Civichub es un programa de preaceleración que ha tenido lugar dos veces hasta ahora. La primera iteración en 2018 consistió en 6 sprints presenciales de fin de semana en la comarca volcánica de La Garrotxa (Girona, Cataluña), la segunda versión del curso tuvo lugar en 2020-21 online. Durante estas dos sesiones, más de 40 startups, movimientos sociales, ciberactivistas, equipos corporativos y gubernamentales se reunieron para impulsar y cruzar sus proyectos de innovación cívica, gobernanza distribuida y tecnología descentralizada. Aprendimos sobre facilitación, hardware y software de código abierto, cómo descentralizar organizaciones, cómo crear cooperativas de plataforma, resiliencia comunitaria, las implicaciones filosóficas de la IA, blockchain y Holochain, y mucho más. Los participantes estuvieron expuestos a muchas ideas y tecnologías que probablemente no habrían conocido de otro modo.Estas dos iteraciones iniciales de Civichub fueron patrocinadas por los gobiernos catalán y local. Ahora queremos ser más autónom@s como proyecto, reducir la burocracia y hacer que el contenido sea más accesible para todos. Para ello, nuestro plan es poner las grabaciones del curso anterior en Udemy o en una plataforma de aprendizaje similar y hacerlo disponible en línea por un precio bajo. Con los fondos generados esperamos repetir el curso completo de nuevo en persona con nuevos profesores. Tu aportación nos permitirá dedicar tiempo a la edición y preparación del curso en vídeo, y el excedente se destinará a la próxima versión presencial de Civichub.Más detalles en la web oficial aquí.Los vídeos de las ediciones anteriores están en el canal de YouTube de Pandorahub.Un vídeo sobre la edición de 2018 está aquí:
The Social Network of Science
Maria SampaioCoractium is building the social network of Science. We have made impact in the brazilian community across 2021 and 2022: using existing social networks such as Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter and Youtube, we have gathered regional scientific communities.Our cause was simple: to increase the number of scientists in the world.We will support anyone succesfully doing it. It was impressive to see the commitment of academics turn to our cause. Academics are everyone between 0 and 100 that are inserted in classic academia and have aquired scientific knowledge.We culturally found out what scientists have in common and created branded content for them.Our scientific community has access to the following products:Schools: granting the first lab coat to children and allowing them to build their first scientific prototype. ( "netflix like" subscription to undergraduates that want to watch infoproducts about how to enter and rise in science. ( in the job market: built the first ever platforms of opportunities, application processes, science groups and laboratories in the world named Pupil ( representing web3 iniciatives in Brazil alongside. Coractium will have web2 and web3 fronts.Will Coractium be global just in time to pioneer the new sci-tech economy sector? Maybe: if we can reach the right investors in time.If you're a scientist, you are ALREADY part of the future!

Martha's Kitchen
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3Our mission is to “feed the hungry with dignity, no questions asked.” This past year we provided nearly 1,000,000 meals and distributed 3,500,000 pounds of groceries to those in need. We provide food to over 75 other organizations across nine counties. At Martha's Kitchen we believe that full plates help fuel hearts.
NFThub Panvala League
BruceTheGoose $DOWNNFThub is a diverse, community-driven platform and network containing a large variety of features, content, and projects dedicated to making the NFT industry less complicated to learn, navigate, and thrive in. Originally founded in 2020 by BruceTheGoose, the project has evolved and adapted over time to best serve as a boon to the overall NFT industry and community. Current features include (but are not limited to):A permisionless directory of NFT projects/resources, allowing anyone to post information about their own project/collection/etc. or that of a project they value. The community is then able to signal user sentiment by upvoting or removing their upvotes from the project.An open-submission community calendar allowing anyone to post information about their NFT-based IRL and Virtual events. Users can also sync their own calendar for automatic updates on published events on their iCal, Google, or Outlook calendars.Social networking via public forums, group page creation (public or private) and direct messaging within the platform. Group pages are customizable and function in a manner akin to twitter.Gamified learning paths which (when fully integrated) will offer token/NFT rewards as incentives to learn various aspects of the NFT industry, along with an upcoming faction-based casual PvP aspect, making learning competitive and fun.Useful 3rd party tools that are relatively under-realized, directly embedded in the platform with their creators' permission.[Currently inactive] token staking / liquidity staking to earn NFT rewards from various established and upcoming artists.Community ownership via the NFThub DAO; a moloch DAO deployed on Polygon with plans to expand into a multi-network organization.Several other features are planned for the coming months/years, and the community has the ability to recommend/request any changes, features, or upgrades they deem necessary by creating proposals in the DAO.
Alper C. K.EkoHarita is an online ecological network, started in 2015. It was planned as
an eco-blog at first, including a map showing ecological initiatives such as; ecological settlements, farms, eco-initiatives, eco-tourism and camping spots, community/urban gardens, ecological collectives, communities and initiatives, non-governmental organizations, ecological museums, ecological markets, food communities, cooperatives, knowledge banks, ecology blogs, balcony gardens, alternative education centers and alternative economic systems.
In time this map grew to become interactive platform where anyone can add their own related projects in it. After a while new projects started develop in EkoHarita like volunteer community. Volunteer Community is one of our projects for creating a new way of consumers&producers network.
Our website is:
We want to make ekoharita global and make a better project locally in Turkey.
We need your to develop our project and create new projects for the world.
Now working on projects:
1- (Ecological map)
- EN translations
- Develop structure
- More volunteer to work on and create a sharing economy to produce more
2- (Ecological wikipedia)
3- (CSA tool for creating new food communities and support small ecological producers)
Thank you very much for your support!
It will always use for the good will of earth.
Cannabis Genome DAO
Elijah SpinaOverview: Building an on-chain contribution based community to incentivize participation in open-source cannabis research.Why Cannabis Genome DAO?We believe all cannabis is medicine and therefore the genetic data useful for breeding and development of new therapeutic applications should be incentivized to be available for public use.What Are We Doing?We’re building a community organized around a regenerative crypto-economic system designed to align incentives between public and private interests related to scientific cannabis research. Our plan to do this is by using a combination of well-known tools to track and reward contributions of individuals toward collectively agreed-upon goals. Our first products will be a community owned open-source data marketplace, open-access publishing server and decentralized seed bank.How Are We Accomplishing This?Platforms like SourceCred, Coordinape and DeWork can allow us to track the efforts of our community members from the very beginning; then, provide retroactive remuneration after work is completed and people have formed social trust networks that lead to fair allocation and recognition.Our partner laboratory, Delta Leaf, has an existing community of thousands of data generating cannabis cultivators who have been asking for a way to publish their data without compromising self-sovereignty. By establishing robust contribution tracking mechanisms for the DAO we can incentivize the creation of a community owned data marketplace, which will act as a core component in the regenerative crypto-economic platform we are working to deliver. The marketplace will subsidize the cost of fees for new users to upload and store data on-chain by charging a commission on subsequent transactions to sell or “rent” that same data. All revenue generated by commissions will go back to the DAO treasury and community to incentivize further adoption of the marketplace. We are currently working to establish a detailed technical roadmap for deploying our planned implementation of Ocean Market through hands-on experimentation using the Aurora testnet development environment. Additional funding will be required to continue this work and subsidize data upload/storage fees during the early stages of the marketplace. Eventually, commissions on marketplace transactions paid to the DAO treasury will regenerate and support financial reserves for ongoing maintenance of the platform and community growth.The long term goals of this project are currently identified as:Technical integration roadmap and timeline for deploying Ocean Protocol on NearOutline of onboarding experience for genetic and genomic data typesEngage our community through educational content about Ocean Protocol and how we plan to implement it.Deploy a fork of Ocean Market on the NEAR Aurora EVMDeploy Ocean smart contracts on the NEAR Aurora EVMGet $OCEAN listed on the Trisolaris DEX and Aurora websiteUse Ocean Protocol to build a data marketplace for Cannabis Genome DAO (CGD)Integrate with DAO tooling to enable community governance of key marketplace parameters such as commission ratesMerge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile app for CGD (e.g. Mintbase and Alga Wallet)Overall Project RoadmapCompleteLaunch Discord server: 10/8/21Launch website and email list October 2021SputnikDAO launch on NEAR: October 2021Near Foundation grant award: November 2021AstroDAO frontend: November 2021Documentation on Notion and Github: December 2021Membership app and Coordinape circle launch: January 2022Ocean Market implementation on local server: February 2022Present/Interviews at EthDenver: February 2022Automated Contribution/Reputation scoring system: SourceCred March 2022Self-hosted Discourse forum: March 2022Bounty board on DeWork: March 2022In ProgressPublish formal whitepaperDeploy smart contracts on NEAR testnetRole-based governance weighting system (mechanism TBD but could include conviction/quadratic/role-boost)Reserve pool (to bootstrap marketplace)AstroDAO custom contract callsPublish blog article report on Ocean Protocol technical implementation planUpcomingDeploy Ocean Market, smart contracts and middleware on the NEAR Aurora EVM (testnet)Deploy appchain on Octopus Network (testnet)Full mainnet launch (Near, Ocean, Arweave, Octopus, mobile front-end)Merge the Ocean Market front-end with an NFT marketplace-like mobile appSubgraph for Astro DAODecentralized identity solutions (Ontology Network, BrightID, Magic)
Relocating Web3 Iranians
Mahsa AminiIran is in turmoil.Protests are breaking out all over the country, despite the fact that protesters are regularly arrested, tortured and too often die while in custody. There are so many arrests by plainclothes police officers that kidnappings are starting to happen in daylight and people simply assume it is the police. It is frankly unsafe to be in Iran right now, especially if you are in web3.Iranian tech leaders are routinely arrested and jailedThe internet has been heavily censored. Iran is using a system similar to what China uses to censor the internet, except they are being much more brutal with the enforcement related to maintaining it.Most developers working in the web3 space must use a VPN, ssh tunneling or Starlink to access the international services they need to do their job, and in doing so they are breaking laws and are at risk of being arrested. Activists in the space are especially at risk, Hossein Ronagi and Amir Emad Mirmirani (Jadi) can be mentioned as examples.Hossein RonaghiㅡA young engineer in charge of the anti-censorship committee in Iran (IranProxy) has been arrested and jailed several times. He recently escaped the clutches of plainclothes agents who broke into his home. Unfortunately, he was later arrested and unjustly imprisoned.Amir Emad Mirmirani aka Jadiㅡ A programmer and technology promoter in Iran, as well as the founder of Radio Gig Podcast has prepared thousands of hours of free online training courses for anyone interested in programming and free open-source software. He has also been one of the opponents of censorship and internet restrictions in Iran and has informed people about the issue. Jadi was abducted from his home by plainclothes agents on October 5 of this year.Zia Sadrㅡ An Iranian blockchain evangelist and lecturer was arrested and jailed late this summer.UPDATE (Dec 19, 2022)All three of the above tech leaders have been recently released. 🎉 International relations are getting worse.The US President, Joe Biden said, “Don’t worry, we’re gonna free Iran, they're going to free themselves pretty soon.” These are worrying times.With the general distaste for the Iranian government growing within and external to Iran, the chances of a violent revolution / civil war erupting are rising every day. This could lead to the boarders being closed and our web3 colleagues being trapped in a bad situation.It is difficult for Iranians to travel. Not only are there visa issues, but also there are social and economic issues to be considered as well.This grant hopes to alleviate the economic burden and create a supportive social network of web3 Iranians in Istanbul.We will reimburse the flights and lodging for them and their immediate family to encourage them to flee for safety before it is too late. We will also help them book accommodation their access to international banking infrastructure is obviously limited.We have helped 2 web3 community members escape Iran already and they are currently searching for a nice neighborhood in Istanbul. When they have chosen on one, we will bring as many people as possible to stay close together, so they can have regular gatherings and build strong relationships in these troubling times.Turkey only offers Iranians 90 day visas. After our community members have been there 2 months, if the situation does not seem to be getting better, we will help them find another country to go to.Maybe nothing will happen and things will calm down. This is our hope, we would excitedly take down this project, and the web3 community members that left for Turkey could return home to their local community with new friends. If this happens unused donations will be sent to donation.eth (Giveth Matching Pool).All expenditures will be documented in the updates of this project.We will make every effort to protect the identity of the web3 community members that are in Iran, many are pseudonymous and could lose their jobs if their employers find out where they live. We appreciate this and will use an encrypted form to take applications and while doing our due diligence to confirm that applicants for this subsidy work in web3 we will in no way hint to their employers that they are from Iran. We will also make sure we send reimbursement funds to a fresh Ethereum address as opposed to their public/ens address.If you are a web3 community member currently in Iran, please stay safe and consider if you can do more to support the people of Iran outside the country, than you can do protesting inside the country. If you would appreciate support in leaving the country, we are here to help! Please use this encrypted form to apply.
Sex Workers Outreach Project
Brittany AndrewsSex Workers Outreach Project is a national social justice network dedicated to the fundamental human rights of people involved in the sex trade and their communities, focusing on ending violence and stigma through education and advocacy.SWOP is committed to the safety, autonomy, and human rights of people in the sex trade, and stands in solidarity with the many social justice movements intersectional to our own, including but not limited to Black Lives Matter, disability rights, drug and immigration reform, gender equality and the LGBTQ movement, and the rights of the working class.Our work would not be possible without the support of our lovely donors. Your donations directly support local grassroots advocacy, small-scale service provision, and community organizing.
Bankless Academy
Tetranome 💾🚀 BriefBankless Academy is a leading web3 "knowledge on-ramp" - a practical & engaging education experience with infrastructure preparing to be scaled across the blockchain multiverse.We're helping the world adopt the permissionless tools they need to go Bankless.🔥 VisionWe are building a web3 world where:📚 Information is frictionless and free.👊 Communities are high impact creators.🌐 Education is permissionless (no central body dictates what you can/can't see).🗺️ TrajectoryCurrent focuses:Establish a Bankless-native syllabus/user journey to move users from Centralised Exchanges to Ethereum Layer2 self-custody.Pursue collaboration with popular dApps to educate users on trusted tools available to them.Build theory lessons with expert guests from the Bankless 'Hall of Fame'.Form frontier partnerships so that the Academy dApp continues to support interoperability and cutting-edge use cases.Continue research, development, and onboarding for our whitelabel platform to scale our efforts into other web3 ecosystems.Build a framework for contributor content creation to empower talented community educators.📀 Try the dApp: wallets supportedMobile friendlyNo download🤝 Impacting through - SBT Reputation SystemWe're developing DAO reputation systems with and their soulbound token - Decentralised Education CommunityWe're building a decentralised education community with and their web3 social media platform.humanDAO - Scaling Onboarding EffortsWe've partnered with humanDAO to test and develop use cases for our whitelabel Academy dApp.🌏 Let's scale permissionless education together!Your donations directly impact our small team's compensation, empowering us to dedicate as much time as possible for achieving our goals of scaling a permissionless web3 education framework and example to all the world.Together we're helping the world adopt and benefit from permissionless tools.Together we're onboarding and educating future web3 contributors and builders.Together we're scaling our education infrastructure to empower the education missions of other builders.Together we are helping the world go Bankless.
Vladimir Skate Film Festival
MLIBTYVladimir Film Festival (VFF) is an independent skateboarding festival established in 2011, in Fažana, Croatia, by the skateboard club August Šenoa. It is a unique event in Europe. Its main focus lies on underground skate video production and independent projects, driven by the DIY philosophy that makes it a unique event not only in Europe but also on the world skate scene. Every year VFF brings new skate documentaries, skate videos, photo materials, art, and literature by various authors involved in the skate culture, from across the globe. Various skate videos and even some skate movies had their first world premiere at Vladimir Film Festival in Fažana.Although a place with less than 4.000 inhabitants, Fažana is also the center of the DIY scene on the Istrian peninsula. It had two concrete DIY spots and one skate park, all in a circle of 500 meters, not to mention the nearness of the sea and the beautiful sunsets. Since the DIY spots were located in two abandoned factories, they were torn down by the local authorities. The skatepark was also removed, with the promise of a better and bigger one, but it's still all in the words. In VFF's early years, the importance of the historical moment for underground skateboarding wasn't recognized, but things changed after the festival put Fažana on the world skate map and we even started a new DIY skate park/installation on a more secure place, in 2019. Every year we try to build some new parts. As our non-profit organization and activities rely only on our love for the most fun thing and on institutional funding, each year is a new challenge and support is not constant. Since day one we are doing it with no corporate sponsors and, on our path to become even more independent, this is our next step towards decentralization.Kyle Beachy reading from his book The Most Fun Thing at Fort Forno. PHOTO: Henry KingsfordOur website:

Too Young to Wed
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3Led by renowned Pulitzer Prize-winning photojournalist and activist Stephanie Sinclair, the mission of Too Young To Wed (TYTW) is to empower girls and end child marriage globally. Somewhere in the world, every two seconds, a girl is married against her will. While child marriage occurs in almost all countries, and is not exclusive to any particular religion or society, TYTW focuses its programming in areas where child marriage is most egregious and underreported.
Afghanistan Emergency Initiative:
TYTW has successfully evacuated nearly 500 at-risk Afghan women and girls (including families); and continues to provide in-country services including emergency food assistance, private education support for girls, and over 1000 nights of safe housing for families in danger.
Alex CorrenEstablishing Common Ground for the Resilient Communities of our FutureWe work to reclaim and protect the commons by supporting the development of resilient place-based communities and a culture of regeneration.We collaborate with others to acquire land for regenerative projects that is held in perpetuity by a network of bioregional community land trusts (bioregional nodes).We work with the appropriate stakeholders to develop a permaculture master plan for the land that the bioregional node is responsible for implementing and stewarding.The bioregional node creates leaseholds based on the proper ecological land use identified in the master plan and leases the land to people and organizations to use.The leaseholder may own the building on the land and has rights to all the profits they generate from their work on the land or improvements they make to it, but they don’t own the land itself. That always stays with the bioregional node. There’s a lot more to share…🌎 Visit the Website📖 Read the Whitepaper V1"The story of land is older than the story of man. Land came first; no man created it. Every society, large or small, must devise ways in which its members will share this gift. This is allocation. Members of the society must also determine under what conditions the land will be passed on to the next generation.This is continuity. And they must decide if, when, and how it may be traded with others. This is exchange." - Robert SwannOur FocusLarger projects that combine the community land trust model of land tenure with regenerative agriculture, permaculture, natural building, rural development, good urbanism and web3 technology to support the resilient place-based communities of our future.Our Vision (maybe yours too) A global network of regenerative bioregional economies and place-based communities built on ecological design principles and resilient systems to support humanity as we transition into a new paradigm of abundance. Legal Status: We are a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization, and every bioregional node will be too. (or a similar structure depending on the country)WHERE THE MONEY GOES - Supporting the core functions and responsibilities of RegenCLT along with its team members and contributors- Build out a website that meets the functionality we need to support our member portal and initiative process- Confirm our legal strategies and the develop governing document templates- All funds raised will be spent transparentlyWHAT WE CAN DO WITH MORE FUNDING - Fund the first mutli-stakeholder RegenCLT project- Acquisition of property (in discussion for projects in Colorado and Puerto Rico)- Legal incorporation of the bioregional node- Full-blown permaculture design, site assessment and master plan- Make sure the people doing this regenerative work are paid a fair wageOn the Technical side we want to:- Co-create the web3 governance system to run in parallel to the ‘analog’ legal title-holding bioregional node- Assemble the tech stack we need to support our member community of global and local commons stewards- Launch a membership token for governance, access, bioregional staking, carbon credit and ecocredit integration, and regenerative local economiesOn the Cultural side we want to:- Collaborate with various stakeholders to make projects happen efficiently and that the work being done is truly regenerative.- Work with DAOs and other organizations as the land-stewardship partner to ensure that the land for their project is held in common trust in perpetuity.- Be a catalyst for the cultural shift from extraction and degeneration to conservation and regeneration so that we may reverse the course of the 6th mass extinction and create better conditions for all life on Earth.🐦 Connect on Twitter 🤝 Become a MemberThank you for your support 💚
Basic school supplies
Helpers Social Development FoundationThis project will provide basic school supplies to out-of-school children in various public schools in Oji-River. 18.5 children are out of school in Nigeria and 10.5 million children are girls. Supporting this initiative will help close the gap by helping more underprivileged children to stay in school. There will be relief on the burden of parents, who are unemployed to provide these basic essentials for underprivileged children.Helpers Social Development Foundation was established to make a difference in Nigeria. We believed that lasting change happened when children, youths and women have access to social amenities. We have touched more than 3.700 lives from different initiatives since our inception in 2016. We recently established a nursery and primary school in the Oji-River area of Enugu State with a population of 30 pupils. Helpers Foundation nursery and primary offer free education to underprivileged children. We have grown to include working with the parents of the children and the community leaders of the villages in which we operate.Why We Are Working Hard We distribute free school supplies to underprivileged children in 20 public schools in Enugu state to keep them in school. We attack are the root cause of factors that stand as barriers to underprivileged children's education so that underprivileged children can access free and quality education and realize their full potential.Where And Challenges This is truly a trying time for underprivileged Nigerians as many people have lost their jobs due to the Covid-19 pandemic. 18.5 million children dropped out of school, and 10.5 million are girls, they struggle daily for not having the stools needed to help them in school. Poverty regardless of level is linked to reduced academic achievement. Students who live in poverty come to school every day without the proper tools for success, as a result, they are commonly behind their classmates physically, socially, and emotionally. Help us to reach out to millions of out-of-school children.SolutionHow can we use crypto to narrow the performance gap in children's education? Better funding for out-of-school children's education. Helpers Social Development Foundation provides funding to support children from the start of school across Oji-river local government, specifically targeting children with special needs and families. Meeting some of the children's basic needs, like food, healthcare support at school and supplies. Long-Term Impact Your support of this project will have a lifetime impact on the people and Oji-River communities. It will help support out-of-school children to achieve academic, professional, and communal success by creating a positive, supportive environment for their academic, professional, and social growth.Thank you for your generosity.Website: link: handle: handle:
ReConnection Tech
Danilo VazImagine a world in which our technological devices offer us the opportunity to connect not only with our human peers, but also with the other-than-human world that surrounds (and literally makes) us! Imagine what that could mean for how we engage with our environment and our fellow neighbors. What that could mean for our perception of reality. This is what Re-Connection Tech is about.Inspired by the work of researchers and artists seeking to decipher the bioelectrical activities of plant and fungi, we have been experimenting with different DIY devices in order to read and transform such biodata into multimedia experiences. All of this with the purpose of illustrating the sentience and conscience of these beings, while enhancing ours own.After public demonstrations, it has become clear that this kind of experience has the great potential to fundamentally change people's perception around the aliveness of fungi and plant. By listening to the sounds produced by their electrical activities, as well as jamming/interacting with them live, people have expressed such awe that we are convinced that this is a fruitful approach towards promoting environmental understanding and lasting connection, thus preservation.The Climate UrgeThe ReConnection Tech experiences give us the power to open-up windows of public dialogue around the urgency of the climate crisis pretty much everywhere. When people are sensory-confronted with the animated lives of plants - and tree in particular - we have the opportunity to bring into surface the threat our model of civilization imposes to these other life forms, and actively discuss how we - as citizens - can engage with climate solutions policies and projects. This has been happening in the location where the ReConnection Tech is incubated. The community of Rio Sagrado, in Morretes-PR (Brazil) is under the threat of a destructive railroad project that aims to cut through (and pollute) more than 100 water springs and their surrounding vegetation. ReConnection Tech has been an ally of a bottom-up community mobilization against such a project, giving "voice" to the local flora and funga to "speak" for themselves against such devastation. And so we have been cultivating interspecies interactions for over a year. Most recently, with an increasing focus on portability so as to bring about such Awe-areness enhancing experiences everywhere. We have been doing this in close contact with collaborators from many fields, weaving a rich web of knowledge and practice. The technical details behind what we do can be found on this repo.The financial support received by GivEth will be used towards the acquisition of new equipment, as well as for compensating the many (almost voluntary) hours being put into the developments of such experiences. We hope that you can see (or hear) the potential of such an approach, just like the Society for the Protection of Underground Networks (SPUN) has done when granting Danilo (ReConnection Tech initatior) the 2022 SPUN Scholar Grant:
ReVillaging Mutual Mentorships Program
Nodes n Nomads TTPThe Revillaging Mutual Mentorships Program is one of the many projects within the Diamante Bridge Collective. Designed by Dani Bellavita to further the work of “ReInhabiting the Village” book project, the mentorship program provides an environment in which individuals can openly support each other in re-creating themselves within a village context. We can only truly reinhabit the village once we have revillaged the inhabitants!'This is not your typical “Master/Apprentice” dynamic.We are connecting young minds and talent with opportunities to intimately study community life by taking on new roles and responsibilities where there is an experienced mentor to coach and review their work in a new area, and! The mentor is also here to learn new tools, gain fresh insights, and receive feedback from alternate perspectives, honoring that everyone has a gift to share and a voice in choosing their path. As ReVillagers we are all mentors, learning together in mutual respect about both new and ancient tools that may be implemented to help those who come after us.Our collective attracts individuals who both have mastery in their own field and seek mastery in another. These individuals would normally find their current skills used within existing extractive systems, limiting their potential for self-discovery and growth while becoming part of a machine which has proven to cause harm to our planet and imbalance within our society. The aim of the Mutual Mentorship program is to liberate willing souls from that reality and harness their skills for the good of all: to practice and share the wisdom and tools necessary for living in community and raising a village. We offer multiple mentorship opportunities: each program led by a different mentor, each sharing their own unique skill sets. Our programs cover the key skill sets that are necessary for life in a thriving village community. Returning to the Village is about creating healthy regenerative systems on all levels of life, from the smallest microorganisms in the soil, to the roadways and waterways, to the youth and the elders and people within our local community and amongst our vast global community network. It is about the inner work, knowing thyself, as much as it is about “all our relations”, plant, animal, and human.The Revillaging Mutual Mentorship Program is a holistic approach to all aspects of a healthy life and community, and its intention is to train 3 community members for 3 roles necessary for the next phase of our evolution. In the process, we create regenerative livelihoods that value the wisdom, experience and contributions of those holding stewardship positions with the DBC.All donations to this project are used to pay housing and living expenses for the mutual mentorship participants and recipients of scholarships to this program.🎊 2023 Cohort B Mentors 🎉Cohort A (completed 2022):This pilot of the program was a 3 month long Mutual Mentorship journey led by one of the DBC co-founders Dani Bellavita. The journey focused on training Cohort participants (Krista, Lala & Nikola) to fulfill specific roles newly created and very much needed within the ever-expanding Diamante Bridge Collective community. Please check out past updates on the project listing at for a record of the experience.Program Structure:Our Mentorship programs start at 3 months and can last up to 12 months and include room and board. The first phase of the program is a one-month orientation period. Upon successful completion of the orientation phase, the participant will commence into the second phase, which is a 3-month internship (the first month having already been completed). Upon successful completion of the 3-month internship, we will celebrate as the participant graduates into entering the full Apprenticeship phase of the program, which means completing an additional 9 months. Upon successful completion of the 12-month program, the participant will be prepared and equipped to enter into long-term community life at one of the associated land nodes, should they wish to do so. As part of our program, they will have the opportunity to join our extensive network of communities affiliated with the Diamante Bridge Collective, located within Costa Rica and also internationally. Each community in our network offers a different flavor, style, and structure, and it’s important for individuals to find the place which is the best fit for their needs and values.From a perspective of growing community and roles to be taken, this mentorship program is focused on specific roles within the developing structure, and aims to establish functioning systems for our Collective. 12 months marks the completion of a natural solar cycle. Following this model, we see that 12 months is the necessary amount of time required for an individual to integrate deeply into a new way of living. Participants of the Program:Our mentorship program is aimed primarily at integrating individuals into community life and filling future roles that will be necessary for a healthy, fast-growing, and sustainable community. It also prepares individuals to bridge the world of Crypto Economies with life on the ground working in harmony with our Earth and teaches them how to use this resource to further restore and protect our land. The goal of the program is the transmission of knowledge and wisdom from senior members of the community to the youth. This allows us to bridge the generations and ensures that the wisdom gleaned from a lifetime of experience is passed down to ensure the success, health, and empowerment of future generations.Cohorts are selected based on their skills and ability to live in harmony, be diplomatic, open and who exhibit strong communication and connection skills. They are eager to learn, expand, and eventually, to also pass on their wisdom to the next Cohort. They also act as a learning tool for Elder members, allowing both to share their unique abilities with one another and to help the Mentor hone their teaching skills. Sponsoring Mentorship Program Participants:Those who choose to sponsor this program are helping to empower a group of community-oriented individuals who will then carry the wisdom and tools they need to create and connect communities wherever they are. Together, we can liberate a generation from life in individual-centric jobs which only succeed in further reducing our resources. Funding requested:US $3600 per person per 3 months (there are 3 spots/roles available)Funding will be used towards several aspects of the program: “For most of human history we have lived as Villagers… Yet, in a matter of a few generations, much of the world’s populace has become imbalanced and disconnected from our environment and from each other, and we are seeing the ramifications of this disconnection across all spectrums of life...We as a species live at a critical crossroads, a time in which the impacts of our past and the potential of our future intersect. A time in which the choices each one of us make every day, and the decisions we collectively agree to influence, create a legacy for future generations.”- Excerpt from ReInhabiting the Village: CoCreating our future, by Jamaica StevensYou can learn more about our collective here: don't forget to follow us on Twitter

Pure Earth
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3Pure Earth’s vision is a world where all, especially children, are able to live healthy lives and reach their full potential, free from exposure to toxic pollution. Pure Earth partners with governments, communities and industry leaders to identify and implement solutions that stop toxic exposures, protect health, and restore environments. We prioritize actions to protect the developing brains and bodies of children and pregnant women living in toxic hot spots. We work to stop the multigenerational cycle of poisoning that is endemic in many low- and middle-income countries.
Parfait MugishaPerfect Village Communities " PVC Burundi" it is a social enterprise, created and based in rural community in Burundi, with the vision to improve the living conditions for vulnerable community through agro- ecological activitie, while promoting permaculture.Burundi have out of 58% of children with malnutrition in some Rural localities, 95% of community live for agriculture, and livestock activities, unfortunately any family can produce the food to feed his family the following 1 month, in additional to lack of basically resources such food, people challenged by the non access the healthcare services, malmution, each, in rural minileu, on average 3% of cultivable land is lost due to soil degradation, fertile soil is washed away with rainwater because cultivable areas are denuded.. PVC Burundi working on these issues by teaching the communities the regenerative agriculture, soil regeneration, manure producing process, we organize the people in cooperatives and we grow food, we plant trees, we generate revenues in small agri/environmentbusiness, the income is using to cofinance the health system and educational systems.Our main object is to create the villages where environment is protected, where communities cultivating and glowing food, where communities have the access to the health care access, in our stroga we are creating the healthy planet for the healthy community espevially in ryral areas of Burundi. Each year, we organize the tree planting campaigns, where we produce ,grow, and distributing but also planting in different localities in public land, community Land, ..., those activities are attached with community sensitizing on different techniques in environment, land, soil management and regenerative agriculture.we still leading the Communities lo creaate a sustaible communities, where community working care for themserves, but also to care the planet.That is why we would like you to support our project by donating, to help the more vurnerable communities.Thank you for your donations.
Future Scouts
Ishan ShapiroImagine a conversation where youth, parents, educators and elders come together as peers to discuss how to prepare youth for living their most fulfilling future. That’s where Future Scouts steps in.The mission of the Future Scouts is to prepare learners with survival skills for the 21st century. We create transformative learning and service opportunities for ages 6 and up, and promote a self-directed, lifelong learning approach for education with no age ceilings, no gender limits, no geographical borders, and no cost barriers. Since 2016, we've served thousands of youth in world building and rapid prototyping workshops in 5 countries.Now, we've developed a vision for Future Scouts as a web3-enabled decentralized service organization.We're creating a peer-to-peer network of lifelong learners, learning opportunities, and service opportunities, empowered by decentralized technologies and powered by our native crypto token, 𐤎MERIT.Soon we will be inviting thousands of learners actively to engage each week via the Future Scouts DAO, App and Handbook. We’re building a thriving, involved community of learners, mentors, parents, and professionals that are actively co-creating and world building the Future Scouts.Please get in touch if you'd like to be part of building the Future of Scouting with us!https://futurescouts.cc[email protected]
Ethereum technology for Farsi speaking population
Shayan EskandariWe are a non-profit educational group founded in 2015 to educate Farsi* speakers on blockchain technology, and remove the language barrier into developing applications using distributed technologies. One of the main limitations to access such technology, financial freedom and bank the unbanked are lack of resources and language barrier; we are trying to close that gap for Farsi speakers.Our team has been operating CoinIran: Independent Persian Publication covering Cryptocurrency, blockchain and Dapps news and documentationsShir Ya Khat : Community-driven Farsi podcast on the topic of blockchain technology, discussing the recent trends to social pathology in developing countriesMiningBox: Stack-over-flow style question and answer platform for mining discussionsDigiarz : Price standardization and cryptocurrency exchange listings [currently down]Smartcontract Development Forum: Technical forum to teach and discuss smart contract developments on all Videocast, Interviews with active participants in the community (Exchange CEO, developers, etc), New tech introductory videos, and market analysisOther than the management, maintenance and materials on the above resources, we have been trying to localize the Farsi version: Translation and addition of resources [PR] - MERGEDMyEtherWallet : Translation and localization of the interface [PR] - MERGEDiearn-finance : Translation of the UI [PR]WalletConnect: Open protocol for connecting Wallets to Dapps [PR] - MERGEDdefi18n: Decentralized Finance Internationalization [PR] - MERGEDCryptoZombie - Learn to Code Blockchain DApps By Building Simple Games [PR]
Bridging Digital Communities
Kay @geleeroyaleI run a bridge server for chats (Discord, Telegram, Riot, ...) and am actively engaging communities connected to the Ethereum space. Especially with the advent of newDAOs my services are being requested on a regular basis. Most requested at the moment is bridging between community servers on Discord (both communities get to share a room), whereas before it was mostly mirroring rooms between different protocols. Once a bridge is up, it still needs to be maintained and I regularly check that everything is in working order. I never charge for these services, but I do accept donations (all Ethereum tokens) Current list of bridged communities:GivethThe Commons StackMetagameHackalong1hiveethereum.orgbalancer.ioAragoncadCADToken EngineeringToken Engineering CommonssourcecredRaid GuildDappNodebrightIDMetafactorydOrgMaticConsensysPanvalaGitcoinYearnDAOHausKshazuDAO Book ClubMol Le ArtETHLatamShenaniganSeeing EarthBoson Protocol
ReFi Spring
Daryl EdwardsLet’s make ReFi accessible for all! Introduction It’s not a moment; it’s the movement. The ReFi Movement, to be specific. ReFi Spring is a nonprofit team working to enable global IRL ReFi events to create new communities in the ReFi ecosystem. We do this by providing free, accessible, full-range event support services and educational content, including: Event Toolkit: This toolkit contains all the information event organizers need to run a successful ReFi event, including event frameworks, marketing materials, tips for press engagement, workshop plans, and more. Event Funding: Every ReFi event can apply for event funding; however, our funding criteria is weighted towards supporting events by and for marginalized communities. We recognize the importance of justice, equity, diversity, and inclusion as fundamental values supporting the healthy growth of the ReFi ecosystem. Marketing Support: We activate our global community to advertise and attend ongoing ReFi events. ReFi Spring also provides event organizers with marketing support to make promoting their events as easy as possible. Intro to ReFi Course: ReFi Spring is currently curating an “Intro to ReFi” online learning course for new and native audiences to understand and engage in the ReFi ecosystem. We offer all of the above and so much more.Check out our Global Sponsorship Deck for more details and get to know our team here. Why ReFi Spring is doing this At the edges of our imagination lies a regenerative economy, a financial system that serves humanity and our collective home. Within web3, the ReFi movement aims to cultivate this vision within a new economic system. ReFi Spring exists to support its emergence across a rich diversity of global networks. Project Update and Roadmap In 4 months, 50+ event organizers have applied to ReFi Spring to receive event support. ReFi Spring funds 22 events in 2022 and 30 in 2023. At the moment our team has far more events applying for funding than we can support with our current budget. These events will take place across a diverse range of locations, including but not limited to: Brazil, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Suriname, Uganda, Kenya, Australia, Peru, France, Germany, India, USA, Cameroon, Canada, UK, New Zealand, and Singapore. Ways your funding would support the ReFi Movement. More information Thank you for your support and for being part of this movement! There’s never been a more vital need to regenerate the Earth. Join ReFi Spring on Telegram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram for ongoing updates. We welcome you to check out our website, attend a nearby ReFi event, and sign up to be notified when our Intro to ReFi course goes live.
Philippa 'Pippa' AttwoodFUTURO NATIVO ( is born to support our indigenous ancestors to rehabilitate the land, cultivate healthy jungles and share cultural traditions. Our mission is to protect forests and promote sustainable, economic growth in indigenous communities.Currently we support 10 indigenous communities in the Brazilian Amazon, Peru, Costa Rica and Mexico. We have personal contact and lifelong friendships with each of the villages we support. Trust & Transparency are our integral part of our Values and Ethics.All donations go directly towards the projects of:REFORESTATION & CONSERVATIONWe support the villages to build tree nurseries to grow native species and begin agroforestry projects. We construct the nursery, source native seed and saplings and install water and irrigation equipment. We support the villages to reforest degraded land with productive species using agroforestry principles, to provide food security and a good nutritional diet to the inhabitants of the village. The surplus of these agro-forests can also be exchanged with neighbouring towns and villages and be used as an alternative economy. COMMUNITY, EDUCATION & INFASTRUCTUREWe support educational events to share indigenous teachings and knowledge of the land with other indigenous and non indigenous neighbours, to understand why it is so important to keep the forest alive, stop deforestation of the land and how the forest can be productive. A typical 3 day event that invites indigenous leaders and non indigenous representatives of neighbouring towns, including food, accommodation and travel costs between $4000-$5000 for 100 attendees.MUSIC PRODUCTION & ARTS The indigenous have long used singing as a way to tell their stories and deepen their connection with natures. The strength of their language and vibration of their songs are powerful and it's time to share those prayers with the world. We are supporting indigenous musicians by donating musical instruments, recording equipment, to produce professionally mastered tracks that can be released into our mainstream channels, Spotify, YouTube, Bandcamp, and SoundCloud. In traditional craft making, jewellery making and basket weaving the long linage of cultural craftsmanship still remains strong in the villages, we support (mostly women) in their indigenous crafts. We support the villages to produce & sell their crafts within boutique shops and online stores.FUTURE VISIONAs stewards and guardians of the land Our Future Vision is to create large scale protected forest zones. Where land has been reforested and regenerated, this will be protected without threat from future exploitation.More information on the projects can be found here:
Run Zimbabwe Project for Anti Poaching Units in Zim
Ryan MossAround Zimbabwe in 80 Days!The Run Zimbabwe ProjectEvery year, a group of elderly, verging on bloody ancient social mountain bike riders known as the Old Legs Tour look to have fun, to do good and above all to do epic on their bikes whilst riding them to ridiculously faraway places, like Cape Town, like Kilimanjaro, like Uganda, raising money and awareness for Zimbabwe’s beleaguered pensioners in the process. Often steep hills are involved, and sometimes wild and dangerous animals that can either eat you or stand on you."We ride bicycles because they go faster than say someone running, always a good idea when long distances are involved, or wild and dangerous animals looking to stand on you or eat you, and also because sore bottoms are easier to treat than sore feet and stress fractures. None of this is breaking news. The bicycle was invented by pedestrians a long time ago. Mostly we ride bicycles instead of running because we are not certifiably mad, which is more than can be said for Ryan Arthur Moss."1st April 2023, Ryan Arthur Moss, a veteran of 4 Old Legs Tour will take epic to ridiculous levels when he becomes the first athlete in history to Run around Zimbabwe. Ryan is looking to run a grueling 3500 kilometers in 40c Heat around Zimbabwe’s borders, through Mana Pools and the Zambezi Valley, through Gonarezhou and along the Eastern Highlands, the length of Lake Kariba, from Victoria Falls down to the Tuli Circle through Hwange National Park, braving lions, elephants and tsetse flies, in under 80 days. Silly boy.One man running a marathon a day, every day, for 80 days through Zimbabwe’s wildest and most rugged landscapes, it doesn’t get more epic than that, or hard, or pretty much every other superlative in the book.Ryan will Run Zimbabwe to raise money and awareness for Zimbabwe’s pensioners, and for the conservation efforts of Project Ranger and the Projects they fund - ATS Savé valley, Bumi hills APU, Bushlife mana pools, Conservation wildlife fund Hwange , Mother Africa and Sapi with Zimparks. All operating in the wilderness areas he runs through.You will be able to follow Ryans every brutal step of the way on www.ryanarthurmoss.comShould Ryan survive being eaten, stood upon, etcetera, Ryan has asked for a new bicycle for Christmas.
Sean is the crossroads of encrypted messaging, decentralized identity, and Lens social graph. The open-source products include:Receiver: A drop-in Intercom-like App directory & profiles (highlighting ImpactDAOs and regen NFT badges)Particularly relevant for Giveth is our directory of ImpactDAO apps (+ hypercerts and regen projects). These cards will include the verified ENS / Lens / Farcaster / etc accounts for each app, for user onboarding, support, and bug disclosure.We are on GitPOAP for open-source at
Quest Chains
Vid TopolovecAboutQuest Chains is a protocol, SDK, and platform that enables users to create and complete quests through a fun and gamified process.The platform empowers both quest givers and questers of Web3 by providing a unified structure to DAO onboarding and a flexible system to create any kind of set of tasks. It combines the creation of courses, completion of courses, attribution of certificates of completion, profiles to showcase one's progress, and integration of its system into other apps.The platform allows for the creation of quest chains composed of quests that can be completed by submitting a proof of completion. Once all submissions are approved, the user becomes eligible to mint a soulbound NFT that serves as a certificate of competence. The platform features cascading permission roles, including owners, admins, editors, and reviewers, allowing for streamlined collaboration in the creation and management of quest chains.Questers can participate in completing a quest chain by submitting proof of completion for a particular quest by uploading any type of media and a description. Their proof can be accepted or rejected by members of the quest chain, and once all submissions for all quests inside a quest chain are accepted, the quester can proceed to mint their NFT, which is displayed in their user profile's gallery.Quest Chains' differentiators include its decentralized database built with IPFS, open-source code and development conversations, and flexibility, as it offers an SDK that can be integrated into other dApps. The team behind Quest Chains includes seasoned UX/UI designers, full-stack Web3 developers, graphic designers, Solidity developers, community managers, and content writers, all passionate about their work.Overall, Quest Chains aims to facilitate the next cohort of individuals to learn and engage with Web3 in a fun and rewarding way, building their digital identity and accumulating valuable credentials through completed quests. The platform's core functionality is forever free, ensuring that sharing and gaining knowledge is not exclusive to anyone.TeamDave is a seasoned UX/UI designer who is extremely passionate about his work (in fact we are all very passionate about what we do 🙂), he is very patient and knowledgeable.Dan has dedicated his life to working as a full stack web3 developer in DAOs, which he believes are the future of work. He's also an active member of Raid Guild.Beti is a graphic design student who's in love with 3D and digital art in general.Parv is a Solidity dev who has vast experience in writing and auditing smart contracts.Evgeniy is our community manager & a longtime crypto investor.Tony is our content writer.Vid wants to help build a better future and have continuously contributed to MetaGame for the past year and a half while working professionally as a FE developer for the past 5 years.Additional ResourcesApp: links:GithubDiscordTwitterNotionFigma
Mafia Creativa din Romania Jius Valley development
Razvan PopescuTransforming mentalities is not easy, but somebody's got to try to do it! Cities, countries and places cannot change without changing the people that inhabit them, the collaborative economy is the biggest global shift since the previous industrial revolution and Mafia Creativa's mission is to ensure that creatives from Jiu's Valley are not left behind,Because a lot of the members of the Mafia are from Jiu's Valley, our first objective is to try to integrate the new digital economy based on collaborations into the local economy here and create opportunities for local people. Jiu's Valley was a industrial driven economy and when the coal mines and industrial complexes closed a lot of people migrated, were left with no hope or sunk into poverty. The main hope of the local authorities is tourism because we are surrounded by beautiful mountains, natural reservations and we have an incredible fauna and flora. Mafia Creativa believes that Jiu's Valley is the perfect place to experiment with digital microeconomic models and integrate them into a macroeconomic plan for all the cities that are part of Jiu's Valley. It's developed enough, but not digitally integrated yet and the risk is that the whole Valley(which is made up of 7 cities) sink even more into poverty.We started advocating the use of digital currencies here since 2020 and reached out to local businesses, tourism agencies and we are working on establishing a bridge with the local authorities here. Because we believe that everybody should work on what they know best, we will focus on the creative side of things and will try to launch a local creative hub with the goal of integrating blockchain with fun creative solutions for old and solid issues.Read more about Jiu's Valley here: more about the poverty risk here: academic study about livability here: that this project is still in development! Some aspects may change over time, but the mission will remain the same: using creativity to create opportunity!Description and scope of Mafia Creativa(this grant is for Jiu's Valley development only)Mafia Creativa is small collective of creatives with different backgrounds based in bloody Transylvania, Romania, on a very unique mission that we believe was never probably attempted before.The main mission is to get local creatives, altruistic people and builders educated around blockchain, web 3 and technology and teach them how to leverage these new tools that can have an amazing impact on society and also in their personal lives.This is not only about crypto, it's about teaching creatives how to strategize and how to live sustainable lives by creating stuff that they love.We are trying to create a system that can reward creatives for doing altruistic work and for making the world a more beautiful place!Our main vision is to create a truly unique human collaboration experience formed by people with different professional backgrounds that will each dedicate time and good will to our common missions . We wish to create a community of creatives and hopefully experts that believe in decentralization, public goods and making society more fun to be part of.All parts involved could dedicate time, resources or ideas to research and explore novel ways in which we can use creativity to engineer solutions that could improve society by starting and creating solutions at a local level.Our secondary mission is to launch the most craziest and fun creative experiments with the purpose of making our society more decentralized, inclusive, fun and promote critical thinking while at it. We believe that the real world can be just as fun as the meta-verse and the two should merge in healthy and unexplored ways.Until now we have:-established a bridge with local authorities and local businesses from Jiu's Valley-build a community of local creatives with different backgrounds both online and offline-some of our members actively contribute in DAOs like 1Hive, TEC, Gitcoin and CTC-Onboarded at least 30+ people into crypto and blockchain(from all over the world)Our values are:-faith-honesty-cunningness -prosperity-versatility-being creative for the benefit of life, lolDecentralized members:Popescu Razvan Matei aka Zer8Pruteanu Alexandru(Designer/founder Ambra)Robert Secrieru(Investor/Trader/Nice guy)Anton Laurentiu(Photographer/visual artist/producer)Dorian Drimbe(teacher/visual artist)Annomalia(Psychologist/Artist)Vanea Cristian(professional skier, tourism advocate, business owner, event organizer and altruist)Join our Discord and say Hi: just started building so watch out for updates soon!
ITU Blockchain
İsmail Emin ErdoğduITU Blockchain Club was founded in 2018 at Istanbul Technical University as “Turkey’s first Blockchain Club” by students interested in blockchain technology. It aims to inform everyone who wants to explore blockchain about this technology and to create an environment where they can develop themselves. In this direction, it works on all areas touched by blockchain technology, such as DAO, Decentralized Finance (DeFi), NFT, and Metaverse, especially blockchain, crypto money, and Web 3.0. ITU Blockchain continues its adventure by growing its community daily with the international competitions it has won, the partnerships it has established, and the content it produces.
Return to Green
T.R. PriceAchievementsReturn to Green hosted one of the first metaverse events for the regenerative finance movement. This event brought in 5.3 eth to Giveth projects around the world focused on the environment through an NFT auction featuring art from 48 artists. The second event helped to bring in funds through a digital artist's first ever NFT exhibition and auction, with funds going to mental health organizations on Giveth. EthSantiago streamed their event into the metaverse and the community has grown to 159 Twitter followers and a 49 person Telegram. NowReturn to Green will move away from events being the only thing that the organization does. Now it is working on the creation of an NFT marketplace that'll give artists the ability to support public good projects on Giveth whenever they'd like. Further details about the NFT marketplace can be found here Info:
Sage to Saddle
[email protected]
Sage to Saddle aims to keep Native American youth focused on healthier alternatives to the prevalent poverty and substance abuse they live with, which are both major contributors to late winter’s “suicide season”. On America’s reservations, this suicide rate is four times the national average.
With 20 years dedicated to photographing America’s West, Nate Bressler realized while on photo-assignment shooting Native American horse racing teams for Outside Magazine, that a winter horse riding facility would greatly benefit the community of Pine Ridge.
He teamed up with Lakota Native, Stan Brewer, the driving force behind Pine Ridge’s horse community who acts as Riding Arena Coordinator. Together, they created lofty but attainable goals that will bring structure, education, celebration, not to mention a safe haven, along with the opportunity for these Native youth to lift their chins with pride.
Sage to Saddle, with the support of the Pine Ridge community, hopes to provide this indoor horse riding arena for kids from 8-18 years old with an after-school program focused on equine relationships and the responsibilities horse care involves. Rotating through arena activities and the required time for completing homework in the attached classroom, students of the program will be granted the opportunity to carry on a horse nation’s tradition with the very animal that made their survival possible.
Rounding out the Sage to Saddle team, Angela Smith grew up in Utah, exploring the Mountains and Deserts throughout the West. She has been involved with nonprofits throughout her life, supporting differing charities and causes through volunteering, increasing public awareness, organizing private donations and events. While working in the field of software, design, and technology, she currently supports local groups involved with homeless families, mental health and addiction issues, and veteran work training programs in San Diego, CA.
Charity NFT Project Kids in Kenya
Justin StucksOur mission at Charity NFT Project is to support charities and nonprofits by helping raise awareness and funding through photography NFTs. For our first collection, Destiny Shapers: Kids in Kenya, we have partnered with Antioch Independent Baptist Church in Muhuru Bay, Kenya. Revenue generated from the sale of NFTs in this collection, as well as direct donations, will go to the church in support of their child outreach programs.The needs of the village of Muhuru Bay are great, and in this part of the world basic human necessities are often unavailable. Resources such as food, clean water, clothing and education are scarce within the community. Oftentimes, the people most impacted by these conditions are also the most vulnerable. Children, for example, cannot care for themselves as they are dependent on adults to provide for their basic needs. When these needs cannot be met, they suffer the most through malnutrition, dehydration, lack of education and overall poor quality of life.In the village of Muhuru Bay, the church is the pillar of the community. They not only provide a place of worship and refuge, but also through the donations they receive are able to provide much needed resources that would otherwise be unavailable. By working with Pastor Ken of Antioch Independent Baptist Church, we have enabled them to accept cryptocurrency in donation. Additionally, we have worked together to build a revenue-generating NFT collection which shares their mission with the world. Together, we can lift up the village and help shape the destiny of the children in the community.Project Home Page: Collection on OpenSea: in Giving:
Benjamin ClairDatastake connects holders of information in weak-governance countries with a global audience. It turns data into a valuable resource and thus incentivises transparency in stigmatised parts of the World, while enabling local communities to reclaim their narrative.Why?International aid programs, resource buyers or investors fail in their engagement in presumed high-risk, resource-rich countries, for they lack basic risk management and impact measurement data, let alone market data.Try find the local price of beer, or gold, in Kamituga on Google. How do you know children are attending that school built by the Gates Foundation? How do you know your donation is going to the family you were told?African stories are hijacked by a few journalists and experts (stigmatisation agents). Funding amounts allocated to international development and "humanitarian" activities are enormous and yet effects are abysmal (small % reach communities, implementers self-evaluate, etc.). Meanwhile, the lack of reliable data prevents private sector investment (risk management feeds off data) and perpetuates financial exclusion. Yet millions of connected people live there. Thousands of local businesses and civil society organisations operate locally and express their needs daily over WhatsApp or Facebook. For decades, we have assumed that foreign experts were required to witness their struggle. Not anymore.Data MarketplaceAt Datastake, we believe that a continuous stream of information from local witnesses carries more value than annual expert visits, and we build tools to help locals unlock that value. Our infrastructure turns information held by business and civil society based (or operating) in presumed high-risk countries into a tradable asset, which its primary holders can extract a financial income from. This is achieved through data granularity: we help our users label their data so as to extend its value chain through multiple uses.Where AI solutions painstakingly process existing, unstructured data, we help generate new data, and its clients can access previously non-existent or siloed information. Thus, Datastake will facilitate the emergence of new investment and engagement opportunities in underserved regions. We are already supporting investment through crowdsourced KYC checks, attributable impact along the mineral supply chain, and access to responsible procurement opportunities for EU importers.What Now?In Madagascar and the Democratic Republic of Congo, local organisations have started to use our free applications to compile granular information on their surroundings. We hope to leverage donations to reward our most active users, further stimulate local supply, and in turn attract a larger demand for crowdsourced knowledge and distributed facts.Updates on the value "locked" at datastake.eth is shared on weekly basis with our community, where it serves as the promise of rewards for transparent actors.
Grassroots Economics Community Currency
Will RuddickGrassroots Economicsseeks to connect people to their own abundance by supporting them in creating their own Community Inclusion Currencies - which are blockchain based Vouchers backed by the goods and services of community groups in vulnerable communities in Kenya and growing to other countries.Our vision is of communities creating their own medium of exchange linked to local values and connected to other communities creating an emergent, healthy and decentralized economic system. Our work is also anchored in Syntropic Agroforestry as the basis for local economies and sustainable food production.We need help in testing, developing, integrating and maintaining open source software and documentation Please join us on our team and help us fund this really important work!Besides software development and support, we train organizations and communities around the world how to design, start and maintain community currencies - Your support also helps support new communities to develop their own programs.Contact us at [email protected]
Giveth House
Franco RuizWelcome to the Giveth House! 🦄A beautiful home, office, and community space located in Barcelona. The Giveth House has been available since 2017 to accommodate the greater Giveth community. When Giveth was founded in 2016, we knew it would be important to have a physical space to help facilitate the growth of Giveth. We also wanted the Giveth house to give the greater Web3 community a real location for events, gatherings, coworking, hack sessions and just a place to rest your weary head.Why Barcelona? Impassioned by first hand experiences of the Catalan struggle for independence, Giveth founders wanted to establish a local haven that represents freedom of thought and choice, and serve as a physical space to exercise that freedom. We are open to and inclusive of all walks of life that have equality, safety, comradery, freedom from tyranny, hierarchy and subservience in their philosophy. Until now we have sustained the Giveth House successfully through a revenue stream that has unfortunately recently diminished due to changes in the Ethereum network and market. We are asking for the support of the community at large to keep this wonderful IRL solar punk nexus alive!Centrally located near Plaça d'Espanya with easy access throughout the city and beach, the Giveth House welcomes anyone in the blockchain4good ecosystem who needs a place to stay, work or just hang out while in town. We want the space eventually to grow into an increasingly dynamic and regenerative locale where we can hold events for the different projects and become a strategic point to exchange ideas, create, and contribute to the community.Please support the Giveth House and help us maintain this gentle and warm, and open-door safe haven for the solar punk community that connects the greater Giveth ecosystem!
Boys And Girls Clubs Of Metro Denver Foundation
Thousands of kids, ages 5 - 18, walk through the doors of our 20 Clubs each day. Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver served 23,000 kids during the 2021-2022 school year. Each Club member has access to at least 720 hours of empowering programming in one year, including academic support, leadership development, and nutrition information.93% of Club members feel there is an adult at the Club they can talk to if they have a serious problem* 88% of Club members find emotional safety at the Club* 90% of Club members reported they can stand up for what is right, even if their friends disagree* *School year 2021-2022 National Youth Outcomes Initiative Member Survey dataYour support helps Boys & Girls Clubs of Metro Denver provide fun, safe, and enriching after school and summer programs for kids across the city. Give today and make an impact on the next generation of leaders.We are a registered 501(c)3 organization and all contributions are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by the law. Your gift is also eligible for the Colorado Childcare Contribution Credit.Links:

WONDER Foundation
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3WONDER Foundation is dedicated to empowering women and girls through quality education and access to good work, so they can exit poverty for good.
We are working with women-led, local NGOs in 19 countries around the world (Latin America, Africa, Asia, and Europe) towards our overarching aim of a future where women and girls are empowered to lead the way in their own personal development.
The strong relationships and friendships we develop with our partners, and the ongoing dialogue that we have with them, make our work responsive, impactful, and far-reaching.
For the healthcare services to the rural farmers
Parfait MugishaAs a local community in the middle, the communities mainly women farmers and their families, they are confronted with the inaccessibility to health services, firstly because the health care structures are not developed and do not have the financial ressources, to pay for these health services.To create a community that works for the restoration of the land, the protection of the environment, we also need to offer them modern health services to be healthy. In addition to the restoration project that we are developing, we have also created a health care structure in this same community called CEntre Medical Lumiere de la Santé "C.M.L.S" which is a community health care structure. We are looking for donations to continue its extension, to pay the volunteer nurses and the doctors, but also to buy the drugs. The health care structure that we are mobilizing funds for its development, serves curative and preventive health services, free of charge for children under 5 and pregnant women.This health care structure also serves more than 12,000 patients each year, mainly children and pregnant women.To make the project more solid and more independent, we organize the farming communities around savings groups of money generated, to contribute to the payments of these community mutual funds. All your donations will be used for the development of this project of the Center Medical Lumiere de la Sante, based in rural Burundi.For more information visit the Healthcare´s website :
Bloom Network
Bloom Network🌍 Bloom Network is a cyber-physical social network that helps people find and participate in grassroots climate action where they live. http://www.bloomnetwork.earthThere are 22 local Blooms in 9 countries on 5 continents, and approximately 30,000 people involved on the ground. Our participants include farmers, creatives, Indigenous leaders, and professionals who are working together in coalitions.👀 Problem: 67% of humanity believes there is a climate emergency, but they can't find what to do about it locally. Meanwhile, there are tens of thousands of local initiatives solving major social and environmental problems, who are excluded from mainstream media and institutional finance because the way they work is naturally collaborative and decentralized.🌻 Solution: Local Bloom hubs connect existing projects in their region. They plant community gardens, teach people to form agroforestry co-ops, and build regional token economies focused on land and water stewardship. Online, we share knowledge P2P as a global community to implement climate repair more quickly and cost-effectively.Here is a video produced by Diamante Bridge Collective, a local Bloom hub in Costa Rica. It tells the story of what's happening on the ground and how we use web3 to bridge the finance gap to local-led regeneration.🌸🌸🌸 Milestones 🌸🌸🌸Thanks to your support, our social network is now live at . The network of Local Bloom hubs co-designed this to meet their needs for a regeneration-focused media network that can amplify their good works, and support them in connecting with each other as peers across different places to share knowledge and resources. Your contributions this year will go toward:+ Open general membership + Pilot our local/international member fee splits to jumpstart local Blooms+ Complete our cooperative/DAO formation with the help of an all-women legal team. This will reduce risk for our longstanding communities as we teach them to use cryptocurrency.+ Implement our cooperative patronage token to reward members for doing regenerative actions.🌿 Team: Magenta Ceiba, Meg Rivers, Hannah Mitchell, Aishwarya Iyer, Manasa Suresh, Anita Caldera, Grace Moore, and 50+ local community organizersPartners: MetaGame, Giveth, ReFi DAO, All for Climate DAO, Cohere, Kolektivo, dOrg🌊 Twitter @ourbloomnetwork |
The Yagazie Foundation YES Camp Initiative
Yagazie FoundationShort Story about Yagazie FoundationYagazie Foundation is an organization that cares for the younger generations; we use one of our capability platforms (The YES Camp) to provide the teens with the tranquillity of open space in our Educative project, which features fun, excitement, a safe environment, and learning through a wide range of social activities that promote “can do” attitude that can help enhance their confidence and cognition.The Yagazie Foundation YES Camp is a continual project which will always be an opportunity for them to express their feelings, hopes, and frustrations and give them a chance to develop their cognition and other skills they need, such as STEM, critical thinking, problem-solving, team works, financial literacy, voluntary work, listening. The Reason for this CrowdfundingThe funds will enable us to host a successful YES Camp Project that will take advantage of Literary, Social, Numerical, Arts, Cultural, Painting, and Sporting activities. The landscape is hinged to be a learning environment and a safe space for learning, development, and interaction.The children will benefit from this project which will help them to fill their time and get out from their exposure to ongoing scenes/acts of violence and psychological harm that hurt their physical and mental well-being, making them relevant to themselves, their families, and communities. As a stakeholder in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), I assure you that this will be a well-nurtured partnership that would benefit unreached communities in Nigeria in conformity to the SDGs. Thanks for your help and support for Yagazie Foundation Yes Camp!Learn more about how the Yagazie Foundation Allies with the Sustainable Development GoalsImpact Report Yagazie Yes Camp 1:
Vanessa Gil🐙 MetaGame tl;drAt MetaGame, we believe things like Ethereum & DAOs are some of the basic infrastructure pieces for socioeconomic systems of the future.We are bringing together people, knowledge, tools, building blocks & DAOs to build a new kind of society.You can think of it as a real-life MMORPG with the goal of finding different ways to play life on a collective as well as personal level.MetaGame is a massive online coordination game, in its baby form.🤨 Why are we asking for funding?Right now, pretty much everyone considers MetaGame as a hobby. It's hard to retain people for long when they’re being underpaid & it's hard to build anything fast if everyone is treating it as a side project. We are asking for funding to be able to guarantee paychecks to enable existing contributors to jump in full-time, hook in a bunch of new contributors and continue working on:✅ Our first product: MyMeta & the minimum viable platform and make it adaptable and customizable for other projects as well (what is MyMeta)✅ Publish more educational content & podcast episodes✅ Organize more events like this conference, hackathon & festival✅ Continue pioneering a DAO bootstrapping/accounting/payroll system✅ Foster an awesome community & a small network of projects✅ Help more people level up & break into the DAO ecosystemComparison of MyMeta profile in MetaGame and customized MyMeta profile for xzyDAO🚨 What problems are we solving by doing all these?- coordination failures between people/projects/DAOs- tracking and rewarding everyone's contribution in a non-extractive way- overwhelming and complex onboarding processes in the DAO space- for people is difficult to get involved in web3🌄 Our goals, in short:- Put our & other building blocks together into a coherent coordination-enabling UI- Help people solve problems & build a model of what crypto societies could be like 🙃- Make it as easy and enjoyable as possible for people to get involved in the DAO spaceOur roadmap️ MetaGame for Patrons in under 5min🔗 Moar links🌱 Read all about Seeds💬 Join the Telegram group🗞️ Subscribe to the newsletter

Yad Ezra V'Shulamit
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3Yad Ezra V’Shulamit feeds hungry children and families in Israel. Our goal is to make sure children and families have enough to eat and have their basic needs met so they can fulfill their potential.
Micheal OlusegunUPDATE: Testnet is live here app.givestation.orgWhat this means - Users/Donors can now fund projects and get GivePOINTS (GP) as a rewardUPDATE: We have added 5 blockchain protocols including Polygon, Optimism, Arbitrum, Binance smart chain, and Gnosis. UPDATE: You can now refer and earn GivePoints (gp)What is GiveStation? GiveStation is a decentralized crowdfunding protocol that enables founders, teams, and organizations to raise funds in cryptocurrencies while rewarding the donors for contributing. Why do we exist?The crowdfunding community is too centralized and while the donors are being screwed for donating and trusting a project/idea, they end up not seeing the impact of their contributions. There is almost no room for transparency by default. This is a huge challenge for every the traditional crowdfunding ecosystem, and that is what we are here to fix.Our mission is to instill transparency, reward, and protect the donors while making sure that the funds allocated to these founders and teams are used in the right way without relying on the same old centralized entities. How does it work?To facilitate token donations and contributions from donors of the Polygon and Ethereum community towards builders and project owners, the GiveStation ecosystem relies, upon the straightforwardness blockchain has provided.GiveStation’s rationale is encoded into smart contracts and other web3 innovations and that is why it requires next to no confidence in any individual or community to function. The platform is not limited to developers and web programmers alone as we have made the platform available for everybody as long as they need funds to bring their ideas into reality. Any user can visit the platform, pick any idea or project they trust, contribute directly to these life-changing projects and in doing so, they get rewarded in givePOINTS (GP).
The Fledge Foundation
Jerry NorrisThe Fledge Foundation is a community organization / Nonprofit based in Lansing, MI.We are raising funds to help us increase our capacity to help others acquire their basic needs, but not just with charity. We use these funds to protect our community, teach our community, and help our community thrive. We have a large diverse population who uses our services from young people experiencing gun violence, to musicians, artists, and entrepreneurs. But also the most vulnerable such as the unhoused, single mothers, and people suffering from substance use disorder. And the most oppressed and underrepresented - People of Color.We work on a model called the ALICE Threshold - the threshold defines the cost for housing, healthcare, childcare, food, transportation and technology. Approximately 3 out of 5 people in our community cannot cover these costs.We have programs to help people increase their prosperity through entrepreneurialism and skill or competency development, while at the same time working on reducing the burden of the basic needs or our community.We have a DAO called the Fledge DAO that uses funds to help invest in our community by creating opportunities for equity in property, projects, and our future.
Bruno Piu Escolinha de Skate
Bruno PiuThe skate school Bruno Piu, was born in 2016 in the recreio dos bandeirantes, traditional neighborhood of Rio de Janeiro. We aim to pass on the real experience of skateboarding to all people. Nowadays we attend social projects, private schools and we also have a fixed class of students. Our focus is on making more accessible the teachings that skateboarding brings us, thus transforming the lives of others. Today we serve the Skate Cuida Institute, a social project headed by one of the greatest skaters of all time (Bob Burnquist), in addition to serving in renowned schools in Rio de Janeiro, such as Faria Brito College, which has units in various parts of the city. We continue in the struggle to democratize skateboarding more and more using it as a tool of social transformation. Welcome back!

The Grey Muzzle Organization
The Giving Block + Giveth = <3The Grey Muzzle Organization saves and improves the lives of at-risk senior dogs by providing funding and resources to animal shelters, rescues, and other nonprofit groups nationwide. We envision a world where every senior dog thrives, and no old dog dies alone and afraid.
The WAGMI Water Project
40acres DAOMinority communities are facing lethal levels of disinvestment within the "The Worlds richest country".The Problem:In light of recent flooding due to climate change and global warming, the water main that services Jackson, MS (a city that's 82% black) it has left a city of over 150,000 citizens without drinkable water. With no relief in sight this experience is just one of the many examples of those with power failing the people. Time is of the essence, but no amount of water bottles can solve the underlying issue of infrastructural racism and the lack of sustainable investment within Black and Brown communities, that is where blockchain comes in.The Solution:We are using blockchain technology as a coordination tool to not only gather critical resources but to develop internet native infrastructure to ensure this never happens again and to build community control of public goods. By investing in this project you are helping to fund the distribution of safe, drinkable water, testing & purification kits for at home use & research and development of open source tools for early detection and defense against water contamination.Supplemental Resources:Climate Crisis Impact Worse in Black CitiesProject Lead:Catalyst (Uhuru Force Steward)Contributors:Walthova (La Familia DAO)Key Local Stakeholders:Cooperation JacksonEleven86Water Distribution
Stefan SchabernakIn a lot of countries educational success and career opportunities depend heavily on one’s socio-economic background. Young people from educationally disadvantaged families or with a migrational background are particularly disadvantaged. Furthermore, many educational systems (e.g. in Germany and other European countries) are very selective, allowing little educational and social mobility.At ROCK YOUR LIFE! we have been successfully working with children from underprivileged families since 2008. Helping kids to obtain proper education, finishing school and finding their first job is a major factor in tackling social inequality. We empower kids to find out who they really are and to unfold their true potential. We help them understand what self-efficacy really means and how they can take responsibility for their lives. To this end we establish 1-on-1 mentoring relationships between university students (mentors) and teenagers struggling to make their way (mentees). Our local chapters in over 52 German, Dutch, Spanish, Austrian and Swiss cities have already supported more than 9.000 children. More than 11.000 volunteers have contributed to ROCK YOUR LIFE!, making it one of Europe's largest mentoring networks. Our impact has been scientifically proved by the renowned German ifo Institute, which proved that ROCK YOUR LIFE! greatly helps its participants to unleash their potential.
Commons Stack
Commons StackCommons Stack is raising funds to cover the costs of launching new Commons, continuing to evolve our Technical and Cultural Builds, developing protocols that can be open-sourced so any community can deploy a Commons using our design patterns, and our general operational costs.What is Commons Stack?We, Commons Stack, started as a think-tank primarily focused on crypto-economic primitives to underpin a design framework for a Commons, a tokenized community with a mission benefitting a public good. We aspired to scale commons as a way to realign incentives with public goods. To achieve this, we needed to elaborate cultural designs that reinforce commoning principles and create novel tools such as the Augmented Bonding Curve (ABC), Conviction Voting and the Praise reward and reputation system. Our Commons design pattern is a curated library of tools and processes for governance, funding, proposal, analytics and initialization of a Commons. Some have come straight out of our research collaborations - such as the ABC, CV and the Praise reward system - while others were chosen from those available in the web3 tooling marketplace. To really understand what we are trying to build, try out the Commons Simulator: see the work of Elinor Ostrom as our North Star and set out to weave her principles of governing commons into the cultural fabric of a Commons. Our Cultural Build defines practices for clear boundaries, conflict resolution, monitoring, participatory decision-making, as well as others. Among our milestones are supporting BlockScience in open-sourcing cadCAD, developing the edutainment program Commons Simulator, launching the Trusted Seed, developing a collaborative economics method, deploying the Token Engineering Commons (TEC) - the first field test for our Commons design patterns, launching the Commons Prize and starting our commons collaboration with Grassroots Economics, the winner of the prize.While we have already had some success, we have only just begun. Our research continues. The lessons learned from a first field test, the Token Engineering Commons (TEC), are being rolled into new deployment protocols and our curated commons library of tools and processes continues to evolve. We did not get this far alone. We have collaborated with BlockScience, Blossom Labs, Metagov, Curve Labs, PrimeDAO, Giveth, 1Hive, Aragon, Token Engineering Academy, Token Engineering Commons, and many others.
Ronald SteyerEmpower the positive side of the Blockchain force and help to co-create THE vibrant platform for impact DLT in the webiverse!PositiveBlockchain's mission is building the web of knowledge and collaboration for technology and social impact enthusiasts willing to leverage blockchain technologies for the U.N. SDGs.PositiveBlockchain is a network of volunteer professionals that curates an open source database and knowledge platform, actively building a community that explores and promotes the potential of blockchain technologies for social and environmental impact. The database currently lists more than 1,100 projects and startups using blockchain technologies for good causes. PositiveBlockchain is a contribution-based non-profit organization based in Paris and active worldwide.To further improve the database for actuary networking and research, we are working with international organizations and prestigious universities to build a common database that will reach a new level in terms of quality. We are expanding our network with partners in France and Cameroon to also put further maintenance of the database on a new basis. Your support allows us to obtain professional assistance in a few tasks for these activities. If further funds become available, we will invest them in the educational activities and the further expansion of the network, especially in Africa.
Kyle SmithSupport codeslaw public goods! This project gives out grants for codeslaw public goods & services.LexDAO is the International Legal Engineers Guild.why donate?Donating will support our maximally-Web3-prosocial community focus:help build powerful open source public goods (Wrappr, LexLocker, etc.)help offer invaluable-yet-affordable public good services (LexClinic, cryptolaw advocacy, etc.)opportunitiesCheck out our Lexdaoism Substack for industry leading articles and monthly updates about our public good projects.Please join our server to chat about or get involved in cryptolaw and legal engineering!Please think about becoming a member, especially if you're a cryptolawyer or legal engineer.For the law students out there, our Clinic has a lot of practical Web3 educational and excellent networking opportunities. We use a student + supervisor model common to law school clinics. Please onboard here. legal engineeringLegal engineering is a mixed-specialty profession. The profession has emerged as one of the important highly-skilled trades newly catalyzed by Web3 technology. Legal engineers deal with financial markets, organizational structures, IP/assets and many other fundamental ways society functions at scale.Legal engineers find themselves at the most basic plumbing level of Web3 protocol development: code-is-law infraFor instance, legal engineer Nick Szabo invented smart contract technology and so is arguably the grandfather of Bitcoin. Moreover, legal engineer and SGML inventor Charles Goldfarb is the grandfather of the Internet.
Gitcoin Grants Matching Pool
Kyle WWe’re on a mission to build an internet that is open source, collaborative, and economically empowering.We are creating community and infrastructure for Web 3 — a diverse range of tools, technologies, and networks that enable people to work for the open internet.By funding projects, building community, and making learning resources accessible, we are teaming up to create the digital public infrastructure of tomorrow.The objective of this grant is to help us Grow & Sustain Open Source with Gitcoin Grants. All funds will go directly to our matching pool!
Girls Incorporated Of Metro Denver
The mission of Girls Inc. of Metro Denver (GIMD) is to inspire all girls to be strong, smart and bold. The vision of GIMD is a world in which every girl values her whole self, discovers her inner strengths, and achieves her goals. Girls Inc. Metro Denver’s comprehensive approach to whole-girl development reflects the following: Girls today face real and profound challenges to their well-being and success, including sexual harassment and violence, inequitable access to education, teen pregnancy, and limiting stereotypes and messages. Girls living in poverty are at increased risk of chronic health and psychological disorders, higher rates of violence and crime, lower rates of high school completion, and limited access to economic and social capital necessary to thrive. Girls-only spaces are designed with the unique needs of girls in mind, provide girls physical and emotional safety, increase girls’ self-esteem and positive decision making, create social support networks, and allow girls to discover their strengths and their voices. Girls Inc. of Metro Denver is proud to announce our three year strategic plan. Our Bold Goal is to be the leader in delivering high-impact programs to girls and advocating for girls’ rights in Colorado. As GIMD invests in organizational and programmatic growth, the organization will continue to partner with girls to remove barriers that limit their innate power and advance gender equity in the world around them. The Girls’ Bill of Rights Girls have the right… to be themselves and to resist gender-stereotypes; to express themselves with originality and enthusiasm; to take risks, to strive freely, and to take pride in success; to accept and appreciate their bodies; to have confidence in themselves and to be safe in the world; to prepare for interesting work and economic independence.Links:

The Giving Block + Giveth = <3CARE works around the globe to save lives, defeat poverty and achieve social justice. Whether it's providing critical assistance in a sudden emergency in Haiti or ongoing crisis in Afghanistan, combating hunger and malnutrition in Somalia, increasing access to health care for mothers and their children in India, or ensuring girls have the right to an education in Nepal, CARE is committed to strengthening communities by empowering women and girls. Today, CARE operates in over 100 countries and impacts the lives of more than 90 million people each year.
The Dandelion Foundation
Marc WinnWe need a new model of human thriving for up to 10 billion people that is within planetary boundaries. We believe that Small Island States can be inspired and enabled to contribute directly towards this challenge. Our theory of change is simple.Unlock the capacity for innovation in small island states through the long term building of social capital.Most island communities have the ideas, tools, resources and people to solve their own challenges but they lack the depth of relationships, collective will and inspiration to make that possible. How Do We Unlock the Innovation?We aim to continue to run a series of experiments to develop a working model for social capital building that can be used on islands to empower populations to solve their own challenges. Why Guernsey as the First Location?Guernsey is situated 50 km off the north-west coast of France, in the Bay of St. Malo and 120 km from the English coast.An independent and self-governing island forming part of the southernmost group of islands that make up the British Isles, the Bailiwick of Guernsey includes the smaller neighbouring islands of Sark, Herm and Alderney. The island has a total surface area of 25 square miles, with a population of around 63,000.As a small self-governing nation, Guernsey is a microcosm, operating on a human scale. In small states like Guernsey, it is possible to solve complex systemic issues in ways that cannot currently be achieved in large nation-states. Guernsey has already used its small size and autonomy to become a global leader in many areas of social and economic innovation. Guernsey is fortunate to have an excellent public-sector service for its size and population, including a high-quality health service with good coverage and excellent schools. It has a culture of innovation, flexibility and rapid change when necessary. With the right values and social capital, a good idea can become law and/or national policy within two years.We at the Dandelion Foundation have long believed that small nation-states that can set their own laws, decide how their resources are used and have the social capital to solve complex challenges, can achieve audacious goals.Island communities like Guernsey can create a blueprint for large scale change recognising that there are many other small island states with different social profiles around the world that can also contribute to the innovation necessary to create a model for human thriving that fits within planetary boundaries.Is it time for Location 2?We are interested in experimenting in a 2nd small island state with a different social profile to see if a social capital building process can make a difference in wider contexts. If you are interested in partnering with us in another jurisdiction please get in touch.More information at